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Don't Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 1

Just over two weeks after returning from her last date with Chris, Jill brings us up to date.

19th May 2018, early morning. So many. So soft and dark. No lessening in their dense coverage despite the receding hairline from their brother follicles up top. I loved playing with the soft and curly little hairs that covered my husband’s belly, or the slightly longer and more manly matting that covered his chest. Head on chest, feeling all was well with the world as I savored his recovering breathing and slowing normali...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 27

Things finally come to a head between Dave, Chris and Jill. With a little help from Charlotte.

Saturday 5th May 2018 What the hell were Charlotte and Jill doing sitting in Callan’s car at one a.m. in the morning? And what the hell were they talking about? As I stood staring through the misted windows of Callan’s car, it was Charlotte who spotted me first as our front door opens out onto the passenger’s side and so Jill hadn’t seen my approach. Before she’d spotted me, Charlotte had been in a heated discussion about...

Don't Judge A Book Ch 26

At the end of Jill’s planned last night with Chris, things move on in an unexpected way.

Saturday 5th May 2018 It was well after midnight and through super-human efforts, I’d managed to avoid contacting Jill throughout the whole day – the day of her supposed last date with Chris before he headed off to California. I say ‘supposed’ because, with every passing minute, more and more of my mind screamed at the prospect that maybe everything had changed. Maybe during an evening with the other man, Jill loved he’d...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 25

Dave picks up to describe a real humdinger of a Sunday morning ‘discussion’ with Jill.

Sunday 15th April “Jill?” I’d gone into the guest room to look for a book I’d been discussing with Gemma. And I’d been totally shocked to see my sleeping wife’s body lying there. Her face showing the evidence that she’d cried herself to sleep. In that single moment all of my anger, hurt and righteous indignation from the Saturday night melted away like late snow on a Spring morning. Fuck! I’d seen Chris’s taillights disap...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 24

Dave and then Jill share the duties of revealing how things developed in April and May

Saturday 14th April It was Saturday morning, the weekend after we’d returned from England and I was enjoying a quiet cup of coffee on our back decking. Jill was out, shopping with Gemma for food and drink for the eight-person dinner party we were hosting later that day. And I was enjoying the lull before the storm. Since we came back, the last five days had been amazing. The transformation I’d seen in Jill was amazing. Fr...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 23

Dave describes how things develop further on the foursome's vacation

Saturday 31st March 2018 The next morning I was awoken in the best possible manner. The aroma of fresh coffee and bacon wafted under my nose by my beautiful wife. Apparently both Gemma and Chris had awoken early and gone for a walk together. Leaving my beautiful wife to give me her undivided love and attention for the next couple of hours. Jill’s soft kiss on my lips was the perfect antidote to that nagging feeling at the...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 22

Two relationships continue to deepen

Friday 30th March 2018 After all the storms and squalls earlier that day, Gemma and I held hands and followed Jill and Chris as things moved into an altogether happier place. Jill and I had talked things through and, safe on the rock of knowing she’d never leave me for Chris, I was okay with what my eyes and ears now told me. That my beautiful forty-five-year-old wife was in love with another man who felt the same way abo...

Don't Judge a Book Ch21

The 'L word' bomb’s gone-off and everyone has to try and pick up the pieces...

Friday 30th March 2018 As I took in the words I’d just heard, I don’t know what I’d have done if Gemma hadn’t been there right by my side. To support me and help me work through what I’d just heard. It’s one thing to suspect something. It’s totally another when you heard it said out loud, in unequivocal and plain English. I’d known that Jill had strong feelings for Chris from the many conversations we’d had over the previ...

Don't Judge a Book Ch20

Gemma’s problems and a unique suggestion to cheer her up

Tuesday 27th March 2018 “Hi honey,” I greeted Jill as I trudged wearily from work into the kitchen. It had been a hell of a day. Problems, problems, problems at work. The best I’d manage to salvage from the day was crawling into our family home a little after eight p.m., any chance of Jill and me keeping our date night long gone. But this didn’t seem to have dampened Jill’s spirits. She was trying a new recipe and had tol...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 19

Dave watches the train pick up pace, while helping Gemma with something

Ch 19 Tuesday 2nd January 2018 “I love you, honey,” my beautiful wife’s face smiled at me as it filled the TV screen. As she took in my reply – giving her permission to spend the rest of the day making love to her boss of five years, and now her boyfriend of nearly two months standing. As well as her smile and look of tender love, she blew me a kiss before standing up and wiggling her way back towards Chris. She gave him...

Don't Judge A Book Chapter 18

Jill and then Dave describe their conversations about the last few weeks and the future

Monday 18th December 2017 “So, honey, where next?” Five small words, issued in a misleadingly calm voice by my husband that Monday night. Chris finally departed, Dave and me now alone. My travels complete, but five weeks of evolution and revolution to discuss and consider. I looked across at Dave and suddenly felt too tired to discuss the topic. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have when I was feeling so tired. Tired...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 17

Dave and Jill share the story of and changes from their month apart

Friday 15th December 2017 Standing amongst the late-afternoon throng of greeters and family members, I felt decidedly lonely and alone. A father of three, a husband of twenty-plus years, but on that afternoon, standing in that crowd it felt like I was the only one without company. Without someone to chat to or hold. You know, the guy at the party awkward and by himself, trying to break into everyone else’s conversations....

Don't Judge a Book Ch 16

Dave and Jill start learning new things about themselves and Dave faces a major decision.

Monday 13th November 2017 That Monday evening ended in a truly surreal fashion. Having earlier watched my wife enjoying the joint attentions of both Chris and Rocco, and then the more intimate time Jill shared just with her handsome boss, the FaceTime call finally went dead as Chris ended the call. But barely ten minutes later my phone was again buzzing as the screen lit-up and insistently demanded my attention with the f...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 15

Dave can hardly believe what he sees from the Californian hotel room

Monday 13th November 2017 Re-connecting with Gemma had been wonderful. It seemed a lifetime ago that we’d first made love, in reality only ten days ago which seemed a much simpler and less complicated time. As we lay recovering from our shared orgasm, I couldn’t help but gawk slightly at the lovely Gemma. A few years older than Jill, her buxom figure and dyed red hair suited her bubbly personality, the whole package remin...

Don't Judge a Book Ch 14

The first couple of days of Dave and Jill’s first week apart

Sunday 12th November 2017 The five hours I’d been waiting since last feeling the touch of Jill’s lips and smelling her perfume had seemed an eternity. As she turned to skip towards Chris’s car, virtually her last words had been that she’d call when she arrived at their hotel. That and that she loved me, thanking me for letting her do this thing. ‘Their hotel’. Even these two simple words hammered like nails into my consci...