(Mid 1990s) I woke to voices from the next room. I first thought it was Mark and Brandon, the guys who were letting me use their office as my apartment while going through my divorce. Pretending to still be sleeping as their conversation continued, I became aroused by the idea that they may pass my open door and discover me naked on the bed.
“Is she here?”
A question came from a voice I didn’t recognize. Holding my breath, I struggled to hear more of the mutterings that were likely muted to not wake me. I was a bit panicked, imagining who may be in the office. It didn’t sound like intruders, but possibly people here to work with the guys on one of their projects. I had often worried that the guys may think my antics could be a problem for when they have people over for business. After failing to understand more of what was being said, I quietly slid off the bed and snuck my way to the door. I wanted to hear more, but thought I should close the door. Before doing so, I heard clearly another question from the visitor.
“You mean naked?”
I froze with my hands on the door, ready to close and lock it, when I heard Mark answer with a chuckle.
They went on with their discussion that was clearly about me and my shenanigans around them and the office.
This office was really just a small cheap apartment that Mark and Brandon found affordable to rent to house their video-editing business. There was a main room, with a sofa and a large desk, where they had a couple of workstations. A built-in bookshelf partially separated this room from a small kitchen, off which was a laundry room that they soundproofed for recording. A tiny hallway connected the bathroom and a bedroom, which I had taken over.
When I first moved in, I had no intentions beyond a short stay until I got back on my feet. They were incredibly kind to let me live there, particularly considering that they didn’t really know me well. But over several weeks, that changed.
Soon after I moved in, I came to understand that the guys, who weren’t even charging me rent, enjoyed having a girl living in their office. I enjoyed it too. I felt like Shirley MacLaine in the movie The Apartment. I tried to make it interesting, putting a girl’s touch on a few things, flirting a bit, and dressing sexy – as much as I could with very few clothes. Every time I did something that I thought they liked, I would take it further. That is just my nature. It wasn’t long until I started setting up exciting little situations, like arranging for them to “accidentally” walk in on me naked. After they gave me a gift card to Victoria’s Secret, as a thank you, and to show off what I bought, I made a fashion show video that was really more of a striptease. Their wonderful reaction to that made me want to do more.
I started going about topless, and sometimes nude, while they were around. However, this was just in passing. I would wear a nightie, or something else cute, when I spent more time around them. An exception to this was that I also started making videos with Brandon. It was just a few days after he filmed me taking a bubble bath that I overheard this conversation with the visitor.
I had mixed feelings while standing in my bedroom doorway listening to the guys tell the guest about me. It excited me whenever I thought about what they may say to others. I wondered whom they may tell, or even show the videos of me. I was aroused by what people may think, hoping they would be surprised, amazed, and turned on. But for some reason, in that doorway, I felt just a little betrayed. I still couldn’t hear everything, as they were trying to be quiet, thinking I was still asleep. But I heard enough to know that they were trying to impress their friend with stories of the naked girl in their office. And more, it seemed they had brought him here to show me off. This was unpardonably audacious… and outrageously thrilling.
I waffled a bit about which way to take this, but quickly decided that if they wanted to impress their friend with a show, I’d give them a show like they’d never seen. I went to the mirror and fixed my hair while building up the courage to walk out there completely naked and act like I didn’t think a thing of it. I imagined their reactions if I just passed by them with a nice greeting, announcing I was going for a walk, and went right out the front door. But I knew this would be too much. Although, that gave me an idea. After a few minutes in the mirror, I put on what I thought to be my sexiest panties, leopard print with the black lace, and paused in the doorway for a few deep breaths before walking out to greet our guest.
Normally I would have pretended that I didn’t know anyone was there as I walked out half-naked. But I wanted Mark and Brandon to be sure that my topless display in front of their guest was intentional. I was a bit surprised to find not one but two male guests there with Mark and Brandon. The pressure I felt from the anxiety and excitement was numbing as I focused entirely on sounding casual to not reveal my true emotions.
“Hi,” I pleasantly offered, as if I expected them to be there.
An exaggerated, “Well, hello there!” was returned by one of the guests.
The stunned expressions from everyone were as unsettling as satisfying. I made no acknowledgment of my nudity while I greeted them with false calm. But when all fell quiet for a moment, I feared they could see right through me. So, it was to my great relief when Brandon introduced his friends in a tone that suggested normalcy.
I was given both of their names, but was lost in my own trepidations and failed to absorb any information beyond my impressions of what they may be thinking. Although, I was with it enough to know that I couldn’t just stand there blatantly showing myself. I needed to keep moving, and to appear to just be going about my day.
In the bedroom, I had come up with something I thought would be thrilling, but was now too nervous to go through with it. Instead, I gave Mark a big ‘good morning’ hug (something I had never done before while topless), to be sure my guys knew that I intended to be exceptionally accommodating with their effort to show me off. I kept Mark in a tight embrace hoping the others may wonder if they would be next. Then I asked if anyone wanted something to drink as I moved to the kitchen while listing the few options.
At the refrigerator, I stood with the door open for much longer than necessary. The cold air on my body was stimulating and helped to bring my nerves under control. I considered what to do next, unsure if I could go through with my initial idea. Finding two Pepsis, I pictured myself handing over the sodas to our guests while pointing out what the cold air had done to my nipples. I wanted to be devilishly flirty, a winsome tease. But I knew such an obvious display would betray the ruse that I was oblivious of my vampish behavior.
Closing the refrigerator, I carried the Pepsis to our guests, who were still gawking in disbelief. Only one of them accepted the drink, so I kept the other and plopped down on the sofa as Brandon explained that the guys were here to do a voiceover. I promised to be quiet, establishing that I intended to stay right there with them. But knowing they were actually here to work, I worried that these were not friends as much as people hired for their project. Maybe the guys were not trying to show off their office girl as much as warn them of what they may encounter here. However, my concern didn’t last as I thought more about what they had told our guests about me. They brought it up when they could have just warned me instead. So, I felt justified having some fun proving that they were not lying.
As the guys got to work, I spent most of my time trying to gauge everyone, particularly Mark and Brandon. They seemed on edge, aware that what I was doing far exceeded my usual behavior. They must have realized I overheard their conversation. I loved making them squirm. When Mark led our guests into the soundproof laundry room, I took the opportunity alone with Brandon.
“Aren’t you going to tell them why there is a half-naked girl in your office? Or did you do that already?”
His back was to me, and he did not respond before Mark re-entered with one of the guys. For the next while, I sipped my Pepsi on the sofa, where I sat with my feet up, but pulled them in to make space for one of our guests. The other guest was reading lines in the laundry room while Brandon recorded at his computer and Mark gave directions from the door.
I tried to engage the guy with me on the sofa, but wasn’t allowed to talk while they were recording. I started to get bored. When no one was looking, I would put the Pepsi can to my nipples. I liked how it felt, and I thought they looked better when erect. Occasionally, I pressed my feet against the leg of my new friend on the sofa to get his attention. He would glance over at me, although he was clearly trying not to stare. But at one point he caught me teasing my nipples with the can. I gave him a knowing but coquettish smile. This was one of the few moments I gave any hint that I knew what I was doing. He returned a wide grin and nod of approval that I found exceedingly satisfying.
My ardor elevated, and with it my daring. For the situation my friends had wrought, and the so-far rewarding response to my naughtiness, I felt free to do as I pleased with my sexy show. I was encouraged to continue escalating things. Wanting Brandon and Mark to fear what I might do, and be amazed at what I actually do, bolstered my decision to go through with the wild idea I had in the bedroom.
As soon as the guys took a break so that we could talk, I stood up, handed my Pepsi to my new friend on the sofa, and walked over to Brandon where he sat at the computer. Leaning over him, unnecessarily close, I made sure to press my breasts against him as I reached to the shelf where the mailbox key was kept. When Brandon looked up at me, I whispered.
“Watch this.”
I turned and announced to the room that I was going to check the mail. Still in just my panties, I opened the front door and paused only long enough to appreciate the astonishment of all, before closing the door as I headed out into the light of day.
Getting to the mailbox meant walking through the parking lot to a wide-open place in view of many buildings. I had no intention of going there.
The sprawling apartment complex was made up of one-story buildings. Our unit was at the end of a building at the end of the complex. It was possible to turn right from our front door, to the windowless side of the building, with only a slight chance of being seen. This grassy side yard was blocked from the view of most apartments and was across from a thin line of trees with a creek beyond. Although not officially private, the only people to come through were occasional dog walkers, landscapers, anyone parking at the end of the lot, and an exhibitionist girl who made the yard her own private playground. Through the months I lived in the apartment, I took advantage of this semi-private yard, and the creek, almost every day. (Stories from my playtime in the yard are so extensive that I’ll have to include them another time.)
I knew I could hide at the side of our building while the boys inside thought I was walking around the complex in my panties. Standing out on the grass was kind of relaxing, as if I was taking a break from a challenging performance. But I could really feel my heart pounding from my significantly increased arousal for the risk of being caught, and for my imaginings of what the boys must be thinking.
I knew they might look out the window to watch me walk to the mailbox, but they wouldn’t be able to really see where I went. Then my heart nearly stopped as I heard our door open. If they came looking, they would discover me hiding just around the corner. So, I hurried to the backside of the building where they couldn’t see me. But now I was prancing in front of the apartments behind ours. I didn’t go far before the reality of this exposure returned me to my hiding spot at the side of the building, relieved that the guys were not there.

Waiting just a bit, to be gone long enough to keep them guessing, I was somewhat hoping the inconsistently timed sprinklers would come on. The idea of returning wet seemed a nice escalation to the show, and perhaps an excuse to remove my panties. Ideas like this are common in my mind though my escapades. I am constantly having to decide where to draw the line, which I love. The range of thrilling possibilities stimulates me whether or not I go through with them.
The sprinklers did not come on before I felt I should go back inside. I started talking the second I opened the door, to fill any opportunity to be questioned, preferring that they just wonder. The four of them were standing in the middle of the room, wide-eyed. I knew I was interrupting their discussion, which was surely of me. I loved that.
Having no mail, I said that the mailbox was empty, which my guys knew was a lie. It was always full of junk. But I just kept talking about how hot it was out there and that I needed a shower. I returned the mailbox key as Brandon told me that the shower would be a problem while they were recording. They all probably saw me deflate as he foiled my next plan. Wondering if the shower would really interfere, or if Brandon was just trying to stop my little game, I retreated to the sofa to plot my next move.
Soon after the mailbox trip, I was confronted about my little show for the first time. My new friend with me on the sofa whispered between recordings. He was genuinely dumbfounded as he gestured toward the front door and asked if I always went around like this. I pretended not to understand and put my finger to my lips, using the need for quiet to avoid answering. I very much wanted his reaction to my true feelings and motivations, but at that moment such reality was sure to ruin the fantastic time I was having.
When the point was reached that we could make noise again, I jumped up and went to the kitchen offering to make lunch for everyone. I didn’t really have much food, but I was prepared to come up with something to continue the fun. Unfortunately, Mark said they had to go. I exchanged more everyday small talk with our guests before they went, enjoying that we could do that, but loving how we were all thinking things unspoken. The energy in the moment assured me that I had really made their day. And I felt a wonderful mischievous satisfaction that our guests had every reason to believe the stories Mark and Brandon told them about the girl living in their office.
Giving a little curtsy as Mark left with the guests, I was now alone in the office with Brandon. I did not know what to expect. A lecture, a confession, a high five, a spanking? I got none of that. But, in a demanding tone, he asked where I went. He had watched from the window and knew I didn’t go to the mailbox. I ignored the question and asked one of my own.
“Did you show them any videos of me?”
He didn’t answer. So, I leaned in and pointedly told him that he had better make sure I look good in any videos he shows to people. I headed for the shower while continuing.
“You wanted to show me off, so that’s what you got.”
“We needed them here and warned them that you might be… around.” he answered.
Peeking back around the corner from the bathroom, I complained, “You could have just warned me.”
Then Brandon said the best thing, “I don’t want you to be any different than you like.”
His statement struck me. It was foolish of him to not want to tell me we were having guests. It is not wrong to ask me to be dressed around other people, particularly those with which he works. But his attitude was such I had not experienced from anyone in a very long time, if ever. I didn’t know until he said it, but it was exactly what I wanted to hear at that moment. I just stood there trying not to cry. There was a lot I wanted to say, but little that I should say. Although, I needed him to know that I appreciated his sentiment. Not sure of the best words, I responded in my compulsive way. I pulled off my panties, threw them at him, and turned to the shower.
I was so worked up from my titillating encounter with the guests, and the aggressive conversation with Brandon, that I left the door open while I showered, hoping he might get his camera. He didn’t, and I became concerned that my comment about showing my videos may have discouraged him from filming me.
After that day with the guests, I experienced significant worry, fearing it would be more difficult to surprise and thrill the guys as I had. Taking things as far as I did – spending hours topless around strangers and walking outside for a while half-naked, how could I top that? I loved the look of astonishment I brought to their faces that day, and I was determined to see that again.
I decided it would be best to not let them see me naked for a while, allowing for later opportunities to surprise. But that was more difficult than I thought. Only a few days passed before I found myself with them in the office, fighting my lascivious urges.
One afternoon I was fully dressed on the sofa with a magazine, but more watching the guys as they worked at the desk. I enjoyed doing this, mostly entertained by their rambling conversations. At one point, Mark commented about an actress who he had seen in a movie last night. The topic then turned to nude scenes.
“I was nude in a movie.” I blurted.
From what they knew and had seen from me, I didn’t think this would be a big deal to them. But it was. I suddenly had their full attention, and went on to explain it was only a low-budget independent film I did in Savanah one summer when I was home from college. But that didn’t lessen their interest. I told them more details about this, some things I did in the theater, for auditions, and highlights from a few other experiences. With each story, they grew increasingly fascinated. Realizing I could affect them in more ways was exciting, but I stopped my recounting with the excuse that I was distracting them from work. I really wanted to save stories to keep them curious.
It had been a long time since I had shared such stories with anyone. These were not the kind of things I could tell my husband. This is when I discovered that the pleasures of exhibitionism can be found in more than just showing my body. These guys were so openly interested and full of questions. This was an engaging dynamic, and far different than how they behaved around me when I was nude.
Over the next few weeks, the guys took every opportunity to ask me more questions. It was so much fun to recount more stories, and their questions had me remembering so many things I had not thought about for a long time. This brought new energy to me and bolstered our interactions in a most refreshing way. They seemed as thrilled by this as my showing off physically. But it was different for me - wonderful, but different. I had not been naked around them for a while, and I did still crave those thrills.
One afternoon, the guys were in the office dismantling an enormous desk in the main room that took up most of the floor space. They had decided to replace it with smaller workstations. I was in the bedroom to keep out of the way as they were making quite a mess in the office.
Lying on the bed, in a tee shirt and panties, my mind was bouncing between sexy thoughts and what to do about lunch when I remembered some burgers that were in the freezer. Brandon had brought in some frozen specialty brand hamburger patties that his mother sent him. I didn’t want to eat more of his food, particularly in front of him. I wasn’t paying rent, and I really didn’t like how much I was imposing already. Considering what I could do in exchange, my thoughts came together.
Although feeling the urge intensely, I tossed and turned on the bed thinking that this probably wasn’t the right time. But the mode was getting the best of me. I got up and opened my bedroom door, hesitated, removed my tee shirt and panties, then flopped on the bed again with doubt. I thought to just stay like this on the bed until one of them passes my door, and I’d see what happens. But after a few minutes, I surrendered to my hunger and just went for it.
I got up, had a quick stretch and adjustment in the mirror, then walked right out to the half-dismantled desk, where they were both kneeling among the pieces on the floor. Standing over them, fully nude, I asked if they were hungry. They just looked up at me trying to figure out what I was really offering. I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized what they might be thinking, and added that I could cook those burgers for us.
In the big picture, I had only really taken a short break from showing off. And I never stopped playing my own little games around the apartment complex. But standing there naked in front of them now, feeling simultaneously bold and vulnerable, nearly to the point of ecstasy, I knew I would not take another hiatus. Even if it meant they would get bored with me. I wished to be forever naked in front of the world.
Keenly aware of their attention, I started in the kitchen. To this point, I had been thinking of putting on a sexy little cooking show as they worked, but things took a bit of a turn. Brandon got out his video camera. I was relieved that we were not done making videos. But I had not considered this in my cooking plan. For the videos, I usually prepared with ideas, mostly just posing and teasing. Now I was trying to cook while feeling the pressure to entertain, and not only for the camera, but with Mark watching from the next room and seeing live the silly things I think of improvising while being filmed.
For years I dreamt of putting together a sexy burlesque-style show where I could sing and tell jokes. I had long and elaborate fantasies for a nightclub act. This is where my mind goes whenever I am in front of a camera. Without clear direction, I feel the need to perform and call back to my ideas for a fun and flirty show. But this usually comes out poorly with unrehearsed jokes and ridiculous antics. The video of me in the kitchen that day is a perfect example. My nerves and overall awkwardness are so evident in the video as I kept finding silly things to do and say while cooking and trying to reconcile all of the exhilarating sensations I was experiencing by being so exposed in front of the guys and the thousands of eyes I imagined in the camera lens.
I did relax a bit when I noticed Mark was regularly distracted by the football game on TV. Focusing on just Brandon and the camera was easier for me. And I had a great time playing around with my friends, confident I was pleasing them by providing several services. Cooking for them, serving them, performing for the video, all in a fun way that I knew was turning them on.
We ended up sitting on the floor to eat, using pieces of the desk as a table while we watched the football game. I paid little attention to the game, lost in the delight of lying there naked on the floor, next to my accepting friends, who I believed were equally satisfied that I indulged my urges and sought such pleasures.
The best part was my being wrong that I could overdo it, and they would get bored of me. From that point, until I eventually moved out and on to other experiences, I shared with them everything I had with unabashed freedom and openness. This was the most liberating time in my life, and led to such self-awareness, excitement, joy, and contentment… as well as some wild adventures, and more videos. This was such a magical time for me as I felt like I truly found myself.