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Brad And Inga

"Brad visits Inga again to make certain she is pregnant. Josh hates this."

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Author's Notes

"This story follows my previous story, Superior Genes, characters and plot, please read that before reading this, I promise it would be helpful when reading this. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Also, of course, please let me know what you think in the comments so I can grow as a reader!"

Brad sat in his living room, watching a football game. Last week, he had busied himself with inviting himself over to Inga and Josh’s house and had ploughed Inga. He had promised them that he would be returning to have sex with her again to make sure that she was pregnant. The thing that he enjoyed most about this situation was that Inga’s husband, Josh, didn’t seem fully on board with Brad impregnating his wife. Brad loved to see Josh uncomfortable and embarrassed, and he took perverse pleasure in the fact that Inga seemed to be very on board.

Brad pulled out his phone and texted Inga. “Hey, thinking of coming over to spend some time with you. What time would work best?”

After about thirty seconds of waiting, Brad got a response, “You can actually come over today if you’d like, I’m not busy.” After reading that, Brad felt his breathing quicken and his penis get semi hard. He knew he was going to have a great afternoon.

Meanwhile, Inga sat on the loveseat in her apartment. She was drinking some tea and was lost in thought. Ever since her amazing sex with Brad, she couldn’t get him off her mind. He had told her that he would call her, and when she saw that he had texted, she bit her lower lip and smiled. She opened it and quickly responded. Her husband, Josh, was in the kitchen and asked her, “What has you so giddy?”

She responded, “Brad's gonna be coming over soon…”

Josh’s face dropped. “When,” he asked. 

Inga smiled and responded, “He should be here in about twenty minutes.”

Josh then said, “I thought the point was for him to get you pregnant. You two already had sex why does he need to come back?”

Inga frowned and said, “Well, we need to be sure he gets me pregnant. That may take more than one sex session. And besides, you and I both agreed before making the account on the website that we were both on board with this cuckolding thing. You even said you think it’s hot.”

Josh waited for a second, then he said, “Well, it seemed hot at the time but, I don’t know. Brad is kinda an asshole.”

Inga said, “No he’s not! He wants our relationship to be stronger. I think you are just jealous!”

Josh replied, “Of course, I’m jealous. He’s having sex with my wife!”

Inga sighed, “Fine. If you really want me to, I can tell him to not come over…” then she opened the lock screen on her phone.

Josh hesitated, clearly seeing that Inga was upset. “No, it’s fine… he can come over, I just won’t be here for that… I just need to make sure you still love me.”

Inga smiled, “Of course I do, baby. I’m doing this so we can be parents. I’m still married to you, after all.” She then got up and hugged Josh. This made Josh feel a bit better. This was his wife, after all. Sure, Brad had sex with her but she still loved him. Josh convinced himself that this made him the overall winner in the situation.

After some time, Josh decided it was time for him to leave. He figured that he would go to the video game store and check out the newest games, and maybe get lunch after. He grabbed his jacket and keys. “Alright, babe, I will be out. Don’t have too much fun,” he said, half-jokingly.

“Love you, darling,” Inga glowed back. Josh then left the apartment and made his way to the elevator. He entered it and pressed the ground floor button.

As the elevator reached the ground floor, the doors opened and he saw Brad. His mouth went dry and he felt sick in his stomach. Brad, on the other hand, felt a tingling in his groin, as seeing Josh reminded him of the amazing situation he was in. Brad half smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your gorgeous wife.”

Josh frowned and exited while mumbling, “Asshole.” Brad chuckled and took the elevator up to the proper floor.

When he got to Inga’s apartment, he knocked on the door. Inside, Inga felt butterflies in her tummy, and she sprung up to open the door. She was looking forward to the sex she was about to have with Brad just as much as he was. However, it wasn’t just sex with Brad she was looking forward to. She felt real chemistry with Brad and his demeanor turned her on, and besides, he brought some much-needed testosterone into her life.

She reached the door and bit her lower lip while smiling as she opened it. “Hey there,” Brad said smiling. 

“H-hey,” Inga stuttered. She wasn’t sure why she was nervous, but it was probably that the anticipation had her adrenaline running.

Brad stepped in and closed the door. “How have you been? I ran into your husband on the way up…” he said.

“I’ve been doing well, I keep thinking about last week,” she let out, “my husband is a bit jealous, but I reminded him that this is good for us and he relented,” she continued.

“Good,” Brad said closing the gap between them, “I think this is very good for your relationship too,” he said while placing a hand on her nice round ass. Inga placed a hand on his hard pectoral and she looked down at his arm and blushed, then she looked up into his eyes and asked, “Do you want to go to the bedroom?”

Brad’s fingers sunk into the globe of her ass cheek, reaching through the thin layer of fat to reach the layer of muscle, “Nah,” he said as he picked her up and took her over to the couch. Inga giggled and held onto him, she began to feel warm in her stomach and felt her pussy start to get moist with arousal.

Brad lowered her onto the couch and began to undress himself, taking off his shirt, pants and boxers, letting his massive erection spring free, all while Inga was staring at him lustfully. He began undressing her, taking off her tank top, revealing a thin black, lacy bra. Then he unbuttoned and slid off her jean shorts, revealing black lacy panties with white frills on the edges. He then sunk his mouth on her crotch, kissing her vagina through her panties, eliciting moans and giggles from Inga. She threw her head back and said gleefully, “Oh, Brad, you’re so aggressive!”

He then pulled the crotch of her panties to the side to reveal her pretty pink pussy, surrounded by trimmed blonde pubic curls. She was very wet at this point to where some of her juices began to trickle down towards her anus. He then began to eat her out, sucking on her clit, and sinking one of his fingers into her soft, warm vagina. She moaned and ran her delicate fingers through his thick brown hair.

The pad of his finger in her stroked the upper wall of her vagina, finding her G spot and stroking it. After about a minute of this, Brad withdrew his finger and mouth and grabbed her by her hips, pulling her out a bit to where her shins and feet dangled onto his back from his shoulders, and to where only her body from the waist up was on the couch. This gave Brad better access to her nether regions and he pulled the crotch of her panties to the side one more time and began licking her from her asshole, up to her clit.

When his tongue reached her cute pink anus, Inga’s eyes widened and she gasped, “Oh, Brad, wha- Oh… Please…. Don-Don’t stop!” Brad, of course, didn’t need a second invitation and continued eating out Inga with vigor. Inga slowly began to feel her body get warmer and her breathing began to quicken.

Unconsciously, her legs began to slowly rise from Brad’s back and stiffen. Brad could tell she was close and began sucking on her clit while fingering her once again. As Inga’s hold on Brad’s hair tightened, He decided to crank it up a notch and withdrew his finger from her cunt and stuck it knuckle deep in her tight anus.

Inga then began to climax, closing her eyes shut, scrunching her face and moaning, “Åh Gud! Åh Gud! Åh Gud!” (Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!) As her legs shook and she climaxed. Brad could feel the Danish woman’s vagina and anus contract several times as her lower body shook. He smiled to himself, doubting that her loser husband could ever make her cum this hard. After about ten seconds, her climax started dying down, and her heels hit his muscular back, due to her legs turning limp.

She laid there, gasping for breath and Brad gave the blonde woman some time to recover. He then let her panties cover her crotch again. However, this time, they were soaked with a mixture of her feminine juices and his saliva.

She ran her hands through his hair one more time and sat up. Brad got up and took a seat next to her and put his arm around her narrow shoulders. She laid her head on the space between his head and shoulder, and the two enjoyed each other’s energy for a bit. It felt nice to have Inga’s silky blonde locks on his skin Brad thought.

After a while, Brad asked, “Babe I’m a bit thirsty would you mind getting us some beers?” Inga got up and started walking over to the kitchen. As she got up, Brad smacked her butt causing Inga to yelp and Brad to chuckle. Brad watched this sexy woman walk over to the kitchen, still clad in her underwear. He admired her very straight and, muscular while still feminine, back as well as her large butt.

As she reached the fridge, Brad got out his phone and took a snapchat of her, and wrote the caption, “Just gave your wife the best orgasm of her life,” and sent it to Josh. Inga then returned with two beers in each hand, as Brad watched her breasts jiggle slightly in her bra.

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She sat down and they opened some beers and clinked bottles. The two started talking, using this as some time to get to know each other better. However, pretty soon Brad started slowly getting an erection again. This caused Inga to smile and say, “Looks like someone’s ready for some sex.”

Brad smiled and began kissing her, soon, the kissing turned into a full-blown make-out session where Brad and Inga’s tongues expertly danced in each other’s mouths. After some time, Inga got up and straddles Brad. Brad began to kiss her again, this time kissing and sucking on her neck and earlobes. Inga closed her eyes and moaned slightly, as Brad unhooked her bra and helped her take it off, revealing Inga’s beautiful C cup breasts.

He then started kissing her collar bone and then reached her breasts, and he began to kiss and suck on each of her pink nipples. This caused the Scandinavian woman to moan, and she began to rub her wet, panty-clad crotch, up and down the shaft of Brad’s penis. Soon, Brad couldn’t take it anymore and moaned, “Fuck m,e Inga.” Inga looked Brad in the eyes and smiled while biting her lip, she then looked down and moved the crotch of her panties out of the way and raised herself slightly.

With one arm around his neck and the other moving her panties to the side, Brad realized her hands were full and positioned his cock underneath her pussy. She then looked him in the eyes again, and slowly lowered herself onto him. Both of them sighed as her vagina slowly swallowed every inch of his swollen prick. Soon she bottomed out on him and she put her other arm around his neck.

Inga began to slowly raise herself up and down on Brad’s cock. She started breathing heavy from this and Brad held her close, it was very intimate. Soon, Brad couldn’t take it anymore and started thrusting into Inga, eliciting moans from her, the feeling inside her was amazing, as her body was already very hot from the oral, he had given her and she was soaking wet. Brad began to pick up the pace, causing Inga to moan, “Oh Brad! Lige der! Fuck det er godt!” (Oh Brad! Right there! Fuck that’s good!) and she soon bit his shoulder.

Brad quickened his thrusts, feeling every warm wet curve and wrinkle of her tight pussy, and both of his hands slapped and grabbed hold of her nice butt. Inga put her hands back on Brad’s neck, and leaned back, giving Brad view of the beautiful Danish woman’s body and breast’s bounce and jiggle with each thrust.

She threw her head back and began giving full-throated moans as Brad began really fucking her. Her hair dangled down to where it reached the top of Brad’s hands on her ass, tickling them. Soon, Inga began feeling the beginning of her orgasm and she moaned, “Oh fuck! Bra- OH! Brad, I’m cumming!” Then her whole body tensed up and her vagina contracted and spasmed around Brad’s swollen member. Brad couldn’t help himself and he began cumming as well. He grunted full-throated grunts and thrust deep and hard into her and spurted his ejaculate into her in three hard thrusts.

Inga collapsed on him, and he held her tight, running his hands up and down her back and sides, tracing her curves. The two gasped for breath and enjoyed their afterglow. After a bit, Brad’s cock began to grow soft inside her and Inga took this as her hint to get up.

As she did, she took her panties off and looked down at her crotch to see some of the massive amount of semen Brad ejaculated in her leaking down her left thigh. She sat on the couch and cuddled up with him while saying, “Jesus, Brad, you must have put 400 million sperm in me.”

Brad said, “there’s more where that came from, baby,” motioning to his testicles.

She giggled and sighed, “I must say, you are way better than Josh is in bed.”

This pleased Brad and he said, “Oh yeah? In what ways?”

She giggled and said, “Well, for starters you really know my pleasure spots. It took a year for Josh to find my clit and you found my freaking G-spot without trying!”

Brad said, “Well, practice makes perfect…”

Inga smiled and said, “Well, it certainly shows, and, also, and don’t tell him I said this but… your dick is way bigger than his.”

Brad figured as much, and he couldn’t wait to use this fact to make Josh feel weaker, Brad said, “Oh really?”

Inga glowed, “Yes! You reach places he simply can’t it's like- ugh it's just so good!”

Yeah?” Brad asked.

“Yeah,” Inga said happily, Brad leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed back with equal enthusiasm.

The two made out and Brad picked up the naked blonde and carried her to the bed. He threw her down on the bed and got on top of her, continuing their make-out session. He soon became hard, and Inga began stroking his cock, he then disengaged from her lips and flipped her over to her stomach. Then he sat on the back of her thighs and put his erect cock on her ass crack.

There was a full-length mirror in the bedroom that Inga used to model clothes on herself and figure out what to wear. Brad noticed this and stared at Inga’s beautiful face in the mirror. He then spread her legs shoulder-width apart, and grabbed her hips and pulled them up.

He unceremoniously penetrated her. This was easy because she was extremely wet and her vaginal walls were partially lubed from his ejaculate. He began to fuck her, in steady repetitive rhythms. She moaned and Brad reveled in her firm generous butt and thick cunt lips.

He stared at her in the mirror, watching her breasts jounce with each thrust and her hair sway back and forth to their sexual rhythm. Soon, Inga began to feel another orgasm come, and her vagina once again tightened and tried its best to milk Brad’s cock. However, this time Brad was far from coming, and while she was in the midst of her orgasm, he picked up the pace, to ensure that her very sensitive orgasmic cunt was pleasured. She began to descend from her orgasm and when Brad had figured that it had subsided, he withdrew his member.

He then began to run his lubed-up cock on her asshole in a circular motion. Inga’s eyes widened and she exclaimed, “Brad, no one’s fucked me in the ass before!”

Brad replied, “Well then allow me to be your first!” as he sunk his cock into her ass. Despite the lubricant on his cock, Inga’s asshole was so tight he could only fit the head of his penis in her. He slowly rocked back and forth, getting further in her butt with each rock. Inga’s hands clawed the bedsheet and she arched her back, accentuating her ass.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. She was actually in a bit of pain as Brad’s cock was big and she had never stuck anything in her ass before. Whenever Josh suggested anal, she was very quick to shoot him down. Once Brad bottomed out, he put his hands on her hips. Given the fact the Scandinavian woman wasn’t moaning, Brad figured she was probably in some discomfort, so he knew he had to be gentle. He slowly rocked his cock back and forth, in her ass, letting her get used to his massive dick in her.

Every so often, he’d rub her pussy and put some of the juice on the base of his shaft when he withdrew, to further lube it. Despite the pain, Inga’s sensitive asshole began to feel good, especially around the sphincter. She had relaxed which allowed her anal muscles to relax as well. When Brad felt this, he began to pick up the pace.

He started thrusting in her ass faster and began slapping her butt cheeks, leaving marks on her pale skin. At this point, any pain Inga had felt was getting replaced by pleasure and she began to moan aloud. Having started off fucking Inga’s pussy, Brad was getting very close to cumming, as her ass was unbelievably tight around him. He started groaning and began to thrust hard and very deep into her as he felt his orgasm approach.

Inga placed her forehead on the bed as Brad felt the semen travel up from his balls. He pulled out of her at the last second and ejaculated several healthy ropes of semen onto Ingas back, spurting as far as her shoulder blades. Inga smiled as she felt the warm cum on her back, and Brad took this opportunity to take out his phone, as Inga still had her head on the bed. He took a snap of them in the mirror with the caption, “Just took your wife’s anal virginity…” and sent it to Josh. Then he took a snap of the cum on her back and put the caption, "Figured you wanted to know how hard and far I cum in your hot wife.”

Brad then sent that to Josh and put the phone down. Brad then got up and took a towel out of the bathroom and wiped himself and Inga’s back. She sat up on her haunches and reached out her arms for a hug. He hugged her and said, “I got to go now, babe.”

Inga frowned and said, “You can’t stay at all?”

Brad then feigned emotion and said, “I'd love to but I really got to get going. I’ll see you next week.”

Inga sighed and nodded her head, she put some track shorts and a tank top on as Brad dressed himself. He walked up to her and put his fingers on her chin, raising her head to look her in the eyes. “I promise I’ll still be around, darling,” he said as he kissed her.

This made Inga feel better and she smiled. “Ok,” she said as she walked him to the door.

Brad left and began walking to the elevator. As he got there, the door opened and Josh emerged, looking pissed off. Brad smiled and said, “Did you get my snaps?” Josh brushed passed him in a rage and Brad chuckled to himself as he got on the elevator and made his way home.


Written by LustfullSilvia99
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