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Don't Judge a Book Ch 14

"The first couple of days of Dave and Jill’s first week apart"

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Sunday 12th November 2017

The five hours I’d been waiting since last feeling the touch of Jill’s lips and smelling her perfume had seemed an eternity. As she turned to skip towards Chris’s car, virtually her last words had been that she’d call when she arrived at their hotel. That and that she loved me, thanking me for letting her do this thing.

‘Their hotel’. Even these two simple words hammered like nails into my consciousness as I played back those last moments before Jill had jumped in with Chris and headed to the airport.

I’d tried my best to occupy myself during that Sunday evening, but still, time dragged by. Every five minutes felt like an hour, and each of those five hours seemed like a week. If this was just the first few hours, with memories of Jill fresh in my mind, what was a whole week going to feel like? I cracked a couple of beers and flitted between various movies, TV shows, and books. I killed a little time by calling my mum and dad for the customary Sunday evening call. Having had the mandatory short discussion with my dad, I smiled as I heard the words ‘I’ll hand you to your mother’. I chatted to mum for a while and when we’d run out of things to say I heard a pregnant pause and knew what was coming next. “Is Jill there?”

This was always where my conversations with my mum ended. For every minute I talked to my own mother, Jill would often spend three or four. Talking about all manner of things, far more kindred spirits with more to share than I was with the woman who’d brought me into the world. My mum and dad really loved Jill and would be heartbroken if anything ever happened. The loss of a son they could cope with, after all, they had two more sons in the locker. The loss of Jill, for whom they had no replacement, would be a body blow.

I didn’t want to lie to my mum, so I told her half the truth. “Sorry, mum. Jill’s away on business.” This wasn’t something I’d ever said before, so I had to tell mum the full story about the roadshows wending their way west to east, north to south, and what a great opportunity it was for Jill.

Sometimes I hated my mum’s emotional intuition. “Dave, honey, you’re busy telling me what a great thing this is for Jill, but your voice says different. Is there something wrong, darling?” Eighty-five years old, but bright as a button. Another half-truth was the best I could do.

“There’s nothing wrong, mum, and it is a great chance for Jill to grow and learn. It’s just that I’m going to miss her, that’s all. She’s going to be away a month, only able to get back at weekends and I’m going to miss her.”

There was a chuckle at the other end of the phone. She still had a wicked sense of humor, however frail her body might be these days. “I’m glad to hear that, son. Now you know how Jill often felt over all these years. All those times you’ve been gadding around all over the place and she had to stay home with the kids. Good for her, that’s what I say.”

I was more than a little taken aback at my mum’s tone, and after an awkward silence, normal service was resumed. “Well, I’m glad you’re missing her, son. When a couple don’t miss one another, then there’s something wrong and they’re on the slippery slope.”

A few minutes later we rang off, with mum making me promise I’d give Jill her love when we spoke later.


Through the wonders of the internet and Google Maps, I knew Jill would be calling around nine o’clock. For those last thirty minutes of waiting, it felt like the minute hand on our lounge clock was fighting a battle with a pot of treacle, it moved with such a slow and tortured pace. As I watched the battle, for the umpteenth time my mind went back to the question of what we were doing. To the question of the wisdom or stupidity of letting Jill and Chris share a bed for a whole week. That was bad enough before I even moved on to consider that this was just a dress rehearsal for a whole month of nights and days together.

I was, literally, a man tortured by indecision. Excited and aroused, tortured by fear and doubt. My only solace the safety capsule that was the breakpoint we’d agreed at the end of the first week.

I was tossing around this very dilemma yet again when my phone finally lit-up with an incoming face time call from Jill.

“Hi, honey. How are you holding up?” she asked, her smiling face mixing empathy with just a hint of playful teasing.

She could see the pained look on my face so there was no point hiding things. “Shit, I never knew time could drag so long. It feels like you’ve been gone forever.”

Jill seemed flattered and happy at my response, and then she asked me a strange question which really made me think. “I understand, honey. But are you also enjoying it, maybe even just a little bit?”

I didn’t answer Jill’s question with words, but I think something in my expression gave her an answer as she gave me an enigmatic smile and moved the conversation on, telling me about the flight and the hotel. After a few minutes idle small talk, another enigmatic smile appeared on Jill’s face. I knew we’d reached that point. The elephant in the room.

“Why don’t you ask me, honey?” she gently teased. “I know you want to ask me about Chris. Whether he’s here or not?”

Why had I been cursed with two such smart and intuitive women in my life? There was no hiding my feelings, not that I was especially difficult to read at times like this.

“Okay, you got me. Is lover boy there?”

Jill’s delicate smile broke into a full-beam, having ensnared her prey, her gullible husband. “No, I sent him packing. For him, this might be more about bedding the PA he’s fancied for the last five years, but for me, this is more about my professional development. I want to be fresh and on top of my game tomorrow, so I sent him packing.”

Looking back later, I’d take this moment as a seminal moment, when I realized I’d crossed some kind of watershed. While a part of me was relieved at the news that Jill was alone, a bigger part of me felt disappointed. Like a junkie who’s waited and waited, salivating at the thought of his first hit of the night. Only to hear from the dealer that there are no goodies tonight. The hit will have to wait until tomorrow. Cold turkey the only thing to keep him company for the rest of the evening.


If Sunday had been a bewildering and ultimately disappointing day, Monday was a mountain range of a day. Filled with highs and lows and amazing views, some exhilarating and some stomach-churningly frightening.

Although Jill and I had finished our call around nine-thirty as she headed off to bed, I struggled to sleep. My mind full of all kind of thoughts, the largest of which was confusion at how deflated and disappointed I felt at being denied my fix of watching Jill and Chris together.

The working day itself wasn’t too bad. I had a busy day myself, and knowing that Chris and Jill would be hugely busy at work helped me push thoughts of the two of them to the back of my mind. But as I drove home through the evening rush-hour, my mind was suddenly full of thoughts and images of what Jill and Chris might be doing. Listening to the drive-time news, I knew they’re working day was over and that they’d soon be tucking into a well-deserved dinner, no doubt with accompanying drinks.

My mind was working overtime conjuring images of their meal-time together. I knew that Tom, the VP for HR and Albert, the Legal Counsel were also on the trip with Chris and Jill, but from what Jill had told me they were hardly well placed to put much of a brake on any amorous activities Jill and Chris might want to indulge. Tom was apparently having a passionate affair with the CEO’s PA, and Tom wasn’t much better. Like many in the legal profession, he was twice divorced and like Chris, was a serial Tom Catter. In fact, according to Jill, Chris and Tom had spent many an evening together at various local nightclubs or other such lugubrious haunts. If Chris and Jill wanted to get it on over dinner, their fellow two captains of industry would more likely than not be the chief cheerleaders, rather than imposing any kind of corporate decorum.

My mind full of these thoughts, I nearly had a couple of fender-benders. If things carried on like this, by the end of Jill’s first week I’d be near uninsurable. But finally, I turned the corner into our street, thinking I’d soon be able to give Jill a call. But as I turned the corner I saw a strange car in the drive.

It was Gemma’s car.


If I’d been disappointed at the non-show from the night before, then seeing Gemma’s car there in our drive was equally confusing. I’d been looking forward to finally getting my junkie fix, and instead, I’d no doubt have to fuck and make love to our forty-six-year-old neighbor with the big boobs and the teasing personality. I could think of worse prospects, but I began to think I’d never get some quality time alone to watch the show I was hoping Jill and Chris were going to provide for me.

Letting myself in, I called out but saw no sign of Gemma downstairs. All my instincts told me that this was a present arranged for me by my absentee wife. A pound to a penny she’d organized this with Gemma sometime over the weekend. Meaning there was a fair chance all subtlety had been thrown aside and that Gemma was already waiting for me upstairs.

This bit I had right. But what I couldn’t predict was how Gemma would be dressed, or should I say wrapped for me. Because when I got upstairs Gemma was lying on the bed Jill and I normally shared dressed in sexy red lacey lingerie topped off by a large red bow that hid her toned tummy. There was a large cream envelope atop the bow, making me smile at Jill’s humor, with me even if she was nearly three thousand miles away and quite possibly in someone else’s bed.

Seeing Gemma laying there so enticing and posed, like something from a 1930’s black and white movie (think Mae West ‘come up and see me some time’) almost killed any sexiness, the scene was so funny. But the curves and flesh spilling out of sizes I guessed as deliberately one size too small just about managed to overcome my laughter reflex as I gently kissed this lovely woman.

“Well, hello there,” Gemma purred as if reading my mind. Seeing and hearing the warmth and desire in her voice and face instantly melted away my frustration at not being alone to enjoy LA’s promised sex show.

I actually felt more than a hint at guilt at my initial thoughts towards Gemma’s presence, realizing how they disrespected this warm and loving woman. A woman who wanted me and who hadn’t taken my silence over the last ten days as a slight or insult, wide enough to know that Jill and I were just working things out after our monster step into the unknown.

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“Hello there yourself,” I beamed by way of reply, kissing her again. She seemed to sense my change in mood and how I was slowly turning my channel from LA to the Miami suburbs. Hell, another woman might have been offended, but I knew Gemma was experienced and wise enough to know I’d not been ignoring her this last week. It was just that Jill and I had needed the time and space to sort ourselves out.

Earlier my mind had been filled with what I was missing. The touch and scent of my beautiful Jill safely ensconced thousands of miles away with her boss and lover. But breathing in the different aroma of Gemma and whatever perfume she was wearing, it seemed an eternity since we’d been to bed together. In reality, it was only a week and a half ago, but that evening seemed to belong to a different, far simpler era. An era of Jill and Daryl, Gemma and Dave. Before Jill had taken first Rocco and then Chris to her bed. Before she’d embarked on a month-long romantic tour of our great land with her charismatic, handsome and very single boss.

Despite my fifty years, for some reason, I felt like a naughty schoolboy as I stared at the over-flowing cups of Gemma’s red bra, then gazing at the gusset of her panties as I tried to remember what her little landing strip and pussy looked like.

“Come on, big boy. Why don’t you come down here and join me,” she said, patting the side of the bed where I normally lay next to Jill.

It’s fair to say that for the next few minutes I was a man in heaven and a man who nearly forgot he was married. Kissing and stroking Gemma as her fingers stripped me naked and then re-explored all my body felt wonderful. When she had me hard enough for her liking, she pulled on my shoulders as she tried to get me inside her. But as appealing as this was, I wanted to go down on this lovely lady and give her the pleasure she so deserved with my mouth.

Of course, she tasted different to Jill and I loved tasting and testing, working out what made her breath fast and hard and what things made her strain to pull my head in closer and tighter to her pussy. For more than twenty years I’d only known Jill, and I felt like a new man as I explored this new flavor of Ice Cream. I still loved my favorite Vanilla, but it was nice to taste Raspberry Ripple just for a change.

Gemma’s nails had dug in and drawn blood when my tongue lapped and teased her to her first orgasm, and she was getting close to a second time when I extricated my head away from her talons and moved into a position that made her flush with excitement and anticipation.

“Put me in, honey,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the touch of her nails on me and the feeling of being a lot more in control than during our only time together before.

I sank all the way in and Gemma moaned in satisfaction, a split second before my mouth covered hers, my tongue exploring her mouth in sync with my cock making matching efforts down below.

Fully in, I strained every muscle to gain an extra fraction, smiling into Gemma’s open and kind face as we shared a moment. Like me, she sensed the moment and was content to just lay there, her only movement maybe widening her hips the last inch to let me go that little bit further. Neither of us spoke, words weren’t needed as we just enjoyed our union, a man and a woman doing the most natural thing on earth.

It was Gemma who broke the moment, not that I was complaining as she wrapped her toned legs tight around the small of my back, her muscles giving me a little squeeze like a rider spurs a horse. I was happy to oblige, kissing her softly and tenderly as I started slowly working in and out of her tight pussy.

Bit by bit I built up speed, winning approving and increasingly passionate moans of pleasure from Gemma. Enjoying the feeling of a different woman beneath me, a different pussy squeezing and milking my cock.

I’d only been fucking her for a few minutes when I felt her excitement start to build, the orgasm I’d edged her towards with my mouth now very near. I toyed with slowing down and denying her, but to me, this wasn’t a night for games and subtlety. It was a night I wanted to fuck Gemma with animal abandon, pumping my seed deep into her as a way of claiming her for myself.

So instead of slowing or switching to tender love-making, I pulled her closer and pounded even faster and harder. Part of me wishing I could go deeper, a picture of her and Daryl in my mind, but in some strange way contented at what I could give her as this seemed more than enough. I knew I was only seconds away, with the volume and rawness of Gemma’s own cries telling me she was in the same place. I loved hearing the passion and need in her throat, aware it drove me on even faster and even harder until finally I threw my head back and cried out.

My cock spat and spurted, my balls feeling so good as I released myself into her, happy that her nails were again digging into my shoulders as her teeth found my neck. I was trapped as I gave every last part of what was in my balls, Gemma holding me in her coils as she squeezed me and milked me, her cries now less intense but still music to my ears.

As the two of us slowly re-entered the atmosphere, I was a little ashamed at how deep and rapid my own-breathing sounded. Definitely in fifth gear, whereas the woman who’d tamed me was breathing in second or at most third. Note to self, more gym time if we’re going to carry on with this lifestyle.


Fucking Gemma had been wonderful, but the time we spent afterward was almost as good. Only a week and a half since the first and only time we’d been together, but laying next to each other to me it almost felt like I was reunited with a high school sweetheart. As the first woman other than Jill I’d known in twenty-plus years, however many new women this lifestyle might bring me, I knew Gemma would always have a special place.

It was like catching up with an old friend. Only a million times better than Facebook, and not just because we were both still naked, enjoying the touch and the feel and also the anticipation of round two.

I asked her about Duncan and her family, and with social etiquette being what it is this inevitably led onto a discussion about Jill. Which prompted Gemma to pick up the still unopened cream envelope from the side of the bed. In my excitement to be with Gemma again, I’d removed the red bow from around her tummy but forgotten all about the envelope.

I didn’t recognize the handwriting on the envelope, which surprised me as I’d assumed it would have been Jill’s. It was only when I opened the card and read the two missives and their accompanying signatures that I was totally sure the handwriting was Gemma’s.

The two sets of female handwriting were side-by-side on opposite sides of the crease, Jill’s on the left and the first I choose to read.

‘Hi Dave, honey, I hope you enjoy your present. I know I said I’d give you a different present on your birthday in April, but I thought you might enjoy this one more. Don’t play with it too much and break it. Remember, she has a husband to go back to and he wants her back in working order. Besides which, I want that you’ve got something left in the tank for your poor little wife when she’s home at the weekend. Thanks so much for letting me do this thing. The work side would have been enough because I know how you’ll miss me. But letting me be with Chris is the icing on the cake. Thanks, honey. Love you always, and missing you always, even if I am having fun. All my love, Jill xxxx’

I almost shed a tear as I read Jill’s heartfelt words. Somehow the fact that she didn’t hide from me how much she’d enjoy the trip made her words all the more real and special. As I read her words a second time, it was almost as if she was in the room with me.

I was feeling so emotional, a mix of love and missing Jill, that it was quite some time before I gathered myself and was able to read what Gemma had written.

‘Dave, when Jill asked me to be your going-away present from her to you, I was overjoyed and happy to play my part. I’ve only known you and Jill a little while really, but I’m loving getting to know you both. I hope we’ll all be friends for many years and that you’ll enjoy your times in your new lifestyle as much as Duncan and I do. Looking forward to being your Jill replacement for the next few weeks. Such big shoes to step into, but I’ll try my best, Gemma xx’

Obviously less emotional reading Gemma’s words, nonetheless I smiled across at this wonderful woman after I’d read her words again. Jill and I had really lucked out when we’d been befriended by Gemma. Jill might have felt she had the better end of the deal with the handsome and horse-cocked Daryl as her beau, but lying in bed with this amazing lady I reckoned that whatever Daryl’s virtues, I was the lucky one.

After some gentle kissing and more than a little gazing at Gemma, it was Gemma who opened the discussion about what Jill and her boss were doing, both tonight and over the next few weeks.


Gemma’s question brought me right back to thinking about Jill and Chris, and what they might well be doing at this very moment. As we talked about it, Gemma started fiddling with her cell phone. After a few seconds, she looked down at the screen and smiled to herself, before looking up and addressing me. “Tell me, Dave, honey, would you like to see what your naughty wife is up to right now?”

Does a cat like mice, or a whale eat plankton?

“How the hell?” I asked, my plaintiff tone making clear my surprise.

“Well, when Jill asked me to be your girl Friday, I thought I might as well provide the full Rolls Royce service. So I had a little word with a senior executive I know, and with the wonders of modern technology, we arranged a little extra something for you and your good lady's life. A little surprise, if you like.”

Gemma smiled at my continued look of surprise. “But if you want to see the little wifey, you have to promise to be quiet. Like most nocturnal mammals, she’s quite shy and nervous with loud noises. You and me have to stay quiet as she doesn’t know we’re in the iHide watching her nocturnal mating ritual.”

Shit! A small part of me felt bad watching without Jill knowing we were watching (assuming Gemma was telling the truth, not just gilding the lily), but a bigger part of me was desperate to watch. And this part was also doubly excited that I’d be watching the ‘real deal’, with Jill unawares and, therefore, being totally natural and totally herself. I’d discovered enough about myself these last weeks to know that this secret watching and eavesdropping was the ultimate kick for me. Carrying with it an extra level of excitement and eroticism.

I never answered Gemma’s question about staying quiet. My obedient expression and look of total need was answer enough, and through the magic of technology, Gemma managed to flick the small image from the phone she’d turned and shown me, onto the much bigger screen of our Apple TV.

The scene that greeted me nearly gave me a heart attack.


Written by rawraw25
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