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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47


Hey Canadian friends..........Is it true, Its all over the Media, yet had one Tims employee say her district manager said its false.

Any input?

Wendy's tried it for a few years , awhile ago.

Curious mind wanting to know
Quote by jjustjenny
Wander too close to the fire

what?? I do that all the time to get rid of my ugly body
Quote by Kimasa
Very quickly if it's raining and I forgot my umbrella

Not an answer I would have imagined on here. Altho, VERY much my kind of answer...the first impulsive thought that pops in my head
saw another thread where a guy stated many guys are into foot fetish, toe sucking on girls.

I am not into that, just curious how many are, or are not.
Quote by HornySailor
Yes, of course! Being a sailor, when the ship pulls in port in some foreign country that is the best, quickest guaranteed way to get the job done!
Oh, do I have some great (true) stories of sexual adventures in the ports I have visited! I was stationed in the Philippines for 4 years, and the going price for a lady was about 5 dollars!

there is a section for stories.....lets hear them lol
Quote by Blazen_Princess

I kid you not, after working on the Maid of the Mist for 5 summers, it is asked daily(multiple times). People also cross the border into Niagara, in the middle of the summer with snowboards strapped to the roof asking where they can go snowboarding.

Yupp, I believe that. Heard of someone tell U.S person we Canadians have to take snowmobiles to border, then and they believed them lol
Quote by Blazen_Princess
The ultimate Niagara Falls tourist question

"Do you know what time they turn off the Falls at night?"

Ya, about a minute after the Northern lights quit shining over the falls.

How many people actually asked you that. I did not know humanity would be that stupid lol
as with all other people who are naked, I am naked because I am not wearing clothes..........
Quote by xXshunikaXx
**Content removed by moderator. Violates TOS.**... oh wait.

I thought that, but was not as brave as you
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

I have read more mud slinging, and general unhappiness here this weekend, than I have in my two years being here.

This is a great site, and since the several thousand members do not own this site, lets enjoy it, for what the owner wishes it to be.

If we do not like it, we can leave.

I have not had any interaction with the owner of the site, but I ask that we all show her respect...Its her site, and we the visitors, if she asks our opinions on a matter, finethen, voice them, but if not, bite our tongues and carry on....

I have had many fun times on here, made many great friends, read many good stories, and hope to continue having fun here.........

..So, lets be one big happy family and all get along, ok?

Cheers to a great week ahead......
it was an old AMC two door. Not even sure on the year. Bought it from a buddy for $400. It was the biggest piece of crap you ever saw lol .

My first real car after that was a '91 Chev lumina.

the best car I had, ( for 5 months) was a '95 Intrpeid. Then my bro smashed it and thats the end of that story lol
Quote by c50t
I love massages. Wife does not. It kind of rules this experience out for us, ... except as my fantasy where it leads to a threesome.

same with me, are our wives sisters? lol
the funny thing is, the "friend" who said the other friend is fake, is the one who started cursing and swearing at me, when I asked for some "proof" .

I think maybe someone is jealous lol
how do you spot them?

I had a friend who said another one of my friends was a fake.

The supposed fake, even gave me her number and we chatted a few times.

so, who is real, who is not? lol

we may all be fakes, right?
Quote by Meggsy
I could listen to JAYNE33 all day - what a delightful accent. When she tells her stories she really turns me on.

I have learned never to ask a Canadian if they are an American. Now I listen for the 'oo'. Whan they say 'abooot' that gives them away every time.

you mocking us Canadians? hehhehe smile
just got to know Sugar, but is a great gal, had many a fun light hearted chat. normal, down to earth girl. look forward to many more great times on here with her
need to go into the warm weather, go for a walk, and find sweet as sugar, and see what this pound town is all about
If I see one more thread titled " what style and colour panties ya wearing" I am gonna fucking scream.....................

there are hundreds already ...........
just because I owed ya $63 , ya shut my card off? without even calling? damn, I forgot to put money on it, I have cards with way more credit than this one..........I might just cancel it .........take that
if I see ONE MORE damn thread titled " what panties ya wearing, and what colour" I am gonna go and rip that persons head off..............

there are 7000 already, ya too lazy to go read those entries?
omg, I drive semi, and my biggest pet peeve, is these grannies ( or anyone) driving below the posted speed limit in the middle lane..............

people who pull out in front of me, drive slowly, then HAVE to turn left, and wait for traffic. Ya wanna die today? lol

people who take 700 items through the 1-8 item checkout counter. While I stand behind them with four items.

the stores who run sales, but never have the item
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

OI! You take that back! I refuse to grow up!

In reflection of this question, I just recently touched base with someone that's been on my friends list for years. We've never really spoken before. But he made a comment in his blog the other day that made me think of something and I had to poke fun of.

Cleaning out your friends list is all well and good. I just don't have the heart to slash mercilessly at it so I tend to carry a larger load of friends than some. Unless you're aggressively hounding me to cyber or send pics or being a general nuisance, I just don't see any other reason to take you off there.

I now have someone new to speak hockeyisms with because I didn't clean out my friends list.

not gonna take it back, nope.

Hockeyisms???????????? is that an approved word? in Lush? lol
thanks for all the good replies. Makes me understand a little better I guess. altho I still think they shud just delete me, then I would know where they are at lol

Maybe I get a lil too atttached? heaven forbid lol
Quote by 1nympholes
I think we all have accepted a friends request and for whatever the reason it never goes any further than that.

I am not a friends collector and if neither of us care enough to contact the other I figure I am not the right person for that guy/gal.

Cleaning friends out of the house once in a while is not a bad thing.

However I have made some wonderful friends that I talk to everyday.

Same story here..........
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
There are times when I log in I'm bombarded with at least ten black boxes.
If I'm on my phone it is next to impossible to answer all of them. (I'm all thumbs and can't spell for shit on touch screen phones)
Sometimes I just don't have the time to answer back because I'm quickly checking in.
Other times I have to shut it down fast so I don't get caught. (This happens more than you think)
But my favourite reason why I don't answer? I have nothing to say. I literally spend all day being pleasant and making conversation with random strangers that all I want to do is relax and not talk/type anything to anyone. I just don't have it in me to bring up this facade of small talk. Nor do I want to cyber.
I do forget to answer PMs at times and it's a failing I should probably work on. But constantly being pressured to chit chat from people demanding your time, on a website designed to be fun and relaxing, makes me want to avoid it completely. I'm an anti-social freak. This is why I'm set to invisible. If I don't it's twenty times worse.
I still value and cherish the friendships I have but most of my friends know what I'm like, and if they don't then maybe they don't care or they're anti-social like I am.

I wouldn't take it personally. But if you do, then remove them from your friends list.

you sound like you would let people know if you do not want to chat, and that is what is lacking in the people I am commenting on.........

you, act like an adult, many on here do not lol
I have been here for over two years. I have made many good friends, some I chat with here, and a select few I talk to on occasion else where............

My question is, why do some people talk real nice and decent the first few times, then all of a sudden, they just exsist, but do not reply to pleasantries of any sort....

Iknow some people do not like to be poked, so I am considerate of that, others have stated certain things on their profiles, and I respect those wishes.

I am an adult, so I can take honesty, maybe you want to have naughty chats, and are too shy to ask? Maybe you are here for serious chats, I am fine with that............

But to not answer when being asked if you would rather be left alone...........or not answering if askes if your busy.................and not deleting me even..................

whats up with that?

Do they add for numbers?

Just somethings I have noticed in my two years, and thought you wiser ones may have some ideas and inputs............
you got to be kidding me, but then again, not really, as I remember your other threads that you stareted........