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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
United States


Active Ink Slinger
And this is why we were so happy to find a mate who was as equally into sex, so we didn't have to go through this sort of thing. Also when looking for a mate make certain they agree, if they are no longer giving it up you have license to do whatever it takes to keep up the sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes you have to do what you need to do. Masturbation, cum eating, dildoing, extra partner sex (with consent and foreknowledge), machine sex, doll sex, exhibition, bi, gay, whatever - it is still sex at the end of the day. We take care of one another as well as ourselves as often as desired throughout a day sharing when we are apart all that we did, even reenacting it. Videos are the bomb.
Active Ink Slinger
We feel that whatever one wants the other should do so that when something else comes up we continue this trend. Sure we may pause to discuss things but in the end we usually give it up for each other. Find a compromise.
Active Ink Slinger
We give each other whatever the other wants, we want a hot marriage so we do whatever it takes. And we do mean whatever, we have both done some pretty craZy things to keep it all going. Tit for tat we always say. If you want more go for it but be willing to give in return.
Active Ink Slinger
In college I had been involved in so many variations but never FMM or MMF. I assume those are female doing guy who is doing a guy. Then a Guy doing a guy who is doing a female.

Currently I prefer what my wife loves MfM, she loves DP and when done with the right guys she has the most amazing massive multi dual orgasms. Yes she can orgasm from anal as well as vaginal. She would make a killing as a porn star and never has to fake or script it!

I love her pleasure, also afterwards she is sooo open to sooooo many options. ;) She used to be all into FFM and MFF, haven't seen that side of her in a while, it would be just at fun.
Active Ink Slinger
Any advice/input on pulling the reins in on some of this? Maybe I let it go too far but gheeeeez who wants to throw a wet blanket on a hot wife who has found her sexual stride in her 50s? Ask what questions you need for more information.

Here is the basic layout.

My wife was into anal big time before we married and introduced it to me (both ways). She is a “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” sort of gal about everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. Cum is of course a large part of goose/gander thing as well. So not only did my wife surprise me with the whole anal attack thing but also the whole kissing after coming from oral. My wife has a good approach even though it has not accomplished her ultimate goal, it has gotten her much closer to it. I go with the flow up to a point. I love sex and I do love pleasing her and I love enjoy fulfilling her crazy desires. We have been Role Playing all sorts of off creative scenarios she comes up with: Prisoners who have to perform or work chain gang (she loves prison shower scenarios – it’s even hard to go with it), Queen/slaves who have to perform or get punished, All girl take down of two guys forcing them into compromising positions, Female Cops making guys do what they want, Face sitting for others to play with me, Show and Tale - putting me on display, and Of course 69 scenarios where guys take her over and over and over again. She has so many now I can't keep up with them all but most end up with me getting royally done and/or eating lots of creamy stuff. It has been going on for quite a while now. I have grown accustomed to all the anal, cum, masturbation, toy, & sex machine play and in addition to all our making love it seems all our free time is all sex time. I am in Nooooo means complaining. What is tough is where it has all headed, all the bisex RP, scenarios, stories, my wife gets off by a lot but the male bisex is by far the strongest. I am good to go up to a point with all the play but it is getting to where our sex talk is being dominated by it. She wants to meet with other couples who are bisexual to chat with sexually and get to know.

Thank you so very much!

Active Ink Slinger
Oh my goodness yes we cum kiss. My wife is like an addict. Everything involving cum is going to end up in a kiss, without a doubt.
Active Ink Slinger
My wife was into it big time before we married and introduced it to me (both ways). She is a “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” sort of gal about everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. She is so good at it, knows when, how, what to do, what positions are best as you get more aroused, etc. I joke with her all the time that she should get paid to each this; yes she is that good at everything she does sexually. So our experiences with anal have been very good to fantastic but only because she is so knowledgeable about it.
Active Ink Slinger
My wife:

Would you like to have a feminized male boyfriend if your bi? No she would not - she is very clear about her type - not sissy boys, not wimps, not feminine or cowed down in any way.

If yes how far would you go with it? She wouldn't.

Would you like your boyfriend to wear panties or thongs? No WAY!

Would you like to experiment with your boyfriend and other men? Now this she would like to do. She bugs me all the time about it.

Would you teach him how to suck dick? I'm afraid, she'd like to very much and so much more...
Active Ink Slinger
My wife has gotten into this big time. Wooismee...

What does she not enjoy seeing is a better question for her. She has me plum scared to death.

Active Ink Slinger
My wife introduced this to me. It was one of the most amazing things ever! She is super clean, told me how to clean well, plus we use dental dams so it is very safe. One thing is for certain after receiving, I'll do just about anything sexually. I finally found out why she added this to our repertoire. As for giving, she is so hot how could I not??? Definitely a giver and receiver here thanks to the wifey!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by xXshunikaXx
So recently my boyfriend and I have been getting a little more adventurous. We've tried out nearly all of our kinkiest fantasies but their is one he keeps saying no too, and that's my fantasy that I'm masturbating over another guy fucking him in the ass reverse cowboy style. I have fucked him up the ass with various dildos a lot of times and I have been with another girl while he masturbated over us and then joined in, and I want this fantasy in reverse. He keeps saying no and it's frustrating me as I have said yes and done everyone of his fantasy's. Every time I ask he changes the subject instantly, and I think I might start denying him sex with me until he says yes. I'd never tell anyone about it afterwards. Can anyone suggest something here that would get him to go through with it? Would you go through with it?

My wife has been asking this of me as well.

For certain, do not pressure him.

My wife has a good approach even though it has not accomplished her ultimate goal, it has gotten us much closer to it. She has been guiding me towards it. I go with the flow up to a point. I am not into guys at all but I do love sex and I do love pleasing her and I also l love fulfilling her crazy desires. So we have been Role Playing all sorts of off creative scenarios she comes up with: Prisoners who have to perform or work chain gang, Queen / slaves who have to perform or get punished, All girl take down of two guys forcing them into compromising positions, Female Cops making guys do what they want, Face sitting for others to play with me, Show and Tale - putting me on display, and Of course 69 scenarios where guys take her over and over and over again. She has so many now I can't keep up with them all but they all end up with me getting royally done or eating lots of creamy stuff. It has been going on for a few months pretty heavily. I am go with the flow even though it can get a bit intense mentally (I have a great imagination and incredible visual skills - so maybe it is a bit to much once in a while). I must admit though, I am certainly not longer homophobic due to it all. I used to couldn't even think about guys like that, now when I see it, it is no big deal, just more sex.

So try what my wife is trying by throwing in some none threatening RP and go from there for some crazy out of the box kinky fun.
Active Ink Slinger
Are you male or female? cpl
How old are you? 49 & 52
How many times a week do you masturbate? Male 4-5 – Female 7-9
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? Male 2 or 3 times – Female 5-8

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? neither
Outdoors? Yes
At work? No
Every room in the house? Yes
In a car while traveling... ? Yes as long as not driving - lol

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Certainly. We love to think crazy thoughts about one another.
A friend? no
A friend's spouse? no
A stranger? no
A student? no
A member of the same sex? no
A past lover? no

What position do you play in:
On your back? Yes
Standing? Yes
Kneeling? Yes
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? Yes

How do you play:
With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? Yes
With water from bath? Yes
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? No

What is your favorite porn: Porn is not something we prefer but if we have to choose….
Straight sex between man and woman? Awesome
Gay or lesbian sex? Interesting
Group sex or orgies? Intriguing
Blow jobs/oral sex? For sure
Cumshots? Definitely
Anal? Oh Yeah Baby!!!
Interracial? Color does not matter to us, people are people.
Age play? noper
S&M? noper
Role playing? Yes Yes YES!
Kinky? More Yes Yes YES!

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Male has not – Female has
Masturbated in a group? Yes
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? Yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Male does not – Female does
Use pain as a method of playing? no

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? Female does regularly, male is getting where he can more often (she loves this!)
When was the last time you masturbated? Today – both of us did twice
Are you wet or hard now? Yes
Are you going to masturbate now? No
Are you a masturbation addict? No
What is the most you have played in one day? Male 12 times in a day – Female 21 times
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LASARDaddy
you have to become what you want to portray at some level to do it right. It's called, "Suspension of Disbelief" and every competent actor has to accomplish that or you go away unhappy. At some level they have to make you accept what they're telling you.

Well I had a good weekend to try it a bit. It was a good birthday weekend. I wasn't great but I pulled it off well enough. Two days later my wife is still sending me text about this weekend. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LASARDaddy

Talk. You have to open up to each other and frankly discus what you can and will do, what you have trouble with or flat won't do. Don't give up. And be absolutely honest.

I'm an actor too and I've done hundreds of stage plays. When you do the part right your soul is so open that you can be really hurt. It's happened to me and I was destroyed for a couple of hours. Actors become as close as family and the others pulled me back. That was terrifying to me.

That's what it's going to feel like. If you want to keep it going, do that.

There's nothing you can't talk about if you trust one another. Remember,


Just accept what's said and keep going. Neither of you is wrong.

Good luck.

For certain I am in no way being judgmental. I fully accept what she is doing, wanting to do, asking of me as okay. It is being able to some of it. I love your analogy of being an actor on my part. A poster pm'ed me a saying "fake it until you make it." I like your approach better. Become an actor enthralled in a role. My birthday is coming up and I know my wife was wanting to have a weekend of unbridled sex so I think I will role play a part, possibly even set up a story line and have us play it out in full. Great idea, I have always wanted to act for fun and this appears to be the perfect setting. Now I have to get into character once I figure out what will work for me/us. This is going to be quite the experience/experiment.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CliffordAClavin
My wife is a pleaser. Frankly, we both are despite the fact that most of our lives have been with people who took but seldom gave back. I can't tell you how much I appreciate a partner who will just do the simple stuff, like offer to get me a drink when she gets home and I'm already crashed out on the couch. Well, that eagerness to please goes into the bedroom, too. Her quick adaptation to my kinkier side emerged out of her excitement at the thought of making me happy. While she had never had so much as a finger up a man's ass before, now she wants a toy within reach so she can take me to that next level.

She's still a shy person in the bedroom, but she's opened new doors and become comfortable with what's inside. You're taking steps down the hallway, just take a look around, enjoy the scenery and realize that there's a very good chance no permanent injuries will come of all this. Continue to take pauses, talk about what freaks you out, and absorb the good stuff into your life and routine.

That is very helpful, thank so much. Up until this past year and especially the new year I would have lumped my wife and I into the same category as your wife. We are both pleasers and never pressing one another for more but always supportive of more. That is why I support her and wish to keep up with her.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw

I agree with Lasar about talking to each other. Personally there is little I haven't tried when asked but some things did nothing for me. However, it wasn't about me it was about them and their enjoyment, if they indulge me why wouldn't I return the favour.
The other thing is, haven't you got a fetish or secret fantasy? It's the ideal time to bring it out into the open and show your wife that you also have hidden desires.

I can't think of any hidden desires which I have had over the past years. I was very content and happy as well blessed in our marriage over the years. Currently my desires are to be as uninhibited as my wife. Loose the embarrassment, loosen up, be able to give as well as I get, please my wife to the extra extent she has been doing, go the extra mile. All ALOT harder said than done.
Active Ink Slinger
“But that doesn't mean I haven't normalized some things that are outside the mainstream.”

Yes based on what you do over and over again over time becomes what is normal and after 20+ years we had a routine that was definitely our norm.

“She feels lost 69'ing with me unless she has a toy to use in my ass,”

How so? How or why does she feel lost? And how did this all come about?

“when she's on her period she pegs me instead,”

We also have also done alternative things when my wife is that way. That is usually when we broadened our horizons. I know the things we have done and do would seem simple or plain to most but it was where our relationship took us.

“and once in a while she craves a weekend of debauchery in a hotel that has to be satisfied even if it's just down the road.”

If I may ask, what exactly did that entail? I have no idea what other wives are capable and I have a feeling I better learn quickly to prepare myself.

“Sometimes you just need to wrap your head around new experiences just like catching your breath during a workout.”

EXACTLY!!! I am still trying to catch my breath.

As I mentioned the following is new for my wife over the past year. Amazing as far as a man’s point of view but still took some getting used to since none of it had ever happened to this level, especially the usage of media.

[New for her this past year: masturbation, sex toy play, exhibitionism, more oral oooohhh the oral. Obviously what husband can't be comfortable with this. Then moving into this year she begin to add more and when I am out of town I come home to new collections of vids and pics (again what husband wouldn't love this). She even sends me text, pics, and clips of it all. Holy moly a guy could injure himself with all the stimulus she provides.]

Thank goodness all of the above was a progression and I was able to catch my breath to get used to some of the “new her.” I married a simple woman (beautiful but simple sexually) and grew accustomed to our ways. I am welcoming the new sex but it is a bit overwhelming and often embarrassing. I do not know why but getting a picture on my phone out of the blue of my wife spread eagle with a large toy shoved in her (though I love it) can turn me beet red. And when I am in the hotel room clicking on a clip she attached, I am all alone and even then it can make my blush.

Crazy! I am a grown man married over 20 years, I see my wife nude all the time, bathing, dressing/undressing, laying around, walking around, when making love. Why on earth do I now feel so blasted off kilter? The same goes opposite, my wife has seen me nude as often and somehow now I find myself apprehensive getting hard in front of her when she is going at it with her new found sex drive.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LASARDaddy
It doesn't matter what it is she wants to do. If she wants to do it with you, get over any problems you have and just, "Do It".

Trust is probably the biggest issue.

Talk to each other and work out anything that you or she is uncomfortable with. If there's something that looks like a deal breaker quote]

Thanks so much for your posts.


Just Do It - easier said than done. No problems with trust, respect, talking, ect. It is the getting comfortable with...

How the heck does one get comfortable with new out of the box sex (for us)?

New for her this past year: masturbation, sex toy play, exhibitionism, more oral oooohhh the oral. Obviously what husband can't be comfortable with this. Then moving into this year she begin to add more and when I am out of town I come home to new collections of vids and pics (again what husband wouldn't love this). She even sends me text, pics, and clips of it all. Holy moly a guy could injure himself with all the stimulus she provides.

Now she is asking the same of me. Waaayyyyyy out of my comfort zone. I am all what's good for the goose is good for the gander and what have you but how on earth is one supposed to get comfortable with it? It's so so so far out of my box.

And "dpw" I will think on that fantasy thing. I haven't thought like that in a long time. I was great with what we had. Not to say things are not amazing and getting more so everyday with her. Perhaps comfortable though.
Active Ink Slinger
My wife is in her 50s and hitting her kinky full stride (or at least things that have not been the norm for the past 20+ years of marriage). I am praying I can stay alongside for the ride. So far there have only been a few bumps in the road where I lost traction which is what brings me here.

I would appreciate any insights and advice from females, males, and especially couples who care to share their experiences.

I am looking for crazy things ladies ask of their men sexually.

Ladies, why did you ask it of him? How did you help him get comfortable with your requests? How did it turn out? Was it what you expected? How could you make the experience easier or better?

Men, how did you feel, respond, what were your thoughts on what your lady asked of you? How did you go about doing it? If it was out of your comfort zone, how did you overcome it?