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Revenge Best Served with a Twist - Part 3

"Brad gets his..."

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On Monday evening, Chelsea sends Annie a text to let her know that Shane had to spend all weekend in jail and hadn’t been released until that morning.

'One down, one to go' was the text Chelsea got back from Annie.

'OH hell yeah,' thinks Chelsea.

If it was going to be half as good as Saturday night, it would be fabulous. Her neighbor Margaret stops as Chelsea gets home and asks what Saturday night had been all about.

Chelsea blushes, but Margaret just takes her hand and says, “Hey it’s all good. Hell, it was better than good. I haven’t had a hard cock in years. Honey, enjoy your youth!”

Chelsea proceeds to tell Margaret the whole deal. Starting with the week before at the club and what Shane and Brad had done to Annie, then how they meet up and came up with the plan for revenge.

Margaret say she felt bad for Annie but if they need any help getting revenge on Brad, she would be more than willing to come up with something or to help them in anyway.

“Hell,” Margaret says, “I haven’t had that much fun in….OH HELL….I don’t know when.”

They both laugh.


At 7:30, Margaret stops back over at Chelsea’s and they hop in Chelsea’s car and decide to stalk Brad to see what his habits are; what would be the best way to bring him down a peg or two, or as Margaret laughingly says, “Or give him a ‘hard time.’ Ha, ha.”

They head over to the street were Brad lives and see him just as he is leaving his house. He has on a t-shirt and running shorts. He stops and does a few stretches, puts on some headphones and takes off down the road. Chelsea and Margaret head back home. They make plans to keep a watch on Brad over the next couple of days.


The next evening at six pm Margaret tells her husband, Bill, that she and Chelsea are running out shopping and that she left him a roast in the oven for dinner. She kisses him goodbye, grabs her car keys and runs out of the house, meeting Chelsea at the car. They again drive over to the outskirt of town and park down the street from where Brad lives.

Nothing much happens as they sit, brainstorming ideas for his revenge. The ideas becoming more exaggerated the longer they sit there, finally at 7:45, Brad once again leaves his house in his running clothes. He takes off down the road out of town. They wait and see him coming back about 45 minutes later. They drive off and make plans to come back the next evening.


They take turns watching Brad all week, his routine never changing. On Friday, when both Chelsea and Margaret are together they decide to follow him down the road, giving him a few minutes lead time, just to see where he goes and find a place to work out their plan.

Driving down the road, Margaret points out a small side road, barely more than an overgrown weed filled track.

“Hey," she says, “I know where we are, that is the back exit to the ranch where we keep our horses. I think there is an old pond back there, our son and his friends used to go there swimming during the summer.”

“That’s cool,” says Chelsea, “wonder what it’s like? It has been so hot lately a swim would be nice.”

They continue to follow Brad and see him headed back their direction towards his house. They let him past and continue down the road and then once he is out of sight, they make a U-turn and head back.

As they start to pass the old road to the pond, Margaret whips in and stops the car just a little ways down the road. They get out and walk up an overgrown path, and see just beyond a few trees and over a fence sits the pond.

“Look, the old tire swing is still there and the dock,” Margaret says.

Chelsea says, “That looks so inviting and fun. I wonder if the owner would let us come out to swim sometime.”

“Well,” says Margaret, “I know for sure they won’t.”

Chelsea looks at her, “How do you know?” she asks.

“Because friends of mine own it,” Margaret replies laughing.

“Oh, that’s great. Then I am gonna see if the girls want to swim tomorrow. If that is ok,” Chelsea says.

“That would be fine,” Margaret says, “I can come with Bill and bring lunch when he comes over to exercise our horses we keep in their stable; I’ll just ride down from there, it’s only about a quarter mile up this road. I’ll even see if CarolAnn wants to come down, her and her husband own the place; maybe we’ll even bring our suits and join you girls for a swim.”

That night Chelsea texts Annie to tell her their idea for Brad’s revenge. They decide on Monday night and make plans to meet the next day to swim and discuss the plan.


Saturday morning Annie, Chelsea, Tina and Britt drive over to the pond in Chelsea’s car. Tina grabs her IPod and some speaker as she gets out of the car, the rest grab the towels and snacks and head to the pond.

The girls strip down to their suits and jump into the pond. They take turns on the old tire swing, swinging out and over the pond. Laughing and giggling, they dunk and splash each other in the water, as Tina goes to dunk Britt, her hand gets tangled in the strap on her top, pulling it and causing the strap to break.

“Britt, I am so sorry. Let me see if I can fix it,” Tina says as they climb up on the dock.

After a few minutes, they see that it is a loss cause.

“That’s ok,” says Tina, “I’ll just wear my t-shirt.”

“No,” says Britt, “then you will have nothing dry to wear home. Let’s just all go without our tops. It’s just us out here anyway. It’s not like anyone will see us.”

With that, she whips off her top and with a squeal jumps in the water.

“Hell, yes,” shouts Chelsea jumping up on the dock, she strips off her top and jumps back into the water.

She swims over to Annie, “Come on girl, join the fun,” she says.

She reaches over and unties Annie’s top letting it fall in the water. Annie starts to protest, but Chelsea just scoops it up and tosses it onto the dock; she dunks Annie and takes off swimming across the pond. Annie comes up sputtering and sees Britt, Tina and Chelsea all laughing. She give out a shout and laughing, she swims after Chelsea.

After a bit of swimming, Annie hops up on the dock and grabs a bottle of water. She sits on the edge, her feet dangling into the water. Chelsea hops up, grabs a bottle, and goes and sits behind Annie, wrapping her arms around Annie and pulls her close until her back is against Chelsea’s chest.


Meanwhile, out on the road Brad is running by. He reaches up wipes the sweat from his brow, as he does his hand gets tangle in the cord of the headphones and pulls one out. He stops to fix it and takes a drink of water. He hear the unmistakable sound of female laughter and shouting. He wonders where it is coming from. He looks up and down the road, sees the track leading back into the trees, and decides to take a peek.

Brad heads down the road, the sound getting louder. He can see through the trees some girls on a dock by a pond, wanting to get a closer look he heads across the ditch to the fence. Ignoring the ‘Do Not Trespass’ sign he hops the fence and walks closer, staying concealed by the trees.

He sees two young women on the dock; the one facing him has her top off and is leaning back, her face is tilted towards the one behind her, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. The other one is caressing her breast, tugging on her nipple while her other hand is down the bikini bottoms rubbing her clit.

'Damn,' thinks Brad.

He watches as one of the other girls hops up on the dock, her large breast streaming water off them as she does.

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Seeing all this he feels, his cock get hard. He watches as she heads over to another girl who is lying on her stomach, watching as she catches a bottle of lotion tossed her way as she walks over and straddles the back of the girl lying down. She starts rubbing lotion on her back. Between that and the action from the other two, he feels his cock throb.

“Fuck this,” he says as he pulls his cock out and starts stroking it.

Brad continues watching the scene before him as the one on top turns around and still sitting on the other girl’s back starts rubbing lotion up and down her legs, paying special attention to her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom of her bikini. He hears a squeal as she gets a swat on the ass.

Brad watches as the one on top continues to rubs lotion up and down the other girl’s thighs, occasionally giving her another swat on the ass for moving. He watches as she rubs her hand up her inner thigh, stopping to her rub her slit, her hand reaching down for her clit as the girl gives out a squeal.

He watches as the girl on bottom rolls, sliding the one on top off, and as she leans over and takes a nipple in her mouth. He can hear her moan all the way over where he is standing, he watches as the other two stop and move over to join the action. (Read The Pond to see all the action that Brad witnessed.)

Chelsea sits up as she hears a commotion behind her.

Hearing her gasp, Annie looks up and says, “Brad!”

As both Tina and Britt turn in the direction Annie and Chelsea are looking, they see a man being lead out of the woods, followed by two women on horses. Glancing down they see he has his hand around his hard cock, which is sticking out over the top of his, running shorts.


So intent on the action Brad did not notice or hear the two other women approach on horseback until they were right behind him. He jumps and turns as he hears a horse snort.

Margaret gasps and says, “Brad?” as she instantly recognizes him.

Brad stops stroking his cock but his hand is still on it as he turns.

Instantly Margaret’s friend CarolAnn reaches down with her riding crop and smacks his hand and cock sharply, saying, “Young man what you are doing on my property?”

At that instant, they hear one of the girls cry out in pleasure, they look over and see the action-taking place on the dock.

Laughing CarolAnn says, “Well guess I can’t blame you, but you had to see the sign by the fence. Or can’t you read? Well, you are trespassing.”

And looking at Margaret she says, “What should we do with him?”

Margaret says, “I have an idea. Take him over to the pond.”

She reaches into her jeans, pulls out her cell, and sends Bill a text. Meanwhile CarolAnn nudges her horse forward pushing Brad along in front of her urging him forward with the riding crop.

As they come out of the trees, Chelsea hearing the commotion turns with a gasp, to see Brad, with a hand still holding his cock being guided forward followed by two horses with riders, she instantly recognizes Margaret.

Margaret comes up and climbing off her horse says to Chelsea and Annie, “Look what we found, another peeping Tom or should I say a peeping ‘Brad’, and a hard one at that! Girls, I think we need to revise plan A and move onto plan B. We can make it up as we go.”

Chelsea and Annie laugh, Britt and Tina are a little confused still not knowing about the incident at the club or at Chelsea’s the previous Saturday night. CarolAnn laughs along, as Margaret has already enlightened her the situation.

Chelsea says, “I have the perfect thing for this,” and reaches into her bag and brings out a set of handcuffs as Brad, Margaret and CarolAnn close in.

Both Margaret and Annie gasp, and one of them says, “Where did you get those?”

Chelsea just laughs and says, “Mike.”

At their confused stare, she gives another chuckle as she walks behind Brad and pulls his hands behind his back and cuffs them.

“Remember the deputy from last Saturday?” she ask.

“Well, he stopped by this week for a visit , he wanted to see if I was all right and,…well…, let’s just say one thing just lead to another,” she finishes with a laugh.

Brad wants to run but with CarolAnn still tapping that ridding crop on his shoulder, he knows there will be no escape. At least not an easy one.

“Well,” Margaret says, looking down at Brad’s hard cock now just hanging there, “let’s see if his cock is half as tasty as his friend Shane’s was the other night.”

Margaret kneels down in front of him and yanks his shorts down to his ankles. She sucks the head into her mouth of his cock, and bobs a few times, taking it deep each time, until it hits the back of her throat. She cups his balls in her hand and licks the shaft.

CarolAnn kneels beside her and says, “Hey, friends are supposed to share. Besides he’s on my property so he is mine to do with as I please.”

CarolAnn and Margaret take turns sucking on Brad’s cock and licking his balls, trying to outdo each other.

Chelsea and Annie start kissing again feeling turned on, remembering what Margaret told her about what happened outside last Saturday night with Shane. Tina and Britt walk over to Brad and start rubbing their hands up and down his arms, chest and back.

Britt gets on her knees, next to the older women; she grabs his cock and sticks it between breasts. Tina bends down, and kissing Britt, she puts her hands on either side of Britt’s 36DD breast and squeeze them around Brad’s hard cock as Britt starts to rocking back and forth, forcing Brad to fuck her breasts.

Brad starts moaning; this is all too much,” and feels his balls start to expand.

That is until her feels a sharp, sting across his naked ass.

The sting momentarily stops him from thinking about the two in front of him, as he whips his head around to see CarolAnn with her arm raised, ready to strike another blow to his bare ass with her riding crop.

Margaret reaches forward, grabs him by the jaw, and forces his face back facing forward, where he can see Chelsea and Annie still making out. Chelsea is on her knees in front of Annie, she has her legs spread, one arm wrapped around Annie holding her up as she continues to stand, and she is licking her clit, as she fucks her with three then four fingers. Annie has her back arched in ecstasy as she feels an orgasm coming. She grabs Chelsea’s head pulling her mouth closer to her pussy as she cries out as the waves of pleasure crash over her.

Meanwhile, Britt and Tina’s are still fucking his cock with Britt’s breasts, Tina has her hands on Britt’s nipples as she pinches and pulls on them causing Britt to cry out with pleasure. CarolAnn continues to strike him with the crop. Between hits, he feels a cool hand rubbing his ass; he looks down as Britt tumbles to the ground taking Tina with her as she has an orgasm.

Margaret, who had already let go of his chin, was kneeling beside the girls and the minute they fell, she moved in and took Brad’s cock into her mouth. She starts deep throating his cock, taking it all the way in her experienced throat, swallowing it and milking the head with her throat before pulling out and smiling up at Brad, leaving a string of saliva attaching his cock to her lips.

Just then, they hear the sound of a shotgun. As everyone jumps at the sound, Brad explodes hitting Margaret in the face with his cum. They all stop and turn toward the road and see Bill standing there with his shotgun pointed in the air.

“Damn it, Margaret,” he shouts, “I can’t leave you alone with a hard cock for a minute without it ending up in your mouth.”

They hear the sound of a car door slam and see the deputy as he hops out of his car, he gives a wave to Chelsea and he heads over to take control of the situation.

Written by sassys
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