it was gentle, romantic and a little bit awkward. no screaming to high heavens to be fucked or anything. A night in at my then boyfriends house when i was 17 with scented candles, our favourite music. cheesy
Ummm... in some bushes laying on some bark. We were a secret item hidden from our over protective parents and used to hook up in our work lunch breaks. ROFL.
There was definitely no fuck me fuck me going on!!! It was a holy fuck, wanna do this? Yeah k... slide on in, cuddle for a while while he pretends to know what he's doing, get uncomfortable, decide to do it another time and stop. I don't think he came once from us having sex.... virgins together is just awkward lol. Or maybe it had more to do with the bushes and the bark....
The next guy i was with was after i was abused and i was so drunk i just lay there and let him do whatever...
lirri-loo, 23.
on a self imposed drought.
going crazy, making friends.
It was awsome, our first time actuallt took a few trys. He was very patient with me. when i was ready. it happened