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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 48
0 miles · South Carolina


1. good friends sitting around a fire drinking and laughing

2. or sex

#2 is only twice a year so i am going with #1
oh lord yes. accents are an extreme turn on.
red head with an english, ausy weakness
in public i want the sweet intelectual woman
in the bedroom i want the slutty woman...
Some guys are givers.. We hear all the time that guys are one and gone, that women do not get off. So some guys train themselves to give and give and give… once she has had enough, then she gives to us..
Thanks again for the input

I was thinking that it was something i did, but i can not think of anything. i did not miss any occations, i do not yell or argue, not sleeping with anyone.
i was thinking it was stress on her end and this is how she deals with it.

i did talk to another friend of mine (a women) she thought two things
1. I am being too nice and it is making her feel that she is not needed as much on the home front
2. she is having an affair

i know women can last a much longer time without sex than a guy, but a year???
thanks for the input
i did sit down and open up. expressed my concerns, expressed my expectations, how this situation is making me feel and what my fears are
her response was, i am reading too much into it and that everything is ok. she also said i should not have expectations of what our relationship was and that it has moved into another level. her work is what is important now and that i need to understand it and respect it. she also stated that spending time, sex, or talking was her decision and she would talk when she wanted too, spend time when and with whom she wanted too, and would let me know when she wanted to have sex!!!!
Ok ladies here is a a good question.
for years i was the major money maker in the house. my wife never liked me keeping long hours at work and never supported me in corporate america. several years ago i went out on my own and am doing well. she had an opportunity about two years ago to move up in her company. i told her to do it and have supported her in each step she took. i took over other responsibilities in the house, with the kids, ect. she leaves at 6 am and comes home after 8pm. sometimes she comes home at 11 or 12. i never complain, am always supporting, wait up for her and have dinner for her.
over the last year she has not wanted sex. i asked her and she says she is stressed, tired, too much on her mind. she asks us to go away together i set something up and she can not go...
she tells people i fully support her at work and she never supported me when i was in corporate america. she does not want to talk about work, talk about why she worked so late, or be together (sex)
17 years together

i am wondering if it is over?
should i just move on?
am i being selfish
only 4 for me.... the amount does not matter...the situation does
if he is good to her and treats her well. you might want to give it some time. when we tell our kids NO WAY... they do it out of spite..... go with it and see what happens