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Do you get horny triggered by a particular guy?

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This is a tricky question: So guys - I would think - can simply get horny.

It gets triggered by girls, their looks, porn, walking behind a long leg flight attendant for a while etc – and then you end up horny and you just are – when you come home you and your girl will have a good time. But if your morals are low, and you get it done you may also take the flight attendant.

Horny-ness does not seem to be bound to one person of your desire. And then in addition – not related to you being horny – you love someone and that means she is most likely going to be the one you end up sleeping with – well also because she is pretty awesome – but the feeling of being horny alone could switch targets.
(Not sure if I can speak for all men here – so please add you perspective too)

On the other side I am sometimes a little turned off if my girl tries to sleep with me and then I find out that she does not feel horny at all but just wants to be loved and somehow expects me to get her horny first. We still do it, but sometimes I feel that makes me responsible for the entire creativeness that makes things good.

We have a good sex live so this is just a nuance – but still interested what you girls think …
I confess I'm not really sure what your question is...please could you clarify?
Stock answer to most forum questions:
Some do, Some don't

Love blindsides us all.
Quote by MinaMiranda
I confess I'm not really sure what your question is...please could you clarify?

I must agree. I am baffled if there is a question. I am thinking he is asking: Do women expect their man to "get" them horny?

Uff, I got that problem. I want him to start me up.
I think it's a thing about rejection, if I am in a horny mood and don't get the attention straight away the horniness will subside faster than a man can count to three.
It's like talking about what you had for dinner or a call from your mother during the act. Totally spoils it. Might be my attention deficit disorder but that's how it is none the less.

Usually a woman needs a bit more to stimulate her mind to get her horny than a flash of a nipple through a top on the bus ride home.

On the other hand I do not understand what can be so horrible with her trying to sex you up, so you can turn her on. She knows she wants sex and she knows you know how to make her horny. Shouldn't you take that as a compliment?
It sounds like there is a good question in there but I can't find it!

If you have a lady that wants you (yes YOU) to start her engine, that is a bad thing?

Sorry everyone,

I probably asked my question a little to complex. But nevertheless I already got good answers.
I try to simplyfy the question a bit - its actually two questions:

Theses A: Men can get horny and then satisfy their needs with any woman they can get at this moment.
(not talking about what mens feelings would tell us, just needs)
Women would beeing horny not so easly just be able to switch the guy just to get satisfied.
True or False?

Theses B: Women may "start" sex just because they are in need to be loved but not because they are horny.
(Nothing bad about that, but it's an interesting discussion about differences between us)
True or False?
Quote by WHR43
It sounds like there is a good question in there but I can't find it!

If you have a lady that wants you (yes YOU) to start her engine, that is a bad thing?

- not a bad thing - but a noticable difference between men and women that can lead to missunderstandings.
Or could you picture a man that wants a women to start his engine :-)
If he's not 90 all she needs to do is to show a little skin and thats it ...

Or in other words maybe men need forplay as well but ours is visual and hence can happen over hours just on
a first spring day seeing a lot of leg after a long winter again.
Quote by VanGogh
Quote by MinaMiranda
I confess I'm not really sure what your question is...please could you clarify?

I must agree. I am baffled if there is a question. I am thinking he is asking: Do women expect their man to "get" them horny?


sorry - yes - I did this way to complex - but in essence you got it.
Question A: For me, it's a 'No'. I can't just swap my guy for another if I'm horny. If I'm having sex, there's more involved than just a sum of parts. I'd rather just use a sex toy if I'm randomly horny if there is no guy that I'm interested in available. Once an actual human being is involved in the equation, there has to be some kind of connection or sexual attraction. I'm not someone who would feel horny and just go for any miscellaneous or random guy.

Question B: I am always horny, therefore if I initiate sex, I'm going to want some orgasms. If you're talking about the idea of a new partners, then no, I would not initiate sex with the hopes that the guy is/will/one day fall in love with me. Love isn't a byproduct of sex, but sex can be a byproduct of love.
Cheers for the clarification.

Yes, interesting hypotheses, you may be on to something, but it depends on the woman I think. Speaking for myself I have had periods of need when it feels like any man will do - but I'm bipolar and this typically happens when I'm manic and ALWAYS leads to deep regret later, so I don't see it as a natural tendency for me. In fact, it's rather dangerous sad

As for a woman initiating sex for the attention aspect. Guilty as charged, but in mitigation this has only happened when a relationship isn't going well.
Stock answer to most forum questions:
Some do, Some don't

Love blindsides us all.
Quote by masso66

Theses A: Men can get horny and then satisfy their needs with any woman they can get at this moment.
(not talking about what mens feelings would tell us, just needs)
Women would beeing horny not so easly just be able to switch the guy just to get satisfied.
True or False?

Theses B: Women may "start" sex just because they are in need to be loved but not because they are horny.
(Nothing bad about that, but it's an interesting discussion about differences between us)
True or False?

I am actually a little offended when you state that all men would go for any woman they could get at this moment. NO SORRY not to speak fpr all men on lush but that is not the case for me. Sex as DD has said is beyond seeing a little leg and getting horny, there has to be an emotional connection. So for me the answer to your question for me would be false.

As for point B - yes women do that and here's a newsflash most guys do to! Sex is about being loved for a lot of people the intimacy that comes through a good fucking can be amazing therefore we (as men) could do ourt part to rev her engine a little to get it going. Alas women are horny, and don't always have ulterior motives - most love sex and don't need you to "start" it.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

its a two way street, both partners should contribute something that is pleasurable to the other. Like my example if i wanna get into something i`ll sit on the guys lap and he might grab my ass. If i have to sit there and try to turn myself on, then he aint gettin shit from me. 50/50 thing ya dig?
I'd just like to stick my nose in purely to point out that women work (not all work the same, of course) differently to men.

Yeah, I expect my man to put some effort into getting me turned on. The best sex comes from hours of him working on getting me horny, your average female thrives on physical contact with their potential sex partner. If I'm simply looking for a fuck off a guy I know then that's all it is, I'm not looking for him to do a big build up - if I want sex badly enough to have contacted someone for a one off then I'm usually horny enough to get on with it.

Of course, there'll be plenty of times when I'll initiate sex, but if he wants it when I'm not initiating it then yeah, he's going to need to get his ass in gear and work out what pushes my buttons.

I speak only for myself, but I definitely find that feeling 'wanted' or 'loved' (in whatever sense of that word) is going to make for a better sex session with a partner. You can have sex without all that stuff beforehand, but you can only do that so many times with someone before you started wanting a little bit more to add to the whole thing to make it even better than it already is.

On a different note....agreeing with what Catnip said there.... I can get turned off in an impressively short time. It can be at a time like, the guy will go to change position, he takes too long faffing about and BAM....all I can think of is I WANT TO SLEEEEP. Yeah, we women are hard work....but when a guy works out what I like, how I like it and how he's going to best engage my body and mind....THAT'S when he's going to see the best of me in the bedroom.
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by masso66

Theses A: Men can get horny and then satisfy their needs with any woman they can get at this moment.
(not talking about what mens feelings would tell us, just needs)
Women would beeing horny not so easly just be able to switch the guy just to get satisfied.
True or False?

Theses B: Women may "start" sex just because they are in need to be loved but not because they are horny.
(Nothing bad about that, but it's an interesting discussion about differences between us)
True or False?

I am actually a little offended when you state that all men would go for any woman they could get at this moment. NO SORRY not to speak fpr all men on lush but that is not the case for me. Sex as DD has said is beyond seeing a little leg and getting horny, there has to be an emotional connection. So for me the answer to your question for me would be false.

As for point B - yes women do that and here's a newsflash most guys do to! Sex is about being loved for a lot of people the intimacy that comes through a good fucking can be amazing therefore we (as men) could do ourt part to rev her engine a little to get it going. Alas women are horny, and don't always have ulterior motives - most love sex and don't need you to "start" it.

Sorry did not mean offend you. I guess thats why I marked the questions as a Thesis to be objected. So yes you input is very valuable and thanks for defending our gender.
Quote by CamillaJay19
its a two way street, both partners should contribute something that is pleasurable to the other. Like my example if i wanna get into something i`ll sit on the guys lap and he might grab my ass. If i have to sit there and try to turn myself on, then he aint gettin shit from me. 50/50 thing ya dig?

I like that approach! :-)
Quote by MinaMiranda
Cheers for the clarification.

Yes, interesting hypotheses, you may be on to something, but it depends on the woman I think. Speaking for myself I have had periods of need when it feels like any man will do - but I'm bipolar and this typically happens when I'm manic and ALWAYS leads to deep regret later, so I don't see it as a natural tendency for me. In fact, it's rather dangerous sad

As for a woman initiating sex for the attention aspect. Guilty as charged, but in mitigation this has only happened when a relationship isn't going well.

Thanks for contributing the aspect of "sex for the attention". Thats very personal to share with us. I would think that there may also be the male counter part to this feeling: "To close for comfort" (BTW a James Bond line)
I know that in my past I liked anonyous or "cacsual" sex better than sex with someone I was in ove with. For a couple fo reasons - less pessure, less risk to loose someone, less vulerable etc.
and because all the bagage was "less" the fun was actually a lot bigger. Now do we all think this may be my special issue? Or is this something that men do?
(nothing is black and wite but stating it this way makes the discussion interesting)
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Question A: For me, it's a 'No'. I can't just swap my guy for another if I'm horny. If I'm having sex, there's more involved than just a sum of parts. I'd rather just use a sex toy if I'm randomly horny if there is no guy that I'm interested in available. Once an actual human being is involved in the equation, there has to be some kind of connection or sexual attraction. I'm not someone who would feel horny and just go for any miscellaneous or random guy.

Question B: I am always horny, therefore if I initiate sex, I'm going to want some orgasms. If you're talking about the idea of a new partners, then no, I would not initiate sex with the hopes that the guy is/will/one day fall in love with me. Love isn't a byproduct of sex, but sex can be a byproduct of love.

Thanks! That makes a lot of sence. Now knowing that you tend to argure a bit more on the liberal side of things - could you picture is beeing fun to considder more than one guy day - just for the fun feeling of beeing naughty?
Or would that range more as a phantasy that you would never live out? (or not your thing at all)