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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 155
United States


What does sex have to do with liking someone. Fulfill your physical desires without getting emotionally involved. It works deliciously for me
I see eyes focusing on my crotch frequently and I take it as a compliment. I am happy to give people(I.E Female & Males) a vision to masturbate over. Also I love the breasts in motion. Nice touch
Sending money or expensive gifts is a start. I know I enjoy such surprises in the mail
Always I would find it disrespectful not to. There are interesting profiles.
I can imagine the talks were seductive in nature. You and the BIL were mutually masturbating. The BIL was covering his tracks by telling the father or he was informing the father to expect a call. I've kept it all in the family on occasion. You go girl
don't trust myself why would anyone else. Number one reason I stick to sexual interludes with women who are in relationships
catcher in the rye ..jd salinger
the Grinch that stole Christmas ...dr suess
I don't have a I guess I'm raging about not having a rage or maybe I'm always raging and I don't know it.
6 months ago I was DOA at the hospital from the motherlode of all widowmakers. I was fortunate there were great people at the hospital to bring me back. Although I lost 2/3rd of my heart function I can still fuck like a retired race horse