Tonight was the night. After months of planning and building the courage to get the supplies, I was ready to take my first attempt at self-bondage. Having spent the past few months researching by scouring the internet for self-bondage stories, I was more than desperate to give it a go. I had fantasised about being tied up over the last few years. It started as a small curiosity after seeing an attractive actress bound and helpless in a movie and had developed into a full-on obsession. Now that I had moved away from my parent's house for university, I finally had the opportunity to experience my fantasy.
The only obstacle I had to take into account was my roommate. When I first met Ivy a month ago, I was worried that we were complete opposites and we wouldn't get on well. She was the tattooed and pierced alternative girl with purple hair who didn't care what people thought of her. As for me, I was the quiet nerd type. I loved reading, gaming, and Dungeons and Dragons, though I was so much of an introvert that I found it hard to go out and find a group to do the latter. Unlike Ivy, I worried too much about what others thought and said about me. The differences with Ivy, her appearance, and her confident demeanour initially intimidated me, but she was actually lovely. We found common interests despite our extreme differences, and it was an affirmation to me that one should never judge a book by its cover.
It quickly became apparent that Ivy and I would become close friends. She was funny, and I admired her independent attitude, though I didn't know what she saw in me. I was quiet and meek for the most part, usually too afraid of what people would think if I offered my opinions or interjected into a conversation with a humorous comment that had entered my mind. If I was too nervous to do that, how could I possibly find the confidence to tell Ivy that I wanted to tie myself up; I had to wait until she would be out for a while. The only other option I had was to go to a local fetish event, but I was far too shy to consider that. The thought that I would be restrained by someone I didn't know too well, and potentially on display for others to see petrified me.
The planning for this evening's venture into restraining myself started a week ago when Ivy invited me to a big student night out in London. Our university was in a town which was only half an hour away by train to London, and every few months, the students arranged a mass party night out in Central London. After only going out drinking with my friends once or twice, I quickly discovered that clubs and bars weren't my thing. The introvert in me struggled to make small talk and found it tiresome to make an effort socially and since I didn't drink much at all, I knew I would get drunk quickly and I was scared of what kind of drunk I would be. I politely declined, and although Ivy appeared a little disappointed, she respected my decision.
Little did Ivy know this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. She had booked a hotel room with a few other students so she didn't have to worry about getting home while she was intoxicated. When her booking had been confirmed, I immediately ordered a set of handcuffs, a blindfold, a pair of earplugs, a ballgag, nipple clamps, and a hands-free vibrator that had a small wired control unit attached to it. Having ordered them from a reputable store, I hoped that they were decent quality, but I didn't have the time alone to spend the time needed to research which items were best. All I had to go on were the reviews on the site.
Midway through the week, I collected my order from a local post office. The website stated that the items would arrive in a discrete, unmarked box, but I didn't want the chance of Ivy getting curious about what I had ordered. Instead, I waited until Ivy went out before collecting the items from the post office. There was still time when I arrived back at the dorm room to have a quick look and try some of the items. The blindfold was very effective at blocking my whole sight, and I loved the way the gag felt when secured in my mouth, Somewhat out of character for me, I took a few selfies with my phone's camera, loving the way the gag looked on me. I decided against trying the clamps right now, mostly because if they felt as good as some people described I would get carried away before Ivy returned. There was still a little time to try the handcuffs, and I tested that they opened and locked properly before locking them around my wrists and then opening them again.
I practised locking and unlocking the cuffs while they were around my wrists at every free moment I had alone. It took several attempts before I could unlock the cuffs without any trouble, and I went on to practice with my wrists locked behind my back. I loved how this made me feel, vulnerable and on display with my chest pushed out because my shoulders were slightly pulled back. It quickly occurred to me that I was enjoying the sensation too much and had to remind myself that Ivy would be back sooner rather than later.
Unlocking the handcuffs around my wrist proved more difficult when I couldn't see them behind my back; even with the key in my hand, I fumbled around for longer than I would have liked, panic began to set in and I had to work to control my breathing to remain calm. Once I had managed that, I felt the satisfying sound of the key fitting into the lock and removed the handcuffs full of relief. Panic over, I warily eyed the time and decided against my better judgment to have another attempt. Once again, I felt myself slip into a happy place I hadn't experienced before today after the cuffs closed around my wrists. I briefly fantasised what this would feel like with all the other toys that I bought. Before I got lost in the moment, I focused my mind and unlocked the cuffs finding them easier to remove than the first time.
Friday night finally arrived, and Ivy again tried to persuade me to join her and the many students travelling into London. It felt good to be wanted and a small part of me debated going, even if it was just for Ivy. However, I had been fantasising about what I planned to do tonight for far too long. I didn't know when Ivy would be away overnight again to give me the opportunity.

Hiding behind the curtain, I watched Ivy join a group of people waiting for a bus to the train station. I felt sombre, wishing I had the courage and the social skills needed to join them for a night out; they looked like they were already having so much fun. It had been clear that I was different from my peers for quite a while now. I wasn't exactly a social pariah, I distanced myself by my choosing. Ivy had been the first person who wanted to make an effort with me; a part of me hoped she didn't give up and I eventually allowed her to succeed.
The instant the bus pulled away, I locked the door to my dorm room and retrieved my bag of toys and a few other items from the wardrobe. To add to the occasion, I bought a couple of scented candles and a bottle of wine. The rich aroma of the wine filled the room as I poured myself a glass and took a quick swig for a quick boost of liquid courage. I switched the light off and lit the candles, marvelling at the flickering warm lights as they danced along the walls. Excitement surged through me and I hurriedly removed my clothes and left them in an untidy pile on the floor. After a whole week of planning this evening down to the finest detail, I picked up the key to the handcuffs first and secured it to the headboard of the bed with a simple knot, also known as an overhand knot, one of the many things I had learned this week. I next bit onto the silicone ball of the gag, my jaw stretching to accommodate the intrusion. It was a little uncomfortable to wear, but that didn't bother me, if anything, it added to the occasion. I instantly found the inability to speak such a turn-on; such a simple ability that I had taken for granted was suddenly gone.
Sat naked on the bed with my back resting against the headboard, I played with my nipples. They were always so sensitive, sometimes responding to even the material of my top brushing against them; this was why I could never leave the house without my bra on. There had even been one time when I had made myself orgasm with only stimulation to the nipples. It had taken a while, and I knew I needed to be in the right frame of mind to do it again. I picked up the nipple clamps and squeezed them open before clamping them down on my engorged nipples, biting down on the ball gag to stop me from screaming out. That sharp moment of pain felt delicious, and I slowly unboxed the hands-free vibrator as the pain faded to a constant duller ache
The vibrator was shaped to sit inside me, resting against my clit. It wasn't too deep, and it could be controlled on and off remotely, or plugged into a small control unit for more settings. I didn't need to prepare myself as the gag and the nipple clamps had done enough to ensure I was already wet and desperate for more, so I slid the unit inside me and turned it on. It was currently wired into the control unit, so I programmed it to randomly change the speed and intensity at which it vibrated on an hour's timer. I mumbled a moan through the gag as the vibrations started slow and softly, I didn't know if I'd last the full hour, but I could always get myself free earlier if needed to turn it off.
Almost ready to complete my setup, I put the blindfold on and placed the earplugs in my ears. To further block out any sound, I put on my noise-cancelling headphones over my ears, I checked I could reach the key before cuffing my arms behind my back. Once I'd done this a few times, I'd go a step further by locking the key in a time-locked box, or freezing it in ice and having to wait before I could release myself.
This was it; the fantasy I had been obsessing about for the last year, and it didn't disappoint. Without sight and sound, I seemed to focus on the fewer senses I had available making what I felt from the vibrator more enhanced. The nipple clamps still produced a dull ache, though I wished I had wrapped them around something so that I could tug on them. Drool started to drip slowly down my chin because of the gag, and I had no choice but to let it remain there. I experienced every small detail, marvelling at how it made me feel. The vibrator changed intensity and speed randomly; it suddenly switched to its fastest and most intense setting, and I bit down on the gag to try to handle how good it felt. I felt the pressure of pleasure grow inside, threatening to overflow and erupt, but then suddenly, the vibrator switched to its lowest setting.
"Mmph." The moan escaped my lips through the gag, and I closed my eyes in frustration, willing the vibrator to change its setting again. With my senses cut off, I was trapped in my mind as it regressed into submission. I dreamed I would find the courage to look for someone who would take away my control like this. I longed to feel someone else's touch while I was so vulnerable.
The vibrator decided to kick it up a step once again, and the pressure inside built to a crescendo. I cried into the gag as wave after wave of pleasure surged through my body; my body tensed, my legs shook, and my mind exploded as pleasure-like lightning bolts struck all over my body. I felt my eyes roll back into my head, overwhelmed by the intense orgasm ripping its way through my body.
Fuck. I rose from the depths of pleasure I'd just plunged into feeling light-headed. My whole body tingled as if every nerve ending all over my body was recovering from the onslaught they had just experienced. As the vibrator slowed, I took a deep breath, getting some much-needed air from holding my breath. Seconds later, the unpredictable programmer for the vibrator switched to the highest setting once again, and I gripped the headboard, bracing myself once again as pleasure engulfed my body.
I moaned into the gag, hearing my muffled cries of pleasure as they echoed through my head. Without warning, I felt the blindfold and headphones lifted off my head. Overwhelming emotions flooded me mid-orgasm as my earplugs were removed and my sight adjusted from seeing nothing, to making out Ivy's perturbed expression looking down on me. The shock didn't stop the ripples of pleasure that left me paralysed mentally as I saw Ivy put two and two together.
"The door was locked! You're not in trouble, are you?"