i loved this guy and the show
Sorry guys - not my thing, although my dad watched it.
"Killed him a 'barr' when he was only 3...."
RIP Fess.
Loved to watch his adventures when I was a kid. Wish I had coon skin hat.
What's that last pic of Charlie?
That's interesting. I didn't know that.
I thought he had gone long ago too.... RIP
Algol is up to the beast. 666
RIP David Crockett, Jim Phelps (AKA Peter Graves ) and now Robert Culp ( I spy ) that makes 3...I liked them all , even whenthey were bad...
Yep, loved Davey Crockett. He had three ears you know : His right ear, his left ear and his wild front ear. He will be missed.
Yes folks, the magic of Davey Crockett even made its way down here to Australia. I remember fondly wearing my tabby cat Ginger on my head, as we didn't have racoons back in them days, and throwing my father's axe at an ironbark gum tree only to have it bounce straight off and back at me.
R.I.P. Ginger. I still miss you pal.
Folks, Davey Crockett died at the Alamo in 1836. The exact nature of his dying has never been discovered, and his body and burial location are also known only to God and likely Santa Ana's "No Quarter" soldiers.