I'm sorry ladies I have to ask this question. I'm not asking for specifics, just basics. I have seen too many guys writing stories about girls having sex for the first time screaming "FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" Guys need to understand that this is not realistic and when put in a story that it takes away from it. So there's the question, how was your first time? Was it enjoyable? Did it hurt? Were you screaming at the top of your lungs "Oh yes FUCK ME!"? Or am I completely wrong? Either way we guys need to know.
First time sex is usually bad... I really don't understand everyone's fascination with it.
I would highly doubt there are many girls yelling "fuck me, fuck me" after the initial pain/blood. I think there is still that basic shock that 'omg, I'm actually having sex', and then trying to figure out the rhythm and what you're supposed to be doing underneath the guy to make the sex better. A lot of stuff is going through your mind before the whole idea of "lustful abandon" can set in. At which point, its usually over before you can really start to enjoy it. At least it was for me. I lost mine to a 'minute man'... I blinked a few times, and it was over.
Mine wasnt terrible, there was a couple of seconds of pain when he first entered me and a very small amount of blood but after that it was fine.
There wasnt any real enjoyment there though, apart from 'Oh my god, I'm actually having sex and its with this guy I'm amazingly in love with'. He didnt even know I was a virgin either, but he was still gentle and asked if I was ok, which made it all ten times better
I'm starting to think that maybe all of us women should have had a woman first. Then there would be someone with us to actually care if we were liking it. Also we know what we like, so chances are good, that another woman would know how to make it very pleasurable for us as well.
Yes I guess guys should know that for most woman it is not a great experience, even if he is careing and gentle. No FUCK ME, FUCK ME, not even one. The pain, the blood, general discomfort, feeling of inadequancy, the fear of pregnancy. Many first times are unprotected.
At this age,42, and the number of men I have been with, I think how could any woman not like sex. Thinking back I do understand the impact of the first time.
Read my story "Lost My Virginity With A Grudge Fuck" and you will have you answer it's totally true. I don't get all this blood and pain. I had none of that. The sex wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. Got really good when I started dating guys in their 20's when I was 17. Boy were they better than the high school guys!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Thanks ladies. Many male writers on this site need to read this thread! *Hugs for all*
Ya All the girls are right! It was the most uncomfortable thing for me ever! I didn't have sex again for over a year after my first time!
As a man, I have to agree with the majority of ladies. During my long life, I've had quite a few first time girls. I have always explained, the best I could, what it's going to be like. There was never any of the "FUCK ME" yelling. There was pain for her, blood, and crying.....not always crying but the pain and blood... sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, was explained to them. I'm always as gentle as I can possibly be and do try to be in a relaxing atmosphere. I also try to keep the girl as wet and lubricated as possible, that's important too. I've had to think back a long ways and draw on those memories. Who knows when I'll get a chance to "deflower" a girl again.... hehehehehe
My first time was awful and I won't even mention it here past that. All this stuff about girls being instant sex mainiacs is just crap.
Mine was quite pleasant, if a bit awkward...it's on my stories if you want to read the true details....
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Mine was awful, despite it being outside in the bushes of someone's backyard for the first time. Needless to say, he wasn't good and like any teenage girl who just lost her virginity, I lied and told him that he was great and I wasn't in pain-I actually lost some blood and was hurting a few days afterwards.
If I had a female to do me for the first time, I would go for it!
Latest story:
Mine was a great experience. I was visiting my HS boyfriend at his college and we had been out drinking- I wanted to do it, but he told me that I was too drunk and he didnt want my first time to be a drunken hazy experience. I argued a bit with him, because I had gotten myself all mentally prepared over the past month and i was READY, dammit! But I passed out and in the morning I remembered what happened, I was more in love with him than ever. That night we kept the drinking to a minimum and he was wonderful. He went down on me and made me cum once and then he took things slow and gentle. A lot of caressing and kissing. There was a bit of pain, but nothing awful, and I remember it felt very good as he went on. I loved my first time.
Well I was originally planning to save my virginity for my future husband when I was younger. I took care not to give into that kind of temptation because I wanted real sex to be that kind of special thing so pretty much I just kept it to blow jobs and anal. And let me tell you, I had a whole lot of fun with that. It's not just about sex ladies. We can keep our virtue and still enjoy the wonders of physical intimacy. You just have to know your limits and make sure the guys you are playing around with respect it and all. But it's kinda funny, when I lost my virginity it was a bit accidental. I got super drunk with my boyfriend at the time (he was pretty recked too) and we were playing around together and we were doing the anal piledriver position when I lost my balance a bit and he totally slipped and got the wrong hole. LMFAO. Wow that was a shocker at the time! But it went in so fast so the pain was quick and done with which is almost the way it should be anyway, right? I was almost lucky that it happened like that. I hear such horror stories from girls and how awful and painful the first time was. Anyway from then, I figured what was the point. I already wasn't a virgin (technically) so I figured I might as well keep having sex from then on out. Its actually a funny story now that I write it all out. Haha. I haven't thought about that one in a long time.
WOW, so long ago. It was nothing special to be honest. I had already had sex with my bestfriend, a girl, so I knew what it felt like to be entered. But when I finally did it with a boy I was 16 and it was kind of awkward. It was his first time too so he was not very good. All in all it was not very pleasurable, but more of a relief to have done it. And like a few others have already said, I told him it was great. I had sex with him a few more times and it did get better. Seems after the first time, we were more relaxed.
My first time was awful too. I was 17 and my boss, who was much older than me, was flirting with me heavily. After a heavy make-out session in the office, we decided to "go for it" that night. I made him use a condom even though he didn't want to. He put on a condom and started trying to get in. He couldn't do it. Kept complaining that I was too tight. Then he started saying that the condom was taking too much space. Finally, after half an hour, he squeezed his way in. It was pretty miserable for both of us. I just kind of lied there, cringing the entire time. And he was whining and grumbling. It's a miracle that I ever had sex again.
Well, I haven't had my first time yet... but once that happens I'll let you know... Although I don't see myself shouting fuck me harder... hahahaha