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c-section? vaginal? or VBAC

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I am looking for some info I am wondering what the feeling toward c-section vs vaginal births and VBAC is. The reason I am asking is I had an emergency c-section after my water being broken for over 24hrs with no dialation, even on pitocin. And am starting to think about another pregnacy not sure if I should chance VBAC or go ahead with a schedualed c-section and I could ask the doctors advice but I would like to go into planning with a pretty secure idea of whats I would like.AdqWJxSzOPU2VFsW any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated
Miss Sassy Pants
There should not be any problem with a VBAC. It all depends on age and heatlh status. A previous c-section due to an emergency concerning no dialation is different than an emergency one due to, say placenta rupture... It is something that you and your OBGYN should discuss. I am a paramedic too. I hope this helps.
Oh yes, I will definatly talk to my OBGYN but I know that he is a little knife happy and I am pretty sure he will lean towards a repeat c-section. Thanks Hollywood
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MissJess
Oh yes, I will definatly talk to my OBGYN but I know that he is a little knife happy and I am pretty sure he will lean towards a repeat c-section. Thanks Hollywood

While I'm a guy and know very little about what all of you are talking about, when I read that your OBGYN seems a little "knife happy" sent chills through me! Maybe it's time for you to shop around for another OBGYN, one that leans more to the natural aspects of childbirth......

Reading Lush Stories!
Quote by iceman
Quote by MissJess
Oh yes, I will definatly talk to my OBGYN but I know that he is a little knife happy and I am pretty sure he will lean towards a repeat c-section. Thanks Hollywood

While I'm a guy and know very little about what all of you are talking about, when I read that your OBGYN seems a little "knife happy" sent chills through me! Maybe it's time for you to shop around for another OBGYN, one that leans more to the natural aspects of childbirth......

Reading Lush Stories!

You are probably right Iceman!!! It's just a hard call, he may be knife happy but he is undisputedly the BEST OBGYN in my region which is over 1,000,000 people. Of course he does do natural birth but tends to avoid kind of complication by getting straight to the point I guess you could say.
i had an emergency c sect with my first too and i wanted terribly to have a VBAC. was all set to do it but my girl just wouldnt come. and i did EVRYTHING! walked had sex..drank that yucky stuff and she would not come! finally i just went ahead and had her c section too. but if i were to have another id shoot for VBAC again for sure smile
Quote by LittleMissBitch
i had an emergency c sect with my first too and i wanted terribly to have a VBAC. was all set to do it but my girl just wouldnt come. and i did EVRYTHING! walked had sex..drank that yucky stuff and she would not come! finally i just went ahead and had her c section too. but if i were to have another id shoot for VBAC again for sure smile

That what I am kind of scared of is that I will be all pumped and ready to go for a VBAC and that the same thing will happen again and need another c-section. You are one brave women MissBitch.RiX3X7yKCUGk5FKf
Active Ink Slinger
Having a baby just short of my 41st birthday made me nervous, but it all went well with natural birth, but my doctor told me MANY women over 40 are better off with a c-sect. That fact that we're going to wait one full year before we even think about another may make natural birth more difficult and leave me with no choice. Do not be afraid though to talk to another doctor!!!
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I've had three children... all by c-section. The first due not to an emergency, but just because the little bugger didn't want to come out. 26 hrs of labor and he was still happy as a clam in there SHEESH!

I tried a VBAC with the second, but the same problem occurred... I would hit a certain dilation and stop. I was told later it was probably due to my having an epidural which tends to slow dilation.With the third, obviously I had to have another c-section.

Honestly I don't see what the big deal is with having a vaginal birth. You get ripped (or cut), you get sore and you stretch all while having to push and breathe at the right time. I'd rather just sit back, relax and let the doctor do all the work.

Quote by Ling-Li
I've had three children... all by c-section. The first due not to an emergency, but just because the little bugger didn't want to come out. 26 hrs of labor and he was still happy as a clam in there SHEESH!

I tried a VBAC with the second, but the same problem occurred... I would hit a certain dilation and stop. I was told later it was probably due to my having an epidural which tends to slow dilation.With the third, obviously I had to have another c-section.

Honestly I don't see what the big deal is with having a vaginal birth. You get ripped (or cut), you get sore and you stretch all while having to push and breathe at the right time. I'd rather just sit back, relax and let the doctor do all the work.


LOL I totally agree even though it wasn't a planned c-section it was very comfortable and and calm. There is definatly some fear of doing it natural but I guess it's like everything the unknown thank you so much for weighing in. xx
Miss Sassy Pants
Quote by MissJess
Oh yes, I will definatly talk to my OBGYN but I know that he is a little knife happy and I am pretty sure he will lean towards a repeat c-section. Thanks Hollywood

You DO NOT have to have a c-section...second opinion, hun, second opinion
Active Ink Slinger
All good points of view. I like Holly and Icemans replies best. But, whatever happens, you will end up with a new little person in your life to love.