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Sex and the Condom

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We live in a world now, where condoms are required for safe sex to reduce STD (aka STI).

I KNOW most of us don't like them!

My questions are these:

What type do you prefer to use? The lubricated spermicidal type, or non-lubricated or those fancy types.

Do you find when your partner is condom-covered that it changes your wetness? If so, do you find you use lube?

Any suggestions on fun with using these little buggers??

Quote by VanGogh

What type do you prefer to use? The lubricated spermicidal type, or non-lubricated or those fancy types.

I prefer the 'skinless skin' condoms by Crown. It's a Japanese brand. I order them and keep them for guys I'm with. I like to be responsible for the 'protection', it keeps me out of trouble easier. They are non-lubricated (I hate spermicide, it smells like shit, and so the guy won't want to go down on you a lot of times after its been down there), and I've heard nothing but good things from the guys who put them on their penises.

Durex isn't bad either. I don't like Trojan- I don't like the way they feel, and I don't like that every guy, no matter how small, likes to roll with the Magnums, as if I'll be fooled into thinking he's Mr. Horse Dick just because he wears oversize condoms (that may actually slip off inside of me). Guys don't need those, even well-endowed ones, it's all a marketing thing.

Quote by VanGogh

Do you find when your partner is condom-covered that it changes your wetness? If so, do you find you use lube?

It makes me slightly 'drier' I think, but almost never enough for it to hinder what's going on. I use lube sometimes anyway, regardless of that, and especially for anal. There are times when my own lubrication is enough to make anal go smoothly, but I don't count on it.

Quote by VanGogh

Any suggestions on fun with using these little buggers??

Yes, make putting them on a sexy ritual. I like to do it in the process of stroking and blowing them. I've gotten to the point where they don't even notice me putting it on, especially with the thin types of condoms that I like to use. Also since I like to carry/keep them, I don't have to ask them for it. But there are other ways to make it fun, too. Just be sure and keep smiling and have fun with it. There's so much to dislike about condoms, so the less awkwardness you have while asking him to put it on/then actually waiting while it gets rolled onto him, the better.
I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much. While a condom is certainly handy when you don't want to muss the sheets, I prefer the sex without it. In general, since the condom deadens sensation for the guys they fuck harder to feel the same thing and I like a nice, soft, gentle fuck. That's just not going to happen with a condom.
"I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much"

Well join the world there, smile hehe. Wish they weren't necessary but they are. The advice up there is mostly good IMO. Don't let it ruin the good time, it does not change anything but what happens when he cums, thats it.
I prefer no condom, but in todays world, they are a necessary evil. Unless it is a guy i have known for a while and trust, he wears one. Even then sometimes too. But as someone already said, make putting it on part of the foreplay. I like to use my mouth to slip it on. Got to point where he doesnt even realize it happened.

I also agree that I dont get as wet but if the mood is right and he ate me real good before, its not a problem.

I agree with Lady X regarding Trojans. They seem to be very thick and feel weird. And hate when a guy wears a Magnum if he doesnt need it. If he is not big, his cock seems to slide in the condom and then he is actually fucking the condom and not me. Ever have a guy pull out and leave his condom hanging out of your pussy? It once happened to me, total mood breaker. Not Pleasurable!!

Never had a guy who used Crown condoms, but would like to try them!
Quote by shi_squared
"I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much"

Well join the world there, smile hehe. Wish they weren't necessary but they are. The advice up there is mostly good IMO. Don't let it ruin the good time, it does not change anything but what happens when he cums, thats it.

If you've got one good man who doesn't sleep around on you then you don't need condoms. Also, if you want to be a mom (I've got three kids now) a condom is not much help.
Quote by Christie
I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much. While a condom is certainly handy when you don't want to muss the sheets, I prefer the sex without it. In general, since the condom deadens sensation for the guys they fuck harder to feel the same thing and I like a nice, soft, gentle fuck. That's just not going to happen with a condom.

Yes!!! Or for me, I actually feel less and really don't enjoy it so it's two people that can't feel crap!
This must be why i am a relationships type of girl... go the STD test and then condomless sex route LOL.

To answer....

What type do you prefer to use? The lubricated spermicidal type, or non-lubricated or those fancy types.
Ummmm generally whatever the cheapest nude / super thin condom is on the shelf. Here its normally Four Seasons or Ansell.

Do you find when your partner is condom-covered that it changes your wetness? If so, do you find you use lube?
Yes... i get ridiculously dry... but generally persist with saliva only otherwise i get too wet and = lack of sensation again.

Any suggestions on fun with using these little buggers??
I think what LadyX said is good!!!
lirri-loo, 23.
on a self imposed drought.
going crazy, making friends.
Quote by Christie
Quote by shi_squared
"I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much"

Well join the world there, smile hehe. Wish they weren't necessary but they are. The advice up there is mostly good IMO. Don't let it ruin the good time, it does not change anything but what happens when he cums, thats it.

If you've got one good man who doesn't sleep around on you then you don't need condoms. Also, if you want to be a mom (I've got three kids now) a condom is not much help.

I think that goes without saying. I mean, I've yet to meet somebody in a long term monogamous relationship that uses condoms when they don't need to. We'd all rather not use them; this is a question about how to deal with them for those that do.

To your point lirri-loo, I am lucky enough to not feel a giant difference during sex with a condom. It's more psychological to me, but whatever the reason, sex is definitely much hotter without protection. Getting tested to ensure disease-free sex is something I'm definitely willing to do sometimes.
i use them on my dildo but not on a man cock lol
hate hate hate them
today's world?
gotta gotta gotta use them
Quote by shi_squared
"I prefer no condom at all, thank you very much"

Well join the world there, smile hehe. Wish they weren't necessary but they are. The advice up there is mostly good IMO. Don't let it ruin the good time, it does not change anything but what happens when he cums, thats it.

I've yet to meet someone who doesn't prefer sex with a condom.

Yeah, some STIs and the likes are just an uncomfortable problem that can be fairly quickly sorted out with a round of meds from the Doc.

But there is some serious crap out there can be seriously damaging. It wasn't until a couple of years ago I really became aware of how much I was putting myself at risk but not using a condom. Now I'll use them unless I know the guy has been tested and SEEN the results (no offence to the men, but with this sort of thing it's worth SEEING it to BELIEVE it).

After all:

No. HIV is a big problem for young people, as well as adults. It is estimated that there were 2.5 million people under 15 living with HIV in 2009,1 and that one third of all new HIV infections are among people aged 15-24.2 Globally AIDS is the second most common cause of death among 20-24 year olds.3

HIV seriously weakens your immune system, enabling other illnesses to infect your body, because you struggle to fight it off, an early death is usually inevitable.

So......chance of death vs using condoms?

Yeah....I think I know MY answer!

------ With regards to actually using condoms:

I quite like the extra pleasure ones....ribbed etc etc, if you're gonna use one you may as well get the best out of it! And I know it sounds silly, but I wish men would work out which size fitted them so that they don't have to spend a good 5 minutes trying to squeeze them kill!
none ive never had condom inside of me ever
ask me anythin
tell me your secrets
becuase im here to be somebodys best friend
I hate condoms.... how do i feel him cum inside me then? feeling cum spill into my pussy is the best feeling ever
I always take a handful of different sized condoms with me in my purse whenever I go out. You never know what the night will bring and sometimes on a rare crazy night I come home with none left at all. Its like money! by the morning you're like wow where did it all go? Giggles. However its better to be safe than sorry mes amies... And condoms are cheaper than DNA tests (and Valtrex).

xx B.
I always make guys use condoms no matter what! If they want to finger me then they need to use latex gloves too!! Guys penisis and hands can be so gross!
Quote by cokeheadbarbie
I always take a handful of different sized condoms with me in my purse whenever I go out. You never know what the night will bring and sometimes on a rare crazy night I come home with none left at all. Its like money! by the morning you're like wow where did it all go? Giggles.
xx B.

omg! I SO laughed out loud!!!!

Thanks for that B!!

Quote by emmafisher
I hate condoms.... how do i feel him cum inside me then? feeling cum spill into my pussy is the best feeling ever

Quote by sunnygirl
none ive never had condom inside of me ever

I hope your health insurance is paid up because you're playing Russian roulette.
I recommend everyone use a condom and I certainly lecture my daughters on the subject.

What good advice, wish I could always follow my advice, but the feeling of hot cum in a woman is one of the greatest sensations ever.
I hate condoms i love the warm feeling of a mans dick inside me
I hate the loss of intimacy from skin 2 skin contact & the spurting of cum is a climax I miss!
After I have cum, sometimes I conclude by taking it off and swallowing!

But in today's world one only has to make one mistake.
So I reluctantly do.
If we continue and he is tested then off we go!
Quote by jillinjulie
I hate the loss of intimacy from skin 2 skin contact & the spurting of cum is a climax I miss!

Same here! I'm so glad to have a regular partner that I can 'bareback' with. It's not even so much the actual difference in feeling (I don't think there's much of one), but just the knowledge that we're unprotected and skin-to-skin is so, so much hotter.