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Over 90 days ago
Male, 82
United States


Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by kudos
WANTED: Licking Lesson for keen lover!
I am single again and still haven't tasted the golden vagina!
This last girl was too shy to let me go down on her so we had to break up.
I am seeking a volunteer to teach me some moves.
You know her you are. Shake it.

You probably want to discuss the proper techniques and strategies with our own Iceman. Just a thought.

Thank you so very much for your vote of confidence, WMM.... I always strive to satisfy the girls... By far, her satisfaction is way more important than mine.. at all times. When she starts asking you to stop, just go for more and get her begging and cumming more...

Reading Lush Stories!
A long, long time ago.... In a galaxy far, far away... Wait, no! Wrong story.... Once upon a time... Nope, not that one......

Now, this ain't no shit, Shipmate..... (that's how sailors start a little story).......

I had been invited to a Marine Corps Ball, and found out I was going to be the only sailor there, except for the Corpsmen, which were Navy also. I had no choice but wear my dress blue uniform with medals. Yeah, it's very formal. After a few dances, cutting of the cake and all, a woman walked up and took my arm. Pulling me away, she guided me out the front entrance. As soon as we were out of earshot of others, she said; "Hey, Sailor, wanna fuck?" Nothing more was said as I took her hand as we walked to her car.....

Another time, while at a party, I was walking thru looking the fabulous place over and went into the master bedroom. As I was standing there, a cute girl walked in. I looked at her and then the huge bed she was standing next to. "Lay down, I think I love you, I said." She looked at me, walked over and locked the door. Walking back to the bed, she pulled her dress off and just laid down and held her arms out to me. She never said anything until I was well into the short strokes when she said; "By the way, what's your name?"

Reading Lush Stories!
This is something I wrote a while back. It's not a poem, so I can't post it there. I guess (or maybe I think) this would be an ok place to put it up for all to see....

What is Love? Or, Building the Fire!

Just what is love, and how does it start or, let's build a fire.....

True love is the total emotional and physical bond between two people - regardless of sex – that makes being separated or with another person unbearable. It’s like trying to have a nice warm fire without the heat, fuel or oxygen.

Finding that true love is not unlike building a fire, from the finding and gathering the wood, to a roaring inferno. It’s friendship on fire!

First, is the gathering of the wood – or the meeting of two people. This can happen at any age, any place, or any time. Be it a shopping mall, in kindergarten, traveling, or walking down a path or street.

The wood is gathered and piled in a heap, then sorted by size – the very smallest to the largest. The tinder is the very first, followed by the kindling, and subsequent larger pieces. Or, it’s the initial meeting of two people and the looks given to each other. The friendship is forming, the bond is the glue to hold it together.

The finest of the tinder is piled first, This is the starter, the glances between people, followed by the kindling – in a nice loose pile. Ah, the introductions are made.

Next is the kindling, piled loosely around the tinder, followed by larger and larger pieces, all kept nice and loose - it’s got to breath! Games and conversations are starting, the friendship is forming, and bonds are forming. They stay fairly close together, cementing their forming bond and that friendship.

Time passes, it can be fast or it can be very slow. Only those involved are oblivious to the passing of time. The size of the fire gets larger and larger. The friendship is growing, evolving, it has a life of its own. But, it’s not there yet, something is missing, but what?

Just like any fire it’s a triangle; of heat, fuel and oxygen. In love and friendships, the fuel is the meeting and forming of a close bond. The oxygen is the desire to remain close to each other, even with looks across a room, street or playground. The desire to call on the phone, just to hear that other voice. The breath and heart quicken when the other party is heard or seen.

So, what are we missing here? We have the fuel and we have the oxygen. We have introductions and a loose friendship that is growing and evolving. Where is that spark? Where is that heat? What’s going to get the love started?

Now we’re back to time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, they say. A good fire takes time to build properly or it won’t last! It will soon extinguish itself if done improperly. It’s the same with friendships and love, both need some time and neutering to grow properly. That’s that desire of two people to be close, the want of hearing that one voice or seeing that face, even a simple touch.

Touch? Touch you say? Can this be “IT”? Can’t be that simple, can it? A match is pulled out of a pocked and struck. It’s touched to the tinder. A hand reaches out and touches the hand of another. Wow, it’s a shock! A spark! This is “IT”! The match ignites the tender and the fire is started. Fingers reach out and entwine, a smile is formed on two faces. The fire is starting to flicker, starting to grow, to flare up, and to evolve! The bond of friendship is formed. They are inseparable now.

The flame of Love is spreading, just as the flame in the tinder flares and spreads. The kindling ignites, the flames spreading and spreading. Soon larger and larger pieces catch the heat, just as in a friendship to love.

From friendship, to infatuation, to a crush, to love. Love cares not for whom it touches or who it consumes. It does have a mind of its own, just as a fire untended can spread and consume everything around. The love between two people consumes their heart, their mind and their very soul.

So people, find someone and build a friendship – yeah, build that all consuming fire!
Quote by Jillicious
Looks like he had some ear lobe plugs. I've always wanted to sneak up behind someone with those big loops for ears and insert a padlock. Oops! Did I just lock that to your ear? Oh dear, I think I've lost the key. Of course I would have to hastily run away. But some bystanders with cameras could record the aftermath for me.

I'd make it a lock in each ear, those great big, heavy master locks, with a chain on them leading to a cop car....

Reading Lush Stories!
I clicked the "Preppy Girls" just for the hell of it.....

Reading Lush Stories!
Evidentially, your link is no good....or they have removed the information.

Reading Lush Stories!
Well, I'm a guy, and I can never understand why men are so afraid to show emotions. I say piss on all that "macho" bull and just tell her you love her. Saying the three words women want to hear isn't going to hurt you one bit. Just be sure you mean exactly what you say. Women do have the knack of reading between the lines and are great at reading body language as well. I know men will say just about anything they "think" a woman wants to hear just to get into her cute panties (as if she's wearing them). Especially when they have been drinking or are drunk. Girls, do yourself a favor and never believe a guy who's drunk! If a guy doesn't have the balls to say "I love you" and mean it, doesn't deserve you anyway. And, if it's just a fuck-buddy or casual guy, he isn't about to say it anyway.

Reading Lush Stories!
Why do you all thing he's called "POP"?

Reading Lush Stories!
For all the girls.... I'm offering me as your Clit Pump, free of charge!

Reading Lush Stories!
Miss Canada gets my vote by a landslide. Being out on the stage and exhibiting her pussy so prominently and proudly surely makes her the winner of this contest!

Reading Lush Stories!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLA! Long may your eroticism, sensuality and sexuality flourish on the best site ever!

Reading Lush Stories!
I'm guessing the people at Starbucks just don't have a sense of humor!

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by SilverArdorDragon
I love dragons. If I could I would have as many as possible. Wait! I have a bunch of them! All online but hay, beggers can't be choosers. LOL!

(I added the pic so it still understandable when I change AVs.)

Well, I'm a dragon lover too, and since I'm terrible about growing things, I select them all grown up. I've got one flying around a castle as my profile background. The one you see here is called a "Butterfly Dragon". I get these from a web site that has hundreds and hundreds of free wallpapers. You might even see me change to a wolf if I ever tire of dragons.

Bite my tongue! How can a person ever get tired of these lovely creatures! Besides, one of them would fly around breathing fire and scorch the hell out of my ass!

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by oldgit
Quote by Algol
Quote by chefkathleen

You would just have too. Then pull the groom and preacher together and finish the ceremony right there in the water.

Absolutely Chef, That was the first thing that came to mind, the groom should have jumped in...

I am with you he should have.

They should have all jumped in! POOL PARTY!!

Reading Lush Stories!
Hmmmm interesting idea! Hell yes, I'd go!

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by Jillicious
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by oldgit
Would you ladies like to see a government department that keeps dater on all the cocks in you country length, thickness, cut or uncut thing like that it could be called the ministry of cocks. You could then at a glance look up any male you would like to fuck and see if it would be worth you time going after him.ePdnejIPxq2mhS6o

This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Good one OG.aBvwNRs8bdVjKy1V

I laughed so hard when I heard this. But why a government department? It would take months to get the information you wanted!

Months? Months you say? Since when can you get information from the government in mere months?? Besides, it will take years of studies, put into commities, re-studied, environmental impact studies, financial studies, etc. And that doesn't even count the bickering, challenging and protesting of both houses and political parties about who came up with the idea first. Of course, somebody will claim a "patent" and then all the court challenges all the way to the Supreme Court! And then, there will be fighting to see who the "Role Model" will be..... Don't forget the Pres! He'll want to put is cents into everything!

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by MissJess
Oh yes, I will definatly talk to my OBGYN but I know that he is a little knife happy and I am pretty sure he will lean towards a repeat c-section. Thanks Hollywood

While I'm a guy and know very little about what all of you are talking about, when I read that your OBGYN seems a little "knife happy" sent chills through me! Maybe it's time for you to shop around for another OBGYN, one that leans more to the natural aspects of childbirth......

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by Exakta66
I was waiting for him to put a hole in the wall...I mean, who comes up with these things??? Hey Jim, is there an "Opening Wine Bottles For Dummies" book out there???

Hmmmm gonna have to go to Barns and Knoble or Borders and check. Maybe do an Amazon search!

In all reality that ain't all that important as long as the cork comes out of that f*@#in bottle!

A Nice Toast To Lush Stories!

That is so cool and works great! I just did it to a bottle that was given to me..

Reading Lush Stories!
Wow, Cool! Would have been much better if the top of
her dress came down to her belly button though.....

Reading Lush Stories!
Raises hand and jumps up and down like I gotta pee:

I want one, I want one.....

Reading Lush Stories!
Shortly after reporting to my first duty station while in the US Navy, I was just 18 and started shacking up with a woman that was 39. We stayed together for 4 years, when I got stationed overseas. Even to this day we are still good friends and still hook up for a good romp.

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by HelenLikesIt
ok gives licks

masterbate to a group having sex / or join in

Oops! missed it....

Masturbate to a group having sex / or join in....

Join in!

Reading Lush Stories!

Indoors, or outside....

Reading Lush Stories!
Showing the Camel Toe should be a requirement for all girls!

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by Guest
I have an adjustable cock, with a range of 1 1/2 to 15 inches, it is the latest model with all the bells ans whistles. I can dial in the correct settings in order to please any woman, even the most finicky types. I'd recommend it to any guys wanting to trade up.

Do you often ring your own bell and blow your whistle??

Reading Lush Stories!
Beam me up, Mr. Scott! (Beam me up, Scottie was never said)....

Reading Lush Stories!
One of my favorite CD's, "Songs Our Daddy Taught Us" by the Everyly brothers...

Reading Lush Stories!