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Don't Judge a Book Ch20

"Gemma’s problems and a unique suggestion to cheer her up"

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Tuesday 27th March 2018

“Hi honey,” I greeted Jill as I trudged wearily from work into the kitchen.

It had been a hell of a day. Problems, problems, problems at work. The best I’d manage to salvage from the day was crawling into our family home a little after eight p.m., any chance of Jill and me keeping our date night long gone. But this didn’t seem to have dampened Jill’s spirits. She was trying a new recipe and had told me earlier on the phone that she was fine to have our date night at home for a change. A home-cooked meal, a good bottle of red and a jointly chosen movie to watch on Amazon.

I don’t know if I was imagining it, but although bubbly and smiley on the surface, Jill seemed a little tired. As was now her habit, she’d stayed over at Chris’s place the previous night, as it was one of their three regular date nights each week. Last night was one of the nights they’d chosen not to involve me via FaceTime or any other method, but you didn’t have to be Einstein to hazard a guess as to why Jill might be tired. Even though she and Chris had been lovers now for nearly five months, whenever they did let me watch them I never seemed to detect any reduction in their mutual hunger for each other’s bodies when it came to their love-making. I’d been with Gemma the night before, but I could well guess that it might have been very late the night before when my wife and her boyfriend finally drifted off to sleep.

As I sidled up behind Jill, kissed her and held her close I was greeted by a happy but tired smile. “Did lover boy keep you up late last night?”

“Something like that,” the love of my life answered, not bothering to hide a truth we both knew.

“Lucky you,” I replied in a slightly maudlin tone. “Gemma was pretty down about how things are with Duncan and his slutty little secretary, so we spent most of the evening talking.”

I didn’t mind that this was how Gemma and I had spent much of our evening.

Both Jill and I thought the way Gemma’s husband Duncan was treating her was appalling, flaunting his affair with his twenty-eight-year-old blonde secretary in a way designed to hurt and humiliate Gemma. Even though their four grown kids had told their dad exactly what they thought of the way he was treating their mum, Duncan seemed not to have paid a blind bit of notice. Quite the opposite in fact, according to Gemma he was planning on taking his shameless little slut of a secretary on an Easter vacation to California – paid for with money from the family joint account.

Not surprisingly Gemma had been totally upset and we’d spent much of last night talking, with me consoling her as best as I could. Before she’d finally cried herself out and moved to a place where she wanted to lose herself in something more physical and satisfying than just talk.

As I shared with Jill what Gemma had told me last night and how upset and down Gemma was, I could see a real mix of anger and sympathy in my wife’s face. Generally, Jill is the most loving, kind and generous of people, but you really don’t want to get on her wrong side. When I got to the bit about Duncan and the little harlot heading off to California part-paid for by Gemma, Jill nearly exploded with righteous indignation. If Duncan had been unlucky enough to be in the room, I swear Jill would probably have taken the large knife she was using to carve the Chicken to help Duncan do a passable impression of a human gelding.

As we talked over dinner I could see the cogs whirring round in Jill’s mind. I let it pass for a while, thinking Jill might spit it out whatever she was thinking in her own time. But in the end, I grew impatient. “Come on honey. Whatever it is, out with it!”

Jill looked down at her plate and twirled the spaghetti on her fork as she started talking, for some reason choosing not to look at me as she shared her thoughts.

“I was just wondering honey.

You know that Easter trip to the UK we’ve got booked, well I was just thinking whether we should do the decent thing and invite Gemma along to cheer her up. After all, the cottage we’ve booked sleeps six, so there’d be plenty of room. She just has to spring for the airfare. From how you say things are with Duncan and that little slut of his, it sounds like Gemma could really do with having her mind taken off it, and that she shouldn’t really be alone all next week. After all, you’re not going to be around for her and the none of her kids are around.”

By the time she’d finished speaking Jill was had looked up from her chicken and spaghetti and was looking me directly in the face. Her expression a real mix of different things. Part still anger at how Duncan was treating our friend. But also more than a hint of excitement and nerves.

A look that reminded me of her expression the first time she’d asked me if she could stay over at Chris’s place. And, dense man that I am, the penny finally dropped. I didn’t doubt that Jill had good and honorable intentions behind what she was suggesting. At least in part. But that nervous, excited look gave away her other motive. That it was highly likely Jill wasn’t just thinking of our turning our twosome vacation into a threesome vacation. She had in mind to invite a fourth person to join. A gentleman who was her three times a week boyfriend, plus no doubt the quickies they managed to sneak in their day-to-day working lives.

Jill noticed the change in the look on my face, causing her face to flush a little as she realized the game was up. I couldn’t be angry with her – I loved her too much and also was too bought into her affair with Chris – and so I just smiled in a way designed to reassure her and put her at ease.

“Mrs. Jill Foster, there wouldn’t perchance be any other ulterior motives you might have, would there? For instance, if Gemma was with us to keep me company, you wouldn’t be thinking of seeing if any other of our friends might be free to join us for our little jaunt to see the Queen of England?”

The tension and nerves went out of Jill, as she smiled lovingly at me. “You know, honey. The thought really hadn’t occurred to me,” she replied in her best hammed up over-acting tones. “But now that you’ve mentioned it, that’s not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all. I could ring around and see which of our friends might be free to join us.”

“Oh, and how many of our many friends were you thinking of ringing around to, dear wife of mine?” I asked with heavy ironic sarcasm laid on almost as thick as Jill’s own over-acting.

“Well, I know quite a few of them are busy with family and other commitments. But I can certainly think of one, who doesn’t have any kids, who might be free to join us,” her smile leaving me in no doubt as to who she meant.


Thursday 29th March 2018

I was trying to hide my rigid erection as Gemma and I walked hand-in-hand five yards behind the handsome couple in front of us. Like us, walking hand-in-hand as they hurried towards the boarding gate, they did indeed make an attractive and well-matched couple. Jill was wearing tight skinny jeans, platform heels that added a good three or four inches to her height and a tight figure-hugging cream cashmere sweater that showed off her figure and large breasts to good effect. When Jill chose to dress up like this, an increasing event since we’d started this new lifestyle, it was normal for the guys she passed to subtly swivel their heads to get a second look. And today was no exception, something that was evident to me as I wasn’t the one with Jill the guys made no efforts to hide their admiring looks from me.

I could hardly fault them, as I was also staring at Jill’s wiggling as Gemma and I followed behind her and Chris. My attentions split maybe two-thirds Jill and one-third the excited Gemma who was in good spirits, excitedly chattering away about all the things she wanted to see in the UK when we arrived. If she managed to see half the things she had planned, we’d be dog tired by the end of the vacation and need another break to recover from this one.

But I wasn’t complaining. I was inwardly smiling, happy that the trip was having the desired effect on our friend.

Both cheering her up and also distracting her and taking her away from the source of her pain. Jill and I had talked through the vacation that first day she’d mentioned it, and both Gemma and Chris had eagerly accepted our invitations. We’d never explicitly discussed it, but we all knew what the ‘coupling’ arrangements were. Hence why I was walking five yards behind Jill and her beau, admiring her ass as we hurried towards the gate.


Waiting to board we sat as two couples together, with Gemma and Jill doing most of the talking. Comparing notes on what they wanted to each see. Chris was resting his eyes, having had a very busy week at work due to major problems in the company’s biggest plant, the one in California.

As I half-listened into the girls talking, not for the first time I thought to myself how weird this situation was. How far things had changed in our lives in the last five months. As I listened to them talk and looked at Jill through half-closed eyes, I was struck by how energized she was these days and how my always beautiful wife now was taking even more care about her appearance and working out even harder in the gym. Thinking these thoughts and allowing my gaze to dwell on the full swell of her breasts under that tight sweater, I realized how much I was looking forward to watching Jill and Chris together in this coming week. She and I had made a pact that when the trip was finished, we’d have a whole week together just Jill and Dave. Sticking to our plan to make sure we didn’t neglect our own relationship.

Armed with this agreement and knowledge, I felt fully freed up to enjoy my guilty secret. My growing fascination and addiction to watching my lovely wife together with her handsome boss and now boyfriend.

It was like the agreement for that week back home acted as my psychological insurance policy that however good they looked together and however close they looked together, I didn’t have to worry about any future negative consequences.

Because the 'Jill and Dave totally together week' would inoculate me against any such dangers or worries.

Worries that might lessen my enjoyment of this upcoming trip.

And sitting there quietly and furtively watching my excited and sexy wife as she sat close to Chris and held his hand, I thought how much I was going to enjoy the next ten days. A pleasure that might seem alien and weird to nineteen out of twenty husbands, but one that rocked my boat and which I had gradually come to accept more and more these last months. Accept as just a part of who I was and what I was. A man who loved his wife and never wanted to lose her, but who also enjoyed watching her with other guys. Watching and enjoying both the physical and the emotional side of it.

Sitting there paired up as we were, it felt like a new level of thrill I was experiencing.

I had the comfort of knowing Jill and I would be back together as a loving couple back in Miami, combined with the thrill of watching her and Chris spending every part of the next ten days as a couple. That had been the outcome of the conversations Jill and I had in the days after Gemma and Chris agreed to join us. I honestly can’t remember whose idea it had been that we should totally swap for the ten days. It just seemed to emerge, and we both seemed happy with it. And my imaginative and teasing wife had added her own little twist to the arrangement. Asking me if I’d like the idea of her, just for the trip, taking her rings off and leaving them at home in Miami. Instead wearing Chris’s class ring hanging on a necklace around her neck.

Five months into this new lifestyle, Jill could read me like a book. And so as I watched her fingers tightly intertwined with her boyfriend’s, I felt a lump in my throat at the absence of the three rings I’d given her and which she normally wore as a sign of her love and commitment to me. An absence made all the more exciting and nerve-racking knowing that under that tight cashmere sweater, nestling in the valley between her perfect breasts was another man’s class ring. Temporarily a sign to the four of us and the rest of the world that Jill belonged to her boyfriend Chris for the next ten days. That this was what I, her husband, had agreed to and that Jill was only too happy to go along with.


Over the last five months of this new part of our marriage, I’d gradually come to an appreciation of how the physical and psychological seamlessly melded together to give me and Jill the intense pleasures we got from this lifestyle.

And that was totally evident to me for the next thirteen hours as we waited, flew, waited and then finally drove to the cottage just outside London that we’d rented for the next ten days. There was little overtly sexual between Jill and Chris during all that time. But just seeing them together as a couple, doing the everyday things of life and traveling made my pulse race.

I felt a little guilty and sorry for Gemma. I tried my best to focus on her, and I wasn’t a total pig, but deep down the biggest thrill for me was seeing Jill and Chris together. I loved being with Gemma, and I cared deeply for her.

But the whole Chris and Jill thing got me at a deeper, almost irresistible level. From earlier conversations, we’d had, Gemma kind of knew this and she didn’t resent it. With things so bad between her and her husband, she was happy to have that part of me that I was willing and able to give to her.


We arrived at our cottage and took the keys just after 3 p.m. on Good Friday. The four of us paired off and headed to our respective bedrooms, and as I waited for Gemma to finish showering it wasn’t long before I heard the sound of Chris and Jill’s shower going. And maybe two or three minutes after this I heard the sound of Jill’s soft moans wafting to my ears. It hadn’t taken them long. While Gemma showered by herself, Jill and Chris had found an altogether more fun use for the shower cubicle.

I toyed with sneaking into their bathroom to watch, and tempting though this was, I was suddenly overcome by a strong desire to copy what Jill and Chris were doing with my own buxom lady-friend.

With her eyes shut to keep the shampoo out, Gemma may have been surprised to feel my hands and my warm body next to hers, but she was only too happy as we put on a far from shabby performance. We were soon kissing, touching and exploring, and it wasn’t long before we were lost in our own love-making. All thoughts of Jill and Chris temporarily expunged as we looked deep into each other’s eyes. Communicating all kinds of feelings and thoughts without the need for words.

About how we felt about each other as friends and lovers, and about how I was there for her in her current sad marital situation.

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When we were both satisfied, we happily snuggled our freshly washed bodies under the clean and thick duvet. England in late March was a far cry from the warm temperatures we were used to in Miami, and we’d not bothered to work out the heating yet.

As Gemma’s head nestled on my chest, she tilted her head upwards to look directly at me. “Don’t take this the wrong way, and don’t freak out, but you do know that I love you, right. I’m not trying to steal you away from Jill, but you’re very special to me, Dave.

And it really means a lot that you’ve been there for me these last weeks.”

I surprised myself with how calm and controlled I was as I thought about what Gemma had said and responded to her. I was the opposite of the ‘being freaked out’ that Gemma had worried about.

I smiled down at Gemma and stroked her. “Snap. You know what Jill and I are and what we have. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not room in our hearts for other people. And, Gemma, I love you. And not just because you said that to me. I love the way we’ve become close and the way we share things. The way we laugh, the way we talk. And the way we make love.”

These last words were said in a way designed to lighten the mood a little and earned me a dig in the ribs from the loving Gemma. After delivering her message, she suddenly went back into serious mode. “You know, honey, I’ve pretty much decided I’m going to kick Duncan out when we get back and divorce the SOB. His slutty little secretary can have him twenty-four-seven as far as I’m concerned.”

I looked at her, wondering if she wanted me to say anything, or ask her anything.

“Is there any chance left for the two of you?” I asked. It felt like the right thing to ask. The thing a good friend would ask, trying to see if there was even any small chance the thing that had been so valuable to her and Duncan for so long could be rescued and put back on the road.

Gemma thought for a minute. “No.

No, I don’t think that’s going to happen. It’s gone too far. All the lying and deceit. All the hurt and pain he’s caused me, putting that little slut before his own wife.

I understand temptation and that people make mistakes. Hell, I’m no angel myself. But it’s gone too far now. There’s no trust left. He’s made his bed and made his choice. Now he’s going to have to live with the consequences.”

As I listened to Gemma, the tone of her voice was calm and considered, and I intuitively knew that she’d come to the right conclusion.


“Will you look at that?”

Our conversation about Gemma’s marriage and future was interrupted as we realized something new about the layout of our luxury three-bedroom cottage. The location and design of the bedroom Gemma and I had selected gave us a bird’s eye view of the small indoor pool area. The pool that was probably the single biggest reason Jill and I had chosen this particular cottage. As proud Floridians who loved our warmth and water, I think ten days in the unpredictable weather of the UK would have been intolerable without this little piece of indoor home.

And what’s more, not only did the full length window that separated our room from the pool area give us a great view of the pool area, because there was a typically English net curtain next to the window, we could see out into the pool area, but whoever might be in there couldn’t see into our bedroom.

And Gemma’s ‘Will you look at that?’ had been in reaction to seeing Jill and Chris, not long recovered from their shower sex session, walking hand-in-hand into the pool area.

At the sight of my sexy wife in her new red and very tight-cut bikini, I immediately felt my recently spent cock start to fill with blood and slowly swell.

Fortune was smiling down on me. This layout was a voyeur’s dream.

Unaware that we were watching them, Jill and Chris walked towards the small pool and slowly walked down the steps into the less deep end of the pool. They’d turned the bright lights and the heating lamps on in the pool area, and as we’d not put any lights on in our room, Gemma and I were doubly invisible to my wife and her boyfriend. The lighting and the net curtains combining to make me feel like we had one of those superhero cloaks of invisibility. ‘Super voyeur’ or ‘Super-cuck’ – just about the only superhero the comic book companies haven’t mined out!

As I lifted my head and cocked my ear to hear any words they might share, instead, I heard Gemma’s whispered words in my ear.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d planned it this way all along.”

“I wish I was that smart,” came my honest reply, “You may not believe it, but it’s just totally the luck of the draw.”

Kissing my ear, Gemma told me “I believe you, honey.”

After a second kiss adding, “Shall we just watch them a while. I know you love that. And I have to admit, they do look damn good together.”

Gemma squeezed my hardening cock as she made this last comment, and I groaned quietly, both from her teasing but accurate words, and also for the way she was touching my manhood.

I looked down at Gemma and gave her a look as if to say ‘what did I ever do to you’, and then turned my head as both of us enjoyed our secret view of the pool area. Jill and Chris were stood about half-way along the pool, with the warm water coming up the level just below Jill’s ripe breasts. Looking so appealing and desirable in the skimpy cups of her new red bikini. They looked so good I wanted to burst into the pool area and claim them for my own.

This thought making me groan inwardly at the thought that I wouldn’t enjoy Jill’s boobs or pussy at all these next ten days. They belonged to another man for the duration.

Jill and Chris were standing just inches apart facing each other. With no heels on, Chris was a good five inches taller than Jill, and as their faces were nearly touching and at the same height Chris must have been bending his knees or something like that under the water.

Jill’s arms were wrapped possessively around her boyfriend’s neck, and the pair of them had matching smiles on their faces as they were happy to just gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes. With their initial need for each other satisfied by their shower sex, there was a quieter and more intimate mood between them.

Watching the two of them there like that, so close and intimate, I felt my guts twist and turn as if there were two giant hands in my abdomen wringing my guts like you wring a towel. And my chest felt tight, while the rest of my body was tingling and floating from wave after wave of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I felt more alive than I think I’d ever felt before, maybe on a par with those first two times I’d seen Daryl and Jill together.

But as well as the high I was experiencing, I was a bundle of nerves, almost hypnotized as I took in the way they looked at each other. The nerves and anguish kicking up another level as Chris reached between Jill’s breasts and started playing with his class ring which hung there so symbolically in the cleft of Jill’s cleavage. Seeing them still gazing into each other’s eyes as Chris played with the ring Jill was wearing for him made me instinctively look at Jill’s bare fingers intertwined behind Chris’s back. Those two giant hands rang my guts a couple more times as I stared at Jill’s bare fingers. Devoid for the first time in more than twenty years of the symbols of our love for each other.

I could see their lips moving, but couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other through the glass that separated us from them.

As Gemma’s warm hand continued to stroke my hard cock, in a wistful voice she made two strange comments and asked an equally strange question.

“You know, in some ways, Chris reminds me of Callan. They’re both that strong, sporty, cocky type. Maybe that’s Jill’s type, after all, I know she and Callan were an item way back when.”

Grimacing, I looked down at her, trying to process what she’d said and the very mixed emotions she’d just added to an already piled high bonfire. As my brain was struggling to process her comments about ‘Jill’s type’, and the inference that I wasn’t Jill’s type, without realizing what she was really doing Gemma threw a stick of TNT onto the bonfire.

“Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we’d all met our partners at different times, in different sequences. You know, if Charlotte had never met Callan. Or I’d never met Duncan. Or if Jill had never gone for that PA interview with Chris?”


Too much to think about. Just watching the here and now between Jill and Chris was pulling my emotions and brain all over the place. Thinking about what might have been and whether Jill had a type was too much. I closed my eyes and started taking slow, deep breaths to try and calm myself.

As I did this, Gemma bounced up and stood on tiptoes on the edge of the bed. I wondered what she was doing until I saw her sliding a small pane of glass from left to right. I’d not spotted these small panel sliding windows as the frame was made of very light-colored metal so as not to spoil the effect of the full height floor to ceiling window onto the pool area.

Gemma spotted a second sliding window and opened that too, before springing back down to snuggle by my side as quickly as she’d sprung up. Kissing my earlobe again, she whispered in an extra quiet voice. “Cinders shall go the ball! Now you can listen to them as well as watching.” Her tone of voice teasing but not mean. She knew me too damn well, this second woman in my life.

I held my breath as if this would better enable me to hear the conversation between Jill and Chris. Luckily the pool area was fully tiled and this helped the sound carry. I’d been desperate to know what they’d been talking about these last few minutes, but know that I was about to get my wish come true, I suddenly wondered if I’d have preferred ignorance.


Gemma’s hand gently stroked my thinning hair as we both strained to hear.

“You know, Jill, honey, I’m as glad as hell Dave is like he is, but never in a million years will I understand why he lets you out to do what you do. If you were mine, I’d never let you out of my sight. I’d be like a tiger stalking around, keeping other guys away from you.”

Jill grinned, evidently taking it as a big compliment. “Promises, promises. Maybe Dave’s different, he trusts me to come home to him at the end of the day. He trusts me and knows that I love him, come what may.”

A strange, hesitant look appeared on Chris’s face. As if he was struggling to make up his mind about something. After a while, he made up his mind and his mouth opened. “What about me?

Do you love me too, Jill? After all, we’ve been seeing each other for nearly five months. Hell, I proposed to Kate after only three months.”

What seemed to have been a quite innocent and light-hearted conversation before seemed to have suddenly become quite an intense and serious conversation.

Just for a moment the thought flashed through my brain, had Gemma and Chris somehow planned this? Or was it totally a coincidence that a few minutes ago Gemma had been telling me that she loved me? But I didn’t have time to dwell on this question as my eyes and brain were locked on Jill’s suddenly serious looking and hesitant face.

Jill took her time, her arms still locked around Chris’s neck as she considered what to say.

In the end, her answer was simple and truthful. “Yes, Chris … Yes, I do love you.”

Now it was Chris’s turn to pause and think, as my own heart pounded away and I held my breath as if through sheer willpower I could influence what Jill would say.

Chris leaned in to gently kiss my wife. “And I hope you know I love you too, Jill.” Just for a moment, they gazed at each other, happy just to let the silence rule.

“But Jill, I have to know, what do you mean when you say you love me. Love me how? Love me in what way? The love for a friend? A romantic love? In love?

The same type of love you have for Dave?”

I guess Jill wasn’t used to seeing Chris so vulnerable and needy. At least not since she’d helped him get over his break up from his wife Kate. Realizing Chris’s vulnerability, Jill ruffled his hair, almost like a mother comforting a child.

“Wow, that’s a lot of questions, mister,” she replied in a light-hearted tone, trying to lighten the mood, but at the same time knowing from Chris’s face that she’d have to answer his questions.

Then she started, a serious and nervous look on her face now, matching Chris. “Chris, baby. You do know it’s difficult for me to talk about this, don’t you? Dave’s been the only man in my life for the last twenty-four years. He’s the love of my life, and nothing will ever change that, however, I feel about you.”

Those last words from Jill gave Chris the chink of light he needed, kissing Jill again and in a gentle voice asking, “I understand Jill, I’m not asking to take Dave’s place in your heart. But I just need to know where I stand and how you feel about me after all the time we’ve spent together.”

I was hugely relieved by what Jill had said about me, but I could hardly bear the tension, waiting to hear what Jill would say about her feelings for Chris. Again I held my breath as Jill’s lips started moving.

“Okay, Chris. It’s like this. I do have feelings for you. These last months you’ve become a huge part of my life. Dave sometimes teases me, calling you ‘my boyfriend’. But he’s not wrong.

We’re together for many hours each day at work. Then we spend three evenings and nights a week together. You know I worked it out the other day, if you include the time we’re together at work, I spend more time with you than I do with Dave.”

Hearing this fact, Chris grinned but decided to say nothing. It had quite an effect on me as well, one simple fact demonstrating how important Chris had become in Jill’s life these last months.

Jill continued. “So you see, you’re basically my boyfriend and I spend more time with you than with my own husband. And I definitely have feelings for you, Mr. Garner.”

“That’s all great, Jill, baby. But I have to know. Do you love me in a romantic way? Are you as in love with me like I’m in love with you? Could you live without me? Because I know I couldn’t live without you.”

Jill’s expression changed again and I saw her arms tighten just a little in the way they were wrapped around Chris’s neck.

And I braced myself, sensing that Jill was about to stop avoiding the question and tell Chris exactly how she felt.

Her beautiful hazel eyes looking directly into Chris’s blue eyes, she kissed him softly. “Yes, Chris.”

I love you like you love me. You’re the second man in my life. These last twenty-four years there was only Dave, but now there’s you as well. I love you, and yes, I’m in love with you. And you said you couldn’t live life without me, and I feel the same. I can’t imagine life without you in my life. Not after how things have grown between us these last months.”

And then there was silence.

(Thanks to cbears52 for his generous help in editing.)


Written by rawraw25
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