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In The Still Of The Night Chapter 3

"A long night of fantasy fulfilled and desire un-sated"

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Sleep did finally come to Terry. Men often find that solitude after such a climactic event. He had expected a tidal wave of guilt after his wife’s friend had stroked him to completion again. What made it worse was that she did it on their bed. He was almost disappointed when the guilt came as less of a tidal wave. Rather it came as more of a wading pool.

He didn’t love Kristy any less nor did he want to lose her. The thing just happened. Truth be told, he didn’t try to stop it. No, and rather he could have been seen to have invited Crystal onto the bed. She stood there, so lovely and sexy, in her nightshirt and panties. For all he knew, she wouldn’t have joined him, much less touched him had he not made room for her. 

Shaking that thought from his head, he remembered that night, three weeks ago when she did touch him without invitation. He remembered how warm she felt pressing her body to his, reaching around him. He could still feel her soft grip on his shaft and the resulting climax. 

‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘She would have.’

That thought in itself was enough to dry the ankle-deep pool of guilt. Sleep took him in her arms like a mother comforting her crying baby. A sound sleep that brought dreams. Dreams of Crystal. Dreams of a different world. They were together on a ledge. An outcropping of rock and earth high above an ocean that crashed against the cliff far below them. 

The sun was setting across the ocean causing the beauty of the sky to glow as a work of Michaelangelo. The beauty brought a memory of the artist's words so long forgotten from his college days.

“Amid the gloom where only sad thoughts reign, With too much rapture bringing light again, Threaten my life more than agony. Good news and bad may bear the same knife; And death may follow both upon their flight; For hearts that shrink or swell, alike will break.”

The words of the poet rang in his head as they made love on the grassy earth below that purple sky. His heart was inspired to shout the words of Michaelangelo from the edge of that abyss. Suddenly they were at the apex of their forbidden lusty fuck, alone in that paradise when the earth shook from beneath them. Falling, their ledge crumbling under their naked bodies, he woke in a panicked sweat. 

Terry stood on wobbly legs, trying to shake off the dismay of the dream. He needed a shower, his body covered in sweat and the dried cum from earlier. Not bothering with clothes, he walked down the darkened hallway to the bathroom. He pushed the door nearly shut but not completely. He knew better but somehow, didn’t care. The light cast a sliver of brightness on Crystal's bedroom door.

He didn’t bother being quiet, sliding the glass door shut with a thump. The hot water brought him to his senses. He just stood under the showerhead and let it wash away his fears. There was just something about bright lights and hot water. Ten minutes of steamy air in his lungs and hot water on his shoulders before he turned the valve off.

Shocked when he slid the door open, Crystal leaned against the vanity, sipping a glass of white wine. Another glass sat on the granite countertop, sweating its condensation. He stood naked, frozen in surprise, staring at his secret sin.

“Are you okay?” She asked, not yet turning to look at him. 

Water dripped from his hair onto his face and shoulders, running in beads down his body. A deep breath and he wiped his face with his palm, “Yeah. I had a bad dream.”

She pushed his glass of wine closer to him and then turned to the linen cabinet to fetch him a towel. Turning to hand him the towel, she saw him drinking a sip, having stepped from the shower. He stood; a tiny trickle of water ran from the tip of his cock as if he were pissing on the floor. 

His body, to her, was a work of art. She admired his toned muscularity. His hard work in the gym and the miles he ran every week had sculpted him. She also liked the long, thick cock that hung heavily between his thighs. Doing her best not to stare, she answered, “Yeah, I’ve had one or two of those lately. Nightmares suck.”

“Thank you,” he said, setting his glass down and taking the towel she offered, “It wasn’t really a nightmare.”

“You want to talk about it?” She asked, “There is another bottle of wine in the fridge.”

“Uh,” he winced, wrapping the towel around his waist, “I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind another glass. I guess I should put something on.”

“I guess,” she said, still not looking directly at him, “I’ll get the wine and meet you in the living room.”

“Ok,” Terry answered, watching her walk out. She had changed clothes after their little encounter earlier. He noticed the white thong when she turned away, her tee-shirt did nothing to cover her tight little ass. He couldn’t take his eyes off it before she disappeared around the door. His cock instantly began to respond.

Shaking her from his head, he decided to just wrap himself in his bathrobe and join her. He took the glass from the countertop and swallowed the remaining contents, throwing his used towel into the hamper. Feeling awake and not the least bit guilty, he walked naked from the bathroom, his cock half erect and bobbing lazily in front of him. Terry stepped into his bedroom just long enough to get his bathrobe, tying it at the waist, he walked back into the hall and headed for the living room. 

Crystal was sitting on one end of the sofa, cross-legged with a full glass of wine. Terry sat in front of her, her knees spread wide, and held his empty glass for her to fill. She poured the wine, filling his glass to near running over. She turned her glass up, emptying it in seconds, “How do you pick?” She asked, refilling her glass.

He could tell that she was feeling the effects of the wine, “What do you mean?”

“The videos,” she said, sipping her glass, “How do you choose?”

The sat, her knees touching his hip and his thigh. The tiny white panties that she wore were very sheer, her pussy all but visible. That is if he had been looking. Still not making eye contact, Terry answered, “I guess it just depends.”

“Grandma wears Depends,” she laughed, “Tell me what turns you on and what makes you jack off every night.”

“Well it’s not grannies in Depends,” he laughed, finally glancing at her face, “I like sexy things. Things like what I was watching tonight.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, “That was hot. What else.”

“You know,” he said, dropping his gaze back to his glass, now half-empty, “Things like teachers and nuns...”

“Trannies,” she interrupted.

“Yeah, um, about that.”

“I’m not judging,” she said, rubbing his shoulder, “It’s kinky. Kinky is hot.”

He looked her in the eye, “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “But I gotta say, that was fucking hot tonight.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, “First time I’ve seen that. I was thinking that I may look at more of those.”

Crystal downed the rest of the wine in her glass, “Tonight?” She asked, leaning back, her nipples erect under the thin material of her tee-shirt. 

“Probably,” he said, looking at her, “It’s not like Kristy is going to be here.”

“You jack off a lot,” Crystal said in a matter-of-fact tone, “Doesn’t Kristy satisfy you?”

“What?” He choked, “Yeah, absolutely. She’s great.”

“Then why?”

“It’s just what I do for me,” he shrugged, realizing his hand was on her knee, “I work for the family, which includes you. I take care of this little farm, for the sake of the property. I just need something for me.”

Her hand was on top of his, her reaction to his inclusion of her as part of his family. She was looking sweetly into his eyes and pouting, “I’ve been a burden on you and I’ve intruded into your private time.”

“No,” he said, letting his hand slowly slide back and forth on her soft thigh, “It’s been a pleasure having you here. As far as my private time, you have made it exciting.”

She had refilled both glasses, emptying the bottle and surprising him by standing, “I’m going to bed,” she said, surprisingly steady and clear. The wine had mellowed her more than anything, a result of the last year of life after an abusive asshole of a now ex-husband. “Hope you have fun with your private time.”

Terry sat on the couch and quietly watched her walk into the darkness of the hall. He lost himself in the wine and the thought of his pretty houseguest. He had been enthralled with her ever since the first time he saw her. The experience from three weeks ago and the one just two hours ago had made his desire stronger. He felt as though they had already taken a step over the line. 

He comforted himself, remembering that he had not touched her. He had not even seen her without panties. The first time, she stood behind him. He had no idea what she wore. Tonight, her panties hid her nakedness from his hungry eyes. For all he had felt in the previous weeks, he hadn’t actually cheated. He could only wonder how long it would be before that changed. 

Finishing his wine, he took the slow walk to his bedroom. He had to pass hers on the way and was almost surprised that her door was open. Again, he could hear the low-pitched buzz of her toy, muted by the sheets that covered her body, “Hey, Terry,” came a hoarse, sexy voice from the darkness.

“I’m going to lay down,” he said.

“Okay,” Crystal replied, the buzzing suddenly disappearing, “Going to sleep?”

“Um,” he said, hesitating for just a second or two, “Probably not right away.”

“Have fun,” she said.

He could almost hear the smile in her voice, “I’ll try,” he said, “If you get bored, uhm.”

Terry turned to go but was surprised when she appeared at her door. 

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Crystal leaned against the door frame, her hair just messy enough to be sexy, “I’m already bored. She looked him in the eyes and waited for him to respond, the faint odor of her sex wafted through the night air, but Terry stood, like a young boy afraid to take the next step.

After a few seconds, Crystal knew it would be up to her so she brushed the back of his hand with hers. His eyes dropped to see her nipples pressing so visibly erect against the thin material of her baggy shirt. His cock began to respond to the warm contact of her hand signal and the smell of her sex. 

“Come on then,” he hoarsely whispered, turning toward his room and hooking her pinky with his. In his mind, this was the first time he truly invited her to join him, his soul fighting to expel the guilty pangs running through his conscience. He loved his wife but this was such a long-held fantasy. 

His room was dark so he flipped the light switch and then moved the dimmer to the lowest setting. Just enough light to see her. His bed was messy from their first encounter but that didn’t concern either of them. 

“What are we going to watch this time?” She asked.

Terry took his phone and opened the Pornhub site again. It was paused on the same video they were watching earlier. Hitting the play button, he said, “This was pretty hot, I think I’ll finish it.”

Crystal was standing behind him, arms around his waist and looking over his shoulder, “Yeah. I agree.” She loosed the knot in his robe and let it fall open. His cock was half hard and growing as she pulled his robe from his shoulders. “Lie down,” she softly whispered. 

Terry let the robe fall to the floor, completely naked and nervously aroused, he lay back on his pillow. She surprised him by taking her shirt off, revealing her pert breasts. Her nipples, clearly erect, stood proudly pointing at the ceiling.

If he weren’t hard before, he was a piece of steel now. His heartbeat was like a bass drum, sending throbbing pulses of blood through his cock. He watched her as she lay again crotch to crotch, her tiny white panties dampened by the juices of her lust. He had the video playing on his phone but just couldn’t tear his eyes from her perfect body.

Crystal was lost in the lust of the moment, her hands touching and caressing her body. She watched Terry’s cock bounce with his heartbeat, unable to resist, she grasped his thick shaft in her hand, stroking him slowly, “You can touch me if you want,” she whispered, “It’s okay.”

He watched her stroke his cock, her fingers tightly wrapped around it, forcing his head to swell on the upstroke. Her other hand pressed her little panties onto her pussy. Those white panties were nearly see-through from being soaked in pussy juices. His hand was busy caressing the smoothness of her calf, her skin warm under his palm. 

“You are so hard,” she smiled, her hand gripping him, “So thick and long. Kristy is a lucky girl.”

Terry smiled through the guilt of hearing his wife’s name spoken by her best friend while he was in the middle of betraying her love. Crystal saw the change in his expression though. She saw the guilt in his eyes and knew she had gone too far. Wanting this to continue, she had to bring him back to the moment.

Stroking him with her right hand, she pulled her panties to the side, revealing her pussy to him. She saw his eyes fixed now on her sex as she stroked her clitoris with the tip of her index finger. His hips instinctively began to grind up and down, his balls wetted by the moisture that trickled from her heated sex.

Her eyes watched his watching her and she knew she had him back. She also knew better than to repeat that mistake. She began to grind her ass against his, spreading her wetness onto his balls, “Touch me, Terry,” she whispered, nearly a beg, “Please touch me.”

His eyes glassed over, lost in his lust for this beautiful woman. He had wanted to touch her so many times. He had fantasized about this touch for so long and now it was at his fingertips. He wanted it so much that he could taste it like a child in a candy store. His mind wrestled with the thought though. His lust was driven by fantasy. This moment would change that forever. The fantasy would be a reality after this. 

She could see the struggle and could read his mind, “Don’t worry,” she soothed, “There are so many things we can explore. Touch me, Terry.”

A deep breath. She was right. This didn’t have to end his fantasies. With a hand on each of her knees, he slid them both up her smooth, soft skin. He saw the whiteness of her thighs under the dark tanned skin of his hands. He stroked her thighs, slowly up and down, watching her finger playing with her wet sex. 

She was warm under his touch, trembling with anticipation. He saw her eyes closed and her head slowly turning side to side. He saw her nipples atop those perfect little breasts, pointing at the ceiling fan whirring just nine feet above their bodies. Eyes fixed now on her pussy. It was then that he noticed her clitoris. 

Kristy had a prominent clit but it was nothing like this. Crystal fingered it, strumming side to side. It stood out like a tiny penis, as big as her index finger. It was erect and seemed to be standing on a hooded shaft. His hands slid up her thighs, stopping at the place where her legs creased and her sex nestled between them. She was wet even there, so ready to explode he could tell. Goosebumps suddenly appeared on her thighs and pubic mound. 

Moving her hand with his, he hooked the tiny straps of her panties, pulling them down and off. His cock drooled a long, thick, shiny strand of clear pre cum all the way to his belly. Again she grasped his shaft with her hand, wet with her sex juices, stroking him faster. He slid his fingers over her mound, just above her pussy, feeling her heat and those tiny bumps. With his thumb, he replaced her finger, agitating her big clit, bringing her to the edge. 

Crystal trembled under his touch, close, ready to come, his calloused fingers, so rough against the soft skin of her mound. All she needed was a little push and she would fall over the edge. Not at all by accident, he gave her that push. Rolling the round head of her clit between his thumb and finger, he pushed back her hood, exposing her nub to his view. 

Crystal came so hard, holding her breath and seizing until she shook from the explosion in her sex. Her juices flowed like water from an open tap. Quickly, moaning with pleasure, she moved his hand away and pressed the shaft of his cock against her soaked pussy, grinding her hips up and down. 

Terry closed his eyes, feeling no guilt and tired of holding back. He felt her wet pussy slide up and down the bottom of his throbbing shaft. The palm of her hand held him tightly against her bucking sex, spreading her labia wide with his considerable girth. he could feel her buzzing clit as it slid up past the head of his cock and then back down.

“Fuck, Terry,” she gasped, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

He was getting harder and more into the way she was grinding against his dick. Getting closer to orgasm, he began to grind with her, his cock head bumping over her clit with each thrust. She pressed him tighter, dangerously close to her entrance. Looking up, he saw her eyes open now, looking directly into his, with a determined stare. She pressed him so tightly to her sex. So wet and hot. Her tongue ran sexily across her lip and with a wink, she pressed the head of his cock into her pussy.

He felt like a teenage boy, feeling the wet heat of a young girl for the first time. “Don’t come inside,” she whispered, “Tell me first.”

She was tight, just the head of his cock, nestled inside her, but she was fucking tight.  His eyes closed and he sunk into his pillow, his hands kneading her thighs. It wouldn’t be long. She moved her hips slightly, taking only an inch or two of his cock into her pussy, clenching her sex on him, drawing him ever closer to climax, grinding until he could stand no more.

“Now,” he spat, “I’m going to come.”

He opened his eyes, surprised that she rolled off the bed. On her knees, she took the head of his cock in her mouth, stroking his wet shaft with her hand. “Umh,” he moaned, “Ohhh fuck, I’m coming.”

Crystal felt the intensity of his orgasm when the first eruption of his seed splashed in her mouth. She quickly swallowed the first gulp of his cum, remembering the huge load he had previously expelled. Wad after creamy wad of his cum flooded her mouth, filling it and running back from the corners of her lips. 

Terry nearly passed out from the intense pleasure, emptying his load into his beautiful guest. There was no guilt or anxiety, just his lust. She looked him in the eyes as he pumped his thick cum into her mouth. He didn’t taste like her ex-husband. His cum was sweet and salty like caramel, whereas her ex’s just tasted sour like piss. She could drink this by the cupful.

“Thank you, Terry, she whispered, gently releasing his spent member from her grip, “And I’m sorry about before.”

He knew what she meant and didn’t want it to bother her, “It’s okay,” he answered, twirling her long hair in his fingers, “It’s nothing to worry about.”

She remained kneeling at his side, resting her cheek on his naked hip, looking sweetly at him, “Next time, I’ll choose the video.”

“Okay,” he smiled, his fingers playing in her hair, “Anything you want.”

Crystal smiled sweetly, kissing the head of his cock which now lay spent and limp on his hip, then stood. After picking up her discarded shirt, she turned and walked naked into the darkness of the hall. Terry watched the door for several seconds, considering what had just taken place, realizing that Crystal’s panties still lay on his chest. 

Had she left them as a gift? A gift too dangerous to keep. He would return them in the morning. For now, he kept them in his fingers, pressed under his nose. Her aroma was such an intoxicating mixture of cinnamon and funk. He looked at the bedside clock. It would be five hours until Kristy returned home. Plenty of time to recover and explore further.

‘Lather, rinse, repeat,’ he thought with a smile, deeply inhaling her scent.

Written by CrystalsVoyur
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