Quote by Dancing_Doll
I like the new av! Good choice.
And I'll just take this extremely rare moment to bask in the fact that I helped solve a technical problem. lol. Trust me, that doesn't happen very often.
Bask away, DD.
Quote by Wholelottarosie
OK, you asked so it would be rude if I didn't reply.
At least you've thought about it and not left the dreaded red and white default, so well done you. Other than that, I'm in the camp that thinks it looks a little aggressive, but not in a bad way. Because your user name ends in "dom", I assumed the aggression was intentional. I can't believe it would put anyone off accepting a friend request or responding to a chat so why not leave it.
It's unique and if you're happy with it then you should keep it. Oh, by the way, I didn't know they were cock rings either.
Quote by crazydiamond
I did not think "Dom" at all, i thought studded bracelets! Motely Crue dude! , Not scary or offensive , just very eighties rock! Which is cool, if thats what you wanted to percieve.
Quote by Ravyn
The cock rings didn't ring a bell for me either being displayed on your wrist like that. The fist seems a bit aggressive as well. Since you mention you are a Dom, why not try an open hand shot, for say spanking sake? Or perhaps your hand holding a riding crop or nine tails? If you are trying to make an impact something of that nature might be more apropos. Nicely done profile which is definitely a plus.
Quote by Jack_42
I feel your avatar is ok especially taking into consideration your sexuality but also that if anyone who knows you saw your ''headless shots'' they would recognise you. There are a few small mistakes in your favourite authors where you quote book titles - maybe you meant D.H Lawrence. Not meaning to be picky but you did ask.
Quote by Mazza
I think your AV looks a tad aggressive to be honest and I confess the fisting thing crossed my mind as well.
I didn't know they were cock rings either, I just thought you were maybe into rock...
It does stand out from other AVs, though I also prefer your headless pics, they seem more human and likeable, to me at least...
Quote by CurlyGirly
Honestly, my first thought when I saw your AV was that you were into fisting? That's not a good or bad thing, just the first thing I thought. I didn't know they were cock rings, I assumed they were goth/biker bracelets or something.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
You have a nicely filled out profile, pics, stories, you comment/vote on others stories - I can't see why anyone would not reply to a friend-add, to be honest. As far as I'm concerned, you're doing all the right things in terms of creating a good profile.
As far as getting more story clickers, I think guys in particular benefit from a presence in the forums. As you start posting more and people get a feel for your personality, you can create a bit of intrigue and more people might be curious enough to want to check out your writing chops as well.