Ann frantically moved between the rooms trying to get ready for an evening out with her girlfriends. Chuck was lying on the bed, scrolling channels on the TV and occasionally looking down at his phone. He didn't bother to look up.
It used to bother Chuck a great deal that she would dress up when it was a night out with her friends but never get dolled up when it was just the two of them, but not anymore. His last week’s encounter at his office had changed his life, and he didn't care anymore.
Ann finally asked,” What do you think?” Chuck begrudgingly looked up from his phone and remarked begrudgingly, “Just like the others you tried on, Hun, you look fine,” Ann, a bit red-faced from the lazy remark, returned an eye roll and an audible huff storming back into the closet again to find something else.
Ann thought their dry spell was her fault at forty-five, but with her hundred-pound five-foot-four-inch-tall frame with decent breasts and her straight sandy blonde hair, she knew that was bullshit. Their love life had evaporated over the last six months, and it wasn’t from her lack of trying or caring.
Deep down, she knew but couldn’t bring herself to confront him about his late nights. She thought she would be bold and put herself out there tonight. She pulled the empty hanger from the closet and decided that if he wouldn’t touch her, someone else would.
Pulling off the floral dress and hanging it back up, Ann looked down at her naked frame. She softly starts running her fingers between her firm breasts onto her bare stomach. Her nipples instantly hardened as she reached between her thighs and pressed hard against her newly waxed pussy, thinking how erotic the thought of someone else’s touch would be, and her insides began to flutter with excitement.
Closing her eyes and holding her breath, she slides two fingers into her soft canal while picturing a man’s chiseled frame and his firm cock lying naked against her smooth body. Imagine her supple lips parting over his manhood as he enters her, watching it penetrate deeper and his massive cock disappear within her.
Ann’s eyes darted open as she paused, stopping short of her orgasm, pulling her damp fingers back to her mouth and then putting both across her tongue, tasting her sex, which was sublime. Edging had become a pastime for her over the dry spell of the last few months and kept her horny and on point when she wanted to be outgoing.
After a few deep breaths and collecting herself, Ann strode back over and reached for the last dress in the closet. It was a black mid-thigh spaghetti strap dress. Pulling it over her strapless bra and stepping into a set of black, laced stiletto heels, she looks in the mirror and likes what she sees.
The heels lifted her ass quite nicely when she walked, and the dress was short, which she thought might come in handy. She had customarily passed on this dress as it quickly rode up with the lightest breeze or any shift in her movement, but she decided she was not holding back tonight. Re-checking her make-up in the mirror, she collected her clutch off the bathroom counter and walked into the bedroom.
She quickly ran over to the dresser, passing Chuck on the bed and grabbed a black silk thong out of the drawer, and stuffed it in her clutch bag, thinking she would have to remind herself to put it on in the car as right at that moment she heard Lynn's horn going off in the driveway.
“Running late, Hun,” Ann said as she turned for the door and exited towards the hallway.
The last words she heard exiting the landing and frantically running down the stairs were, “Try not to use that underwear as a napkin, Hun; it might get awkward in the restaurant if you do.” Chuck yelled with a bit of annoyance
Upon hearing the third honk outside the front door, Ann shouted to Chuck, “Don’t wait up, Dear.” Right before she closed the front door. Chuck, of course, would not be up, she thought as she reached the back passenger door of the car. She thought he would be fast asleep an hour after whomever he was texting with ended their conversation.
During the short drive into town, Ann listened to Lynn and Sue talking about how good the new Italian restaurant was. Both got a sample at a business lunch their bosses put together earlier in the week. Ann secretly thought Sue and Lynn were both fucking their bosses but could never get them to say so.
“Ann, you have got to try the Pasta e’ Fagioli; it is to die for,” says Lynn as she made a left onto the main that would take them downtown.
“Oh, and the staff, Ann, oh my god, you won’t believe it, but they only hire the fit, young and attractive types and force them to wear the tightest dress pants,” said Sue with a smile and a wink looking in the rearview mirror at Ann.
Ann’s eyes widened a bit at her comment, “Thanks for the input, Sue; I’m sure it’s a real fantasy palace,” she said sarcastically, but inwardly thinking how sultry Sue made it sound which made her insides start to flutter again with anticipation as her thighs began to ache as she rode in the back seat.
Pulling herself from the thought, Ann watched the houses and cars drive by and thought about the town and how it was full of lifted trucks, jeeps, wranglers, and boots. She didn’t have an issue with the tiny hick town she lived in. She liked the testosterone-filled area; hell, she lost her virginity to Chuck in one of those jeeps her senior year.
Her thoughts widened to her memories of Lynn and Sue being her friends throughout her high school and college years. She knew she was lucky to have them and wouldn’t be where she is today without them. Her job was all because Sue put her neck out and got her an interview at the largest firm in the city.
She was a secretary in title only as she was training under one of the firm’s senior consultants to get licensed for the firm in the next few months, which would increase her wealth exponentially. Inwardly though, Ann did have to admit that sometimes it got boring having the same nights out with the same old crowd.
“Perfect! got a front-row parking spot,” exclaimed Lynn, pulling in front of the restaurant and snapping Ann from her thoughts. Ann immediately thought Sue was not kidding about the staff as her door window faced the outdoor eating area as they parked.
No less than three well-fit and tall gentlemen in tight waiters’ pants bustled around the outdoor tables picking and dropping plates of food. They even had a few beautiful young waitresses serving as well. It made Ann wonder who did the hiring.
“Look at the ass on that one,” exclaimed Sue from the front passenger seat. Ann had looked over and agreed.
“Try not to wet the seat, Sue,” Ann retorted, laughing, and Lynn rolled her eyes at Sue. “No promises, I’d let that one probe my deeper regions anytime,” Sue says with a chuckle and a wink back at Ann, pointing to a blonde-haired waiter who could not be more than twenty-two.
Ann smirked and looked back to the waiter who had caught her eye on the way into the parking lot. She thought she recognized him but couldn’t place the name. He had unfortunately walked behind an outdoor bar as Ann searched for him. Ann didn’t see when he reappeared a second later and was facing her way as she opened the backdoor and stepped out onto the pavement.
That was when Ann’s world and future changed in a single moment. The outside breeze caught Ann off guard as it hit her dress's seam line, blowing up her skirt and revealing her bare crevice beneath as if she was Marilyn Monroe standing above a street grate.
Oh, shit!” Ann exclaimed, turning two shades of red as she tried pushing the dress back in place. Her exposed pussy, with the cool draft beneath, sent shivers up her body as she tried to stand while pushing her dress down. Her five-inch heels digging into the pavement made the move of standing straight up all but impossible.
“Fuck" Ann thinks inwardly, realizing that moment her panties were still in her clutch, and she had forgotten to put them on.
Oblivious to her surroundings, she did not notice that the waiter she had eyed from the backseat was only ten feet from her and witnessed everything. Ann finally gains ground and can stand upright with her dress where it should be.
“You okay, their princess?” said Sue with a laugh and a bemused look at Ann.
“I’m good, Sue. Thanks,” said Ann as the young waiter just appeared before her eyes; she wondered if he had seen her clumsy exit as their eyes locked on each other.
Ann’s eyes went wide; the waiter was over six feet, with what she could tell was a muscular frame. Ann could see through the tight white short-sleeved button-up that he had on that he had some tattoo work on his right arm, and his pants left nothing to the imagination.
His dark olive skin shone from the festoon lighting strung over the outside eating area above him. Ann could feel her inner thighs warming again as she took in his beauty.
The waiter turned red and looked embarrassed as he quickly looked away, breaking eye contact with her.
Still staring at him as he walks back into the restaurant, Ann finally recognizes him asked, “Hey Lynn, that’s Mark, who lives on Jersey lane, isn’t it?” Lynn was coming around the front of the car just before he got back inside to wait on more tables.
“Sure is. He is something else, isn’t he,” Lynn said with a Smirk. Ann thought this as well but said nothing.
“I hope he does take out, he waited on our table earlier this week, and I meant to ask him,” proclaimed Sue smiling.
“Sue, your limit is endless,” Ann said sarcastically, laughing with Lynn as the three entered the restaurant.
Ann had seen him around from time to time. She knew he had graduated college a few years back and lived alone on jersey lane in a house that his grandfather left to him, but she did not know much past that. She had never spoken to him before but thought tonight might be worth taking the time.
After a few minutes of wait, all three ladies got a table inside by a bay window looking out Main Street. Ann thought the summer night was a site with the sunset just coming down over the low-rise red brick buildings illuminating the main street with an orange hew.
Ann watched as couples held hands and laughed on their way to wherever their destination was. She wondered inwardly what her marriage was missing as the bread and glasses of water were dropped at the table by an eighteen-year-old girl the ladies knew as Haley.
A few moments later, while Ann was gazing outside, came a voice “Hello ladies, my name is Mark, and I’ll be your waiter for the evening.”
Startling Ann out of her daze, Mark stood no less than two feet from her and stared directly into her eyes as she looked up.
“Yea, you are,” exclaimed Sue under her breath, looking at Ann and tapping Ann’s foot under the table.
“What can I get you, beautiful ladies, to drink this evening,” Mark said, staring directly down at Ann.
Lynn piped up first, asking for a bottle of 2018 Cab for the table before Ann or Sue could get a word in edgewise. Ann could not pull her eyes away from him. He was a Greek Adonis, she thought.
Dark wavy hair above that deep Olive skin with rich blue eyes. Mark smiled briefly at her with a bit of sweat on his brow as he turned and walked away to get their bottle of Cab.
“I think he’s into you, old lady,” Lynn says, nudging Ann’s foot below the table and smiling at her.
“Old Lady,” cried Sue, laughing with Lynn as Ann instantly turned three shades of red.
With a “Whatever” look on Ann’s face, she smoothly turned her legs under the table, shifting her posture towards the kitchen area where the staff was entering and exiting with food and drinks on their trays. She would show them; she thought as she waited for his re-entrance.
As Mark turned the corner back into the room, holding three stemmed glasses and the bottle of Cab, he looked up as Ann spread her legs wide to see her delicious mound beneath her black silk dress. Mark slowly lowered his gaze as Ann’s crevice unfolded before his eyes. He froze for a split second to take in the view right as he reached the table, almost dropping the glasses in his right hand on Lynn’s lap.
He quickly recovered, regaining a grip on the glasses and setting them firmly on the table. Mark could feel his pants pressing to one side and the skin around his neckline warming.
“Got to be more careful, Mark,” exclaimed Lynn giving him her best smile and wink, not noticing what Ann had done to cause the disturbance.
“Sorry about that. I got distracted there for a second,” Mark said with a crack in his voice as he looked down at Ann, who looked deep into his rich blue eyes as she spread her thighs again, knowing he could see beyond the table edge as her pink seduction is fully spread out against the bottom hem of her dress.
Mark’s pants swelled quickly as he watched her delicious slit spread open. Ann was savoring his look and knew she had his full attention as Mark’s eyes looked between her pussy and her breasts as she leaned forward a bit to give him a better view.
Ann saw his bulge pulsating and thickening as he took his time admiring her. Time seemed to stand still as Ann while Lynn and Sue conversed.
Ann could tell he was packing and mesmerized by it.
Her sexual voyeurism took her deeper into his eyes as lustful heat generated between her thighs, and her lips slowly started to peel themselves apart. “This was the hottest experience of her life,” she thought as her thighs quivered from the sexual experience, and she didn't want it to end.
Mark, feeling his cock bulge out due to Ann’s feverish body below him, snapped himself free and quickly looked over at the other two ladies at the table, hoping that his entire cock was not showing through his pants for them to see.
Mark cleared his throat while asking dryly, “You ladies know what you want to eat tonight.” A little red was showing around his neckline.
The women ordered their meals, and Mark swiftly left the table sweating. Ann thought this could be a fun night as she closed her legs and sipped her wine, dreaming up more ways to make him squirm.
Mark returned twenty minutes later with their food and another bottle of Cab. Ann noticed his cock was back to its rightful place but still had a noticeable bulge as he dropped the plates on the table in front of Sue and Lynn and turned to Ann.
He was putting Ann’s pasta plate down in front of her when he looked directly into her eyes and then down to see her exposed thighs; Ann responded quickly, spreading her legs wide, fully showing her deliciously smooth, now wet crevice between her legs again for his enjoyment.
Mark's cock instantly bulged up and to the side under his pants as his thick shaft started to boil, growing bigger by the second in front of her very eyes. Ann gasped at the sheer expansion of his girth and dreamed about wrapping her supple lips around his shaft and taking it deep down her throat.
Mark, in quick thinking, forces his hand into his pocket to hide the bulge from the rest of the table.
Ann’s nipples began to harden and penetrate her dress as she moved one hand to her inner thigh. Marks’ eyes darted between her exposed body parts frantically. Ann sultrily gazed up at him as she moved her hand slowly towards her center.
Ann could feel her soft fingers graze across her skin as body heat rose fervently and her wetness started to release between her aching thighs. She could tell as she watched Mark’s face go rigid that he wanted more, and her body wanted the same. The sheer thought of riding his chiseled frame made her exhale.
Mark, trying to avoid erupting his seed through his pants, turned quickly and walked back into the kitchen, overheated and fully aroused. Ann grabbed the glass of wine in front of her and drank greedily, trying to calm herself down and cover her sexual heat before Sue or Lynn would notice.
Taking a few more drinks and a couple of deep breaths, Ann was thoroughly aroused by what she had just done but was able to calm herself enough to be present at the table. Loving the erotic experience, Ann smiled inwardly to herself when Lynn’s voice brought her back from her hot affair, and she started listening in on Lynn discussing her sex life with Sue.
“He is a terrible lover. He doesn’t touch me like he used to,” said Lynn as Sue responded, “Let me guess, he finishes in two minutes and leaves you hanging.”

“Yes, and he doesn’t even bother to hold me after anymore,” said Lynn with a frown.
“At least you two get touched at all, the last time I had any was at our 20th Highschool Reunion, and even then, it was because he was drunk,” replied Ann with a grimace.
“Chuck's an idiot, Ann. You need to put that body out there and let fate take the wheel," said Sue, irritated by the situation. "Most guys would love a piece of you!" said Lynn, interrupting Sue. "You are hot, Ann, and never forget it,” said Sue glaring a bit at Lynn for her interruption as Ann smiled at her for the kind comment.
“Thanks, that just made my night,” says Ann turning her eyes towards the kitchen and thinking inwardly about Mark as Lynn and Sue started back into their conversation.
Ann couldn't help picturing Mark's naked, rippled body pushing his pulsating shaft deep into her love cave, an inch at a time, as his rippled stomach tightened as his ass squeezed in and out with every inch of his cock feeling her up with no room to breathe. Ann finally had to pull herself back from the thought as she nearly climaxed at the table.
“Holy shit,” she thought. She could not get his cock out of her mind and wanted it between her yearning thighs. “Fuck!” she thought, “Am I that desperate?” she also thought as she looked back over at the ladies at the table.
Ann would tap in and out of Lynn and Sue’s conversation to push down the urge as she tried to eat her dinner with little success. She was weighing all the options while she picked at her food. She calculated risk versus rewards when Ann allowed herself to look around again after a few short sips of wine.
Finally, she sees Mark standing against the wall and staring directly at her. Ann felt her body go naked and bare as he devilishly eyed her up and down. Ann had finally lost all inhibitions looking lustfully back at him.
Ann thought the risk versus reward scenario be damned as she shifted both knees towards him again. Slowly spread her thighs wide enough for him to see her pussy spread wide beneath and let her wetness flow to her dress beneath as she moved her thighs slowly in and out, teasing Mark with every movement.
Lowering her right hand beneath the table to her thigh, Ann seductively moved her fingers up her inner thigh, reaching her glistening center with her first two fingers. Ann kept Mark's eyes locked with hers as she pressed hard against her slit, letting out a silent gasp. Ann’s nipples pierced outward, pressing against her thin satin dress, showing them fully for Mark to enjoy.
His eyes widened, watching it all unfold. Mark suddenly reached down to his zipper and gently moved half of his semi-hardened shaft out for Ann to see as it continues to engorge beneath his pants.
Gasping silently, Ann’s mouth widened at its size, and Ann’s thighs started to tremble at the sight of it. Her center was fully swollen as she moved her fingers faster, staring at Mark's thickening cock, losing herself in the moment.
Seeing her almost climax, Mark paused and nodded toward the bathroom door to his right when Ann looked back into his eyes. She lipped a silent “Yes” to him.
Mark quickly pushed his bulge back in and walked to the bathroom door.
Ann excused herself from the table a few seconds later, letting the ladies know she needed to freshen up. Questioning herself again and wondering if this is the right thing or a total mistake when she sees the deadbolt lock and realizes it’s a lockable bathroom.
“Fuck it,” finally talking herself into it. Ann opened the door excitedly and saw Mark beckoning her in with his finger. She quickly enters, and Mark moves forward, locking the door behind her. Turning back while taking his shirt off, he sees Ann, and she is already on her knees, unzipping his pants and dropping them to the floor.
Ann’s eyes immediately went wide with utter shock while letting out an audible gasp. This was not seven or eight inches like she assumed when she observed his bulge, but it was a full ten inches and the thickest cock she’d ever seen before, staring her straight in the face.
This was the most enormous cock she had ever seen, and she hesitated, thinking she might not be able to fit it in her mouth or even between her legs. She quickly recovered, knowing there was not much time. Ann could barely get her hands around it as she grabbed his flesh wand by the shaft and spread her supple lips against the tip, licking the underneath as his manhood rested against her forehead.
Opening as wide as she could, Ann slowly started running her tongue under the entire length of his shaft, wetting every inch before finally taking the plunge. Ann took his massive cock in both hands and opened her mouth wide, much more expansive than she thought possible. His pulsating cock was exquisite as she slowly let it slide down her open throat. Mark, moaning, started slowly thrusting his chiseled hips in and out.
Ann's eyes exploded in a watery cacophony of immense pleasure and pain as Mark's hip thrust took her by surprise. Sputtering as her spit lubricated his enormous shaft, Ann struggled to breathe, trying to take him all in.
Mark gasped, watching her take half his cock down her throat. She was a savage and took him hungrily, he thought. He could feel the tip of his cock bending down her throat as it hit deep before it bottomed out.
“Holy shit! You are amazing,” Mark exclaimed as he could feel his cock dripping seed down her throat as he thrust back and forth, looking down on her energetic body.
Ann winked at him with teary eyes as she felt Mark's pulsating shaft begin to expand to the edge of no return. Ann watched as his rigid abdominal muscles flexed in the dim bathroom lighting as she grabbed his tight ass with both hands squeezing him forward, giving him one more deep push-on, and then quickly pulling him out before he climaxed, his cock dripping his essence on her chin as she removed it.
She cupped her rock-hard breast as her mound ached for his ridged cock to be deep inside her.
Ann stood, backing herself against the nearest wall as Mark was shocked by what he just witnessed.
“Come and get your prize, waiter boy.”
Immediately pulling her dress over her head and reaching behind her back, she snapeds her bra off one-handed, releasing what Mark thought was the best pair of tits he had ever seen.
“They’re magnificent,” Mark says lustfully.
Mark, not wasting time, reached in and caresses each breast thumbing ever so lightly around each soft nipple, immediately hardening them while he leaned in and kissed her deeply.
Their bodies pressed hard against each other. Hot and sweating, Ann wrapped her hands around his neck, welcoming his tongue as they slowly feel each other's bodies. They were losing themselves once again to each other’s touch. Ann could feel her nipples rubbing against his hardened chest as goosebumps rose on her arms and neck with every sway, lick, and kiss. She was devouring him, and he let her.
Finally pulling back from his embrace, Ann turned and placed her hands on the wall, exposing her back and the hourglass-shaped ass below. Mark could make out the alluring crevice between her thighs as he put both knees between her feet and leaned forward.
Grabbing each thigh with his callus hands, Mark’s tongue plows into Ann’s wet vibrant pink gap; his tongue fully extends and saturates her folds before plunging deeper into her tender damp entrance. Ann moans audibly at Mark’s supple touch as he pushes deeper into her.
Ann's watery essence flowed from her parted center as Mark's tongue twisted into her core, forcing her to release multiple gasps of pleasure as her labia spread wide, sending a pool of moisture across his face as her legs started shuddering in response.
Ann wanting more, reached back and spread her cheeks wide. Mark seeing her response, guides his tongue across her perinea and slowly travels up her crack to her perfectly shaped exposed starfish. Mark knew what he was doing as he rolled his tongue across it while he moved his thumb up and into her swollen love shack.
He fervently glided his thumb under and around her labia, sliding two fingers onto her g-spot, moving faster and faster as another stream of her wetness flowed down her inner thighs and over his hand as he increased pressure and felt her orgasm build.
Pulsing his tongue into her love ring made her moans softly increase in pitch. Ann loved his intoxicating touch while his thumb slipped across her hot box with the depraved feeling of his tongue in her ass. She had never felt so exhilarated by another man’s tongue or touch and was reaching climax.
Sensing her climax, Mark lowered his tongue back down as Ann pulled her cheeks as wide as they would allow as he feverishly speared his thick tongue deep into her wet box while rotating his thumb across her pink pearl. “Oh God, Mark,” cried Ann as her love flowed down into his mouth like a welcomed warm dew as he continued to devour her core eagerly.
“Oh, shit, oh!” she exclaimed as she came, her thighs clasping hard against his face as her vision went dark and her legs got wobbly from her orgasm. Shaking and out of breath, Ann remained against the wall trying to stay awake.
Mark stood and grabbed her hips. “Wait, give me just a sec,” exclaimed Ann dizzily.
“I can’t,” Mark exclaimed, his throbbing cocked aching for her entrance. "I need you, all of you," cried Mark as he could wait no longer.
Softly as he could, Mark pushed his thick throbbing tip in. “Ouch, fuck me!” Ann quietly screamed to herself as she almost passed out from the sheer size of his head as she felt it disappear into her wet canal that struggled to make way.
Mark seeing this, had to push forcefully to make his way in, inch by inch, deeper and deeper, into her now thoroughly wet stretching crevice, as it instantly clinched down hard on his shaft fighting back with every inch that he plunged into her, watching as her lips finally gave way and parted like the sea, and finally hits bottom.
“Oh, Fuck, Oh Fuck!” Ann exclaims.
“Hell, you are so fucking tight!” said Mark smiling with pleasure
“Your Dick is so fucking big," cried Ann. "Oh, God, Mark, I can’t take it! Holy Fuck, it’s too deep, oh, Mark!” screamed Ann going back into her black-out. Ann’s body tensed only once before she finally gave herself entirely to him and realized the sheer and immediate orgasm she just had as her legs trembled. “Oh Mark, fuck me, harder, faster, faster, give it all to me!" Ann screamed, knowing she wanted more and more.
“You like that thick cock deep in you, don’t you slut” Mark says, slapping her ass as he moans and thrusts deeper within her as he moves his chiseled hips back and forward.
“I do. don’t you stop fucking me with that monster; oh, fuck me, fuck me!” Ann cried, straining under the enormity of his cock, half in tears from the immense pain but also on cloud nine as she screamed his name while her canal spread even wider as his cock, already thick, grew more prominent with every thrust. Pushing against her g-spot as it swelled and finally hit her cervix with an audible thud and a loud gasp from Ann’s mouth.
Mark felt his balls clinching for a release as he watched his entire shaft disappear into her crease. At that exact moment, Ann’s pulsing womb sucked in his whole throbbing cock like a vacuum as Ann experienced a body-shaking orgasm.
“Oh, Fuck!” Ann screamed again as her vision exploded into a thousand brilliant white stars, instantly sending electric jolts from her quivering entrance up her back and down through her inner thighs, forcing her forward hard against the cold cement wall.
Back and forward, working his cock into a harmonious rhythm while Ann moaned and gasped, watching her body convulse in his arms, suctioning in and out, her lips clamping down on his cock with terrifying pressure had finally pushed Mark over the edge.
“Oh, Fuck Me!” he exclaims as his vision goes stark white, and his inner ear pops like the cork of a champagne bottle.
Ann, between heartbeats, could feel his thick hot seed filling her womb, warm and lustful as his cock expanded enormously, filling every inch of her cave. She never wanted kids, but if she was to have them, she thought his volume might do it.
As his cock expanded to its fullest, Ann thought inwardly that if he ever asked, she would let him breed her as many times as he wanted. She had never felt anything like this in her whole life. It was as if heaven reached out and hit all the things inside her that she never knew existed.
Mark held onto her tightly, feeling his fully erect cock pulsate stream after stream against her inner walls and her walls clinching tightly back in response to his shaft being so thick and deep in her.
Mark finally sighed as Ann leaned fully against the bathroom wall. Her body quivered, her arms covered in goose flesh, and her legs shook uncontrollably after her intense orgasm while Mark moved slowly in and out of her.
Inwardly, and at that moment, Ann promised herself she would have him again, and this time, she would never let him go.
A few minutes of silence were spent between them as the background noise from the restaurant came back into their ears. They could hear the bustle of people moving around outside the bathroom door. Both were thinking the same thing and hoping no one had listened to their little escapade.
Later, when they finally caught their collective breath and could start to stand fully upright again. Mark gently pulled his softening manhood from her pursed lips and let it hang down, watching his seed drip down her inner thigh.
Ann, turning to him, still a bit out of breath, “That’s quite the service, and I can honestly say I am one happy customer,” Ann said, leaning in and kissing him deep and wet.
Mark, pulling back after a few moments, “Well, I’m a full-service kind of a guy,” replied with a wink and another deep wet kiss, this time opening her mouth vast and laying his tongue against hers, losing themselves in each other as the world stopped and they took in everything between them.
Still shaken, Ann finally pulled back from what seemed like an eternity. “I think I should freshen up before someone notices how long I’ve been gone,” Ann said, looking at him with a come fuck me eyes look again.
Mark agreed. “Yeah, I need to get back to my tables,” Mark replied and turned to clean himself up at the sink. Quickly Ann pulled her panties from her clutch and wiped herself up. The biggest smile started from the corner of her mouth as she thought how ironic it was that the underwear turned out to be used as a napkin, as Chuck had warned her.
With an inward giggle, like she was seven again on Halloween, Ann glanced at the mirror, got her make-up back to normal as she could, and walked out the bathroom door, Mark following right behind her a second later.
Mark returned to his post and collected bills from a few tables, still a bit shaky. Ann sits back down and polishes the rest of her wine in one satisfying gulp. Ann, now fully glowing from her encounter, beamed over at Lynn and Sue. As the minutes passed and Mark made his rounds, the girls had beautiful conversations, and Ann was a little disappointed to see it end when Mark finally stopped at their table and set the bill down.
Ann grabbed it quickly, telling the ladies that dinner was on her, and gave Mark her credit card.
A few moments later, Mark returned with a receipt and wished the ladies a good night.
Ann beamed up at him and thanked him for a beautiful night with an innocent wink of the eye. “No problem, it’s what I do,” Mark said with his wink. While Ann was looking at her receipt to give the largest tip she thought she would ever give; she noticed in black ink that there was a phone number and an address of a place she knew outside the city lines.
Ann looked up, beaming at him again. “I want to thank you for your service tonight, Mark. I’ll be returning for more”.
Mark winked down at her again and turned and walked towards the kitchen. Ann watched his tight ass move towards the kitchen; she knew she would call him soon. This was not a one-time thing; she wanted all of him, every beautiful inch of him.
As the ladies stood and walked towards the exit, Lynn looked over to Ann as they reached the exit door. “You’re positively glowing, Ann,” said Lynn. “Thanks, Lynn.” “That Italian hit all the right spots tonight,” Ann said with a smile as another wash of euphoria swept over her body.
Pt. 2 is Coming Soon!