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Our Dark Needs

"Paul shows Emmy that submission doesn't mean losing yourself."

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Author's Notes

"“I’ve changed my mind again, I want you now, I need you across my knee. Come home with me Emmy and let me give you pain and pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. Please say yes,” he pleaded. “Yes,” Emmy whispered softly, hoping she wasn’t about to make a very grave mistake."

Paul’s house was warm and inviting. Emmy wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but this wasn’t it. She was suddenly convinced that he was going to be one of those guys that gave her a nice spanking and then would get all mushy and lovey-dovey.

Well, hopefully, he would spank her hard enough to make her cum. God knew she was frustrated and in need of release.

Paul looked at Emmy and said, “Wine and pleasantries?”

Emmy shook her head, “No, I need to cum.”

Paul’s face lit up, “You are quite possibly the most perfect woman on earth! Shall I let you direct this scene, or are you willing to let me showcase my talents?”

“You’d let me be in charge?” she asked, confused.

“I’d let you tell me what you want, where and how you like to be touched, how much pain is just enough, but not too much,” he explained. “Or I can just do what I wish, and you can make me stop with a safe word.”

“I don’t have a clue what I want, except that I need you to hurt me and make me cum,” she admitted softly.

Paul took her into his arms and hugged her. Then he whispered in her ear, “I’m not interested in hurting you, Emmy. But I promise you will feel and enjoy pain mixed with pleasure like you have never known.”

Paul felt her body stiffen as she backed away.

“Did I say something wrong?” he asked, unsure of why she was suddenly retreating.

“I’m sure to be as skilled as you are, you must have had a lot of practice. You may even have multiple submissives, each waiting their turn to be used by you,” she said accusingly.

Paul felt his patience being tried. Then he saw the misery on Emmy’s face and said, “I think we will have that wine after all. I want to share a bit more about myself before I hurt you and make you cum. I owe you that much.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” Emmy said, annoyed at herself for not just demanding that he take her home, because she needed sexual release so badly.

“Oh, but I think I do. And, regardless, I’d like to explain my level of expertise so that you can judge me just on facts, not assumptions,” he replied.

“I’m not judging you!” Emmy protested.

“Of course, you are! I would too in your shoes,” he said more calmly than he was feeling inside.

Emmy sipped wine from the glass he handed her and felt the smooth, cool liquid delighting her taste buds. “Wow, this is really good wine!” she laughed softly. She supposed she could at least enjoy this really amazing wine while he told his story of how he came to be skilled in the fine art of BDSM.

He smiled as he noticed that her demeanor relaxed, and that she seemed open to hearing what he had to say.

He took his own sip before he began, “I was twenty-one and right out of college when I took a job at the local community theater as a stagehand. I wanted to be an actor at the time and figured that was my foot in the door. There was an actress that seemed to headline all of the plays this local troupe put on and she was incredibly hot. She had red hair and was in her mid-forties, with a nice round ass and perfect hand-sized tits.”

Emmy took another sip of wine and nodded.

“One afternoon she was in her dressing room before any of the actors were due to be at the theater. I heard her scream and I went running in to save her from whatever terrible fate had caused her to cry out. Imagine my shock and embarrassment when she was sitting back in her chair with her legs spread wide open and a bowling pin from the prop room jammed in her pussy.”

Emmy’s eyes flew open wide and she laughed heartily, “Oh my gosh, what happened then?”

The sound of her laughter pleased him greatly, “She saw me and told me to close the door and get down on my knees to clean her up before the others arrived.”

“That’s priceless!” Emmy giggled.

“That was the beginning of a wonderful friends with benefits relationship. Her name was Cecilia, but everyone called her Cici. She taught me everything I know about sex, bondage, and impact play. I was smitten, she was just having a good time. She made sure I got some bit parts but told me to be smart and get a real job to pay my bills. After eight years of being under her tutelage, I asked her to marry me. She turned me down, retired from the theater, and left town with one of her leading men. I was stunned, hurt, bewildered, and all sorts of other emotions. But I licked my wounds and decided that I would get out there in the dating world and find a woman who might enjoy the experience I came with,” he said wistfully.

“I’m so sorry, Paul, that’s terrible that she hurt you like that,” Emmy put her hand on his knee to console him. But the heat of her hand shot straight up his leg and it took every ounce of energy to not whip out his dick and fuck her right now!

“What hurt worse was discovering that a lot of women aren’t looking for what I have to offer. Apparently, there isn’t a huge market for a man who wants to leave his mark on a woman, literally,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “So I joined Erotic Partners and have had a string of first dates with women who are either looking to be tied up and just paddled a few times or women who want me to slap their faces, spit on them and whip them till they bleed.”

He took another sip of wine and continued, “Neither of those choices seemed very palatable to me, so I started searching profiles for tea drinkers. Then, recently, I stumbled across a photo of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Gorgeous red hair, the bluest eyes, petite and curvy. When I clicked on her gallery and saw the body shot, I saw boobs big enough for hands, just aching to be squeezed, a mouth that needed to be filled, and an ass just begging to be caned. I was going to ping you and then I saw you had responded yes to the Erotic Singles Mixer. So, I went, kept my eyes on the door until you showed up, and made myself sound creepy as fuck only minutes into our first conversation.”

Emmy smirked, “Begging to be caned? I must instruct my ass to not be so obvious next time. And what, pray tell, should my mouth be filled with?”

Paul laughed, “Maybe I should have started that conversation by saying ‘hi, my name is Paul, you look fun, can I cane your ass?’ It might have come across less stalkerish!”

“True, but then I wouldn’t have gotten a chance to have a lovely meal with you and it would have set a completely different tone for us,” Emmy admitted, feeling stunned by that revelation.

Paul smiled nervously, “I do want to squeeze your tits, fill your mouth with my cock, cane your ass, and a million other kinky, depraved things. But I also want to drink tea with you, enjoy date nights, sip wine, and listen to music together, and maybe even binge watch streamed television shows in our pj's on the couch. I’m getting way ahead of myself here, I know. But I guess what I am trying to say is, I want the whole nine yards. Yes, I want your body, God knows I do, but I want the witty conversations and the quiet walks holding hands, I want to both own you and cherish you.”

“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend or your submissive?” Emmy asked bluntly.

“Can’t I ask you to be both?” Paul asked earnestly.

She sighed, “Well, in my experience…”

“Fuck your experience, Emmy! And fuck whatever preconceived notions you have about what a Master/sub relationship is supposed to look like! Take a chance on me, Em! Be mine! Let me show you a world where you can be treated like a princess out on the town and then come home to a playroom where I put a spreader bar between your legs and spank your pussy with my crop,” Paul felt like he was blowing his chance, big time, and yet he couldn’t seem to stop blurting things out.

But Emmy saw things differently. She smiled, “Do you want to just stop talking and give me the last part of what you promised for the evening?”

His brows furrowed, “What did I promise you?”

“Well, if I recall correctly, there was something about taking me over your knee and spanking me if I didn’t wear panties. I followed through with my side of the bargain, as you know, so when do we get to the part where you spank me? Because then I can decide if this is all just boasting on your part or if you really have mad spanking skills,” she giggled.

“Emmy, are you tipsy?” Paul asked smiling.

“Nope, just horny as fuck. Okay, maybe a little bit tipsy, too. Probably a lotta bit tipsy. Just please, can we skip ahead to the interactive portion of tonight’s program before I lose my nerve?” she said rattling off the words as if it were a race.

Paul wasted no more time, he sat on the couch next to Emmy and said, “Lay across my lap and lift your dress for me.”

Emmy did exactly what Paul said and moaned softly when he started to rub the palm of his hand over her naked ass cheeks.

“You’ve got a great ass, slut!” he said in a seductive low tone. Then, without any warning, he gave her two sharps slaps in quick succession, one on each side.


Emmy moaned loudly as she felt her pussy get wet, “More, please, Sir.”

Paul’s cock went to full bulge status and ached to be released from his pants. Summoning all the patience he could muster, he gave her what she needed from him, what he needed to give.


“God, yes! Again, please, Sir!” she cried out.


She begged for more


Tears streamed down her face as she started to feel alive for the first time in weeks.


Paul reached between her legs and spread them apart a bit. He searched for signs of arousal and was rewarded with a handful of her sweet nectar. He brought his fingers to his mouth to taste her and that did him in.

“Emmy, I need to know if you are protected. Because I need to fuck you while I finish spanking you, and I could promise to pull out, but that wouldn’t be very satisfying for either one of us,” he said with urgency as he sat her on the couch, stood up, unzipped his pants, and let his big thick dick bust out of his boxers.

She was eye level with his magnificent cock and the distraction rendered her unable to process his question, “Wh-what?”

“Are you on the pill or do I need a condom?” he asked, a little exasperated.

“Oh! Oh, I’m on the pill,” she said, his intentions dawning on her. She grinned, “Is this the portion of the date where you fuck me blind?”

He simply smiled and said, “Yes, take off your dress, leave the stockings and the heels on.”

She did as he asked and was not surprised when he remained fully clothed with just his rigid shaft sticking straight out of his fly, ready to impale her. Alexander liked to stay dressed while he fucked her. She used to wonder if that was to make sure she understood that she was vulnerable, and he was not. Did it mean the same thing with Paul? She couldn’t be sure, yet.

He led her behind the couch, so she had something to lean on and hold onto while he slid inside her and slapped her ass.

“God, you’re so tight!” Paul moaned. “Fuck! I’ve waited all week to feel my cock inside you, and you were so worth the wait!”

Emmy felt his girth open her up and stretch her out, “It’s just because your cock is the thickest that I’ve ever taken inside me.”

Paul smiled at how specific her comment was and gauged it as genuine, “I’m glad you like it. I’m gonna start fucking you now. I’m gonna start off slow and let you get used to my size. Then I’m gonna speed things up and fuck you hard, just the way you like it.”

Emmy nodded. “Yes, God, yes! Please fuck me!” she begged. “Fuck me hard and fast and deep!”

Overcome with emotion, tears threatened to spill again, but she continued to urge Paul to pump into her. He reached around and found her clit, rubbed it gently while still spanking her hard. The combination sent her right over the edge as her walls gripped his cock and brought him right along with her.

Moments later he guided her back to a sitting position on the couch and held her close while their heartbeats gradually came down the intense pounding in their chests. He rubbed a hand gently over her ass cheeks that looked bright red and a little angry.

“You okay, baby?” Paul asked his breath still a little ragged.

“Mmm-hmmm! That was intense and wonderful,” Emmy replied, just as out of breath.

“You look sexy in nothing but your thigh high stockings and heels,” he said.

“You look pretty fucking hot still all decked out in your suit with just your weapon drawn!” she smirked. This was a much different experience than what she had imagined, and certainly very different than anything she was used to. She couldn’t recall a time that she and Alexander had joked with each other. When she made him laugh with her weapon drawn comment, it made her feel warm inside.

“Will you stay the night?” he asked trying to sound hopeful.

“Well, you did promise to fuck me blind, and I can still see. Plus, there was some mention about treating my body to decadent sensations. So, I’m guessing I'd better stick around,” she answered, just as hopeful.

Paul raised an eyebrow, “Well, I am a man of my word so I’d best get to the bonus part of the date where I ask if I can demonstrate my rather impressive caning skills.”

Emmy laughed, “I’m trying to get a sense of who you are, and you keep surprising me. You were quite stern when you spanked me and fucked me, but now you are playfully asking me if you can cane my ass.”

“You’re wondering if I can be a strict enough Master for you, and if I can provide the amount of ache and sting that sends your body into overdrive,” he said, contemplating his next move. “I assure you that I can give you what you need. Although, I must admit, the blindness I guaranteed was a metaphor.”

Emmy allowed a giggle to escape her lips. She found herself extremely aroused again.

“I’m just not used to this amount of levity during a session,” she admitted.

Paul felt a grimace on his face. “Emmy,” he said softly, “I promise you I can be a stringent Master. In fact, there will be times I may seem overly harsh and demanding. But my need to own you and mark you as mine doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some humor thrown into the mix.”

Emmy looked confused, so Paul continued, “I am a stern Master, but not unkind. I am a harsh Master, but not cruel. I will own your body and give it all the pain it can handle and more, but I will hold your heart carefully in my hands and love you like you deserve to be loved.”

“It’s awfully soon to be using the word love,” she said sardonically.

Paul thought for a moment, “Fair enough. How soon did Alexander speak of love?”

Emmy’s face flushed and she felt anger rising inside, “You said you are not cruel, yet you bring that up, knowing he never once said he loved me.”

Immediately sorry, Paul took Emmy by the hands, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that, truly I didn’t. How could he not love you when you gave him everything? He didn’t deserve you, Emmy!”

“And you do?” Emmy questioned softly.

“A Master who doesn’t love his submissive is merely using her for his pleasure. I’m not above using you for my pleasure, but there'd damn well better be something in it for you besides some piercings and scars,” he answered, trying desperately to hold back the anger and contempt he felt for the man who broke her heart.

Emmy felt ashamed, “Isn’t that what being a submissive is supposed to be about? The Master uses his slut for pleasure and, if she’s lucky, she might get release as well?”

“If that’s the kind of Master you want, I can take you home now. But if you want to take a chance with someone who will dominate you and cherish you, follow me upstairs,” Paul said gruffly.

“Is that an ultimatum?” Emmy asked.

“As you like,” Paul said stiffly.

Emmy was quiet for a few moments.

“I’d like an answer, Emmy. Am I taking you home? Or giving you the opportunity to be both a pain slut and a valued treasure?” Paul’s voice was calm, but his eyes gave away the fact that he was angry and hurt.

Emmy realized that if she went upstairs, it wasn’t a contract. He wasn’t demanding forever at the moment. Just right now. “I’d like to go upstairs, please,” she said barely above a whisper.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked sternly.

“Please, Sir,” she said, lowering her gaze.

“That’s a good girl,” he said, “Now get your slutty ass upstairs so I can introduce you to my cane.”

She climbed the stairs slowly and when she got to the top, Paul said, “Stand up against the railing, bend over it, and hold onto the bars for balance.”

Emmy did as she was instructed while Paul stepped away for a moment. He came back with an ominous-looking cane in his hands. He ran the cane over her skin from her back to her bottom. Then he slid it between her legs and teased his way up her inner thighs. Emmy moaned with pleasure.

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“I’m going to give you what you need, Emmy. Sometimes my cane will land in stingy bites on the surface and sometimes it will be more of a thud and will provide a deeper ache,” he explained. “You will call me Sir or My Sir while I am using you as my personal whipping post. You will count each stroke and beg me for more. I’m going to call you vile names that will make your pussy drip. And when I am finished marking you as mine, I will take you to bed and fuck you till you can’t move.”

Emmy felt tingles of desire ripple across her skin. Any doubts that she had that he would be severe enough were erased with the first blow of the cane.


“Fuck! One! Sir, please give me more!” Emmy cried out.


“Two! Another, please, Sir!”


“Three!” she screamed out, hoping the next strike would be one of those thuds he promised.


“Four! Thank you, Sir. More please!”

“You’re a dirty little whore who needs to be punished, aren’t you slut?” he said, as his dick grew rock hard again.


“Five! More please, Sir!” she cried out.

“Look at your juices running down your inner thigh! I bet your pussy needs a hard cock inside!”


“Six! Yes, Sir, I need your cock!”

“You want my seed in your slutty cunt? You want to be my filthy cum slut, my little fuck toy?”


“Seven! God yes, Sir! I want to be filled with your cum!”

“Beg me to fuck your cunt! Beg me to use you hard, slut!” Paul felt his cock throbbing with need.


“Eight! Please use me! Please fuck me! I need it so badly. I need YOU!” Emily cried out.

Paul set the cane aside and pulled Emmy into his arms. He held her for a moment, then picked her up and carried her to his bed. “Lie down on your tummy,” he said softly.

He walked over to his mini-fridge/freezer combo and grabbed a plastic cup prefilled with ice. With a cube in his hand, he rubbed it all over the angry, red skin of her bottom and heard her sigh. It melted quickly, so he grabbed another cube and rubbed it slowly down the crack of her ass and along her slit. He took a third cube, inserted it inside her and watched her body shudder with orgasm.

He rolled her onto her back and spread her legs open slightly. He alternated soft wet kisses with playful nibbles as he worked his way up to the prize that he sought. His tongue flicked her clit and elicited gasps from her that let him know she approved of his technique. His tongue darted into her hole, feeling the coolness from the ice that had just melted there. Then he lapped at her like a cat licking cream before taking her clit in his mouth. He sucked it while he fucked her with two fingers, turning her gasps into moans.

Her hips began their rhythmic rock as he slipped a third finger into the wet heat. Her breathing grew ragged and panting and, when he found the sweet spot that he knew would set her off, he was rewarded with her sweet cum squirting into his mouth.

Emmy was overcome with emotion again. She’d never cum like that before. It was intense and beautiful. “Oh my God, Paul, I’ve never, it’s never, I…”

He interrupted her with a kiss so he could share her exquisite taste with her. It was the most sensual kiss either one of them had ever experienced.

He whispered to her, “Ride me, slut.”

She climbed on top and guided his rigid pole into her sopping wet pussy and began to move slowly up and down on him.

“Faster, I want to see those tits bounce for me while you ride my cock,” he implored.

Emmy picked up the pace and enjoyed watching the desire on Paul’s face. No one had ever looked at her like that! Her breasts jiggled for him and he grabbed onto her hips.

“Harder, faster!” he demanded. His cock was banging against her cervix with each thrust. He removed his hands from her backside and started slapping her tits, “Fuck my cock, you sweet little whore, make me explode inside of you!”

The sting of the slaps on her creamy breasts ignited her arousal and she came hard for him again. The contractions of her cunt squeezing his prick made him unable to hold back any longer, “Fuck! I’m gonna shoot my hot cum inside your dirty little cunt!” he said as he shot his load into her and sent her over the edge one more time.

She collapsed onto his chest and his arms went instinctively around her. Their hearts were beating wildly as he lifted her chin and kissed her gently on the lips, “It’s never been like this for me before,” he admitted. “I’ve never felt… I, I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“You don’t have to describe it, I know. I feel the same way,” she said returning his kiss, more fervently this time.

“Emmy, do you believe in love at first sight?” he asked, feeling vulnerable.

“No,” she answered, deflating him just a bit before she added, “But I believe that after all of what you’ve shown me, I could fall in love with you.”

He cuddled her close, “Fair enough. I will do whatever it takes to help you fall, because I am already quite in love with you Emmy.”

She sighed, “You don’t really know me. Not really.”

Paul held her tighter, “Maybe not. But what I do know has me feeling something I’ve never felt before. I’ve wanted to be a Master with other women, but with you, I want more.”

Emmy sighed again, “I want more, too. Being with you like this? This is what’s been missing. I enjoyed the feeling of your cane as it stimulated every nerve ending in my body and brought me much-needed release. But you were also able to make me cum with your skilled tongue and decadent fingers. That’s never happened to me before. And the way you knew that I would likely cum by riding you, but would cum harder if you slapped my tits, is like you’ve known me forever. You promised me an incredible mix of pleasure and pain and you have far exceeded my expectations. You won’t have to nudge me too hard, Paul. I’m already falling in love with you, and that terrifies me.”

“Why does that scare you so much?” he said as he nuzzled closer to her.

“Because I don’t think I realized what love really was until tonight. You took time to read my body and to know how to make it respond to you, not just with your cane, but with your fingers, your tongue, and some ice cubes! My pleasure matters to you!” she said incredulously.

“Well, of course it matters to me! What fun is it if I cum and you don’t? I enjoyed striking you with that cane, I won’t deny that. And that makes me wonder about myself at times. But what I found most arousing was the way it made your cunt drip. Then in bed, the way your body reacted to my touch, was such an incredible turn on. I meant what I said, Emmy. I want to give your body all the sensations it can handle, but I also want to give your heart all the love it can hold. I want you on your knees for me, but I also want you in my arms like this. I want to be your strict Master and your sensual lover.

Emmy pulled away and sat up, “This is all happening way too fast. I need time to think.”

She might as well have driven a dagger through his heart.

“If you need time, I can respect that. I don’t need time, Emmy. I know what I want. But if you aren’t sure, then we can back up a bunch of steps,” he said, trying hard not to let her hear the disappointment in his voice. She wasn’t wrong, this was happening very fast. But he could wait.

“Get dressed, I will take you home,” he said quietly. Emmy was disappointed. He had invited her to stay the night but now, it was clear, if she wasn’t ready to commit, he didn’t want her here.

“Fine,” she said as she retrieved her dress and slipped it over her head and shimmied it down her body.

Paul knew what fine meant when it came from a woman’s lips. Maybe she was more complicated than he anticipated. He said nothing on the drive home, and neither did she. When they arrived at her place, he insisted on walking her to the door. When she turned to unlock it, he pulled her into him and kissed her passionately. Emmy felt her toes actually curl inside her shoes. Holy shit, the man could kiss!

When he broke off the kiss he said, “I have to go out of town for the week, I will text you. Miss me while I’m gone.” He turned away and was back in his car before Emmy could even think of how to react. Gone? She sighed and went inside to get ready for bed. The knowledge that she could have been in his bed made her frustrated. Why couldn’t she have just kept her mouth shut and enjoy Paul’s lavish attention?

She didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why. She’d been rejected by lovers who thought she was depraved for needing pain. Then she’d let Alexander convince her that part of being a pain slut was to let him treat her as if she were inferior. Now Paul comes along and breaks all the rules of being a Master by loving her. It was overwhelming and confusing. Sleep didn’t come easily, but she did eventually drift off.

The next morning, she was brushing her teeth and heard her phone buzz on her nightstand. It was a text from Paul.

Hey, I’m at the airport and I was just thinking about you. I will miss you while I’m gone. I hope you will miss me, too.

She responded quickly.

Of course, I will miss you! Thank you for last night. Best. Date. Ever.

She clicked send before she lost her nerve.

Paul smiled. Last night she had called it a session, but just now she had called it a date. Maybe there was hope for a relationship after all.

He texted again.

I agree! You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. When I get back, we can talk about us and how slowly you need/want to move.

She responded again.

I’m just confused as to whether you want me as a sub or as a gf. You seem like you want both, but then you break all the rules.

Paul frowned.

I break all 'what rules?' Emmy, there are two rules in a D/s relationship. Consent and safety protocol. Otherwise, there are no ‘rules’ and who gives a damn what anyone else thinks?

Emmy replied.

I guess I never thought about it like that.

Paul sent one last reply.

I’ve got to go now, time to board my flight. I love you. You don’t have to say it back, yet. But I can’t pretend and won’t deny that I love you. Just know that I won’t pressure you into the gf part if all you want is to be my sub. But I won’t stop loving you. I’ve waited all my life for someone like you. But I will take whatever you are willing to give me. I will text when I get to my hotel.

Emmy read Paul’s text over and over throughout the rest of the day. How could he be so sure about loving her already?

He texted her throughout the week. Sometimes it was commands.

Go into the restroom at work and finger yourself until you cum.

Sometimes it was playful flirting.

Just want you to know that me and my weapon miss you!

And sometimes it was heartfelt words.

I’ve never missed anyone like this, it kinda sucks. Can’t want to be home with you again.

She answered that last one.

It does suck. I miss you too. I’m not used to missing anyone either. You very cleverly stole a piece of my heart and took it with you.

The week seemed to drag on forever. But Friday finally came, and Emmy found herself with butterflies in her stomach. She had followed his directions, so she knew he’d be pleased, but the anticipation of waiting for him was titillating.

She read his text from this morning.

Good morning, my sweet slut! I can’t wait to be with you. Wear your hair up for me tonight. I want easy access to that pretty neck. Wear a red dress without panties. Make sure your bra is lacy and sexy. And be ready at 7:00 p.m. I have a surprise for you.

She answered the door when he arrived and surprised him with a passionate kiss.

“Wow, what a wonderful homecoming greeting! I will have to travel more often!” he teased.

Her eyes flew open wide in protest, “Please don’t!”

Paul laughed, “Someone missed me. I like that.”

“Someone missed you a lot,” she admitted as she kissed him again.

“I will be honest, Emmy. This isn’t the way I figured things were going to go. I was sure I had pushed too far, too fast. And yet, here you are with your hair up and sans panties in a little red dress. Is it any wonder that I want you?” he asked.

She smiled, “I want you too. I just do better with rules, Paul.”

“Ah, my sweet little slut. Then we shall create some rules. But understand this, our Master/submissive relationship can be whatever we want it to be. There is no reason that we can’t have fun while I am dominating you!” he explained.

“I guess you’re right,” she conceded. “It’s just different for me. I guess I thought the only way I was going to be able to get what I needed physically meant acquiescing to someone else’s view of dominating me. It never occurred to me that I could have a say in the parameters of a relationship like this.”

“Do you know how fucking sexy it is when you use words like acquiescing and parameters?” he teased.

“Oh?” she asked playfully. “Perhaps you’d be amenable to acquiescing to my desires.”

“Hmm, and what would those desires be slut?”

“I’d like to know how that cane feels on my pussy, Sir,” Emmy said lowering her gaze.

“Then I shall put it on the menu, slut!” Paul said as the blood rushed to his dick. “But first, we should talk about ground rules. Emmy, we both have dark needs and I believe we can satisfy those needs for each other better than anyone else. So, I would like a rule that says we will be exclusive to each other. Now, it’s your turn to suggest a rule.”

“I’d like a rule that says we will never lie to each other,” she blurted out.

“Yes, honesty is important,” he agreed. “My turn again. I want a rule that says I make you cum at least once a day whenever feasible.”

“How does that rule benefit you?” she asked, puzzled by his suggestion.

“I get so fucking turned on watching you cum, baby!” he grinned.

“Oh!” she blushed. “Well, um, let’s see what else I want.”

Her eyes turned dark and she said, “I don’t ever want to be slapped across the face.”

His heart hurt a little as he took her into his arms. “Emmy,” he said quietly, “the only time I will ever strike you is when we are involved in a mutually agreed upon session. And I will never strike your face, ever. That fuckwad slapped your face a lot, didn’t he?”

Emmy nodded and felt tears building up and threatening to spill out. Paul sensed this and quickly gave his next suggestion, “I want a rule that says I have the right to hold you and make love to you tenderly as long as I have given you at least one orgasm via pain.”

Emmy smiled, “I can live with that.”

Paul looked deep into Emmy’s eyes and said, “I want a rule that says we should take this relationship one day at a time and not worry about what anyone else thinks.”

“Technically that’s two rules, but I agree,” she said smiling.

“I think it’s time for your surprise,” he said and handed her a box.

“Paul, you didn’t need to get me a gift,” she protested.

“It’s something we can both enjoy,” he said, “just open it.”

Emmy opened the box and squealed with delight, “It’s a vibrating butt plug!”

He laughed, “Do you see why I said you are the perfect woman?”

She grinned, “And you might just be the perfect man.”

“Shall we try out your new toy?” he suggested raising his eyebrows.

“Yes! But before we do, I need to say something. I do want to take a chance on you, on us,” she said.

It was Paul’s turn for butterflies, but he tried to play it cool, “It was the butt plug, wasn’t it?”

Emmy laughed, “Kind of!”

“How would you feel about skipping over dinner and going right to the part of the night where I insert your new butt plug, turn it on high, and give you a light caning on your delightful pussy?” Paul asked.

“Did you bring your cane?” she asked.

Paul smiled wickedly, “Emmy, did you think I would come unprepared to take care of our dark needs?”

Emmy lowered her gaze, “I’m sorry, Sir. I should know that you would never ignore our dark needs.”

“You’re so fucking perfect, Emmy! Let’s go upstairs so I can play with and punish my little slut!” Paul said seductively.

Emmy ran up the stairs with Paul chasing her. As he lifted her dress and spanked her bare ass, she felt her heart melt a little. Maybe it was possible to be owned ruthlessly and loved endlessly. And maybe it wasn’t. But here was a man, who called her perfect, who was willing to give it a try. So, she would, too!

Hours later, eating carryout Chinese food, Emmy was sore everywhere. But she never felt so happy and loved in all of her life! She looked across the table at Paul and saw a man who would spank her, whip her, and fuck her hard. One who would own her and make her feel safe at the same time. And one who wouldn’t judge her, degrade her, or make her feel worthless. He was pretty fucking perfect too!

Suddenly, she realized what she was feeling! It was love! She might not be able to say the words yet, but the feeling was incredible. And it was a place to start.

Written by techgoddess
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