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"Another episode with the loving Cuckoldress"

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Author's Notes

"This is another episode between Rick, the cuckold husband, and his sexy, hotwife, Michelle and their intricate loving relationship. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

Part 1: The Game begins

It was a sweltering summer evening when I invited my three closest friends over for drinks and poker. We had always enjoyed these occasional gatherings, where laughter flowed as freely as the whiskey. My wife, Michelle, had graciously agreed to entertain us for a bit before retreating to give us our space. Little did we know that night would take an unexpected turn that none of us would ever forget.

Michelle entered the room, her radiant smile lighting up the atmosphere. She was a vision of casual elegance, wearing a simple yet flattering sundress that swayed with her every movement. Her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, and her makeup was minimal but enhancing, making her natural beauty stand out. After a few minutes of playful banter with my friends, she excused herself, leaving us to our game.

We were deep into our third round when Michelle reappeared, and the room fell silent. She had transformed. Her deep purple dress clung to her curves, accentuating every sensuous line of her body. The dress was cut low in the back, showcasing the smooth expanse of her spine, and high at the hem, revealing the tops of her seamed stockings. She moved gracefully on high sharp stilettos that clicked with each step, a sound that echoed in the now quiet room.

Her presence was intoxicating. A cloud of rich, heady perfume preceded her, and as she approached, the scent of jasmine and vanilla enveloped us. Her lips were painted a thick, creamy red, glistening with an almost hypnotic allure. She paused in front of the mirror, slowly pulling on thin leather gloves, each movement deliberate and sensual.

"I'm going out," she announced nonchalantly, adjusting the last glove.

Her voice was smooth and confident, with an edge that hinted at her desire for something more.

"I’m feeling horny, but you’re busy. Besides, your cock's too small to satisfy me," she added, glancing at me with a teasing smirk.

Her words stung, but there was an undeniable thrill in the air. My friends sat stunned, their eyes wide with a mixture of shock and arousal. I stood speechless, unable to process what was happening. Michelle turned to leave, but not before planting a kiss on my cheek. Her lips felt like fire against my skin, leaving a tingling sensation that lingered long after she pulled away.

"Don't wait up," she said, her voice a soft purr.

As she headed towards the door, Dave, one of my friends, rubbed his groin, clearly aroused by Michelle's provocative display. She noticed, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Unless anyone here wants to fuck me," she added, her gaze locking onto Dave's.

He blushed under her stare, but there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes.

Dave stood; his movements hesitant as he looked at me for approval. I hesitated, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions. Michelle moved towards the bedroom door, beckoning Dave with a seductive glance. As she opened the door, Dave walked past me, his steps uncertain but eager. Michelle greeted him with a deep, passionate kiss that seemed to send him into a frenzy. They disappeared into the bedroom, and Michelle's voice floated back to us.

"Come and watch," she called out, her tone inviting and playful.

Part 2: The Spectacle Begins

Curiosity and arousal battled within me as I followed the others to the bedroom. The door was ajar, and through the gap, I saw Michelle's silhouette against the dim light. She was a goddess in deep purple, her dress clinging to her form as she slipped it off with an effortless grace. Underneath, she wore nothing but those enticing seamed stockings and her high heels, her skin glowing in the soft light.

Dave stood in front of her, visibly nervous yet undeniably turned on. Michelle moved towards him with the predatory grace of a lioness, her gloved hands reaching out to strip him of his clothes. Piece by piece, she undressed him, her fingers brushing against his skin, sending shivers through his body.

With Dave now naked, Michelle knelt before him, her red lips parting to take him into her mouth. Her lipstick left marks on his shaft, a visual testament to her oral worship. Dave's head lolled back, a groan escaping his lips as Michelle worked her magic, her tongue and lips expertly coaxing him to the edge.

She paused, her lips glistening with a mixture of her saliva and his pre-cum. Reapplying her lipstick with a practiced hand, she locked eyes with the rest of us, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Watch closely," she said, her voice a sultry whisper. She took Dave's throbbing cock back into her mouth, her head bobbing rhythmically as she brought him to the brink.

Dave's body tensed, and with a final, guttural moan, he exploded in her mouth. Michelle swallowed every drop, her eyes never leaving ours. She showed us the evidence, a satisfied glint in her eyes, before moving towards Peter, another of my friends who had been watching in stunned silence.

Part 3: The Ritual Continues

Peter, aroused beyond measure, disrobed quickly, revealing a large, throbbing cock that made my stomach churn with a mix of envy and desire. Michelle lay back on the bed, spreading her legs to reveal her glistening, dripping pussy. She lit a menthol cigarette, the smell of it mingling with her perfume, and took a long drag, the red lipstick staining the filter.

"Come fuck me, Peter," she commanded, her voice husky with need.

Peter climbed onto the bed, his body hovering over hers. She gripped his cock with a gloved hand, guiding him into her with a slow, deliberate motion. Her eyes closed in bliss as he filled her, her lips parting in a soft moan.

Peter began to move, his thrusts deep and powerful. Michelle's body responded eagerly, her hips rising to meet his every plunge. Her moans grew louder, more insistent, as she urged him on.

"Yes, fuck me, Peter. Harder. Don't stop."

Dave, having recovered from his earlier release, moved to the side of the bed, his erection returning with a vengeance. Michelle noticed and beckoned him over. She took him into her mouth again, her head moving in time with Peter's thrusts. Her moans vibrated around Dave's cock, driving him wild with pleasure.

Michelle was in her element, her body and mouth working in tandem to pleasure both men. Peter's movements grew more frantic, his breath coming in ragged gasps. With a final, deep thrust, he came inside her, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm.

Part 4: The Climax

Dave quickly replaced Peter, positioning himself behind Michelle as she got on all fours. He entered her with a single, powerful thrust, his hands gripping her hips tightly. Michelle cried out in pleasure, her back arching as Dave pounded into her. Peter moved to her front, offering his cock, still slick with her juices. Michelle took him into her mouth, her lips and tongue working feverishly cleaning and arousing him.

The sight was almost too much to bear. Michelle was lost in ecstasy, her body trembling with each powerful thrust from Dave. Her moans were muffled around Peter's cock, but the intensity of her pleasure was unmistakable. Dave's movements became more urgent, his thrusts faster and deeper as he approached his climax.

With a final, desperate cry, Dave came hard inside her, his body collapsing against hers. Michelle's moans reached a fever pitch, her own orgasm overtaking her. She trembled and cried out, her body writhing in ecstasy. Peter's cock slipped from her mouth, glistening with her lipstick and saliva.

The three of them collapsed into a sweaty, tangled heap on the bed, their bodies entwined. Peter's seed dribbled from Michelle's mouth, a stark reminder of the night's carnal pleasures.

Part 5: The Aftermath

Michelle slowly disentangled herself from the two men, her body glowing with satisfaction. She came over to me, her lips curving into a wicked smile. She kissed me deeply, her tongue exploring my mouth. I could taste everything – the sweat, the cum, the raw essence of what had just transpired.

"You're my sweet cuckold," she whispered, her voice dripping with affection and dominance.

The words sent a shiver down my spine, and I knew I was hers completely, forever entwined in her web of desire and power.

Michelle reclined on the bed, her posture one of utter contentment and seduction. She reached for a menthol cigarette, lighting it with a practiced flick of her wrist. As she exhaled, the smoke curled around her like a sensual veil, her red lipstick leaving a vivid mark on the filter. She stretched luxuriously, her naked legs spread wide, her pussy glistening and still dripping with juices. The sight of her, utterly satisfied and unabashedly exposed, was intensely erotic. Her essence leaked onto the bed, a stark reminder of the night's passionate escapades.

"Where's your other friend?" she asked casually, taking another drag from her cigarette.

Her eyes glinted with curiosity and a hint of disappointment.

Peter, still catching his breath, looked at her and said, "He left. He's gay."

Michelle pouted slightly, her eyes narrowing with a playful glimmer.

"Pity. Three of you would have been fun," she mused, her gaze lingering on me.

Her words hung in the air, dripping with unfulfilled desire and mischief.

Then she turned her full attention to me, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

"Well, your secret's out now, darling," she said with a laugh that was both teasing and triumphant. "You're a cuckold, and I enjoy other men."

Her laughter was like a melody of dominance and delight, echoing through the room and embedding itself in my very core. The reality of her words hit me like a wave, the truth of our new dynamic settling into place. Michelle's pleasure in other men, her desire to explore and dominate, was now an undeniable part of our lives. And I, her willing cuckold, was both a participant and a spectator in her erotic escapades.

Part 7: Sealing the Pact

Michelle took a final drag from her cigarette, her eyes narrowing with a blend of satisfaction and calculation. She turned her gaze to Dave and Peter, her voice dropping to a husky whisper.

"If you two want to fuck me again, you keep this a secret." She said.

Her words were a seductive command, leaving no room for argument. She got up from the bed with a fluid grace, the scent of sex and perfume still clinging to her. Walking over to me, she planted a deep, possessive kiss on my lips, her tongue dancing with mine, sealing her dominance.

She turned back to Dave and Peter, her expression a mix of authority and allure.

"You can go now," she said, her voice firm. "I'm going to take a shower, and then Rick is taking me out."

Her words left no room for debate. Dave and Peter gathered their clothes, casting lingering glances at Michelle's naked, dripping form. As they dressed and left the room, I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions – jealousy, desire, and an odd sense of pride.

Michelle headed towards the bathroom, her hips swaying seductively with each step. The sound of the shower starting filled the room, and I knew that our night of passion was far from over. Michelle had claimed her power, and we were all irrevocably changed by her dominance.

Part 8: Reclaiming Connection

The bathroom door opened, and Michelle emerged, steam billowing around her like an ethereal cloak. She was completely naked, her skin flushed from the heat of the shower. Droplets of water glistened on her skin, accentuating her curves in the soft light of the room. I sat on the bed, my heart heavy with mixed emotions. The night's events had left me feeling dejected and overwhelmed, my mind racing with thoughts I couldn't quite grasp.

Michelle sauntered over to me, her eyes softening as she noticed my despondent expression. She stroked my hair gently, her touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Did that upset you?" she asked, her voice tender and concerned. I nodded, unable to find the words to express the turmoil inside me.

She gave me a knowing smile and walked over to her vanity. With practiced ease, she applied a quick coat of red lipstick, the thick, creamy colour making her lips look even more inviting. She lit a cigarette, the familiar scent of mint and tobacco filling the room. Then, with deliberate slowness, she slipped on a single leather glove, the material hugging her hand snugly.

Michelle returned to me, her gaze intense and commanding. "Stand up," she instructed, her voice leaving no room for hesitation. I obeyed, my legs trembling slightly as I rose from the bed.

She grabbed my cock with her gloved hand, the leather cool and smooth against my skin. She stared into my eyes, her expression a mix of dominance and affection. As she caressed me, she took a drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her face in a seductive haze.

She leaned in and kissed me, her lips tasting of tobacco and desire. I couldn't help but get aroused, my body responding to her touch and the intoxicating mix of sensations. Michelle continued to kiss me, her gloved hand stroking my cock with expert precision. Each drag on her cigarette was followed by a kiss, her breath warm and smoky against my skin.

She whispered dirty, erotic things in my ear, her voice a sultry whisper that sent waves of pleasure through me.

"Do you like being my cuckold? Watching me with other men?" she murmured, her words both a tease and a challenge.

"Did it turn you on seeing me take their cocks, knowing you'll never satisfy me like they do? Knowing you're just my obedient little cuck, here to please me in any way I want?"

Her breathy words were intoxicating, each syllable dripping with sin and allure.

"Imagine their cum inside me, mixing with mine. Imagine tasting it on my lips, feeling it on your skin. That's what you are to me – my willing, eager toy. Does that make you hard, thinking about how much I need and crave other men?"

I could barely respond, my mind clouded with arousal. She kept going, her whispers becoming more intense, more explicit.

"You're nothing but my plaything, my sweet little cuckold, here to watch and serve. Do you love how I use you? How I tease you and make you ache for me? You'll never be enough for me, and that's exactly how I want it."

My breathing quickened, my body trembling as I teetered on the edge of release. Michelle pointed me away from us, her gloved hand still working its magic.

"Come on the floor," she commanded, her voice firm and insistent.

I couldn't hold back any longer, my body convulsing as I obeyed her command, my release spilling onto the floor.

She watched me with a satisfied smile, taking a final drag from her cigarette before crushing it in the ashtray.

"Feel better?" she asked, her tone almost playful.

I nodded; the weight of my earlier emotions lifted by the intensity of our encounter.

"Good," she said, her voice softening. "Now, get changed."

Part 9: Embracing the New Dynamic

I changed quickly, my mind still reeling from the night's events. When I returned to the bedroom, Michelle was waiting for me. She stood before the mirror, her deep purple dress clinging to her body like a second skin. The dress was an elegant sheath made of rich velvet, the material caressing her curves and shimmering softly in the light. The neckline plunged daringly, revealing the swell of her breasts, while the back was cut low, exposing the graceful line of her spine. The dress boasted a daring high slit, revealing glimpses of her seamed stockings, the tops adorned with intricate lace. Each step she took, her stockings peeked through, adding a touch of allure and sophistication to her already captivating presence. Her legs were encased in sheer fully fashioned seamed stockings, the dark lines running up the back of her legs adding a touch of vintage allure.

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She wore matching leather gloves on both hands now, their sleek black surface contrasting with the deep purple of her dress. Her feet were adorned with spiked stilettos, the sharp heels clicking against the floor with each step she took. The shoes added to her commanding presence, making her seem even more powerful and unattainable.

Michelle turned to me, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of satisfaction and expectation. She waited until I entered the room, then began to apply her red lipstick thickly, sensually. She took her time, the creamy colour glistening as she meticulously covered her lips, transforming them into a luscious, inviting red. The act was a ritual, a performance meant to tantalize and tease, and I watched, mesmerized by her every move.

I held her fur jacket, a luxurious piece that felt incredibly soft and warm in my hands. She slipped into it, the fur accentuating her elegance and sensuality. We left the house together, heading to a hotel with a late-night bistro, a place where Michelle could continue to flaunt her dominance and allure.

During the journey, she stroked the back of my neck with her leather-clad fingers, the sensation both soothing and arousing. Her touch was a constant reminder of her control, her power over me. Each caress sent shivers down my spine, a mixture of pleasure and submission coursing through my veins.

Part 10: The Bistro Encounter

As we entered the bistro, heads turned. Men’s gazes lingered lustfully on Michelle, drawn to her commanding presence and striking beauty. She put on a show, laughing and adjusting her seams, bending over to reveal the tops of her stockings. She touched the head waiter’s arm lightly, sending him a flirtatious smile as he led us to an intimate table.

Michelle sat down, slipping her fur jacket onto the back of her chair, giving everyone a full view of her dress, the deep neckline showcasing her cleavage and the swell of her breasts. The waiters were very attentive, their eyes never straying far from her as she ordered drinks. Michelle's allure was undeniable, her confidence mesmerizing.

We held hands across the table, mine enveloped in her gloved one. She looked at me lovingly, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier," she said, her voice gentle and sincere.

"Dave had been trying it on with me all day, touching my hand, placing it on his leg, and then putting my hand on his bulge. It got me aroused. I had not expected Pete to join in, but it was fun."

Her confession was both a revelation and a reassurance, her honesty cutting through my lingering doubts.

"I'm worried they'll say something," I admitted, my voice tinged with concern.

Michelle laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Don't worry, my darling cuckold. They won't say a word.  I know their wives too well."

We ate our meal, the atmosphere filled with a newfound intimacy. Michelle admitted to still being aroused, her desire palpable.

I felt a surge of longing and asked, "Could my tongue satisfy you?"

She laughed, a deep, throaty sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"You are good at that," she said, her eyes gleaming with wicked delight. "But no, my Darling. Only a large cock can satisfy these urges."

The night continued, filled with laughter, conversation, and a deepening connection. Michelle’s dominance was a constant presence, her control over our dynamic clear and unwavering. Yet, within that control, there was a tenderness, a love that bound us together, making our relationship stronger and more profound.

Part 11: An Unexpected Encounter

As we lingered over our coffee, savouring the rich aroma and warmth, a man entered the bistro and sat at the bar. He ordered a drink and began to sip it, his eyes surveying the area with a casual interest. Michelle noticed me noticing him, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

"I know him," she said, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "I'll be back."

She stood up, the movement graceful and deliberate, and sauntered over to the bar. Once again, all heads turned, captivated by her presence. She squeezed past a table of businessmen, her hips swaying provocatively with each step. One of the men shifted in his seat, and Michelle smiled down at him, her gloved hand brushing over his shoulder. She said something that made him blush, his face turning a delightful shade of red. The rest of the men at the table couldn't help but watch, their expressions a mix of admiration and envy.

Michelle reached the bar and leaned in to kiss the man, her lips lingering on his cheek before she sat down on the stool next to him. Her posture was intimate, her body angled towards him, their knees almost touching. They chatted animatedly, their behaviour filled with a blend of familiarity and flirtation.

From my vantage point, I could see how Michelle's body language drew him in. She leaned close, her gloved hand resting lightly on his arm, her fingers tracing small circles on the fabric of his sleeve. Her other hand held her cigarette, the smoke curling around them like a veil of seduction. Each drag from the cigarette was followed by a sensual exhale, the smoke trailing from her lips in a way that seemed almost deliberate, adding to the intimacy of their conversation.

Michelle's laughter rang out, a soft, musical sound that caught the attention of everyone nearby. She tossed her hair back, the gesture both playful and enticing. Her eyes never left his, maintaining a connection that was both intense and captivating. The man leaned in closer, clearly enraptured by her presence, his drink forgotten on the bar.

Her gloved hand moved to his face, caressing his cheek gently before trailing down to his neck. She whispered something in his ear, her lips barely brushing his skin. He smiled, his expression a mix of amusement and desire. They continued to talk, their conversation punctuated by shared laughter and lingering touches.

From across the room, I could see the effect Michelle had on him. His body language mirrored hers, leaning in to close the space between them, his eyes locked on her face. The chemistry between them was palpable, an electric charge that seemed to draw everyone’s attention.

Michelle's gloved fingers played with the edge of his collar, her touch light and teasing. She took another drag from her cigarette, her eyes never leaving his, before leaning in to whisper something else. He responded with a chuckle, his hand moving to rest on her knee, a gesture that spoke of their comfort and familiarity.

As they continued their intimate chat, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions – arousal, jealousy, and fascination. Michelle’s ability to captivate and dominate was on full display, and I was both a witness and a participant in this intricate dance of desire and power.

Part 12: The Power of Presence

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only about fifteen minutes, Michelle stood up from the bar stool. She brushed a final kiss on the man's cheek, her lipstick leaving a faint mark. She turned and walked back to our table, her hips swaying seductively, the room once again falling under her spell.

As she approached, I saw the glint of satisfaction in her eyes. She sat down gracefully, and settled into her seat. The waiters were quick to attend to her, refilling her glass and ensuring she had everything she needed.

Michelle took my hand in hers, the leather of her glove smooth and cool against my skin. She looked at me lovingly, her earlier apology still resonating in the air between us.

"I didn't expect to see him here," she said softly, her fingers squeezing mine gently. "But it was nice to catch up."

I nodded, my mind still processing the scene I had just witnessed. Michelle's dominance and allure were undeniable, and I felt a rush of pride and arousal at being a part of her world.

“Sorry Darling” Michelle said as she stood and picked up her fur jacket, her movements slow and deliberate.

She slipped it over her shoulders, the luxurious fur brushing against her skin as she turned to face me. Her smile was soft but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"He’s asked me up to his room for drinks," she said, her voice calm yet dripping with implication.

“I told him I was here with my husband” she added

"Are you going?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Of course," she replied, a wicked smile spreading across her lips. "It would be rude not to."

I stood up, the air between us thick with tension.

"Just me, darling," she added, her tone both gentle and commanding. "You can stay here or go home. I don't mind."

She turned and walked towards her lover, her hips swaying seductively with each step.

Michelle, ever the seductress, stopped at the businessmen’s table.  She put her foot on the chair next to one of them, showing off her seamed stocking leg, and straightened the seam with a quick, deft motion. Her eyes met mine, a mix of amusement and challenge in them, as she gave the businessman a quick peck on the cheek, increasing my humiliation. Michelle couldn't help but flaunt her dominance and allure.

Michelle continued to her lover.  She took his hand in her gloved one, their fingers intertwining as they walked out together. She blew me a kiss and waved as they disappeared through the door, leaving me standing alone, feeling a mix of arousal, jealousy, and longing.

The businessmen at the nearby table sniggered, their whispers barely audible but their intent clear. I tried to ignore them, my mind consumed by thoughts of Michelle and what awaited her upstairs. As time passed and the bistro emptied, I found myself alone, asked to leave as the place closed for the night.

I waited in the lobby, my mind racing with images of what might be happening upstairs. I thought of Michelle, her body entwined with his, their passion igniting in ways that I could only imagine. Each minute that passed was filled with vivid, erotic fantasies of Michelle in the throes of ecstasy, her lover bringing her pleasure in ways that I couldn’t.

I imagined her on her knees, her red lips wrapped around his cock, her tongue swirling and teasing as she brought him to the brink. I pictured him filling her completely, her body arching in response to his thrusts, her moans of pleasure echoing in the room. I saw her hands, her nails digging into his back, marking him as hers while she rode the waves of her climax. The thought of her lipstick smearing on his skin, her mouth claiming him with each kiss, drove me wild with desire and jealousy.

In the early hours of the morning, I heard the familiar click of Michelle’s heels. I looked up to see them both walking towards me. When Michelle saw me, she stopped and kissed her lover deeply, her lipstick leaving a mark on his lips. She then left him and came to me, her smile soft and loving, but her eyes betraying a deep satisfaction.

Her lipstick was thick and her teeth gleamed white against the crimson stain. I noticed faint marks on her breasts, evidence of their passionate encounter. "Thank you for waiting," she said, taking my hand in hers as we walked to the car.

Hand in hand, we drove home. Her leather-clad fingers stroked the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Do you want to know what we did?" she asked, her voice a mixture of teasing and genuine curiosity.

I hung my head and nodded, unable to speak. Michelle laughed softly, her tone soothing yet filled with a wicked delight.

"It’s okay," she said. "I’ll tell you everything."

Once home, she recounted every detail of their encounter, sparing nothing. She described how she used her tongue to drive him wild, her lips and lipstick leaving marks all over his cock. She told me about his size, how he was much larger than I was, and how much he came. She detailed the intense satisfaction she felt with each of her climaxes, the pleasure almost overwhelming.

"I started by teasing him," she began, her voice low and sultry. "I used my tongue, swirling it around the head of his cock, tasting his pre-cum as I licked him. He was so hard, so eager. I could feel his need growing with each touch."

She paused, taking a drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her.

"I wrapped my lips around him, taking him deep into my mouth. My lipstick left marks all over his cock, bright red stains that made him moan with desire. He was so big, stretching my lips wide. I could feel him pulsing, ready to explode."

Michelle’s eyes gleamed as she continued. "I sucked him until he couldn’t hold back any longer. He came so hard, filling my mouth with his cum. I swallowed every drop, feeling the warmth slide down my throat. His taste was intense, a mix of salt and musk that lingered on my tongue."

Her voice grew softer, more intimate. "Then he took me, filling me completely. His cock stretched me in ways you never could, reaching places deep inside me. Each thrust drove me wild, my body arching with pleasure. I came so many times, my juices mixing with his as he fucked me."

I was hard as a rock, my body aching with a need I couldn’t ignore. Michelle took me to the bedroom, her presence commanding yet loving. She laid on the bed naked, her skin glowing in the soft light. She lit a cigarette, the red of her nails contrasting sharply with the white smoke curling around her.

"Make love to me," she said, her voice soft but insistent.

I undressed quickly and climbed between her legs. She gently grasped my cock in her hand, guiding me inside her. The sensation of her warmth enveloping me was almost too much to bear. I moved slowly, savouring every moment, feeling her body respond to mine. Her tightness, her warmth, and the scent of her recent lover still lingering on her skin, all combined to drive me to the brink.

It didn’t take long before I was on the edge, the events of the night pushing me to the limit. I came inside her, my body shuddering with release, filling her with my cum.

Michelle pushed me onto my back and straddled my face.

"Use your tongue!" she commanded, her voice filled with a mix of desire and authority.

I obeyed, my tongue working diligently to bring her to orgasm. Her juices flowed, the taste of her pleasure intoxicating. She moaned and writhed above me, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure.

As she climaxed, her juices flooded my mouth, the taste filling my senses completely. She stayed there, straddling my face until she was satisfied, her body shuddering with the aftershocks of her pleasure.

Finally, she climbed off me and laid beside me, her body relaxed and glowing with satisfaction.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice soft and filled with love. "You’re my sweet, obedient cuckold, and I love you."

I held her close, my heart filled with a complex mix of emotions. The night had been a journey of discovery, pushing the boundaries of our relationship and revealing depths of desire and intimacy we had never explored before. As we drifted off to sleep, I felt a deep sense of connection and anticipation for the future, knowing that with Michelle, every moment was filled with endless possibilities.



Written by Rdog3824
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