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Brad and Priya

"Brad meets Priya, he breeds her"

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The past few months had been very enjoyable ones for Brad. He had previously impregnated Inga, (see Superior Genes and Brad and Inga) and she had introduced him to her friend, Aika, who he took a liking to and had also slept with. In the subsequent weeks, he had busied himself, sleeping with both women, and Aika had announced that she was pregnant with his child.

Brad reveled in the fact that he got both of these women pregnant, and he continued to have sex with them in the ensuing months. About 5 months after meeting and impregnating Inga and Aika, the two women had baby bumps and were carrying Brad’s healthy children. It was in the fifth month of their pregnancies that the two women began talking about introducing Brad to their friend Priya.

Inga said, “I think they will definitely hit it off,” with a smile.

Aika countered, “I am not so sure, I am rather shy but Priya is far shyer and way more conservative than me. Plus, Brad is an acquired taste, I think she may be intimidated by him.”

Inga sat there and pondered this for a bit, then said, “Well, what’s the harm of introducing them?”

The friend they were referring to, was Priya. She was born in Northern India, but her family moved to the US when she was just a child. However, despite the move, her family still clung on to the traditions of her homeland, and, as a result, she was forbidden from dating non-Hindu men, despite the fact her beauty attracted many men of various backgrounds.

Priya was young, a recent college grad, and a newlywed. Unfortunately for poor Priya, her family had set her up with a man she didn’t love. Her husband, Dhruv, was not the best-looking man and was very controlling. He refused to let her work, and while he justified this by telling her that his job made plenty of money and that they had no need for her to work, she suspected he was secretly jealous someone would steal her away.

Despite this, she was allowed to go out with friends, primarily other Indian women. She met Aika through one of her friends who worked with her, and through Aika, she met Inga. The trio would often get coffee together or go shopping, and Inga and Aika would encourage Priya to defy her husband’s restrictive nature. Despite this, she seldom did.

She was slightly tall for an Indian woman, standing at around five foot five inches. She had rather large, C cup breasts with perfect meaty dark brown nipples. Her butt was perky and was hard to conceal in any clothing she wore. Finally, her dark black hair cascaded down to her mid-back, completing her sexy look.

Since both Inga and Aika vehemently disliked Priya’s husband, the two women agreed that introducing her to Brad would be a good step in helping Priya become independent and stand up to her constricting husband. After much convincing, Priya agreed to meet Brad with them over lunch. When she told her husband where she was going, she dared not mention Brad’s inclusion into the lunch date.

It did not take long at all for Aika and Inga to convince Brad to come and meet Priya. He had been busying himself the past few months spending his time fucking Inga, Aika, or any other woman he would meet. He was anxious to meet Priya, because his two lovers talked her up quite a bit, and he figured that, if she was friends with Inga and Aika, she would probably be open to allowing him to impregnate her.

Brad arrived at the restaurant and saw both of his lovers and Priya sitting at the table. The two pregnant women got up slowly, as their babies weighed them down, and went to embrace Brad. He hugged and kissed them, and asked them about the babies’ health. All the while, he was eying Priya and started getting slightly turned on as he did so.

As they all sat down, they started talking. However, Priya was mostly silent. She was very attracted to Brad, as he was very hot. Deep down, she thought that if he offered her sex, she would say yes. However, she knew logically that this would not be feasible and as a result, if he did ask, she would probably say no.

As Priya watched Brad and her two friends chat, she was startled when Brad turned to her and said, “So, Priya, tell me a bit about you.”

She blushed and said, “well, I am married, I am 23… and I don’t get out much.” They all giggled, and Brad thought that this girl was very cute, and she reveled in her shyness. He would love turning this shy good girl into a whore that would do anything for him.

Brad then asked, “Why don’t you get out much?”

This prompted Priya to respond, “Well, my husband is very traditional. He doesn’t want me to work, and he definitely would not approve of me hanging out with a man.”

Brad could feel his cock begin to harden. He could sense that this woman wanted an escape from her husband’s borderline abusive grasp, and he would be more than happy to fulfill that role. He smiled and said, “Well that’s ok, I would be nervous other men would steal you away if I were him, given your beauty.”

Priya blushed, looked down and said, “Well, thank you.”

Brad then continued, “Would you like to spend some time with me? I am very good at entertaining beautiful women like you…” As he said this, he rubbed the baby bumps of Inga and Aika, causing them to blush.

Priya then smiled and said, “No, thank you though. Very tempting but my husband would freak out.”

Brad then smiled and shook his head. This girl would be a tough nut to crack, he knew she wouldn’t cheat on her husband unless thrust into the situation. He knew what he had to do.

The four of them chatted, and after a while, Inga and Aika had to go back to work. They had carpooled, so they excused themselves and left. Soon after they left, Priya excused herself to go back to her gilded birdcage that she called home.

After Priya was about ten yards from the table, Brad got up and followed her. She didn’t notice, but, once she got outside, she felt a large, firm hand on her round ass. She yelped and quickly tried to turn around, however, a hand on her shoulder stopped her and she was guided to a dark alley by the restaurant.

The stranger guided her behind an AC unit to where they were concealed from the general public. The hands then gripped her arms and turned her around and her eyes widened when she saw Brad, towering over her with lust in his eyes.

She exclaimed, “Brad wha-“ but she was cut off by his lips on her mouth.

He forcefully shoved his tongue down her throat, canceling out her screams. She tried desperately to push him off her, and she began hitting his chest, but these minor blows had no effect. Brad’s hands roamed her body. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and she felt one of Brad’s hands grasping her ass cheeks while the other was kneading one of her large breasts.

She kept trying to resist him, but Brad began to take notice that she wasn’t hitting him as much, and her efforts to scream began to diminish. She felt his lips curl into a smile, and he broke off the kiss. Priya was gasping for breath, and she said, “Brad! Please let me go and I promise I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Brad chuckled and said, “We are going to go further and I know you won’t tell anyone about it because you’ll want more.”

A look of hatred came to her face and she tried to knee him in the groin, but his leg blocked hers and he drove his leg in between hers and spread them. Brad then began undoing the fly of her jeans, and then he grabbed the waist and pulled both her pants and panties down to her knees. Priya felt the cool air hit her wet pussy. She was very shocked that she was wet.

Brad then commented, “Well well, it looks like someone’s wet. Just relax and I promise that you will enjoy it.”

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Priya could not deny, she was actually enjoying herself. She didn’t even know why she had fought back so much. To protect her honor and her asshole of a husband’s pride? Brad’s words soothed her and she began to calm down a bit.

Brad then turned her around forcefully. Priya heard Brad’s fly go down, and felt a massive fleshy object on one of her ass cheeks. Then, she felt him rub his cock up and down her wet slit. She had a rather thick mess of black pubic hair, but Brad didn’t mind.

She then felt Brad force himself into her. Brad was only the second cock she had ever had, and by a factor of two, the largest. Brad grunted with the exertion of penetrating Priya. She wasn’t as tight as Aika, due to Aika being more petite. However, Priya had surprisingly well-defined vaginal muscles, and her pussy was far wetter than Inga and Aika’s.

While he normally would have let her get used to his cock, her wetness, combined with the semipublic nature of their mating, caused Brad to begin thrusting in her. They both started moaning as Brad penetrated Priya quite fully. He began to pick up the pace, and the sound of their moans, and the sound of his balls and hips, slamming against her heart shape bottom rang through the ally.

Priya began to feel an orgasm building up in her core. Her hands on the wall clenched into fists as her cunt begin to spasm and contract. Her thick, nearly black cunt lips did their best to wring Brad dry, as they clenched down hard on his member.

However, Brad was enjoying the situation he was in too much to cum. He physically clenched his urethra so that he could hold on longer. He loved the primal sounds of their coupling, he enjoyed her firm, round light brown ass, and her large womanly hips. This woman was made to have babies; HIS babies. He loved how he had been able to claim this woman as another one of his mothers to be.

With this, Brad began to pick up the pace, and as he felt Priya’s second orgasm come on, he let loose, and ejaculated so much cum in her, that some began to seep out of her and drip on to her panties. Brad groaned with pleasure as he seeded this woman. And Priya felt her inner core and vaginal canal get wet with his viscous semen.

He kissed her again and withdrew from her with a plop, and semen began to ooze out of her. She laid against the wall and was breathing. She felt so violated, so angry, however, deep down, she felt so turned on.

Brad smiled and said, “Here is my number.” As he tucked his number into her bra, she looked at him with hatred.

“I will see you later dear,” Brad said.

Priya then replied, “I hate you.”

Brad chuckled then walked away.

The next few weeks were difficult for Priya, she didn’t dare tell her husband about her encounter with Brad, as that would mean divorce and her family disowning her. However, she couldn’t deny that deep down she secretly enjoyed her encounter. This coupled with the fact after about two weeks she began throwing up, a clear sign of morning sickness.

Conversely, Brad hadn’t put much thought into their encounter. While he wished to fuck Priya again, he busied himself with work, girls, and sleeping with Inga and Aika. He had actually been planning a trip to some of the red states, where he planned to knock up a girl in each state where abortion laws were more stringent, meaning they would most likely bear his children. He especially hoped to find married women there to fuck.

He was looking at plane tickets when he got a text from a number he didn’t know. It was from Priya.

Priya: “Just wanted to let you know, I’ve been thinking of you.”


Brad looked at his phone and saw that Priya had sent him a message. He opened it up and even he was shocked at her complete change of heart. He typed a message back.

Brad: “You look very sexy. I would love to see you in person again. I’d also like it if you took that top off too.”

Priya: “I bought sexy underwear to wear just for you.” 


Brad: “Wow! You look even more beautiful than when we had sex. I would love for you to show me what you are going to wear when I come over…”


Brad: “Love your ass. Your tits are going to look great nursing the child I will put in you. And your loser husband will think that it’s his. So much the better.”

Priya: “You already got me pregnant. You know Brad, you really are an asshole.”1564380411971.jpg

The images, coupled with the fact he had already bred Priya got him so aroused that he texted her back.

Brad: “I want to come over, send me your address.”

She sent him her address and then sent,

Priya: “Come and get it.”


Brad made his way to her place. He rang her doorbell, and true to her word, she answered him in just her white thong. He picked her up by her ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He carried her to the bed and laid her down on it. His hands roamed her body, cupping her breasts and tweaking her dark nipples, eliciting moans from her. He then began to feel her crotch. There was a large, dark wet spot on her thong, and Brad knew he would surely fuck this girl.

By this point, both of them were groaning in lust, like two wild animals ready to mate. Brad undid the fly of his pants and threw them off. He then moved the crotch of Priya’s thong to the side and he penetrated her fully.

Priya’s insides were so wet. Her juices actually leaked down her thighs and started making a puddle of fluids on the bed as she had been so sexually frustrated the past few weeks that her lust had been built up.

Brad penetrated her with ease. Her vagina was tight, however, her wetness made it very easy to stick his massive dick in her. He began to thrust into her, clenching his ass with each thrust. He grunted each time from the bottom of his throat.

She started moaning, wrapping her strong legs and thighs around him and pushing him into her. Her legs were so powerful that he felt she was going to crush his spine. The sound of their moans and the slapping of skin on skin filled the room.

Brad sucked on Priya’s neck, leaving hickeys she would have difficulty concealing afterward. Soon, Priya felt the onset of an orgasm, Brad also felt her orgasm brewing as the deep recesses of her vagina began to contract around the head of his penis.

She then came, having her vagina contract from the deepest part of her vagina down, in waves, quite literally milking Brad’s cock. Try as he might, Brad couldn’t help it and came a massive volume of semen into his Indian lover.

They laid intertwined for a while. Semen and feminine juices began leaking out of Priya, onto the bed, creating a mess she would have to clean up later. After some time, and a make-out session, Brad got off Priya.

He then started getting dressed, he said, “Glad you came around babe.”

Priya was still laying on the bed, panting, and said, “I am too. My husband will be delighted when the baby comes out pale. In my region of India, light skin is valued.”

Brad smiled and asked, “He won’t expect anything?”

She laughed and said, “Of course not he barely notices me and he doesn’t know that I am talking to you. You will be my secret white lover.”

Brad had to go, so he kissed her and said, “I am probably going to go on a trip. But when I get back, I will fuck you so many times your pussy will be sore.” She kissed him again and he left.

Written by LustfullSilvia99
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