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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 155
United States


Cowgirl is far my favorite, I like the feeling of being in control and as with several of the other women on here I am on the short side. Equals out the weight question better too.
Cowgirl is far my favorite, I like the feeling of being in control and as with several of the other women on here I am on the short side. Equals out the weight question better too.
As my name suggests I am shy, only in real life though. So here goes. Giving blow jobs is an acquired taste I believe. I have acquired that taste. hehe
I truly love to wake up in the middle of the night or early morning, when my man is asleep, and slide down to get his soft penis and suck on it. The feeling of him growing in my mouth is such a turn on.
Of course this wakes him up, hopefully in a good mood. They have always been very happy. The taste of the sperm I can do with out, but along with everything good must come the results.
Quote by BiMale73

Don't cry, I was referring to the ones that use the stock red/white avatar. Yours is red/white, but has some class.
There's being Dominate and then there is being dominate. I have had the Dominate, never again.
I want a man who loves me so much, he cannot keep his hands off me.
Not a man who is all hands and restraints.
Not a tie me down or tie me up kinda girl.
Quote by daddysweetheart
In my personal opinion, anything is better than red and whites and ALSO better than the forum avatars. It doesn't have to be you. There's 10 billion images out there.

I totally agree. those red and white ones are just not the thing. Mine is not me, I admit.

those that want to see the real me...................... here i am
I would say pussy every time, unless he wants to do me oral. My ass is an outy, not an inny. I have tried it several times so I know what i am not missing.
I am very happy with mine. I haven't heard any complaints yet.
My rules drive most people(men) away. BethanyFrasier and my ideas, sounds a lot alike.
No thank you. I don't believe i could handle the rejection for a week.
Then please her by not pushing the subject. Some girls and men do not like to do it or have it done to them.
I totally agree with CristalNZ. No profile or no chat and it isn't going to happen.
A smile and that new cologne Hard, love him when he has Hard on. lololol
A condom has it's place,but that place is not my mouth. I agree with the others that say if you are not sure if he or me is clean enough , then you shouldn't be with him or me in the first place.
BTW I like Frank's thought.
I am sure there are more then one kind of sex club/party. The ones I have been to, would never go back. Now the vanilla ones might be interesting though.
This is what I love about lush, come to a sex chat site and get a lesion in the English language.
I use 'cybering' as a verb. As it is used here and in all the sex chat sites I have been too.
I know most of ya'all are authors and must use proper English, i am not and have no problem with 'butchering your language' as Milik_Redman says.
BTW I don't 'cyber', just in case anyone cares.
I wish i was supple enough to do that. If we wouldn't lick out own, then how can we expect another to do it. It sure would come in handy on those lonely times. lol
I listed myself as bi-curious because i haven't decided yet if I like girls as well as I do men. I haven't had enough experience in the same sex relationship yet to know. I agree there is no need for labels, but some think there is. So to answer your question, you are curious.
I love it as long as I am part of it. I don't like to watch men masturbate in porn or alone, but if it is mutual masturbation then i am in.
Quote by Frank

Everywhere, in the house and outside! [-o<

Slut should not be a pejorative term, and certainly not exclusively for women either.

always remember a lady in public, but behind closed doors..................... a slut. hehehe

oh yes and I believe men could also qualify for this term.
very good naughty_nice and pricklypear, I loved them all. BTW just 2 more post left then I can post funny pictures too. thank you.
I am fairly new to this site. I came here looking for a free chat site. I found something even better. It is a very nice site with nice people(for the most part) and it has the added feature of this forum. There are other aspects that this site has , I don't use very often though . As long as the chat rooms are free and I can come here and read the forums, for free, I will be happy. I agree with the people who say the stories are posted on here for free by their authors and should stay free, unless they are to start getting payed for their efforts.
Anyway I love this site and plan on using it in the future. If I am required to pay to use it, then that is a bridge I will cross at that time.
Not sure what 'nsa' stands for, but if it is 'no sex allowed' and if your interested in the other woman then drop the first one and go for it. It is cheating if yo9u just see her on the side though.

Wait you said the sex was awesome, hummmmmmmmmmmmmm still only one to a customer allowed.
Not sure what 'nsa' stands for, but if it is 'no sex allowed' and if your interested in the other woman then drop the first one and go for it. It is cheating if yo9u just see her on the side though.

Wait you said the sex was awesome, hummmmmmmmmmmmmm still only one to a customer allowed. ;)