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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Schadenfreude: It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune.
Active Ink Slinger
Feghoot: is a humorous short story or vignette ending in a pun (typically a play on a well-known phrase) where the story contains sufficient context to recognize the punning humour.
Active Ink Slinger
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: defined as follows-- super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and -docious "educable", with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty." According to the film, it is defined as "something to say when you have nothing to say".

I'm sure this has been posted before, but hey it's a great word.
Active Ink Slinger
Skedaddle: to run away, to flee, to get out of there quickly. My mom liked this word.
Active Ink Slinger
Balderdash: Senseless talk or writing, aka "Bunkum", highly exaggerated bullshit
Active Ink Slinger
Haha well all the beret wearing pseudo intellectuals can now attack me.

"My Dinner With Andre", the supposedly captivating and philosophical work by Louis Malle, was boring and full of pretentious bullshit from beginning to end. Roger Ebert loved this stupid film. The "Family Guy" parodied the film in a lovely way in the episode "My Dinner with Andre the Giant".

Can any of us truly be happy? Okay let's sit in a chair and fucking talk about it in a very pretentious manner and film it for 3 hours. WTF? Really? And I can't say anything? I just have to listen to your fucked up ramblings? No thanks.

Happiness is an entirely personal experience. This movie was empty of plot, direction and had no emotional arc to it. It was like very bad reality TV before the idea of really bad reality TV had even become a lightbulb moment for anyone in the media industry.

My vote goes to "My Dinner With Andre".
Active Ink Slinger
Well "Muse" is a funny thing and most probably particular to each person. I call her "Serendipity"? Many of my stories are just planned out and written from hard work. Maybe the story idea comes from an incident in real life, maybe from something I read that triggers a thought, and then I plan the story out and begin writing. This is NOT the muse.

Take the history competition as a recent example. I had almost finished my story to enter into the competition. It was a historical piece about the Nanban period circa 1800 Japan. No "MUSE" whatsoever was involved in this story. Just hard work. I was almost done. The story was almost finished. And then, out of nowhere, a new story idea came to me about the Cold War. This was Serendipity at work. My new story "Eighteen Hours of Rain" almost wrote itself. I mean it just came to me from I have no idea where? That's what I consider my "muse".

But the muse didn't come to me because I was sitting around watching TV waiting for it. NO it came because I was hard at work on a story. My creative juices were flowing. My fingers were typing, and lines were being written. I firmly believe the muse likes hard workers. It's the same in business. The harder you work the "luckier" you get. Luck? The muse? Same thing. Work hard on your stories and the muse will find you. Don't worry, she's like Cupid, you can't fucking hide.
Active Ink Slinger
Serendipity.....for's always serendipity.

Day, month, year. Just one word.
Active Ink Slinger
ORPHAN BLACK. No US Open Tennis this year as my cable channel lost it. Tonight F1 I guess with a glass of big red.
Active Ink Slinger
Product Placement: well since "product placement" and "guerrilla advertising" are so in vogue now, how about a competition theme where we writers are required to include certain products in the story in a creative way?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola

Good idea.

This latest competition was a particularly challenging one, and we've had far fewer entries than usual.

I think the last competition we had close to 100 entries (from memory), so we're getting good numbers entering usually.

It's a consideration for future competitions.

Well Gil is onto a good idea....but why random prizes? I think perhaps if a particular writer has "peppered the top 10" a few times, perhaps missed out on the BIG KAHUNA like every time....such a writer might get a case of 1982 Krug from Lush as a "thank you" gift ? Okay maybe not a case....maybe half a case? Okay a single bottle? Okay how about a digital image of the fucking Champagne? Okay about a bottle of pepper?
Active Ink Slinger
Emilia, the air is pretty thin up here? Are you sure I'm meant to be scaling these heights? Haha well darling if there was any Lush dance card I would want to be on......well it's yours!! Thanks for the compliment. To see my name in the same list as Tashtego et al, is enough to make me blush. Thanks.

Quote by SITTING

And so many more. But any of the above are a real treat.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

I'm pretty sure you can write about historical figures in the historical category. Rachel and Steph are just being like cranky old men who tell you to turn your garshdanged music down!

Shit is that how you spell "garshdanged"? I always wondered. J.D. Salinger would be fucking proud. I'm sure Holden would have used that word if JD knew how to fucking spell it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BiMale73

Will Pinochet be part of this?

I'm guessing Pinochet will be collared and leashed and Maggie will spear him from behind with a strap-on? Oh shit....did I give away your storyline?
Active Ink Slinger

Belated BEST WISHES.......I was in China so Lush in those regions haha.

All the best to one of the most AMAZING ASIAN women EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Ciao, John
Active Ink Slinger

64 Years Ago today this book was first published. A few people liked it. Me included.
Active Ink Slinger
Rule 1: In general, use onto as one word to mean “on top of,” “to a position on,” “upon.”

He climbed onto the roof.
Let’s step onto the dance floor.

Rule 2: Use onto when you mean “fully aware of,” “informed about.”

I’m onto your scheme.
We canceled Julia’s surprise party when we realized she was onto our plan.

Rule 3: Use on to, two words, when on is part of the verb.

We canceled Julia’s surprise party when we realized she caught on to our plan. (caught on is a verb phrase)
I’m going to log on to the computer. (log on is a verb phrase)
Active Ink Slinger
Hey c'mon it's like real life. Shit happens. People die. Things fall apart. Things go awry. I love it. He says he's dead and he's not back next season? From the horses mouth.
Active Ink Slinger
Well yes public taste is indeed a fickle thing. As for artistic judgment? Well who is qualified to ride that beast with any level of authority? I adore David Hockney....others write scathing reviews? Damien Hirst is built up into a cult by some influential monied collectors (who shall remain unnamed) and yet I find his work hollow and devoid of value although it sells for millions.

I find most of the "McSex stories" on Lush entirely uninteresting. Yet many of these stories with caricatures for characters get a ton of views and comments that sound like raving endorsements. What can I say? Art is not science.

I cannot tell you scientifically WHY Van Gogh is a genius. I just know that when I go to the National Gallery and stand in front of "Wheat Fields" it is just like an out-of-body experience. Can't articulate it. Can't explain it. Art sometimes acts like a form of "magic" capturing a moment, a time, the essence of something.

As a final point not all members on Lush are "scoring" for altruistic "artistic" reasons. My last comp entry garnered a "2" from some person? Really? Haha I claim no special insight into writing skill, but I do have enough discernment to know that on Lush this story is not a "2". Anyways interesting post. But like others have said, some of my favourite stories are not "popular" so I wouldn't want to see them gone.
Active Ink Slinger
The girl who played Athena (Raffey Cassidy) was a great actress. Difficult role for her. Like Hopkin's role in "Meet Joe Black" it required a subtle approach and I thought she was great. The movie itself was transparent crap. I have no idea how this shit gets a green light? All that money spent for absolutely zip. Anyways Clooney makes bad choices. Descendants was good, but Gravity was crap and this one is crap. So boring I wanted to leave, but I was with a group and had to stay.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes stay SAFE Gav.........or be a real Aussie and grab a board......."Surf's UP!!"

Good luck getting the juice back on.
Active Ink Slinger
Look I can "change her".......really I can. Okay the sex will be incredible and hot.....but at other times I can change her, mould her into a new "good person" kinda girl.....truly.....don't judge......under my tutelage.....well it will be an amazing transformation.....she'll be giving car hop boys HUGE TIPS....and complimenting the cleaning ladies in our hotel rooms as they clean up the mess from our sexual carnage the night before.....yup she'll give those cleaning ladies beauty tips and I'll give them stock tips......we'll CHANGE THE WORLD TOGETHER.......we'll lift car hop boys from poverty so they can start their own social media company or green energy company and list it on NASDAQ........

What this isn't an application for an IVY league school? I thought everyone was supposed to change the world. Okay I'm just starting my "change journey" with this amazingly HOT chick can go to Laos and build an orphanage if you want. I need to just make her a nicer person.
Active Ink Slinger
WTF? Moron 5? Seriously? OMG! Rolling Stones girl!!


Dog or Cat?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I did during law school. I was drinking too much fresh drip coffee (12oz of Mocha Java mixed with 4oz of French Dark Roast was my blend of choice haha)....I was having a big pot in the morning. By mid-day I was getting massive caffeine withdrawal headaches. Actually the doctor (an old wise dude advised me about the coffee as the cause).

Well fresh coffee has the most caffeine and instant has much less. A cup of instant has like 60-80mg typically whereas fresh coffee is like 150-200mg per cup.

Anyways I felt MUCH better being off coffee. More energy, etc. But I love coffee and fell back into the habit. To reduce my caffeine intake I drink instant as a latte style and only drink fresh Illy Coffee when I'm really in the mood.

Hey good luck.