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23 hours ago
Straight Male, 74
0 miles · Texas


Active Ink Slinger
Ejaculated is a build up start feeling good then it feeling great and you suddenly realize that this is not going to last much longer, your cock gets harder, your balls pull up into you, your prostate id getting bigger, the head of your cock becomes very sensitive them BOOM you shoot that first wad not really feeling it but the second, third and more wads are just pure pleasure. Your spent but the feeling make it so worth it.
Active Ink Slinger
Ok ladies most of you trim or shave for your man, But how do you like your man and is he agreeable to trim or shave if that what you want or do you have to keep after him.
Active Ink Slinger
He knew my late wife. He had a partner who now works in another state for 2 or 3 months at a time then returns for a week or two. Today I told the neighbor that if he need a hand with ANYTHING to call me. His job just transfer him to another office so his daily commute is now a rush hour nightmare. I told him if he ever want to use my hot tub to relax to just come on over. He has no idea I am bi.

Any advise ? Neither one of us socialize.
Active Ink Slinger
I learn the basics on sex fron a 14yo girl when I was 12 in the hayloft of her grandpas barn. The next couple of years o had a few ladies that hinted on how it could be better but no complaints, when I was 21 was fortunate to have two 55+ ladies for one night each in a two week period. Those ladies taught me that sex was just a relief but livemaking was a treasure. They taugh me all types of lovemaking and made me practice with them. Went to work the next days with only 2 hours sleep, boss ask me what was going on, told him i was taking a late night lifeskill course. Thank you to those senior ladies. Maybe other will have met them they worked for completing cosmetics company but were friends.
Active Ink Slinger
A man should always aim to leave his woman hanging from the ceiling by her toenails and fingernails totally spent driving wet begging for more. I am an older guy and when I couldn't get up a second time
, I would do cleanup, finger her, use her toys and when she said stop she couldn't cum anymore, I got her off one more time.
Sorry but something is going sideways with your man.
Active Ink Slinger
The wife enjoyed a hit or two of pot before sex sometimes, when she went thru the change of live and her libido decreased she begged doctors for help, but they had nothing. She learned that smoking a joint gave her libido, sometimes she would smoke 2 joints and I knew it was going to be a hot hot night.
Active Ink Slinger
After wearing a butt plug for an hour or two, do you have massive amount of gas for almost a day afterward. Mine is not constant but I will have 4 to 6 massive amount of gas to pass the next day.
Active Ink Slinger
In the local cemetery, it was a short to the library that was open one night a week, took 20 minutes off the walk each way so with some planning we have 30 to 40 minutes to do our thing.
Active Ink Slinger
I have been filmed. As far as watching I didn't care but the wife was super hot and sexy when she knew we were being watched.
Active Ink Slinger
Sucked my first to completion at age 30 did a few after that but in my 60's found I really enjoy sucking a cock and feel him cumming in my mouth. So if I find a nice cock I'm wsnting to suck it.
Active Ink Slinger
Had a much older cousin that never married but could spot a good looking lady a mile away. Asked him why he kept looking at his age, he told me when you stop looking you die. He lived 3 days short of his 103bday
Active Ink Slinger
Wife rarely likes it on her tits, never on the face, but if we are doing it doggie style she will sometimes yell for me to shoot it up her back.
Active Ink Slinger
I was in my mid 50's when I could only come once during sex, at 65 I broke my lower back and after recovery was down to once every two or three days.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, the sex was so good that the comment about her being unslightly, I admitted were true. But everyone didnt care because I keepk her because the sex was fantastic. We broke up after 5 months, If I just could of keep her pussy.
Active Ink Slinger
For a guy it would be my neighbor, 100% gay nice bf. Very quite nice guys.
For a woman. I thing I would like to get Jamie Lee Curtis off but is she passes I'll settle for Cher
Active Ink Slinger
First time the wife and I wanted her to fuck a buddy we all had a few drinks, I said I was going to bed they could keep on drinking. 30 minutes later he was doing her on the couch, I snuck in and was sitting on the loveseat for a couple of minutes when they realized I was watching. He almost freaked I told him he better make her happy. Love watching her.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes she buys panties for me sometimes I buy my own. She a sz 7 I'm size 5
Active Ink Slinger
18 years ago my new neighbor tell me he's gay. so what your a good neighbor that's all I care about then about 15 years ago he moves in another guy. both are excutive types. I was introduce the first week they were together. Great Neighbors hardly ever see them, don't hear then except for grass mowing.. Well since the wife passed in 2014 I have want to tell the neighbor that I am bi and have been for many years was on dl to avoid wife finding out. The neighor is home every night, the partner travels 3 weeks a month

How should I approach this 1.refer to my initial time when you causal told us
2 when you moved in your partner
3 how can you go 3 weeks with out, can I help in any way?
4. Some other way
5. I have a hot tub should I invite then to use it, with or without me.
Active Ink Slinger
I like to have my FEMDOMs 10 years either side of my age, but if shes 20 years younger I won't write her off.
Active Ink Slinger
yes tried it in middle school YUK. Wife and I got into the LS in our late 20's for my 30th B'day she had me suck a cock of a friends of ours that night was 6 couples screwing each other from early evening to sunrise. Who did what to who was never an issue. A few days of recovery and we both discussed what we wanted in our bi sex life and set some hard rules. We both got what we wanted within 2 weeks of expressing our desire for the next 33 years. We help each other out and I sucked many a find cock
Active Ink Slinger
Forget the mini skirts, lets get back to the wide belts of the 70's
Active Ink Slinger
1. I'll say anything to anyone, I have no filters.
2. Motorcycle and sailboats are my only form of transportation.
3. Seeing my lady happy is the best feeling in the world.
Active Ink Slinger
In the local cemetery, we were suppose to be studying at the library but went next door to the cemetery and she took my virginity.
Active Ink Slinger
Wife wasn't into flashing her tits, but would put her feet on the dash and work her pussy made more then one truckers trip less boring. That is until the day she was so into it she wasn't sure who was watching, when she was done moaning and thrashing the trucker laid into her horn, wife looked over to see this lady trucker trying to get us to pull over, I wanted to she just wanted to go home. I lost she never was into flashing after that, years later so realized it was a missed opportunity.
Active Ink Slinger
Deep in her pussy, but on the few times she has let me in her ass it was special and favoulas for both of us.
Active Ink Slinger
Late wife and I would point out guys and gals to each other and the other would say for you or me. Sometimes the answer was both.