Does anyone know what the average amount of cum im mls,that a guy shoots for each cum?
I have heard the average amount is around 1 teaspoon.
First of all I know I am not a gal but I do know a little bit about this seeing I have done some sperm tests
Yes and no the the 1 teaspoon, some guys produce more of the fluid that the sperm mix with and other produce less then normal and then some produce the normal amount, myself I produce habit more then more lol, but its not a bad thing. In my case I have faulty sperm in general but the fluid consistencey is good.
Yes some guys get about 1 teaspoon and others like myself get about 4-6 teaspoons, the longer you wait between ejaculation also provides more
Semen Load Size - How much is normal?
As with most things in the human body, there can be quite a wide range in what is considered a normal semen load size. The average male ejaculation will result in a semen load from 1/2 teaspoon to a full teaspoon in volume. However, this amount is usually much higher in younger men (14-24), or in adult men who are taking semen volume pills.
Most men remember a time when their orgasms yielded much more than 1 teaspoon of semen. Unfortunately, chances are you were 15 at the time, and didn't even have a partner to impress with your huge sperm load! As men enter their thirties, forties, and on, we notice a fairly sharp decline not just in semen production, but also orgasm strength tends to diminish, as well as the duration of your ejaculation.
The good news is, when you take the appropriate steps to increase your semen production, all of these problems start going away. The more semen you have, the longer it takes to expel it all during ejaculation. This means longer, stronger orgasms, as it takes many more contractions than usual to ejaculate out all the semen from the seminal glands.
I still go with what Phoebe said.pZIExfAXHMBxFEZs
Supposedly the Band 10cc was named because that's the average cum volume.
10 cc (Cubic Centimetres) = 10 Millilitres or just under half a Tippex / Liquid paper bottle (I still have a bottle of it on my desk, never use it now...)
Sounds about right for the 1st cum, the 2nd, third etc would be less (that's if you can coax that many..)
Their is no set amount because you need to factor in also age, length of time between last orgasm and health any site that tells you different is wrong.