Like many people here, I don't want to post a picture of my face (my issue, I know).
And I wanted my avatar to be personal, not a picture of some hunky guy.
So I picked the shot of my wrist with two cock rings as representing as aspect of my sexuality - I'm dom.
I would love to hear what you think of it. Does it make you more or less likely to read my stories and/or my profile?
Does it make you more or less likely to respond to a friend request?
Would a headless shot like the ones in my gallery be a better avatar?
Please be honest, I can take constructive criticism.
It's not a bad av choice (creative!). I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that your headless pics will probably get more viewers though. It gives a better idea of what you look like, but I can also see why you'd prefer to go with something more symbolic and subtle. Like I said - it's definitely not a bad option so no worries there.
You have a nicely filled out profile, pics, stories, you comment/vote on others stories - I can't see why anyone would not reply to a friend-add, to be honest. As far as I'm concerned, you're doing all the right things in terms of creating a good profile.
As far as getting more story clickers, I think guys in particular benefit from a presence in the forums. As you start posting more and people get a feel for your personality, you can create a bit of intrigue and more people might be curious enough to want to check out your writing chops as well.
I think your AV looks a tad aggressive to be honest and I confess the fisting thing crossed my mind as well.
I didn't know they were cock rings either, I just thought you were maybe into rock...
It does stand out from other AVs, though I also prefer your headless pics, they seem more human and likeable, to me at least...
I agree with some of the others here, it is different and creative and a nice change from all the guys that just love to show their cocks... Most women including me don't care to see that...
The cock rings didn't ring a bell for me either being displayed on your wrist like that. The fist seems a bit aggressive as well. Since you mention you are a Dom, why not try an open hand shot, for say spanking sake? Or perhaps your hand holding a riding crop or nine tails? If you are trying to make an impact something of that nature might be more apropos. Nicely done profile which is definitely a plus.
njdom wrote: "Thanks for the feedback, DD. As a noob, it's also nice that you took the time write such a thoughtful reply."
You will find that this is a typical quality answer from DD...well thought out!
I feel your avatar is ok especially taking into consideration your sexuality but also that if anyone who knows you saw your ''headless shots'' they would recognise you. There are a few small mistakes in your favourite authors where you quote book titles - maybe you meant D.H Lawrence. Not meaning to be picky but you did ask.
I also didn't realize they were cock rings. Your Av is definitely different. So much better then some random cock shot. The headless photos that many of us choose for privacy reasons gives a better ideas of what you look like, but your choice shows some creativity. But it would not influence me to read or not read your stories. I would either have to see something in the title or tags that catches me or have it recommended to me by someone.
But your Av would definitely make me check put your profile.
I didn't know they were cock rings either, like everyone else. It seems no one knew they were. I don’t like the fisting thing; it reminded me like how it did everyone else. It’s a bit too aggressive. I did look at your other pictures and like them. You've got a nice profile and, I like that you've taken the time to do one up nicely.
Your AV picture is not what is going to make me read or not read your stories. The only time I don’t read a story is if it’s by a red and white. If you can’t take the time to even put an AV, I’m not going to read your work. It’s as simple as that. I go by tags and titles.
I suggest you go with an open handed picture or maybe something different all together. Ravyn’s ideas were good though, if you stick to the hand idea.
I did not think "Dom" at all, i thought studded bracelets! Motely Crue dude! , Not scary or offensive , just very eighties rock! Which is cool, if thats what you wanted to percieve.
Aggressive /Angry, =Clenched Fist. Punk rocker/ goth,= Studded wrist bands..
Fisting = was my very first thought.
My parting thought is that you have a few women whom were attracted to Avatar & profile.
There fore you must be doing something correctly.
I like it. It's creative and has a meaning.
OK, you asked so it would be rude if I didn't reply.
At least you've thought about it and not left the dreaded red and white default, so well done you. Other than that, I'm in the camp that thinks it looks a little aggressive, but not in a bad way. Because your user name ends in "dom", I assumed the aggression was intentional. I can't believe it would put anyone off accepting a friend request or responding to a chat so why not leave it.
It's unique and if you're happy with it then you should keep it. Oh, by the way, I didn't know they were cock rings either.