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Superior Genes

"Brad meets Inga and Josh, gets Inga pregnant"

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Brad had always been popular with women. He was tall, standing at 6’2” he had a full head of brown hair that was stylishly short yet long enough to run your fingers through and grab a handful of hair if need be. He was quite well built, muscular, but not to the point where he looked like a model. He had abs, but they were not defined enough to be labeled chiseled, rather, he worked out enough to stay in good shape but also indulged himself in alcohol and food when he felt like it. At twenty-eight, he was quite accomplished, being the top salesman of his branch for his company, and with a master’s degree to his name. However, most importantly, he was well-endowed and had large testicles.

His friends were often jealous of his ability to attract women, as he would often brag about his exploits to them the day after they would go clubbing on a Friday night. Bragging about his conquests, and making other men jealous of his sexual prowess, made Brad realize he deeply enjoyed the fact he was sexually superior to other men.


(Author's Idea of what Brad looks like)

Brad wanted very badly to sleep with another man’s wife, make her his girlfriend, and to get her pregnant, preferably several times, with his children and have the husband raise them while Brad had his way with the wife. In short, Brad wanted very much to be a bull in a cuckold relationship. He found it very sexy that a married woman would choose him, over her husband, and that she would rather bear his children over her husband's. The last aspect of his fantasy appealed to him the most, as he viewed it as very primal, that it was his biological right and that it was just natural for a woman to pick him, an alpha male, over her loser husband.

While he had never acted upon his fantasies before, he decided one night, while surfing the web, that he would at least explore his fantasy. He looked up, “Cuckold dating sites” not expecting to get any results. However, to his surprise and glee, he found several. He clicked on one that interested him. There he found that you could register as a couple, looking to find a bull, or as a bull. He decided to make an account as a bull.

After spending about twenty minutes on the site, looking through different profiles, he felt distraught and disappointed. Most of the couples were not attractive, and of the ones that were, none were interested in the wife actually becoming pregnant. He was about to leave the site when he found a couple that piqued his interest.

Brad saw that the wife seemed to be about his age, maybe a bit younger. She was cute, with blonde hair and a cute smile, and she had a large butt and nice wide hips. By contrast, the husband was barely taller than his wife, with balding hair and a beard, which was most likely an attempt to compensate for his hair loss. He could tell just by looking at their pictures that this woman needed a real man. He read their profile description which read as,

“Hello! We are Inga and Josh, and we are looking for a very special man in our lives. We are having trouble conceiving, and after looking around, we think it would be best to outsource in this area since we have been trying for two years. We are looking for a tall, strong professional man who has no family history of hereditary diseases. Plus, we think this would be a great way to spice up our relationship and build trust! Message us if you are interested.”

So, Brad indeed messaged them. And to his surprise, it was Inga who did the talking.

Brad: "Hello, my name is Brad and your profile caught my eye. I would like to say you are very beautiful and I found your situation to be heartbreaking, I don’t want anyone to go without children that want them."

“Thank you! You look very handsome and after looking over your profile you sound like you are what we are looking for. Have you been a bull in a relationship before?” she asked

“No, although I know my way around women. I haven’t had the pleasure of strengthening a couple’s relationship physically before,” Brad said

 “Unfortunately, we are beginners at this too. My husband isn’t fully sold on the idea either, but after weeks of talking it over, he relented to join this site,” Inga typed

“Well, I am most glad you convinced him. I think cuckolding will strengthen your relationship,” Brad replied…

Of course, the last message was a lie. Brad reveled in the fact Josh wasn’t fully on board. The more he made a weaker man feel insecure, the better he felt. It’s not that he had anything personal against Josh or any weaker man, and he wasn’t looking to humiliate him specifically, rather, seeing a weaker man squirm when the topic of Brad having sex with his wife underscored Brad’s superiority, and as a result, made him feel better about himself.

Brad and Inga discussed details more and got to know each other. Inga was born in Denmark and immigrated to the US in college. There, she met Josh and the two fell in love, and got married. This shocked Inga’s friends, as Inga was beautiful, standing at about 5’8” and with pert, C cup breasts, and a large round butt, everyone considered her to be out of Josh’s league. However, Josh was funny and would make a good provider as an accountant so she married him.



 (Author's Idea of What Inga looks like)

Brad and Inga finally decided on a date to meet each other, and if things go well, possibly even have sex. This news delighted Brad, and a week before there set date, he made sure not to masturbate. While there was no guarantee that he and Inga would sleep together on their first encounter, Brad was fairly confident they would, and he wanted to save up his semen so he could spurt bigger loads and wanted to make sure that he got Inga pregnant the first time they had sex.

The day before he was scheduled to meet and have sex with Inga, he had read online that, to increase chances of conception, he needed to ejaculate thoroughly, to release old semen and dead sperm that were inside him, leaving only the fresh and healthy sperm left. The best way to do this, was to get a prostate massage, as the prostate can hold seminal fluid, and unless drained through sex or some other method of ejaculation, can get stagnant and old. The most thorough way to cleanse the seminal fluid is to get a prostate massage. He decided to keep that in mind, as he was anxious to meet Inga.

The day finally came and Brad drove up to the bar that he was scheduled to meet Inga and her husband at. He walked in, and he spotted the two. Inga gave a pretty smile and waved while Josh simply looked at his drink. “This is gonna be good,” Brad thought to himself as he walked over with a smirk. As he neared the table, Inga stood up and hugged him, and he hugged back, getting a good feel of her curves and reveled in the feel of her breasts squishing up against him.

“So nice to finally meet y’all,” Brad Said

“Same, we are so excited, we have been looking forward to meeting you for weeks!” Inga said with a smile

“Nice to meet you, Josh,” smiled Brad, outstretching his hand, “Glad you two consider me worthy of strengthening your relationship”

“Nice to meet you too…” Josh said, shaking Brad’s hand limply, “Inga and I would love children…” Josh said

“About that…” Brad asked, “Not meaning to pry, but why can’t you have children?”

“That’s a bit per-“ Josh was cut off, “Josh has a very low sperm count,” Inga chimed in

“Babe, that’s embarrassing!” Josh stammered

“Well, it’s true! The doctors said that this isn’t something to be ashamed of,” Inga said reassuringly

However, Brad couldn’t be happier. Both he and Josh knew that this was something Josh should be very ashamed about. That he couldn’t get his own wife pregnant and that they would have to appeal to Brad, a superior man, for help with something so basic.

“I had a feeling that might be the case,” Brad said smugly, he got a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it and handed it to the couple. “I had my sperm tested, 350 million per ml, higher than average…”

Josh and Inga looked at the paper, Josh’s face grew more solemn while Inga’s lit up

“The sperm are of higher quality than normal, good shape, larger, faster swimmers,” Brad continued. “Of course, if I was to service you two and bring you a child, I would need to have my prostate drained to get out any old, dead sperm as well as any stagnant seminal fluid. That way we ensure you would be getting only the best, healthiest sperm cells,” he said, looking at Inga with a smile.

“You see, Josh, Brad knows what he’s doing, he’s very well educated and this is why I think he would make a great father for our children.” She continued, “How would we go about draining your prostate?”

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Brad chuckled and said, “Well, that would require a prostate massage, we can get into details about that later, I just need to know if we are going to do this today or not.”

“Well, we might have to thin-“ Josh was once again cut off by Inga, “We can do it tonight.”

Josh stared at Inga with a look of shock, she looked back at him and said, “Now, Josh, Brad drove all the way out here to see us, and I think he would make a great father, his credentials check out, and his genes are great. This will be a good thing. Besides, remember what the magazine said, this will strengthen our relationship, and you’ll get to be a father.”

Josh relented, and the three of them drove to Josh and Inga’s apartment. It was a decent apartment, nothing very special, but then again, not too shabby. When they went inside, Brad asked Josh, “Hey man, do you want to watch or would you prefer not to?”

Josh said, “No, I would rather not.”

Brad then said, “Well, that’s fine, do you think you could get me and your wife some beers?” Brad was clearly enjoying the position he was in.

Josh scowled and got four beers from the fridge and put them on the nightstand in the bedroom. Brad and Inga were sitting on the bed, holding hands. The last thing Josh heard before shutting the door was Inga asking Brad, “So how does a prostate massage work?” Josh then sat on the couch and turned on the tv, he was trying very hard to block out what was to come next.

Meanwhile, Brad said to Inga, “The way a prostate massage works is you stick a finger in my butt and massage my prostate. It’s a small, walnut-shaped gland, about two inches in.”

Inga bit her lower lip. “I’ve never done this before…” she said.

“That’s ok, me neither, I just want to make sure you get a baby is all… just go slowly, and we can do it,” he said reassuringly.

Brad stripped down, completely naked, while Inga stripped down to her underwear. She wore a simple white bra and white panties with a single rose on the crotch. She then got a bottle of lotion out and smeared her hand and fingers with it. Brad lay on the bed, while Inga was on all fours. She positioned herself to where she could get good access to Brad’s cock and balls. “Now make sure to go slowly,” Brad asked. Inga nodded her head, her delicate middle finger reached Brad’s anus. He felt the cool lotion on his sensitive spot and juddered, eliciting a giggle from Inga. She then slowly started to insert her middle finger into his anus.

Inga made sure to go slow and gentle and to withdraw it every drive or so to lube up his channel. After about five minutes of this, the pad of Inga’s finger felt a squishy lump on the upper portion of Brad’s anus. She giggled and gleefully exclaimed, “I think I found it!”

Brad chuckled back and said, “now, just stroke it in a ‘come here’ motion… I would also very much enjoy it if you massaged my balls and gave me head.” Inga nodded and did so.

She had never handled a cock as large as Brad’s and his balls were large as well, to the point that one of his testicles fit into her palm. She started bobbing her head, up and down on Brad’s swollen member, while gently massaging his balls with one hand and his prostate with another. Brad started softly moaning. He was in complete bliss as the Scandinavian girl worked wonders on his body.

Inga expertly fellated Brad’s cock, with her tongue swirling around the head of his penis, her tongue French kissing the pee slit and she made sure not to let him feel her teeth. Eventually, Brad felt his orgasm begin to take hold of him. His breathing quickened hand he grunted several manly grunts as his balls erupted and he ejaculated gout after gout of semen into Inga’s mouth. She was taken aback by the volume of semen Brad had ejaculated, and she felt his anus contract around her finger each time he came. She withdrew her mouth from his penis carefully and swallowed his cum. She smiled and said, “Can’t let the protein go to waste.”

All the while, Josh was outside on the couch, he had heard Brad’s grunts and, chuckling to himself said, “At least Mr. super stud doesn’t last long." Josh had thought that Brad had finished fucking his wife, and Josh was more than happy to kick him out. As he opened the door, he got a great view of Brad on the bed, with his cock covered with saliva and semen, and his wife standing up, unclasping her bra and taking off her panties. Brad laughed and Inga turned around surprised.

“We aren’t done yet, sport,” Brad chuckled. Josh felt sick inside and slammed the door. He then went back to the couch and turned the volume up on the tv louder.

Inga crawled up and cuddled Brad, her face had worry on it. “I don’t know if I want to go through with this if it causes Josh so much pain… it’s not easy for him.”

Brad put her hair behind her ear, and looked down into the beautiful blue eyes staring up at him. He calmly said, “Of course, it’s hard, Inga, but this is what needs to be done to strengthen your relationship. This situation is extremely natural. Your husband is a great man, but genetically, he just isn’t fit." He paused briefly to let this sink in.

He continued, "This isn't bad, it doesn’t make him a bad person, but you are a healthy fit woman, and it’s only natural for you to outsource in a time like this. You don’t want your healthy genes to go to waste, and if you had a child with Josh, who knows what could happen? Do you really want a son with balding hair and a low sperm count, or do you want to have healthy, smart children who will be success in life? I think mother nature really knows what she’s doing with you and me pairing up. And the best part is, you get to be a mother and Josh gets to be a father. It’s a win-win.”

Inga’s expression changed as he talked and she was reassured. She added, “I guess that really makes Josh brave, like a hero.”

Brad smiled, “Exactly… he’s a very brave man.” Brad lied. Brad waited a few seconds to let their conversation sink in. Then he asked, “So, do you think you’re ready to be a mommy?”

Inga smiled at him and shook her head, “Yeah, I think I am.”

Brad then started kissing Inga who kissed him back with earnest. Brad’s hands started roaming her body, with one hand grabbing her supple ass and the other feeling her nice breasts. Her hands roamed his body as well, with one hand placed on his hard pectoral, and the other stroking his erection.

Soon, Brad sat up, while Inga laid on her side, Brad then reached down with one of his strong hand and flipped Inga over onto her tummy. He then reached down to her waist and pulled her butt up to where she was on all fours. She giggled as that happened and he rubbed his penis up and down her thick cunt lips. She was dripping wet, and, her blonde pubic hair got wet with her secretions. Brad then sank his cock deep inside Inga’s vagina. While her underused pussy was tight around his cock, his cock glided into her smoothly.

As he penetrated her, Brad groaned a low groan and Inga responded with a high pitch yelp. Brad lay still inside her, letting her get used to the presence of such a large penis in her, and he loved the warm, moist feel of her pussy. He slowly began to hump her, with his hips hitting her nice, rounded ass. Inga moaned with each thrust and Brad grunted every few thrusts.

Soon, Brad started picking up the pace. As he did so, Inga found herself in a world of pleasure, with the tip of Brad’s penis reaching her inner core. The sound of the mating pair’s grunts and the sound of their skin hitting each other was audible in the room. Every tenth thrust or so, Brad slapped Inga’s ass, eliciting excited squeals from her.

Soon, the pitch and rapidity of Inga’s grunts increased, and soon after she came, with the entire length of her vagina squeezing Brad’s cock. Her legs shuddered and her cunt lips contracted around the base of Brad’s cock. It seemed almost as if Inga’s body was trying to milk Brad’s cock. After about ten seconds of Inga having the best orgasm of her life, Brad let loose his flood of semen. He grunted a few guttural moans, and ejaculated into her in four large thrusts, bottoming out his penis inside her to where her cunt lips kissed his pelvis with each thrust.

After ejaculating in her, Brad collapsed onto Inga’s back. They both were gasping for breath and Brad remained inside Inga, his cock slowly softening in her. Soon, he withdrew and collapsed on the bed, Inga did the same and put her head on his chest. Brad then wrapped his arms around her narrow shoulders and held her close.

They both enjoyed the afterglow. About a minute into the afterglow, Brad started thinking about how he had surely just impregnated this beautiful Scandinavian woman and that she would soon bear his child, and that he would not have to raise it but that some loser would. He felt he could get used to this.

After a while, Inga asked, "Would you like to stop by next week? T-to make sure I am pregnant?”

Brad smiled and kissed her. “I would love to,” he replied.

After a while, Brad got up and started putting his clothes on. Inga laid in the bed still, watching Brad’s muscular frame get dressed. Brad then said, “I had a great time, Inga. I’ll be sure to call you.” He then opened the door and sat down next to Josh on the couch.

“I’m done servicing your wife.” Brad said to Josh plainly.

“Thanks for stopping by,” Josh said through gritted teeth.

“I'll be sure to stop by next week, Josh, I really dig your wife,” Brad said smugly. He then got up and exited the apartment.





Written by LustfullSilvia99
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