Gals, are you pretty vocal during sex?
Only gals post in this thread, please.
Under the right circumstances, usually involving a little bit of pain and/or somebody slightly bigger than normal, then I can be a screamer. More often than not, and when I'm not cumming, I'm a loud breather/moaner.
Does whimper mean the same as moan?
Hmm... at different points I'm a little bit of all versions of "non-quiet"...
I have had noise complaints at a hotel before and once from my condo neighbour... So I can definitely get pretty vocally enthusiastic during really hot sex.
Definitely not a yelling/shrieking type though. I've watched porn that I've had to mute before because I find the woman's vocal antics too annoying.
Conversely I can also be completely silent with my orgasm if I'm doing it in public and need to be discreet.
I can be loud but it depends on who I am with and what we are doing. I can be a a soft moaner and can be screamer too. I tend to be louder with women than with men but think it is only because I orgasm more often with women. But I have never been loud enough to get complaints from the neighbors! LOL
I either grunt or squeal or scream, depending on the intensity of my orgasm.
I'm a combination of all those listed! Can go from softly moaning and whimpering to yelling and screaming
I'm more of a heavy breather, whimpering and sighing kind of gal, personally.

~ "She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott. " really, it all depends on so much... really no good answer here, at least for me. first off, i can be quiet, but only if there's a reason to be, such as discreet sex, a gag, or if i've been told not to make a sound - normally i am somewhat vocal, anyhere from passionate moans to squeaks or squeals of delight, to yelps of pain, and sometimes i get talkative... this is proably annoying, but i get giggly and silly during sex sometimes, and i don't mind slowing down and pausing to share intimate words with my lover.
ok, now, is it soft, sensual sex? a good hard fucking? girl on girl? boy on girl? Roomful of people on girl? are there whips involved (ok, guess there are times when i scream)? it's all so situational - i imagine if i was into vanilla sex with only one partner, this would be easier to answer - hope this did absolutley nothing to answer your question - no need to thank me!
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Could be most any of these definitions at times, depending on my mood and just how well my partner/s and I are getting it done.
Just for better definition will survey authority make a quanitification, between yeller, screamer and conversationalist?
Survey Authority says:
Yell-er: yelling out, perhaps words, without actually screaming or squealing.
Screamer: woman uttering a loud, sharp, piercing cry.
Conversationalist: dirty talk during the act.
Quiet one?Whimperer? Grunter? Yell-er?Screamer?Conversationalist?
I find it to be very situational. It will depend on where I am, who I am with, how passionate or kinky I am feeling at the time. I can be quiet when I have to be. I sometimes, a grunter, conversationalist and sometimes a yeller. I am not a screamer.
depending on who I'm with but I can get from a whimper to a scream in no time at all.
definitely quiet ... I tend to HOLD MY BREATH ..... then release a moan .....
More of a moan than any of them above, could be a screamer but not on top note scream LOL!
I have found that the more noise I make the stronger and longer the orgasm is. It kind of creates more energy within me- very much like why midwives say it is good for women to scream during childbirth as it actually creates energy.
Now, if someone should try to muffle my screams, moans etc... then that just sends the orgasm off the radar. But that is just a whole new topic!
I can be a mixture of a few of those things. But when I orgasm it's a cross between a sort of whimpering/ scream hard to explain. It's a scream from the throat not vocally like singing a high note haha.
I'm very quiet. I whimper and moan a little, but most of the time I'm biting my bottom lip.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
I never use to be, I use to be very quite, but lately, I have learrned to become VERY vocal. Although, I can be quite if I have to, and Like sassy, I do a Lot of bitting the bottom of my lip. Just ask Bike, he knows ;)
I start off very quiet, just heavy breathing, but after I get going I scream!!!
i can get pretty loud depending on how good it feels, i have only actually let out a real scream once and it suprised me but my moans can get very loud
I tend to start out semi quiet to moaning and as things progress depending on the intensity of my orgasm, I will get louder
Well I have just been told by a certain someone, that apparently I am a grunter as well.
i love to be vocal all through and can be quite loud , so much so that the kids have on few occasions rang my mobile form their bedrooms to ask us to be quiet .