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Cuckolding My Husband

"A wife comes so close to straying outside her marriage."

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Author's Notes

"A story born of an unfulfilled fantasy. If you like it, give that old like icon a tap and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

As a professional woman in my early forties, I hold a mid-level management position with the national government. This position requires me to travel frequently but rarely for more than a few days. Once a year I have to travel for a week for an inter-governmental conference to make sure local policies align with the national ones.

 It was on this week-long trip last year that I came very, very close to violating my marriage vows. My flight home had gotten delayed and after calling my husband and telling him the bad news, I returned to the hotel that the airline provided and took out my favourite toy for a quick session of stress relief.

My husband and I had made several video calls during the week during which we masturbated for each other while describing our fantasy of the day. We both have fairly active imaginations and often fantasize in bed but never once have we acted on any of them, at least not those that involved fucking other people.

Twenty minutes later, my stress was temporarily relieved, I took a shower and went down to the hotel lounge for dinner and a few stiff drinks. It was while sipping on my second glass of white wine that I saw him, a hunk of a man, tall and rough-looking. He looked like he worked with his hands and his work kept him fit.

He sat at a table a few yards away and we made surreptitious eye contact as he waited for his dinner. “Your flight got delayed too?” he asked. I nodded my head before bringing my glass from my lips. I looked at the dark red lipstick stain on the rim and then at his face.

I switched hands on my glass to show off my wedding rings just in case he was getting any silly ideas. “Yeah, have to wait until the morning,” I said. “My husband is not too happy about it either.”

“He doesn’t trust you?” the handsome stranger asked.

“Oh, he trusts me,” I replied. “But I made certain suggestions to him about what might happen when I got home tonight and he’s more than a little disappointed.” I smiled and looked down at my hands, they were shaking and I felt a warmth in my pussy that my vibrator had failed to completely satisfy. I mean, I like my toys a lot, but they are no substitute for the real thing, and the real thing was what I was craving.

“I guess he’ll just have to take care of his problems by himself tonight,” he teased. “My wife is not happy about my extra day on the road either,” he said.

“Do you travel a lot?” I asked him.

He nodded, “Yes, I’m on the road two weeks out of every month.”

“Wow, that’s a lot,” I replied. “I don’t think I’d like to travel that much.” He just shrugged. The waitress brought his meal over and after making sure he had everything he needed, she turned to me.

“Can I get you anything else, Ma’am?” she asked.

“One more glass of house white,” I replied. I had thought about going back upstairs and taking a nice bath before fucking myself silly but something inside told me I should stay and make conversation with this hunk to ratchet up my libido before doing so. At that point,  I was not entertaining any thoughts about going to his room or inviting him to mine.

“Put her drink on my bill,” he said to the waitress. She looked at me for my agreement and I nodded imperceptibly before smiling and thanking him.

I let my eyes wander around the room, watching the other guests and imagining a story for each of them. In one corner was a young couple who could barely keep their hands off each other. “Newlyweds,” I thought. At the bar were two overweight, balding men arguing about sports and getting louder with each drink. “Ughh,” I thought with disgust. But try as I might to avoid it, my eyes kept drifting back to this cute man nearest to me.

He finished his meal and then glanced my way, by this time my glass was almost empty and I looked around for the waitress to settle my tab. My mind was racing at this point and after four drinks, I knew my inhibitions would soon drift away and, left to my own devices, I might do something stupid.

Then he spoke again. “Do you have any plans for the evening?” My legs jellied as my vagina twitched and the familiar warmth spread through it. I shook my head. “Would you join me for one more drink?”

“I shouldn’t,” I replied, my resistance fading. “I’ve already had four and my flight leaves at 8:00 AM.”

“It’s just one more,” he said, raising his hands. “I promise, I have no ill intentions, your virtue is safe.”

“But yours might not be!” I thought. Then I looked at my watch and thought about my husband. I should have been getting home about now and he would have gone all out like he always does after my week away. Dinner, a nice wine, flowers, chocolates, our bedroom candlelit, the hot tub steaming, he can be very romantic.

I got up and moved to his table, extending my hand, “I’m Olivia.”

“Albert,” he replied, “Al to my friends.”

“Nice to meet you, Albert,” I replied. He wasn’t my friend yet but my loins were dragging my soul that way. I didn’t bother telling him that my friends call me Libby. My fresh glass of wine arrived and I raised it, “To what shall we toast?”

“To never having another delayed flight again!” he said, raising his glass of single malt.

I laughed out loud, “I’ll drink to that!” We each sipped and then looked at each other.

“Your husband is a lucky man,” he said, reaching into my soul with his eyes. His hand may have been rough and his face weathered but his eyes conveyed a softness, a kindness that I hadn’t noticed before. Another spread of warmth through my pussy made me wonder if he was good in bed.

“Al, please don’t,” I said weakly.

“Don’t what?” he whispered.

“Don’t try to seduce me,” I said. I took a deep breath, “I can’t let this happen.”

“Let what happen?” he said. “There’s nothing happening here more than two people having a drink.”

“Not for you maybe,” I thought as the image of him naked and hard passed through my alcohol-addled brain. I gulped down my wine, “I have to go.”

“Why,” he asked. “Did I say something?”

“No, Albert, you didn’t say anything but I’m imagining things I shouldn’t be imagining. I can’t let myself do that.” I tried to stand but his hand covered mine.

“Would that be so awful?” he asked. I stared at him, he had seduced me without even trying. Damn, my overactive mind and raging libido!

“It would probably be amazing,” I admitted. “That’s why it can’t happen. I have never once cheated and I’m not about to start now!”

“As you wish,” he said. “Maybe I misread you. I apologize.”

“God Dammit!” I thought. “I’m sorry, I’m lonely and half drunk and horny and I let my mind get away from me.” I gasped when I realized what I had told this stranger and hoped he didn’t get the wrong idea. He smiled warmly.

“I get it,” he said. “I feel the same way. It’s disappointing when you get to looking forward to something and then something else happens to get in the way of it.” He drained his drink and waved to the waitress for his bill. “I’m going to my room.”

“Why did he tell me that?” I wondered. “That is information I did not need!!” My insides flopped and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him. I wanted to ask him if he would like me to join him but instead, I said, “I think I’ll turn in too. Maybe call my husband.”

I stood up on shaky knees as the waitress came over. I signed the ticket to bill my dinner and drinks to my room and turned to walk to the elevators. Al followed behind me and waited a respectful distance away as the car descended to our floor. The door opened and I got in, pressing the button for my floor and then standing back for him to press his. He didn’t move.

“No way!” I thought, “We can’t be on the same floor. I looked at him and he smiled.

“Funny coincidence,” he said. He stood on the opposite side of the elevator car as it ascended. The chime sounded and he got out, turning to his left to go to his room. I waited until he got a few paces in front of me and followed him down the hallway. My heart almost stopped when he did in front of his room door – he was right across the hall from me.

“If I didn’t know better, I might think it was fate,” he said. I didn’t know what to say so I fumbled in my purse for my key card. When I found it, I took it out and promptly dropped it on the floor. We both bent to pick it up and our hands touched. The next thing I knew we were stumbling into my room, pawing at each other as our tongues danced inside each other's mouths.

I felt his strong hands on my back, pulling me into his firm body. I could feel his firmness against my belly as we groped each other, our mouths only parting long enough for us to take a ragged breath. His hands cupped my ass and lifted me into him and there was no doubt that he wanted me. His hands moved to my chest, cupping my breasts as he turned me around. His cock was now rock hard against my ass.

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His hot breath on my neck caused me to crane my head back to allow him access. His rough beard felt good against my skin as I ground my butt into him, conveying the wanting that I tried so desperately to deny. After a few moments, I turned to face him and we kissed, our lips mashing against each other’s before I knelt in front of him and undid his belt buckle. I undid the button and opened the zipper to slide his pants down and there it was in all its glory, eight hard inches of pink cock, the cut head a deep purple as it throbbed mere fractions of an inch in front of my nose.

Instinctively, I opened my mouth but just before my tongue flicked forward I realized what I was doing. I pushed myself away and stood up quickly, putting as much distance as I could between us.

“Oh God, Al, I’m sorry, I just can’t! I gasped. “I can’t do this! I want to, God only knows how badly I want to but I can’t! Please forgive me?” I sat on the bed and sobbed.

He took a deep breath and pulled up his pants, closing the button and pulling up the zipper. He came over and knelt in front of me. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed,” he said softly. “But I understand.” He reached down, took my hands, and pulled me to my feet. He turned, picked up my purse and handed it to me. Then he took my hand in his and walked me to the door. His finger moved to under my chin and he lifted my face to his.

“We could have been really good you know,” he said. “But maybe it’s for the best.”

“It is,” I whispered. He leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head. “No, don’t,” I said. I raised his fingers and kissed them instead, “Thank you for understanding.” He nodded before turning and opening the door to leave.

When the door clicked shut I collapsed on the floor sobbing, ashamed by what had almost happened. I cried for a few minutes before gathering myself and getting up to go to the washroom. I stripped off and looked at myself in the mirror, noticing the flush of my arousal and the slight redness where his whiskers had abraded my skin.

I reached between my legs and felt myself. My pussy was not damp, it was soaked, my fluid leaking out and down the insides of my thighs. “Oh God, that was close!” I said to the reflection in the mirror. The guilt was crushing me, “I have to call him! I have to confess.” Naked I scrambled back and fished my phone out of my purse before climbing onto the bed. With shaking hands, I tapped the icons to start a video chat with my husband.

“Hi sweetheart!” he said brightly. “I didn’t expect to hear from you tonight!”

I gathered myself, “I’m so sorry!” I sobbed.

“What happened?” he asked me, “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know!” I cried as I moved the phone away to show him my naked body.

“Well now, somebody is feeling horny!”

“It’s not what you think,” I said through my tears. “I almost did a terrible thing tonight.” He started to speak but I shushed him. “I have to tell you!” He listened quietly as I related the events of the evening, concluding with a strange man’s cock just millimetres from my lips.

“But you stopped, baby, that’s what counts,” he said softly. I started sobbing again and he spoke soft soothing words. “It’s okay baby, you were a ball of emotion and frustration. The important thing is that you didn’t go through with it. That’s what matters.”

“But what if I had?” I asked.

“Did you want to?” he replied.

“Oh my God, so much!” I confessed. “I’m so sorry, I’ve betrayed you!”

“No, baby, you didn’t and I’ll tell you why.” He waited for me to stop crying and start listening. “The fact that you stopped it proves to me that you love me, more than I had known. We all make mistakes, sweetie, everybody does. But you stopped it and that makes me happy.” He smiled at me and I realized he wasn’t angry.

I thanked him and told him I loved him and couldn’t wait until I got home to show him how much. Then he said something that shocked me.

“Did he have a big cock?” he asked me.

I was speechless and had to think for a moment. “Yeah, he did,” I admitted.

“Bigger than mine?” he asked. I nodded. “Did you want to suck it?” I nodded again. “Could you have taken him all the way?”

“Maybe, I don’t know,” I said. There it was, the wetness in my pussy again. “Why are you asking me this?”

“Because I’m horny and I want to watch you fuck yourself with your toy,” he said. “You’re horny too, aren’t you? You are all wet just thinking about him. Let the fantasy play out.” I watched as the image jiggled for a moment or two, then came clear. My husband was lying on our bed with his cock in his hand. “Tell me about him. Tell me what you wanted to do to him.”

I got the message and propped my phone up so he could watch me on the bed. I reached over to the nightstand and retrieved my favourite, the curved one with the bulbous head that made my G-spot shiver. I laid back and slid it along my pussy lips to moisten it before turning it on and pressing it against my clit.

“I wanted him,” I said. “I wanted to suck his cock into my throat and have him drive his balls against my chin.” My breath was once again ragged as I recalled his scent, his touch, his manliness. “I wanted him to cum in my mouth and then have him eat my cunt!”

“Was he a good kisser?” my husband asked.

“He was a very good kisser, better than you are,” I admitted.

“No comparisons,” he said. Just tell me the details. I slipped the toy inside my near-liquid cunt and pressed it upward against my magic spot. My groan told my husband that I had found the promised land.

“And after you sucked him dry and he ate your sweet cunt, what then?” he asked.

“Mmmmm, then I would take his cock back in my mouth and make it hard again!” I was so close by this time I had trouble speaking.

“And?” my husband asked.

“And then, I would roll over on all fours, stick my ass in the air and beg him to fuck my pussy!” That image triggered my orgasm and I screamed so loud I’m certain my husband could have heard me without the phone.

“Would you offer him your ass?” he asked.

“If he wanted it, I would give it to him!” I confessed. “OH GOD ANOTHER ONE!” and I came again, my pussy making squelching noises as I fucked it with my vibrator.

“And when he finished, would you suck all of your combined cum from his big cock?” He was close now.

“You know I would, just like I do to you!” I had recovered enough to watch my husband’s orgasm, his cum spurting out and landing on his chest. “Oh, baby I wish I was there to lick up your cum!” He gasped for a few moments and his eyes opened.

“Me too,” he rasped. “I wish I was there to lick up yours!” We both laid back to catch our breath and then he spoke.

“Promise me something,” he said.

“What baby, anything!” I said.

“If something like that ever happens again, go through with it and tell me all about it afterward.” I was stunned. I couldn’t believe my husband had just given me permission, nay begged me, to fuck a stranger.

“Are you serious?” I asked him, my eyes wide open.

“As a heart attack,” he said. “I just realized I want to watch you fuck another man.”

“I know we’ve talked about it but are you sure?” I still couldn’t believe it.

“I am certain, sweetheart. I want to watch my beautiful wife, who I love more than life itself, get properly fucked by a complete stranger. I want to watch you suck his cock, to swallow his cum, to see his cum leaking out of your sweet, sweet pussy and your perfect ass!” He groaned as he came for the second time in quick succession.

“Fuck, baby, that would have been good information to have an hour ago!” I giggled. “You better be ready when I get home in the morning. I am going to fuck you into next week!”

“That’s why I want you to fuck another man!” he said.

“What about you?” I asked. “Do you want to fuck another woman?”

“Maybe, if the opportunity comes up,” he said. “But this is about you, not me.”

I’m pretty sure it’s about you,” I laughed again. Then I had another naughty thought. “Tell me, if I came home with my cunt all full of another man’s come, would you clean me up?”

“You know it!” he said enthusiastically. “Every last drop!”

“Well then,” I said, “I think our lives just took a very interesting turn!” I watched him leave the screen as he padded off to the washroom. When he returned, I said, “We’re going to talk more about this tomorrow.”

“Before or after I fuck your tight ass?” he said with a wicked grin.

“After you lick your cum from it!” I replied.

“I can’t wait!” he said. We talked a bit more and I answered his questions about Al until we were both horny enough to masturbate again. Shortly after I soaked the bedsheets we bid each other good night with several "I love you’s" and promises of the fucking we would get at on my arrival the next day. I shifted over to the other queen bed because the one I had been using was one large wet spot. Sated and serene, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I was as hungover as I had ever been when saw Al in the lobby as I checked out but I don’t think he saw me. My panties became wet again as I recalled the previous evening. Three hours later, my husband was licking his cum from my asshole after I recalled the events of the previous evening and the things I would do at the next opportunity.

I told you that story to tell you the next one…

Written by CaressofSteel
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