Chips unless I'm at the cinema.
Hoodie or cardigan?
Quote by patokl
The mere fact, threads like these keep popping up, could be an indication, that people continue to disagree about it. Cutting off a debate will only make it pop up somewhere else, because as long as people see injustice they will bring it up.
As for "my idea of forum etiquette", that happens to be excellently described in the rules for forum posting.
Quote by trinket
It's the same from the other side of the fence. It's not only me anymore is it? Everyone else must be imagining it too. Yeah I've got a couple of people blocked NOW. I wasn't able to block everything until a few weeks ago. It still doesn't fix the problem. It's just hiding it.
Look at how annoyed some of you are getting about this thread alone. Yes it's flogging a dead horse because it never changes. It's not only one person either. I don't start forum tussles but I will fight back. I don't take kindly to others talking to me like I am dirt beneath their feet. Somehow that makes me a bad guy too. Nobody likes a smart mouthed smartass. Internet bullying IS a real thing that is punishable by law. I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I've only ever wanted to post on a thread to have some fun without being mocked or humiliated. I DO think twice before posting on some forums/threads here because I've had other members target me repeatedly on those specific forums.
I've been reported for harassment/bullying Based on much less and some of it was, in my opinion only , an absolute farce. A lot of you know I love this site. I admire and respect the moderators more than they know for doing a thankless job. I keep hearing the same thing... "Grow up. Ignore it, don't feed the troll" the advice says yes there Are trolls. Live with it. The majority of those getting offended are moderators. Because you don't know what it's like. I'm not trying to offend any mods by saying that. It's a fact. I could find another playground to play in but i don't want to. Why do I have to move on because other members think it's funny to treat me like a piece of dirt?
Quote by patokl
In the outside world harassment and bullying is becoming more and more recognized as something, that is damaging and unacceptable. Hence, campaigns and initiatives are being launched to combat it, not only in schools among children, but also in workplaces, among adults.
Somehow however, what is seen as unacceptable in the real world, is put down as merely annoying in lush. There is a difference between being a nuisance and being a bully. Annoying people is not the same as posting things with the sole purpose, to insult and hurt people. And though being an adult implies the risk of encountering bullies, it in no way implies that we have to accept them and their behaviour. A responsible adult doesn't tell someone who suffers from what's wrong, to hide behind a block, he tackles and corrects the situation.