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Deep Encounter PT. 4

"Chuck finds old love"

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Author's Notes

""This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental." "No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.""

Rhea and Mark walked into the lingerie store on third street when the cool air inside hit them both.  Mark saw Rhea’s nipples standing at attention through her plain white tee shirt. 

She had no bra, which made Mark walk around semi-hard since they left.  The thought of her being shown off to men and women alike always was a turn-on for Mark, and he thoroughly enjoyed watching the different sexes checking her out.

“It’s nice and cool in here,” said Rhea, seeing Mark’s eyes staring at her chest.

‘Sure is, isn’t,” Mark said, smiling, still staring at her rack.

“Eyes are up here, dirty boy,” Rhea said with a smirk.

“Sorry, they are just so damn nice to look at,” Laughed Mark, finally looking Rhea in the face.

Rhea perused the shelves as she made her way through the clothing sections.  After grabbing a few items, she turned to Mark.

“What do you think of this lacey bra and pantie set?” Rhea asked Mark, holding them up for him to see.

“I’d love it, but let’s find something so new to Chuck; he can’t resist you,” responded Mark when he turned and started shuffling through some of the items next to him on the shelves.

They both walked through the store, picking up bras and panties.  A few that Mark liked. Specifically, he found the crotchless and a few micro thongs to be hot.

After walking around for a few more minutes, both were about to give up on the adventure when Rhea pointed to a manakin in the window at the far end of the store.

“Holy shit, that’s it!” exclaimed Rhea.

“Oh, now that’s hot; he won’t know what to do with you when he sees you wearing that,” Mark said intently.

Up in the window stood a female manakin dressed in a black, full-body catsuit.  The thought turned Rhea on; she couldn’t stop thinking about the sexual possibilities of wearing such a tight-fitting item.

“Excuse me, do you possibly have that in size 4?” Rhea said, walking up to the counter girl, pointing to the manakin.

“I believe so, let me go see what we have in back,” said the pretty young employee giving Mark a come fuck me look before she walked away to check the stock.

“Eyes on me, we have one mission this week, and it doesn’t include her,” Rhea said, looking at Mark with a stern smile.

“What did I do,” said Mark, smiling like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.

“You have my permission to come and play with her next week if your heart desires that, but you are mine this week,” Rhea said as she smacked Mark on the ass.

The counter girl returned with the catsuit, smiling at Mark as she approached Rhea.

“We did have one; here you go,” said the counter girl handing the suit to Rhea while she looked over and eyed Mark for a few seconds more.

“Thanks,” Rhea said, giving the counter girl a seductive smirk, letting her know she had seen her eye up, Mark.

“Going to the changing room, behave,” Rhea said while she shot a look at Mark and walked to the back of the store.

She knew Mark would have her number by the time she left the dressing room, but she didn’t care.  She had understood from the start that their love was much more robust with an open arrangement than it would have been otherwise. 

From the beginning, she couldn’t and wouldn’t try and tame Mark; he was domineering and looked at women like objects for him to play with. She knew his love for her was real, and that’s all that mattered.  Every other woman was just for fun; nothing serious would come from it.

Rhea slid the curtain back and walked inside.  She quickly got undressed.  She then slipped into the catsuit. It took a few minutes to get everything into place to fit right.  She knew that when she put it back on, she would oil her body so it would be an easier and more comfortable fit. 

“Wow,” Rhea said to herself when she turned and looked into the mirror.

She couldn’t believe how she looked. She felt like she had become Catwoman, with the full crotch zipper and her nipples pushing against the tight rubber, arousing her. She realized you could zip it open or closed from either direction, so she grabbed the zipper just below her navel and zipped it down and up her backside.

Her shaved mound pressed out and squeezed between her thighs. She could see that her ass became fully exposed on the backside when she looked in the mirror.

“Oh, this will do just nicely,” Rhea said while admiring how hot she was in the suit. 

Rhea posed in the mirror for some time while she listened to the counter girl laugh and talk with Mark.

“He better not schedule anything this week; I am still waiting to hear from Ann,” Rhea mumbled while she took in her body. 

Hearing Mark flirt and checking herself out in the mirror got Rhea hot under her suit. 

She felt the slick rubber when her fingers ran down her sides and across her hips. Feeling her core tingle brought her fingers over her thighs and into the opening where her now wet mound stood, ready to be touched. 

With Lycra pressing her pussy lips together, Rhea sat on the bench and raised one leg. She began rubbing her crevice slowly and deliberately, paying particular attention to her labia with her right thumb, admiring herself getting wet in the mirror. 

Rhea picked up the pace when she heard Mark flirting with the counter girl more out front.  Her eyes closed, transporting her there, imagining Mark beginning to kiss the counter girl slowly.  She pictured Mark undressing her. Turning her around, watching her dress hit the floor, Mark reached out, pulled her thong down, and then dropped his pants.  She imagined Mark grabbing a handful of her hair when he penetrated her drenched pussy.  Picturing Mark while she rode her hand sent Rhea into a low moan. 

She visualized Mark’s cock pounding the girl deeply while she screamed in pain and ecstasy, lavishing on every inch Mark gave her. 

Over and over, Rhea’s hand moved faster across her wet snatch while her moans increased slightly.  She saw Mark quickly pull his engorged cock from the girl to slide his cock up to her tight starfish. 

Pushing hard, Mark’s cock spread the girl’s starfish wide as the girl let out a guttural scream as she pictured the girl’s ass spread wide and her legs start to quiver, which sent Rhea’s pussy into full climax, spraying her love juice all over the floor.

“Oh Fuck, holy shit,” Rhea softly said to herself when her climax peaked.  She could hear Mark and the counter girl talking and laughing out front.

Rhea got up and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself while she stripped the catsuit off and began to dress in her clothes again.

“I’ll take it,” Rhea said a few minutes later when she made her way out front catching the counter girl off guard, still flirting with Mark.

“Oh, yes, of course,” said the surprised counter girl.

“This is Emily,” Mark said to Rhea when she walked up to him.

“Oh really,” Rhea said sarcastically, loud enough for Emily to hear.

“Well, nice to meet you, Emily; maybe you can eye fuck my boyfriend some other time; we are in a hurry,” Rhea said with a don’t-fuck-with-me-look.

“Oh, uh, no, I wasn’t,” said Emily stumbling across her words while Rhea was still eyeing her up and down.

“You were, and it’s fine; if you play your cards right, maybe next week you could fuck us both,” said Rhea in a voice that beamed domineering.

“Jesus, Rhea,” Mark looked at her with a slight chuckle.

“Uh, I don’t know how to respond; thank you, I guess?” Emily said wide-eyed, not understanding what just happened.

“It’s cool, Emily, I swing both ways; here’s my number, give me a call next week, and maybe we can set something up,” Rhea said, handing Emily her card, then grabbed the catsuit, turned, and walked out the door while a stunned Emily looked on.

After a few moments of walking, Mark finally caught up and was out of breath.

“Was that really necessary?” Mark said, breathing hard with a wry smile.

“I need you focused this week, I still haven’t heard from Ann, and I am getting worried she’s going to bail on us,” Rhea stated like a mom chastising her kid.

“You’re working yourself up for no reason again, Rhe, Rhe,” chided Mark, using his nickname for Rhea, which she knew was a clear sign he wanted something.

“Maybe, but you better hope she comes,” Rhea countered.

“You mean, as you did in the changing room,” Mark said with a wink while smiling at her as they walked down the sidewalk.

“How? You heard me?” Rhea said, stopping both on the sidewalk. 

“No, but I know you well enough that trying on that catsuit while Emily flirted with me would turn you on so much that you would need to rub yourself silly,” Mark said while he leaned in, kissing Rhea on her neck. 

“If you’re lucky, maybe you can try out this catsuit before Chuck does,” said Rhea with a sultry voice in Mark’s ear.

“Then what are we waiting for,” exclaimed Mark, grabbing Rhea’s hand and pulling her quickly along to their car.


Ann walked out of the kitchen, heading for the back door with a glass of Iced tea, making her way to the garage where Chuck was framing a wall for an added bathroom.

“Here you go, dear,” Ann said, beaming at Chuck’s progress.

“Oh, thank you, Hun,” said Chuck when he paused his work and grabbed the cold glass.

“What do you think? Looks pretty good for an old guy doing the work,” Chuck said sarcastically while he looked around the framed bathroom.

“It looks fantastic, babe!” exclaimed Ann, talking about more than just the framing she was looking at while Chuck walked around shirtless and sweaty.

Ann was a bit taken aback when she saw Chuck lose over twenty pounds of fat and gain about ten back in muscle in the last few months when he started working out again and to save money; he decided to take on the remodel himself. 

“Thanks, it’s been a chore, but it will be worth it when it’s completed,” Chuck said while he beamed at Ann, taking in her delicious body that the sun was silhouetting under her flower dress.

He wondered if she wore panties under it but quickly returned to work as he didn’t want her to see his chub forming under his jeans.  Chuck could still see Ann watching him out of the corner of his eye while he moved to nail down one of the framing boards. 

He could feel her hot gaze, which made him tingle from the feeling that she may have returned to him over the last few months.  His guilt still racked him, but Rhea had brought his masculinity back to the forefront, which seemed to pay dividends with Ann’s mood.

Ann knew his newfound vigor was due to Rhea, but she couldn’t be upset about it, even though part of her wanted to be.  Chuck hadn’t looked this happy in ten years and hadn’t been in this good of shape in at least twenty years. 

It was like he had become a teenager again; he even occasionally laughed and joked with Ann over the last month.  Ann was happy, she was getting her husband back, and she could feel herself falling in love again with him.

Chuck could feel the sweat drip down his shirtless chest while he pounded nails into the floor.  His lust for Ann had slowly returned.  He had seen Rhea a few days earlier and had mind-blowing sex, but it was just that, sex. 

No love was put into it, leaving Chuck a bit unsatisfied.  The kinkiness was a huge turn-on, and Rhea was fabulous in the sack, but he missed the love and knew after last week with Rhea; she could never be enough for him, and Ann was still the only woman he could ever see himself growing old with.  

Chuck inwardly hoped Ann would find him sexually attractive again, and maybe they could make love again in the next few days.

It had been a few months since her profound encounter with Rhea and Mark.  Knowing Chuck had fucked Rhea first and just last week had eaten at Ann a bit if she was being honest with herself. 

Finding that out had hurt her, but she also knew, especially watching Chuck working in front of her now, that it had done wonders for him.

She still wondered if Chuck had fallen for Rhea even though Rhea had told her about the encounter and reassured her Chuck hadn’t and wouldn’t. 

She had said that Chuck had confided in her that even though the sex was outstanding, he knew Ann was the only woman he could love.

Ann stood there, still admiring her husband, and contemplated taking that next step to push Mark and Rhea’s plan into action.  She kept running it through her mind for the last month, considering when to call Rhea and set it up. 

Her hesitation was natural as he looked utterly happy and didn’t want to ruin what they had gained back if all the fucking around came out. 

She hoped that Chuck would see this as an opportunity to build on their love and relationship. Standing there watching him, she couldn’t help thinking how much she needed him to fuck her, but she knew she had to wait.   

“I am going to head into town. Is there anything you need, sweetie,” Ann said, beaming her best smile at Chuck.

“No, I think I am good; you still have that overnight work thing Thursday night?” Chuck asked, watching Ann’s sundress flutter from the breeze.

“Going to confirm with my boss today, but I believe it is still on,” said Ann as she winked at Chuck and headed for the house. 

“Love you,” Chuck shouted after her.

“Love you too,” Ann shouted back when she entered the house to grab her keys.


 “Hey there, hot stuff; I thought you might have had second thoughts,” Rhea said as she spoke into the phone. 

“I’ve been second-guessing myself over the last few weeks; I just don’t want to ruin what I have gotten back,” Ann said with genuine concern.

“You won’t, Chuck may be caught off guard, but he won’t turn from you,” Rhea said, reassuring her that it would all work out fine.

 “Okay, I am still a bit nervous, but I set a date for this Thursday night,” Ann said confidently.

“Perfect!” exclaimed Rhea. “Now remember, black dress, thigh-high hosiery with the black guarder and no panties; I mean it, Ann, no panties, that’s key to this,” said Rhea with a bit of a moan due to Mark’s face being buried between her thighs in their living room as she wore the catsuit.

“I know, I have it all laid out,” Ann said, wondering why Rhea was breathing harder.

“You okay, Rhea? You sound like you’re out of breath,” said Ann as she turned the corner into the grocery store.

“Oh, god yes, oh god yes, right there, oh right there,” Rhea said thru gritted teeth.

“Tell Mark I want dibs next time,” Ann said, laughing and feeling her thighs ache as she heard Rhea cum through the phone piece.

“Will do, beautiful; just be ready Thursday night, and we will have the time of our life,” Rhea said as she clicked the phone off and laid her head back on the edge of the couch.

Ann put the phone in her purse; as she waited there, her mound went damp thinking of Rhea’s pussy climaxing on her face. 

Her hand reached between her legs as she peered out the window, watching shoppers move in and out of the store.  Her dress made easy access, and her being pantyless made it that much better as she pressed her two fingers into her and rubbed her clit quickly. 

A few minutes of picturing Rhea and Mark fucking, sent her chair slamming back with the force of her climax, and she felt the car shake slightly while she drenched her hand with her cum.

“Fuck, holy shit, I needed that,” Ann said to herself as she looked around to see if any shoppers were looking at her.

After a few minutes, Ann grabbed her purse and headed into the store, hoping someone had witnessed her behind-the-wheel orgasm.

She kept smiling as the auto doors into the store opened, and she felt the breeze under her dress from the cooled store hit her mound, sending a slight shiver up her spine as she entered.


Chuck stepped out of the shower after his workout.  He was feeling excited and guilty all at the same time.  He was looking down at the text he got from Rhea thirty minutes ago. 

“I want you tonight; your place, mine is being renovated, so I don’t have the space, and I have a new outfit that will get that fat cock of yours hard, but I want dinner first at Leo’s,” read Rhea’s message on the screen as Chuck re-read it.

He knew Ann was doing an overnight stay miles away from their place for work but felt guilty as hell that it would be in his marital bed. 

He had contemplated responding no, that his house was off limits, and even though Leo’s was a few miles out of town, he was a bit nervous someone would see them.

Ultimately, he decided that cheating was cheating no matter the zip code, and he wanted her so bad he would risk any encounter to have her. 

“Can’t wait, see you here at seven, looking forward to seeing this outfit,” Chuck texted back while stroking his semi-hard cock with his other hand.


Chuck could hear Ann downstairs as he finally dressed and went downstairs.

“You all ready for your big conference in the morning?” Chuck asked as Ann was frantically moving around the kitchen.

“I guess, going to be busy putting together the presentation at the hotel tonight,” Ann said, sounding a bit off to Chuck. 

“You, okay?” Chuck asked with concern in his voice.

“Oh, um, yes, of course, just a bit nervous, is all,” said Ann turning from him and grabbing her bag from the counter so Chuck couldn’t see her face flush. 

“Oh, okay, I just wanted to make sure. Now I have your itinerary and the hotel number; If you run into any problems, call, and we can figure it out,” said Chuck as he walked up behind Ann in her dark gray, tight-fitting business attire.

“Of course,” said Ann, slowly turning to him and giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” stated Ann as she approached the entryway and walked out the front door.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Chuck said with a raised voice just before the front door closed.


Ann’s car headed down and parked at the end of Rhea’s driveway. 

“Is everything set?” Rhea said as she looked around to see Ann exiting the car.

“Yep, he is now getting ready to leave for your dinner date,” said Ann as she walked up and reached in, grabbing the back of Rhea’s neck and kissing her deeply.   

“Mmmm, what was that for,” Rhea said with a giggle and a wink. 

“Just setting the mood for what’s to come,” Ann said with a wink.

“Oh, I can’t wait; I am so excited for tonight,” Rhea said while she locked Ann’s arm in hers and made their way to Rhea’s garage. 

“Ditto, Rhea; I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” Ann smiled over as Rhea backed the car out of the garage and turned right onto the street, heading back to Ann’s house. 


Rhea stopped the Car short of Ann’s house. 

“Okay, I will take a walk down the backstreet over there so you and Chuck don’t see me on your way out,” Ann said, pointing her finger out the window.

“Sounds good; just make sure you follow my instructions, especially the no panty rule,” Rhea said with a smile as she reached in and kissed Ann deeply.

Ann’s breath deepened as she felt Rhea’s hand move between her thighs and under her dress. Rhea found and reached Ann’s bare mound as she realized she wasn’t wearing panties. 

“Oh Ann, good girl,” said Rhea as her finger ran across Ann’s bare wet lips.

 “Mmmm, oh, Rhe, oh, Rhe, you’re going to make me cum,” moaned Ann into Rhea’s ear while she necked Rhea passionately.

“Oh, I know; I want you to cum for me,” Rhea said in a deep, sultry tone as she inserted two fingers and used her thumb directly on her clit.

“Oh, god, Rhe, Oh, Oh, fuck me!” exclaimed Ann as the climax instantly washed over her body, and she released her being all over Rhea’s hand.

“Mmmm, that’s my good girl,” Rhea said before she kissed Ann again.

“Now, you get your hot, sweet little ass out of my car so we can make this event happen,” said Rhea lightly as Ann quickly gave Rhea a peck on the cheek and exited the car.


 “That was so good; how was your steak?” Rhea asked, looking across the table at Chuck.

“Good, it was even better that you teased me with your foot under this table the whole time,” Chuck said, looking over at Rhea while her lips formed a mischievous smile.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself; I keep dreaming about that thick cock,” Rhea said as she took the last bite of her steak, giving Chuck her best come fuck me eyes.

“Well then, maybe we should have dessert at my place?” Chuck said while Rhea’s smile widened. 

“Yes, and please, kind sir,” Rhea responded in her best British accent.

“You keep that up, and my cock will break straight through my zipper before we leave this restaurant,” Chuck said with a laugh as they both got up, and Chuck adjusted his bulge as they walked to the parking lot.


Chuck could barely get the keys in the front door with the excitement of having Rhea’s hands reaching around and squeezing his manhood. 

“Oh, for the love of Pete Rhea, you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that,” Chuck said as they entered the house a hurriedly made their way to the bedroom upstairs.

“Not yet, big guy; I have a few surprises and need you in peak form,” Rhea chided back as she walked into the bathroom with her bag and closed the door.

“Get naked and lay on the bed,” Rhea shouted from the bathroom.


Ann stood in the closet as she helped Rhea oil her skin up and helped her into the catsuit.

“God, Rhea, this suit is skin-tight; your ass looks divine; I may need to borrow it later if all goes as planned tonight,” Ann stated while helping the Lycra slip over Rhea’s hips, pulling it up her back to her neck.

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“Feels amazing; you would love wearing this for sure,” Rhea said, turning towards Ann and allowing her to zip the suit up her front side. 

“The oil slipping between my body and the suit is divine, fuck, if I move much more, I may climax right here and now,” said Rhea stifling a laugh as she grabbed Ann and held her close for a kiss.   

“Rhea, are you coming, or am I playing with myself tonight,” shouted Chuck from the bedroom on the other side of the door.

“Be right there,” Rhea shouted back.

“You ready?” Rhea asked, turning back to Ann.

“Ready as I will ever be, I suppose,” Ann said as she reached down and attached the last deep burgundy garter strap under her short satin black dress.

Rhea walked up to her, reached under her dress, and pressed two fingers down her wet mound.

“Good girl, he’s going to love it, I promise,” Rhea said, leaning in and kissing her again, then turned and walked into the bedroom.


It took Mark some time, but he finally got Chuck’s extension ladder out of the garage and quietly extended it to the second-floor bedroom window.

He wasn’t sure why Rhea wanted him to film this, but he figured if it all went wrong, at least they would have an insurance policy.

Mark could see Chuck naked and sitting up against the headboard. He realized and was a bit mesmerized by the sheer thickness of Chuck’s cock. He knew he didn’t have a homosexual bone in his body, but that also didn’t mean he couldn’t be impressed by another man’s gifts.

“Jesus, that’s the widest cock I have ever seen,” Mark thought to himself as he rigged the camera onto the top of the ladder so he could have both hands to hold on. 

Rhea suddenly appeared as Mark turned the camera on so that it would show through the open blinds but made it difficult to spot if you were in the room, which was a benefit to his unwanted spying.

“Holy shit!” Mark thought but almost blurted it out as Rhea entered the room in the catsuit he bought earlier.

“Fuck me, Rhea, “Mark mumbled under his breath as he stood up and could lean against the window to make his stay a bit more comfortable, wishing he had gone into the changing room.     


“Hey, Daddy, what do you think?” Rhea exclaimed as she walked through the door to the end of the bed, got on, and crawled like a cat toward him.

“Uh, oh my lord, you look stunning,” Chuck responded as his girth started to take shape.

“Glad you think so,” Rhea said as she reached him. She leaned down and licked from the base of his cock to the tip before slamming it into her mouth.

“Good, God!” exclaimed Chuck, putting his head back on the headboard.

Pulling back, Rhea slowly started to lick his sides, moved over his massive head, and sank it again down her throat as her spit dribbled from the sides of her mouth. Chuck, in response, moaned and gave a few shallow hip thrusts as Rhea took more of him in.

“Mmmm, fuck Rhea, you are good at that,” Chuck moaned as his eyes closed, taking in the sensation that flooded across his cock.

“Oh, Daddy, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Rhea exclaimed as her mouth produced Chuck’s cock to his completely rigid form.

Rhea pulled her head up and had Chuck move to the end of the bed. Reaching down, Rhea grabbed the zipper at the top of her ass crack and zipped it open to her belly button. 

Chuck was mesmerized as Rhea’s Ass cheeks and wet mound protruded from the open slit.  Her wet pussy was on full display with a puffiness he had never witnessed before.  Rhea slowly moved back until Chuck’s cock rested against her ass.

“Daddy, I want you to stick that fat cock of yours in my tight pussy,” Rhea shouted.

“Don’t have to ask me twice,” Chuck bellowed as he grabbed Rhea’s hips and, in one fluid motion, jammed his fat rigid cock deep into Rhea’s mound.

“Oh, Fuck me, shit, yes, fuck me, Daddy!” Rhea moaned and screamed into the duvet cover as the cock ripped her insides.

Chuck rode her pussy hard and deep.  Making a loud slapping sound against the lycra as he pounded away, not noticing the light click of the bathroom door handle go off behind him while he enjoyed Rhea’s wet gash.

Ann moved slowly to the side of the bed as Chuck pounded away at Rhea.  She was in Ah of the sheer force. He was fucking her hard and deep from the noises coming from Rhea as she came up next to him.  She watched intently as Chuck’s cock stretched Rhea’s wet pussy out, mesmerized by Rhea’s lips being pulled back along Chuck’s cock.

After moments of taking in the highly erotic scene, she turned towards Chuck, who was not even paying attention to the woman beside him.

“Hello, my love,” Ann said, leaning her head close enough to Chuck’s ear that his eyes opened and went so wide; Ann could have sworn she just gave her husband of twenty years a heart attack. 

For the briefest of moments, Ann honestly thought the night would be spent at the hospital, reviving him of his ailment. Chuck, in disbelief, finally turned his head towards her with a look of terror.

“Well, this is a dirty situation we have here, isn’t it, dear,” Ann said, giving Chuck a stern look.

“Uh, uh, Oh my god, Ann, oh honey, oh, shit, I can explain,” Chuck blurted out in fast repetition, not forming most of the words as his face went dangerously pale.

“Oh, no worries, dear; why don’t you finish what you started? Your cock is still deep in her overly stretched pussy, and you looked like you were enjoying yourself,” Ann stated clearly as she got onto the bed and moved against the padded headboard, placing her back so she was directly facing Chuck.

Ann felt a twinge of jealousy, shame, and regret as she raised her knees to her chest, but she also felt power, lust, and love as she watched Chuck in awe of her response.  She knew she had to steer the ship tonight; otherwise, all might be lost.

“So help me God, Chuck, if you don’t keep shoving that tree trunk of a dick of yours down Rhea’s sweet young pussy so I can hear her scream, I am walking out of here, and you won’t ever see me again,” said Ann shouted, with a more controlled voice.

When Ann shouted at him, Chuck froze, his body sweating and on the verge of getting sick; he didn’t know what was happening, but he watched in complete fascination as his beautiful wife leaned back, lifted her knees, and spread her legs, revealing her shaved, wet mound under the light of the lampshade.

 “Oh, my God!” Chuck bellowed at Ann as she sat with a straight face looking directly at him.

“Ann, what, no, what is this?” Chuck said as his cock got harder, looking at Ann’s tiny pussy that had now become wet so he could see her clit protruding from her soft lips as Ann’s fingers slipped between her folds. 

“Daddy, don’t stop; she wants you to fuck me, so oblige her,” Rhea moaned as her legs quivered from his cock becoming more erect.

Chuck gave Rhea a few slow thrusts to keep her at bay while, in his mind, he was trying to decipher what was happening and why.

“That’s it, give her that fat cock, push it deep into her young pussy; I know you like it, and now, I want the neighbors to know you like it,” Ann said in an authoritative voice Chuck had never heard before.

“Come on, Chuck; you can fuck her harder than that; I want to hear her scream!” Ann re-affirmed to him in an even deeper tone.

Chuck gave in and started pushing harder and harder as his eyes darted from Rhea’s sweet plump pussy to Ann’s right hand, now stroking her slit for all it’s worth.

“Oh, fuck me, fuck me, shit, shit, oh, fuck, that’s it, Daddy, give it to me!” Rhea shouted, lifting her head and looking directly into Ann’s eyes.

Ann watched in complete awe as her husband pounded away on Rhea’s drenched cavern; Ann moved her ass forward on the bed and laid down. Seeing Ann lay her legs to each side of her, Rhea took the hint and dove headfirst into Ann’s wet and delicious essence.

Chuck, for the first time, realized that Ann was into this. He wasn’t sure why or how this had unfolded, but he had his cock buried into Rhea as he watched his wife get her snatch devoured by another woman.

He looked directly into Ann’s eyes as her first orgasm took shape, and he felt the world was right tonight; for the first time in a long time, he knew they both would be okay.

“FUCK ME!” Ann shouted as Rhea’s tongue hit home, and she gushed her essence all over Rhea’s face.

“Mmmm, oh, shit, your pussy is so fucking good; keep fucking me, Daddy, don’t you stop!” Rhea said through muffled lips as she continued to eat Ann for all her worth.


“Holy shit!” Mark mouthed to himself, standing outside on the ladder, looking in as the video camera continued to roll.

Mark’s cock was hard as a rock when he pulled it out above the grey sweats he was wearing.  He slowly stroked away as he leaned against the window while Ann entered the room.  He watched Ann walk up next to Chuck while he was pounding his girlfriend’s pussy deep and hard. 

“So fucking hot,” Mark thought as he watched Rhea’s eyes roll back and heard her moan.  Mark thought about how delectable Ann looked when Chuck’s eyes flashed open, and he looked over.

Mark was stroking harder now as he watched the real festivities start.  He was in awe of how Ann took control of the situation while she moved her body onto the bed.  He was locked onto Ann’s wet mound as she stroked herself while watching Chuck pound away on Rhea.

Mark felt the build-up rubbing and stroking his cock for all its worth, watching Ann slide between Rhea’s head, and Rhea began to devour her.

“Oh, holy shit, that’s fucking hot,” Mark inwardly spoke to himself as his orgasm shot his load all over the window while releasing a guttural moan.  Ribbons of his hot, wet seed covered the glass while simultaneously holding onto the ladder for dear life as his climax continued. The camera shook wildly as Mark jettisoned more of his hot load onto the window, the sill, his hand, and finally, the ladder.   

“Holy fuck me,” Mark whispered.


“Fuck Chuck, you can do better than that; her sweet, young pussy deserves a bigger pounding,” said Ann with yet another domineering tone that had Chuck baffled and aroused all at the same time.

Ann heard a noise outside the window; her eyes darted to where she heard it for a few seconds but couldn’t see what it was.  Ann slowly turned back to Chuck and Rhea fucking while she was still rubbing her wet lips and looked down.

Rhea’s eyes were in full waterworks as Ann imagined Rhea’s cervix getting crushed and split open by Chuck’s overwhelming force.

Rhea’s pussy started to ache as Chuck pounded away, stretching her pussy wide as he ground against her cervix with everything he had. 

“OH, GOD, Daddy, FUCK!” screamed Rhea as her first orgasm shattered her will and crushed her internal walls; she clasped down hard on Chuck’s cock as her lips stretched back on Chuck’s tree trunk.

Rhea’s head fell into Ann’s lap immediately as she passed out from the sheer size of his now spasming cock, her orgasm shooting a steady, damp stream out all over Chuck’s stomach and down his thighs.

“Oh, God, Uggghhh, FUCK!” Shouted Chuck as his thick, hot seed battered against Rhea’s Cervix, and he pushed it through with a thud; he faintly heard Rhea grumble under her breath, still passed out from her climax.

“That’s a good husband, now turn her over, and I want you to lick her pussy clean,” Demanded Ann while she helped Rhea turn her body over.

“Now, Chuck,” Ann sternly said again.

Ann watched as Chuck buried his face deep into Rhea’s worn-out pussy as she stroked herself faster and more complexly.

“Oh Fuckkkk,” Rhea screamed, coming to, wide-eyed and body-spasming when her second orgasm hit her, instantly sending a chill from her clit to her spine, finally ending on the back of her gooseflesh neck.

Portions of Chuck’s seed were now resting against both cheeks when he pulled from between Rhea’s legs.

“Holy shit, that was something,” Chuck exclaimed to Ann as he stared directly at Ann while she moaned against her wet fingers still deep in her, and Rhea passed out again, covered in sweat.

“Now it’s my turn, get that fat fucking cock over here and fuck my drenched pussy,” Ann said back with a force that made Chuck instantly hard again.

Chuck pushed Rhea to one side of the mattress, moaning uncontrollably as he did so.  Chuck approached Ann and turned her around to face the headboard.

“I am not sure what this is, Hun, but I want you to know this is going to be the highlight of the evening,” said Chuck as Ann raised her bare ass towards him.

“Shut up and fuck me,” Ann said harshly as Chuck entered her now-hungry gash.

Chuck had never been so horny and enamored like this in his whole life.  His wife of twenty years was deep down a dominatrix slut who demanded cock, pussy, and God knows what else. He was astonished at how deep her primal need was and wondered to what lengths she would travel.

“Give me that fat cock like you have never given it to me before,” said Ann as she stifled a scream as his thick, rigid cock split her tunnel wide.

“Fuck, you’ve never been this fuck big before,” Ann bellowed back as Chuck rode her like he was breaking a mule. 

“Fuck, you’ve never been this slutty and hot before,” said Chuck with a grin you could see from a mile away.

“Oh, Chuck, I have missed you; god, how I have missed you,” Ann moaned with tears in her eyes.

“You have no idea, my love,” Chuck said with a few moans.

Chuck gave Ann more than sex, more than a needed fuck; he gave himself to her entirely, as though they had just met for the first time as lovers.

Chuck swayed with slow, deliberate movements that sent Ann over the moon. She could feel the love as Chuck stroked her shoulders and hips.

Reaching down, Chuck massaged Ann’s breasts as they swayed freely beneath her, and she felt Chuck’s hands move caressingly across her waist.   

Chuck’s cock suctioned in and out of Ann for the good part of five minutes before Rhea finally gained the strength to get back into the action.

“I knew you two would find each other again,” Rhea said, admiring the two making love before her. Not wanting to be left out, Rhea slid under Ann’s frame and started trading licks and sucks against Ann’s pussy and Chuck’s balls and shaft.

“I never thought we could fall madly in love again,” Chuck exclaimed happily as he felt Rhea’s tongue flicker across his cock.

“Ditto, my love, now fuck me harder,” said Ann as she lowered her lips to Rhea’s wet pussy.


The noises in the room were a cacophony of moans, groans, and screams as Chuck pounded away inside Ann’s stretched pussy while Mark watched in complete satisfaction while stroking his cock again to its entire length. 

He couldn’t get over how well it all unfolded and how much Ann was into being a Dom.  He would have never guessed she would take to that personality, but he was looking forward to his subsequent encounter with her.

Mark watched as Ann’s face turned towards the window; he witnessed her eyes full of tears. At first, he thought she was crying from the pain or the torment of the situation she had found herself in. 

It was a few minutes of watching before he realized she wasn’t crying because she was sad; she was crying because she had found Chuck again and her true self while he continued to pound her deep with lust in his eyes.

Mark’s climax hit when Rhea woke and re-entered the festivities unfolding before him. His vision went fuzzy as he witnessed Rhea licking Ann’s clit and Chuck’s fat cock while it stretched in and out of Ann’s wet mound.   

“Ohhhh, so fucking hot!” moaned Mark into the dark sky above him.

Mark’s seed hit the window with a determined force that covered another area of the window farther down that now blocked a lot of his view. Mark leaned hard against the window, breathing heavily as he sprayed rope after rope all over the already cum covered glass.


Ann’s body spasmed uncontrollably as her eyes exploded with tears and stars across her vision when Chuck’s last hard thrust hit her cervix, and his head stretched it open. 

She felt her body send a shockwave through her legs and back when her walls finally collapsed inward, enveloping his entire head into her cervix.

“Oh, uggghhh,” was all Ann could muster before passing out, dropping her head onto Rhea’s stomach.

“Oh, shit!” Chuck screamed to the ceiling above as he came hard, shoving his thick head through his wife’s cervix.  He continued to fuck her hard as he rode his orgasm to completion, not realizing she had blacked out as Ann’s head bounced on Rhea’s stomach.

Pulling from Ann, Chuck’s cock came to rest on Rhea’s lips, where she grabbed it and sucked Chuck clean.

“I want another round,” Rhea said between licks.

“Jesus, Rhea, I might be spent,” Chuck said, looking down between Ann’s Ass into Rhea’s eyes.

“Come here, big boy, you got more in you,” Rhea said as she moved Ann from her and swung her legs around to face Chuck.

“You both are going to be the death of me,” Chuck said with a hearty laugh as he lowered his face onto Rhea’s wet mound.

“Ohh, Daddy, shut up and eat my pussy,” exclaimed Rhea.  She could feel Chuck’s warm breath and large wet tongue lashing between her thoroughly drenched lips moments later.

“Mmmm, you taste fantastic,” Chuck muffled the words while his tongue lapped across Reah’s starfish, and his nose rubbed against her pussy while Ann slowly came next to him.

“Honey, let me help you with that,” said Ann grabbing his cock from behind and stroking it till Chuck became hard again.

Ann pulled Chuck from Rhea, laid him on his back, and straddled over him as Rhea moved over his face looking into Ann’s determined eyes.

Slowly Ann grasped Chuck’s stiff shaft and slowly lowered herself onto him.  To Chuck’s surprise, he could feel she was trying to squeeze him into her ass as she squatted hard down onto him. 

Rhea lowered herself as well, but this time it was Chuck’s face, she sat down on.  Chuck licked and sucked on Rhea’s clit hard while he could feel his cock ripping Ann’s asshole wide.

“Shit, you’re fucking big,” grimaced Ann, still pressing down and then pulling up, trying to get her ass to accept and relax against Chuck’s girth.

“Oh, God, Ann, you have never let me do this before,” Chuck spoke between Rhea’s legs.

“I’ve also never let you fuck other women either, so be quiet and let me work this; Uggghhh, Oh, Fuck!” Ann spoke sternly and finished her statement with a quiet scream.

Ann could feel Chuck’s engorged head finally pass her tight starfish. The pressure and fullness that Chuck’s cock produced in her body sent her legs quivering. Heavy breathing could be heard from Ann as she slowly rode up and down on his shaft until his cocks precum lubed her hole, affording her to bounce heavier and heavier on his giant prick.

“Yes, Chuck, oh, Chuck,” Ann moaned while leaning forward and firmly taking Rhea’s lycra suit and zipping it down until her breast released themselves from their prison. Ann cupped and played with Rhea’s breasts while she rode Chuck.

Rhea leaned in and kissed Ann passionately as she threw her tongue in and down Ann’s throat. Ann returned Rhea’s affections by tonguing back and giving Rhea’s supple nipples a tight pinch and twist, altering her movements and making Rhea moan loudly.

“Mmmm, how’s that thick cock in your Ass?” Rhea asked between breaths as Chuck’s tongue drove her closer to another orgasm.

“It’s, Mmmm, Oh, so fucking good,” Ann moaned with a deep, hot breath against Rhea’s ear before her lips pressed firmly against Rhea’s neck.

Leaning in on Rhea for support while Chuck’s cock rearranged Ann’s internal organs.

Through squinted eyes, she could see Chuck devouring Rhea’s pussy below her, which pushed her lust forward, and she looked down between her legs, watching her belly button move in and out while Chuck’s cock pumped her insides raw.

She was amazed at how alien it looked, but the feeling was like nothing else she had ever experienced in her entire sexual life.

Ann felt her orgasm building while Chuck’s Cock pulsated like a worm as his veined cover shaft rippled in and out of her. 

Chuck now felt his prick build towards his finish, not wanting it to end. He thought Ann’s ass was delicious and warm while Rhea’s gash dribbled her essence across his tongue and cheeks.

“I want us all to climax together,” Rhea bellowed to the couple as she could tell they were very close to going. 

“I’m so close, oh, god,” Ann exclaimed.

“So am I; oh, Fuck, Babe,” Chuck stated under broken breath as he grabbed Ann’s hips and thrust her down harder and harder.

“Come on, Daddy, lick that pussy; fuck me!” said Rhea as her breath caught, pushing Ann’s face to hers and deeply kissing her while her orgasm drenched Chuck’s face.

“Oh, Mmmm, Oh, Fuck, Mmmm, oh fuck me, CHUCK!” Ann screamed through Rhea’s kissing mouth as Chuck’s Cock hit bottom, sending her body into uncontrollable spasms of ecstasy, wondering if her orgasm would ever stop while Chuck kept pumping her deep.

Chuck finally released his thick, hot seed into Ann’s supple ass when he came a second later.

“Uggghhh,” was all that was heard from Chuck in the room as Rhea’s essence continued to spill from her plump gash all over his face while Ann’s ass was cliched down on his meaty shaft. 

None of them could stop their bodies from continuing to move; they all enjoyed secondary orgasms for a few more minutes, just holding and swaying with each other.

Ann slowly bounced on Chuck’s cock while Rhea ground on Chuck’s face, and Chuck moved tenderly inside Ann.

Finally, Chuck’s shaft softened enough for Ann to remove him from her sore, satisfied ass. All three eventually moved under the sheets after Rhea and Ann pulled off their cum soaked clothing.

Ann nestled between Rhea and Chuck, finally resting her head on Chuck’s chest while Rhea spooned Ann’s firm, supple body. 

Faint noises could be heard out the window; it seemed someone was working an extension ladder and rustling through the bushes next door.  Chuck didn’t care; looking down at the top of Ann’s hair-swept head, he knew he’d found his wife again as they lay there, holding her tight to his chest with a faint smile on his face; she fell solidly asleep with Rhea by her side.

Chuck knew there was no turning back the clock, but he looked forward to whatever life threw at them next.    


PT. 5 – Coming Soon!

Written by James253
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