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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


I dont withhold but if im not really up for it i certainly wont put in the effort to be up for it, if that makes sense.
I think it's not so much the baldness of the area that is attractive, but the lips being waxed so giving oral is a smoother experience, also if it's all off i think they find it a bit easier to breathe too.... So from the preference for that small amount of hair to be gone, us women tend to it and in the end its probably just easier to take it all off... tbh i cant be bothered frigging around with part of it, so i get rid of the lot.

and for what its worth, i used to think like that but once i felt more comfortable about myself i dont mind it. its also cleaner and it doesnt get as itchy.
TBH its great when it happens that way but I would prefer cum first - se ends up being better because im already tighter and more sensitive and then there isnt as much pressure for the guy to perform cos we already snuck one in ;)
Have to be in the right mood, but if I have been drinking, dirty talk is a guarantee haah
I cant kiss with my eyes open.... Maybe im weird.. I have tried but then its like fuck this it isnt working and the natural close your eyes reflex thing goes on instead.
Definitely... even if it doesnt work as a turn on - it is so relaxing and it ends up being the kind of thing where you would get a blowjob treat the next morning to say thanks if it wasnt proceeded by sex in the evening.
Well for some reason i cant view page one... but i prefer COCK. Dick sounds so much harsher to me. Not sure why.
Although - and i may be the only one, i really don't have a problem with the correct anatomical terms being used... maybe it is because it doesnt sound as sexy in the bedroom? But there is something about using PENIS or VAGINA that is more confident or something. Maybe its more of an intimate thing as i guess you would call me a serial monogamist and 'touch my cock' sounds a bit more pornstar.

Ahh i dunno, but i know what i mean so ill leave it at that.
Give a sensual body massage and make you flake out from relaxed tiredness so i can steal those shoes silly
To continue on my health and fitness journey and become slim, sexy and self confident in 2011. To find some time each day to just feel content.
Slog out the hard yards and travel several hours a day to fit uni into my schedule and continue working, saving, and helping my family (parents and siblings)...
Just a few things.
I really dont see why 'young' mothers is relevant to this, but it was humourous otherwise.
Ummm... in some bushes laying on some bark. We were a secret item hidden from our over protective parents and used to hook up in our work lunch breaks. ROFL.
There was definitely no fuck me fuck me going on!!! It was a holy fuck, wanna do this? Yeah k... slide on in, cuddle for a while while he pretends to know what he's doing, get uncomfortable, decide to do it another time and stop. I don't think he came once from us having sex.... virgins together is just awkward lol. Or maybe it had more to do with the bushes and the bark....

The next guy i was with was after i was abused and i was so drunk i just lay there and let him do whatever...
Quote by whysoserious

She only lets me cum in her mouth if i´m wearing a condom.


I would rather the taste of cum over the taste of a fucking condom. BLEURK.

And I agree with the PP: feeling the swelling and the spasming is the best bit. I could always spit afterwards but the tongue is where the tastebuds are so im already going to taste it... Just need coke to wash it down. Not water because it makes it gluggier and stickier - like the shower!
Quote by Christie
I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much. While a condom is certainly handy when you don't want to muss the sheets, I prefer the sex without it. In general, since the condom deadens sensation for the guys they fuck harder to feel the same thing and I like a nice, soft, gentle fuck. That's just not going to happen with a condom.

Yes!!! Or for me, I actually feel less and really don't enjoy it so it's two people that can't feel crap!
This must be why i am a relationships type of girl... go the STD test and then condomless sex route LOL.

To answer....

What type do you prefer to use? The lubricated spermicidal type, or non-lubricated or those fancy types.
Ummmm generally whatever the cheapest nude / super thin condom is on the shelf. Here its normally Four Seasons or Ansell.

Do you find when your partner is condom-covered that it changes your wetness? If so, do you find you use lube?
Yes... i get ridiculously dry... but generally persist with saliva only otherwise i get too wet and = lack of sensation again.

Any suggestions on fun with using these little buggers??
I think what LadyX said is good!!!
I think it would depend on the 'relationship' dynamic you had with them...
When i was younger i met plenty of people i spoke to randomly on myspace and even hooked up with one...
lush wouldnt be all too different except for MOST the context of the conversation would be a lot more raunchy...
I think i would be too embarrassed to meet anyone IRL......
There is one person i think i would click with but you can never be sure if how they 'seem' online is how they would really be, so who knows.
My first serious boyfriend would never go done on me after sex, even though he had the goopiest clag like cum ever that was gone within seconds after sex...
my most recent ex was always happy to, and he had super runny cum that would drip out of me for hours... it was offputting for me at first and i few times i insisted no, because i felt conditioned that it was dirty but he never minded. to be honest it doesnt bother me if the guy doesnt go down afterwards - i find it in no way a turn on and i can understand why it would be offputting.

i personally dont like the sloppy face kiss after someone has been down on me and i presume that is the same as if i went to kiss a guy with a mouth full of cum....

gotta say, its a bit shattering when you give a bj, swallow, then the guy wont kiss you afterward... you have to have the rigmorale of a teeth brush and full on rinse and spit before they come near you again. i agree the quick water gargle is enough.

different strokes for different folks though...
I love boy legs!!! They are so comfy and i think they are sexy!
What she said!! ^^^ A good writer will make you feel there with finer details etc... My opinion only!
Touch. I love to be touched. And it's not a little thing for me, it's huge. Biggest turn on ever. Love the touch of skin to skin. Ah-MAY-ZING (just for effect (rofl))
Sneaky smiles
Hmmm I am curious about girls so girl for me (tonight at lease haha)

WYR GIVE head to a guy or girl silly

(im new to this not sure whats been repeated over and over)

Sex or Oral?
I had an iPhone 3GS... smashed the screen... now i have a HTC Desire and i love it!
I have a lot of difficulty reaching orgasm during maturbation so a lot of the time its just teasing myself which is awful!
With the right partners I can achieve orgasm on top but very rarely. So any guys that like to go down town are a bonus for me because it's a bout the only consisten way!
It depends... sometimes there is a need to be quiet but other times I am involuntarily a screamer. You'd know if you were good in bed HAHA
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