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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female
United States


I still think the Captain Kangaroo comment is funny. If you don't, that's fine. I won't lack of humor shame you.

Seriously, I think some of you overestimate how much anyone cares about what you like to call your partners. I really am sorry the OP left though!
Quote by Weavindreams

The sad thing being you can't even see the hypocrisy of everything you've written here. IF you didn't CARE you wouldn't have bothered to have posted AT ALL. The fact that you CHOSE TO do so as to put others down because they are involved in a manner of "kink" that is DIFFERENT from yours is what I was talking about. No different in it's own way than gay bashing or any other manner of put down over an individual's preference that you do not share.

I just can't help laughing my ass off at you glass house dwelling rock chuckers.

Well then, I am highly gratified to give you so much laughter!
Quote by Metilda
hmm - interesting that daddy would weird people out but being called 'baby', 'little slut' or 'sexy girl' (etc etc) doesn't bother many women in the same way.

I didn't grow up calling my father any of those, maybe that's why? But like I said, I really am not bothered by what others find erotic.
Quote by Weavindreams

And here I THOUGHT I was on Lush Stories... a site filled with erotica written by it's members regarding roughly EVERY manner of LEGAL "perversity" known to man! Imagine my surprise when I realized I'd backed into...SOME CHURCH! OMG!!! Those people enjoy a sexual game that... I DON"T! OMG!!!

What are you even on about? I don't care about your kinks. If you enjoy it, knock yourself out.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
It rings of idiocy and Captain Kangaroo.

hahaha! I'd rather call a man captain kangaroo than daddy. It's not sexy to me, at all.
I will only follow rules that don't conflict with my spirit of nonconformity and secret inner rebellion. The above rules aren't looking too good. ?
Quote by Poppet
I did see it and it was a big waste of time. All they did was talk about paperwork and had missionary vanilla sex. Boring!

I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it was so boring I thought I'd forgotten every scene, but this rings a bell.
I'd rather protect my skin from looking like an old baseball glove in the future, as the sun is pretty intense where I live. Tan lines are passe for me personally, but I can see why they might appeal.
Quote by adi_me33

I agree. How can I choose just one. Today the first to pop in my head is...

Don't Let Me Down

I'd give a different answer on a different day too.
Today's favorites are She Said, She Said & Revolution.
Quote by chicamala

no... here is one for ya

I am sorry...

I am just going to attach a horn, it is PERFECT
Quote by chicamala

love the tricycle... we had one on the ship

and yes that is me way in the end... lol

by the way here is my . I am

I am remembering my Navy days with such gusto

I am experiencing tricycle envy
Quote by Magical_felix

I am in agreement with you there. I am happy to be a little immature though, for the record.

I am certain being immature is the secret to my youthful beauty *rides away on tricycle*
Quote by Magical_felix

I am just pushing their buttons because I get bored and I'm a little immature. Nothing to see here.

I am pretty sure we are all a little immature here.
I am oblivious to what's going on here, and I am NOT wearing pajama jeans.
Quote by doctorlove
And who posted it?

I have fond memories of the farting on the clit thread. Could that have been one of yours?
If you send me a plane ticket to the Underwearless Kingdom I'll let you know!
Love is a rosy
Red grape, smushed fermented and
Poured into my mouth
Meet me at the old decaying barn next to the lone pine tree 13,000 miles from here at midnight and I'll tell you.
Quote by Guest
I have this burning desire to do something random and whereas I'd usually just jerk off, I feel the need to share the random. So dudes and dudettes, here is your chance to be random.

Post whatever you like in here, be completely random, have fun. Go ape shit, just be random and be happy while you're at it.

Happy randoming!

I always think of this kitty when I see the random thread. He was the randomest!