I love to get intimate with a person I just met. Its such a turn on to find out how she is, reacts, smells tastes - do girls share this fascination for the new and unknown ?
If a guy would not want a blowjob?
I have never cared that much for it and often I get board. I am a very voyeuristic person, and the thing is that during a blowjob, I just don't see her a lot. My favorite foreplay is to have her stripping and masturbating in front of me, and we may not even touch each other for 30 min.
So a blowjob is rather counterproductive to get me up.
I have shaved all my pussies myself. I love to do this for a girl plus I like it done with 100% precision - No hair left anywhere. Area between pussy an ass completely clean and so on. Usually she will go and take a quick shower and then we inspect everything again and make sure that even my tongue and lips can't feel a hair any more.
As I'm very voyeuristic, I just love playing with my pussy, stretch and finger around and look at it in all angles.
I'm an ass guy - don't care at all for boobs. Why is a thought question. I was not nursed, that could be a reason, I also like girls with boyish figures. But more then both of them I like to see pussy. Thought jeans,leggings that show pussy from behind, some sweatpants that reveal a lot, that's my thing
I married a girl that I had sex with after just a couple of hours of meeting her. The " lets wait" girl in my opinion is also going to be the one that will hold back sex unless you finally cleaned the
basement got this and that done an so on
Time in today’s world is a spare resource. I constantly feel I don't have enough to do the things I want to.
And I remember when I was a teen that I was able to just stay in bed for a day, smoke, look at porn, read porn
stories and masturbate a complete day away - trying all kinds of "experiments" with myself.
I miss those days ...
Do you have days like that? Kind of "your-body-only" days, pampering and spoiling yourself?
As you may guess I am hoping for bizarre, kinky details.
You all probably think im crazy - but I dont like blowjobs a lot. Key is that I am a very visual person. I like to watch and see things. The best part is if a woman puts on a good show and looks at me a lot - playing the dirty chick with the very dirty looks. But if a girl does that - most of the time we are doing something else very quick ...
I love to give head though - and I like to do it very slowly to enjoy the view as well.
This is a tricky question. If I would be a men in a womans body, I would probably whore arround like no tomorrow - and oh yes I would looove to do this. But beeing an actual women - not so sure if this would be the same fun, but it would be a good lerming experience.
Love them! Now I am talking about the true ones. I sometimes have the feelng that redhaired girls go thru a trough phase when they grow up. They get a lot of jokes and a lot of them probably dont feel realy beautiful as little girls. But as soon as they grow up they probably find out that a lot of them are crazy about red. And I guess this is what may make them more sexual then others. Just a theory - what do you think?
I remember one girl in my live that was what one would call a true gold digger. Putting a lot of value on being paid for, having a man that would have significant sources of money. Making very materialistic choices when choosing a partner etc.
Most judged her as a bad character some called her a whore. When I started knowing her a little better, I found out that she was the daughter of a South American woman that had 7 kids from 7 men. None of all those guys had any funds and instead of providing for their kids they came by occasionally when they needed money themselves. 4 of the kids where girls - as gorgeous as they get. And I guess this mom made sure her girls would look for a true provider and - missing any inheritance or education would bargain on their beauty as much as they could.
After I knew the whole story I looked at her differently. So I guess you get the point I am trying to make – what choices someone makes always needs to be seen in context of where they are coming from.
Sorry everyone,
I probably asked my question a little to complex. But nevertheless I already got good answers.
I try to simplyfy the question a bit - its actually two questions:
Theses A: Men can get horny and then satisfy their needs with any woman they can get at this moment.
(not talking about what mens feelings would tell us, just needs)
Women would beeing horny not so easly just be able to switch the guy just to get satisfied.
True or False?
Theses B: Women may "start" sex just because they are in need to be loved but not because they are horny.
(Nothing bad about that, but it's an interesting discussion about differences between us)
True or False?
I visited a sex and art festival in Costa Rica and we did a 6 some while 2 girls painted our fucking bodies with paint and a camera man filmed.
This is a tricky question: So guys - I would think - can simply get horny.
It gets triggered by girls, their looks, porn, walking behind a long leg flight attendant for a while etc – and then you end up horny and you just are – when you come home you and your girl will have a good time. But if your morals are low, and you get it done you may also take the flight attendant.
Horny-ness does not seem to be bound to one person of your desire. And then in addition – not related to you being horny – you love someone and that means she is most likely going to be the one you end up sleeping with – well also because she is pretty awesome – but the feeling of being horny alone could switch targets.
(Not sure if I can speak for all men here – so please add you perspective too)
On the other side I am sometimes a little turned off if my girl tries to sleep with me and then I find out that she does not feel horny at all but just wants to be loved and somehow expects me to get her horny first. We still do it, but sometimes I feel that makes me responsible for the entire creativeness that makes things good.
We have a good sex live so this is just a nuance – but still interested what you girls think …
Don't like anal that much - little picky on smell ...
I know this is silly, but it was realy difficut for me to have sex while my girl was pregnant.
Here are a couple of things that I think blocked me: I just could not "pump in" on a little creature that would in a couple of month be my little baby boy.
I like sex a little agressive and hard - and my girl too. So it was not about not wanting sex - it was about that the baby that I had so much respect for.
Here another very weird observation. So I was in the hospital when my boy was born. My Girl had a horror birth experience - starting from all natural
going after 30 hours into the first epidural, then after 50 into the second - this one went one sided, vacuum succer and then finally after ca 3 days c-section.
So I was up and awake 3 days with her too. So a nighmare no one would think about sex at all. Now here is the weird thing that happened:
It took over 30 hours for the water to break - so the midwife finally popped it. During the entire pregancy I did not like the smell of my girls pussy
it just smelled like - nothing. At that moment when the water broke - remember is was already 30 hours awake straight and my girl was going thru
a horror storry - at that moment the smell that came out of her pussy was so heavy, that I got a hard on. It was like 9 month of pussy smell
came out at once.
Just so that everyone knows - everyone is in best health today - my girl and my son.