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Weekend Away - Part III

"The weekend goes on and turnaround is fair play"

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As I opened my eyes I could see daylight around the edges of the curtain. I moved myself gently away from Judy and climbed out of bed without disturbing her. I noticed a lot of the redness was gone, but there were still a few welts across her smooth skin. Nothing that wouldn't disappear within a couple of days, but I suspected she was still going to be a bit sore today.

I moved over to the window and glanced out around the edge of the curtain. The sky was a cloudless cobalt and the glare of the intense sun reflecting from the white ground was almost blinding. The wind had finally dropped and I could see a plow moving along the main road, a half mile distant, but my road had yet to be touched.

I let the curtain drop back into place and made a quiet trip into the bathroom. When I returned, clean-shaven once again, I saw that Judy was still asleep. Instead of waking her, I made my way to the kitchen and spent twenty minutes making a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and some sliced fruit. I took this and a pot of hot tea back into the bedroom where I found Judy just returning from the bathroom.

"Good morning, Lover. I hope I didn't leave you too sore from last night."

She came over and kissed me.

"No, not too sore anyway. But, it was worth it. I don't think I've ever come that much or that hard, Paul. I'm still tender in a few places, so don't count on whipping me like that again today. But I'm still horny, so don't count on getting to rest too much today either."

I built up the fire again and we ate breakfast sitting on the thick rug in front of it. Then we made love in front of it. This time it was a long, slow lovemaking, different, but just as good in its way as the hot session in the dungeon the previous night.

I think one of the reasons I've come to like Judy so much is that she can be many different women. Hot and fiery, soft and romantic, a determined fencing opponent, the perfect academic professor, or a hundred others. In the last few weeks, I've begun to admit to myself that I think I'm falling in love with her.

I believe Judy feels somewhat the same and I've been working up my nerve to say so. In the meantime, neither of us has a problem with just enjoying each other's company - not to mention the fantastic sex.

As we lay together in the afterglow of the loving, Judy kissed me.

I leaned over and stretched Judy out on her back, pulling her wrists over her head with my right hand. I lowered my mouth to her nipples and felt them harden instantly as my lips and tongue began to explore. Judy is the hottest woman I have ever known. She would have fit right in on the plantation island.

We played like that for a little while.

"Want to go downstairs?" I asked.

"I'd love to, Paul. But I think I'm still a little too sore for much right now."

She stopped for a second and then a new look came into her eyes.

"Suppose we go downstairs and you can be my victim instead?"

I raised up, still holding her wrists to the floor above her head, and looked down at her lovely, naked form. As I have said, Judy is generally the victim in our games, but we do switch off some.

"I could go for that," I answered. "After all, I've been doing all the work so far. Not only all that reading but also torturing you. Maybe it's time you had to work a little."

Judy stuck her tongue out at me.

"That's going to cost you, Lover. OK. Hit the bathroom while you still can. "

We made our way back down to the dungeon and Judy wasted no time in getting cuffs snugly fastened around my wrists and ankles.

"I think we'll start with something simple," she said. "After all, simple is often best."

She placed me facing a round, padded, horizontal rail we had supported about thirty inches above the floor. Spreading my legs, she attached my ankle cuffs to a bar, holding them nearly two feet apart. Then she bent me forward across the rail and clipped my wrist cuffs to the ones on my ankles. This, of course, left my ass clearly displayed and available.

Judy ran her hands over my bare flanks and down the sides of my thighs. She continued to play with me in this fashion for several minutes until my rod was sticking out in rigid excitement and my breath was beginning to come in quick gasps.

She finished her attentions by running her hands up the insides of my spread legs and dragging one finger up my crack and across the sensitive skin of my exposed anus.

Her hot hands left my quivering body and I strained to try to see what she was doing. To do this I had to look back between my own spread legs and I saw an inverted picture of her long legs and tight ass as she walked over to a cabinet against the wall.

I couldn't see what she retrieved from the cabinet, but the view of her retreating backside, even upside down, was worth the contortions. A minute later I discovered what she had picked up as the flat surface of a smooth wood paddle slammed into my rear, eliciting a sharp yelp.

Judy toyed with me for nearly two minutes while delivering only a half dozen swats. These stung but I quickly realized they were not meant to cause a lot of anguish, but rather merely to warm me for more severe treatment to come. After the sixth stroke, Judy put down the paddle and picked up another object.

She moved around in front of me and showed it to me. As I strained to arch my head far enough back to view her possession, I realized I was in for a rather painful session. Judy was holding what we call our "Swiss cheese paddle".

This is a frat-type paddle, three inches by eighteen, smoothed and varnished hardwood, a half inch or so thick. But unlike the school paddles available in the bookstore as decorations, this one had its surface covered with half-inch holes.

I knew from experience that this device would hurt like hell as the holes ventilated the paddle and prevented the cushion of air which forms with a smooth paddle. Additionally, each hole would provide its circular edge as a contact point.

Yes, this would definitely hurt more than the other paddle. My cock stuck out even more in anticipation.

I wasn't disappointed. Judy struck the first stroke and I couldn't hold back a sharp cry. Neither could I hold back on the next. Or on any of the dozen or so which followed. It may seem strange to the uninitiated that a painful spanking can stimulate one sexually.

But it is a truth many have discovered. There is a close relationship between sexual stimulation and pain, at least as long as the pain is restrained short of the point where it begins to dominate everything else.

We were always careful not to pass this point, and both Judy and I had found that this form of "stimulation" did a lot to increase the intensity of our orgasms when they finally came. Now I could feel myself almost more aroused than I could stand, desperately waiting for the release I needed so badly.

I could tell that Judy was also getting more excited as her breathing began to come in shorter and more shallow gasps. Once as I looked back between my legs, I saw her left hand on her own crotch, furiously rubbing even as she swung the stinging paddle toward my defenseless bottom.

Suddenly the spanking stopped and I could clearly hear Judy's cry as she started her own climax. But she left me hanging, unable to come. I strained against my bonds, but to no avail, as she cried out several times, each time with more intensity, and then as she calmed and her breathing began to slow slightly.

To say I was frustrated would be an incredible understatement. I begged Judy for some relief.

"Not yet, Lover" she answered. "You have a long way to go yet."

I groaned and resigned myself to a long, tortuous session.

In a couple of minutes, Judy began to release my wrists and ankles, but as soon as I had stretched, she led me over to where there were two chains hanging from the joists above my head.

Soon my arms were spread widely above my head, anchored to the chains, and Judy was pulling my ankles far apart and attaching them to rings in the floor. I was left stretched in a tight X shape between ceiling and floor, my rock-hard cock still pointing straight out and my balls aching to explode.

Judy helped them in that direction by using her long fingers to just slightly brush against their undersides and across the super-sensitive skin between them and my anus. Then she moved away behind me and soon returned with something I couldn't see.

I heard the sounds of her adjusting something and then I felt her finger, cool and slick with lubricant, press against the stretched opening of my anus. As her tapering digit slipped inside I groaned again.

Judy twisted around and worked the finger in and out, spreading the slick substance all around. I now knew I was going to be penetrated, but not with what.

The finger withdrew and in seconds the slick, plastic tip of a long, tapered dildo touched my rear opening. The dildo seemed to be attached to something and I guessed it was mounted on one of the adjustable stands, not unlike chemistry ring stands, which we have in the playroom.

It seemed to go deeper than I thought possible and soon I was straining up on my toes for relief.

Judy left me like that and moved around in front of me. She slid her hands across my chest, pinching and rubbing at my nipples as she let her tongue tease and torment my lips and neck.

Occasionally she would let a hand drop and stroke my tormented member, but never enough to bring relief.

She pressed her bare breasts against my chest for a few seconds and I could feel her nipples, rock hard, seem to drag burning lines across my skin. Then I suddenly felt a sharp pain at my right nipple as she let a small clamp snap closed over the hard nub.

This clamp was not smooth, but rather serrated, like the small electrical clips I frequently saw around the Electrical Engineering labs. The first was followed by a second clamp on my left nipple.

She added two small lead weights, further tightening the hold of the clamps and bringing additional pain to my unbelievably aroused body.

But Judy wasn't quite done. She took a short length of quarter-inch wide velvet ribbon and made a small slip knot, not unlike a noose, in one end. This she looped around my swollen balls and snugged tight around the aching spheres before tying a weight which must have been nearly a pound to the other end.

As she lowered the weight and I felt its pull on my swollen testicles, still another groan escaped my lips. Judy stood and again kissed me, running her hot tongue around my mouth and neck. She touched a switch and the dildo buried in my rear began to vibrate.

She continued to stroke and tease me for a good fifteen or twenty minutes. The intensity of all of this "torture" was already about to drive me nuts and Judy's continual sexual teasing did nothing to relieve my condition.

But she wasn't content to let it go at even this. Suddenly she stepped back and picked up a cat. She held it up in front of me so I could see the sinuous strands of the leather tails before she began to swing it at my bound body.

Judy and I are not into real pain and torture, but sometimes we do play fairly rough. Now each stroke of the whip left its nine stinging trails across my skin and most elicited a cry or squeal.

She whipped my ass especially well but did not limit herself, delivering blows to almost every part of my body. This went on for a long time. I was straining against my bonds, tears often filled my eyes, and I jerked hard at nearly every stroke, but I never even thought of using a safeword.

I was aroused more than I could ever remember and each lash, although it often hurt like hell, brought me higher.

Finally, Judy stopped the whipping and moved behind me. Suddenly the vibrating shaft embedded in my rear jumped to a new and more intense level of stimulation as she turned it to a higher setting.

Then she was kneeling in front of me, her wet mouth engulfing the head of my rampant cock, hot tongue swirling into the tip and around the swollen head. Her hands roamed my tortured skin, stroking across hot lines left by the whip and into seemingly every sensitive crease I possessed.

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I strained on my toes in response to both the vibrating shaft penetrating my rectum and to Judy's incredibly erotic activities until I could no longer hold back and began to spurt jet after jet of my pent-up fluids into her hot and sucking mouth.

When it was over Judy lowered the stand and I relaxed my feet back flat on the floor while she removed first the clamps and then my bonds.

We hugged and kissed deeply.

"That was incredible! " I said. "I don't think I could handle much more - especially now - but sometimes I'd like to do it again."

Judy smiled and whispered into my ear as her tongue slid around inside its edge.

"I loved it too, Stud. But I'm not quite done with you yet."

I started to protest.

"Don't worry, not quite so intense, " she added.

She led me over to the padded bench and soon I was at its end, ankles spread and fastened, and bent forwards along the length of soft leather. Then Judy began to lightly stroke my sides. I began to squirm but she merely intensified her attack and soon I was laughing uncontrollably as she continued to tickle me.

Judy would lightly touch me, her fingers just barely brushing the skin, in all my most sensitive places - except my cock which was now once again rigid and swollen. When I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe, she would relent and her attack would slacken until I caught my breath.

She mixed this tickling with sexy caresses using fingers, tongue, and her hard nipples. The feel of her hot, wet tongue moving from the top of my ass crack up my back and down my flank nearly drove me mad again.

Then those sharp, white teeth would nip at my thigh or buttock and a tapered finger would move from the back of my balls up to my distended anus.

Judy continued this treatment for a half hour and I was nearly crying in frustration. Then she stopped and moved over to the wall again for a minute. From my bound position, I couldn't see what she was doing or getting and when she moved back behind me I trembled in anticipation.

A soft suede flogger slapped my ass and then my back. The blows were not really hard enough to hurt much, but on top of the stimulation I had been receiving served to arouse me even more.

Judy delivered a dozen strokes and then I suddenly felt the end of what I took to be another dildo against my stretched anus. This pressed inwards, its surface well-lubricated even though my rear passage was still slick from our earlier activity.

The dildo seemed to press inwards forever and just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, I felt Judy's long, bare legs press against my own. Her hips pressed my hot buttocks and I suddenly realized she was using a strap-on to ream my rear passage.

As I have said, Judy and I have found we like anal sex, at least when she is on the receiving end. We have played with anal dildos, Judy using one to ravish my rear, and both of us have enjoyed the sensations.

But never before had she used a strap-on tool and the feel of her pressing her body forwards against my own as the shaft embedded itself farther inside me was incredible. I instantly decided I loved being the one fucked - at least by this beautiful and sexy creature.

After several slow in-and-out strokes, Judy murmured, "Enjoying this, Lover?"

"More than I would have ever imagined," I answered enthusiastically. "Do you like it?"

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be on this end of a fuck. It's even better than I imagined. I'm glad you like it."

Then we quit talking as Judy increased the speed of her strokes and soon I was shooting my load onto the floor as Judy arched hard against me. I could even feel her contractions transmitted through the plastic cock as she reached her own climax.

Afterward, Judy released me and we headed to the shower where we spent a long time kissing, hugging, and washing each other under the stream of warm water. At last, we dried off - but didn't dress - and went upstairs to find some lunch to bring back to the bedroom where I once again built up the fire.

Judy and I ate lunch reclining on the rug in front of the fire. About one-thirty, as we were finishing the food, I heard the sound of a large truck or other vehicle outside and we both made our way over to the window.

I pulled back the curtain partway so we could see what was happening. We had stopped slightly back from the window since we were both completely naked and we couldn't tell from the sound exactly where the truck was. However, a quick glance showed that it was a snow plow just starting on the far end of my road.

The wind was completely still and the sky was a pure, cloudless blue with the sun reflecting blindingly from the white surface which seemed to cover the entire world.

After a few seconds, I dropped the curtain.

"Looks like they'll have the road cleared in an hour or so," I commented.

Judy moved beside me and pressed her bare breast against my side.

"Planning on going somewhere?" she asked.

"Not really. Are you?" I asked.

"Well, like you said the other day, I have been thinking about coming a lot, but the only place I'm interested in going is back to the dungeon," Judy said.

She pressed herself against me and let her fingers trail down my chest and across my cock.

I shivered and began to harden in response. "I won’t last long if you keep that up."

"You're the one who needs to keep it up," she shot back. "OK. Why don't you keep me out of trouble and tie me again?"

I smiled and kissed her.

"Like that, don't you?" I murmured. "Well, I do, too. Come on, Wench."

With our arms around each other, we moved back over near the fireplace. I pulled the double-wide lounge in front of the flames and picked up Judy's wrist and ankle cuffs which were lying on the floor.

Soon I had them fastened snugly around her and was loosely fastening her, partly reclining, on her back. When she was comfortable I spent a couple of minutes teasing her body.

I stroked her bound body, letting my hands slip across her breasts and hard nipples, and then bent forward to kiss and suck each of the firm nubs. In another couple of minutes, I was plunging into her very willing body, driving myself hard against her as she strained against the ropes holding her to the lounge.

Her feet were loose so she was able to clamp them tightly behind my back and soon both of us were lost in a sweating climax as I drove her hard against the leather surface of the lounge and she used her hard leg muscles to try to pull me in even deeper.

As we emerged from our lust-induced high, I pulled back slightly and looked down at this beautiful woman. Judy and I had begun this relationship with the idea of hot and free sex, but over the last couple of months had become very good friends as well as lovers.

I was now beginning to believe it was becoming something else. I didn't yet use the word love even to myself, but it was there, hovering in the back of my mind. And surprisingly I didn't find the idea at all frightening. In fact, quite the opposite.

At last, I released her and we headed for the shower and then into the kitchen to find something for supper. We carried trays back into the bedroom and built up the fire once more. I could get used to spending weekends naked with Judy, rarely straying from the fireplace and then only to the kitchen to get food or to the playroom for dessert.

It had long since grown dark out again, but now the roads had been cleared and no more snow was falling. Judy snuggled her bare body against me and nuzzled my neck with her lips. She lifted her mouth to my ear, ran her tongue lightly around the inside of the shell.

"Why don't you tie me over the horse, warm my bottom, and then fuck my ass, Lover? Then we can go to bed and spend a few hours just making love," she whispered.

This sounded like an offer I was not going to refuse. After all, we still had one more day of the long weekend. It looked like this was going to really work out all the way around.

I lay on the bed beside Judy, casually stroking her firm and still-warm bottom as she sighed in contentment. Thirty minutes earlier she had been tied along the length of the padded horse, her ankles spread to the two legs at one end and her wrists to the two at the other.

Nipple clamps dangled from each breast and she ground her pussy hard against the smooth padding of the horse with each stroke of the cat I delivered. I whipped her until her entire ass was red and hot to the touch and she was squirming back and forth, desperately trying to get herself off.

I finally stopped and moved behind her and pressed my lubricated cock against her tight and puckered rear opening.

Judy had already come once from the whipping itself and started to again almost immediately as I entered her tight rear passage. I reached forward and tugged slightly on the nipple clamps as I drove myself, slowly at first, and then faster, in and out of the warm, dark tunnel, my thrusts stopping only when my thighs pressed tightly against her burning cheeks.

It wasn't long, despite the number of times I had already come, before I came again, spurting several times deeply into her bowels.

Now we lay resting and I realized that we had never made love as many times in so short a period or as intensely as we had that weekend. I let my hand slowly caress her warm rear and on down her smooth thighs.

"You really seem to be hot this weekend, don't you?" I asked.

Judy twisted her head around to look at me.

"I don't see you complaining. And for that matter, you seem pretty excited yourself."

I smiled down at her.

"I guess I am. Honestly, Judy, I've never had this kind of sex with any woman before. You are fantastic!"

She moved her hand up and let it gently touch my face.

"Neither have I, Paul."

I knew what she meant, but I started to make some crack about her having sex with a woman and then I realized she was serious. I took her hand in mine and slowly raised it to my lips, kissing it lightly, all the time looking deeply into her eyes. I was beginning to think that Judy might be the only woman I'd ever be interested in again.

She pulled my hand back and kissed my fingers in return.

"You do excite me, Paul," she said.

Then she broke the mood before we got too serious.

"Of course, spending several days naked might have a little to do with it also," she added.

I grinned back at her.

"Like that, do you?"

A slightly surprised look came over her face.

"Yes, actually I do. I wouldn't have guessed it would be quite this hot, but I find I do really like it. And do you know what? I think sometimes I'd like to find somewhere where we could go nude outside as well."

She looked over towards the window for a second.

"But somewhere a little warmer."

Then she closed her eyes for a second and I could see the expression on her face go through several changes as she visualized something.

Suddenly, Judy yawned deeply. The yawn was catching and one of my own overcame me.

"I guess we're both pretty tired."

"I wonder why," Judy said sarcastically.

Then she yawned again.

"I still want to spend a few hours making love, but if I fall asleep while we're doing it, I bet you'd be ticked off at me, wouldn't you?"

"If I didn't fall asleep first. Let's sleep a few hours, Lover, and then maybe we can manage. If you're keeping score I'm sure this will still be a record weekend even if we sleep first."

Judy stuck her tongue out at me but ruined the effect by yawning once again. I kissed her, pulled a sheet over us, and held her close against me.

Written by GCKern
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