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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
United States


"Willy and the Poor Boys" 1969. I'm sorta stuck in 1969/70 given the series I'm writing. Damn the tunes were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My last post of songs to be featured in my new series. Linda Ronstadt on the Glen Campbell "Goodtime Hour" in 1970. Off her album "Silk Purse". What a voice. Saw her in San Francisco.

A group called "SMITH" from LA in 1969. A great Burt Bacharach cover. Also featured in my upcoming series. Oh for those interested the lead singer on this one is Gayle McCormick.
Quote by SITTING

I'm scared of entering now. Mine will seem vanilla.

Quite right're very busy anyways. No need to enter. Perhaps write something light and fluffy?

[Ambitious John Grins......"Hope to hell that talented bitch stays out of this one!! Otherwise I'm dead in the water."]
Look deeply into my eyes with that "Oh fuck I'm horny look" and tell me how much she loves and adores me…..grins wickedly……kisses me like a woman possessed. My beauty then sits up, straddling me, and rides me to an amazing orgasm as her nails rip new scars in my chest. I gaze up adoringly at her perfect firm breasts cradled in a delicate lacy shelf bra and watch as her face contorts with the biggest orgasm of her life. I observe entranced and enchanted by my lover's amazing body as she screams out my name while thrusting and gyrating and grinding into my hardness…..I think it was my name? Her voice was garbled from the intensity of her massive orgasm. I hope it was my name?
In a grotto behind a tropical waterfall (yes I will bring a blanket and pillow so she's comfy).

Watch my GF perform at an amateur pole dance night .

Well the list is quite long.
Well we would be in Bangkok, at a suite in the Oriental hotel overlooking the Chao Phraya River. She would be wearing amazing Agent Provocateur lingerie or perhaps a new set from Rigby & Peller? The flavour would (of course) be their homemade coconut ice cream served in a new young coconut.

Later I would scoop some sexy spoonfuls into her mouth covered with sprinklings of the dried coconut on top and perhaps one of the candied palm seeds.......? OMG so good.
I don't have time to explain since the plane is pulling away from the gate and the very sexy flight attendant has asked me politely to turn off my computer. Next time she won't be such an angel . Okay we'll come back to this one.
Quote by kiera

ROFLMAO, I just got my magnifying glass out and yeah I totally see you there, the man holding the extremely huge Cock..Tail (mind out the gutter people its just a margarita ) And those are some seriously nice glasses are those designer??

Kiera THANK YOU for hitting the nail on the head and sinking this vicious rumour that my avatar is not "me"?? Yes thank you. My glasses you ask? Designer? Well those are my Steve McQueen Persol "folding" sunglasses. Yes I always wear sunglasses on long flights. I have sensitive eyes.

Oh and YOUR avatar? Well I had already used a "body proportionality algorithm" to analyse your avatar (in a very CSI manner) and determined that the woman in your avatar is actually 5'3" and NOT 5'2" (and a HALF) yup.....I already knew it wasn't you. Very similar. Almost could pass for you. But nope, not you.
Several people got upset when they found out I'm not actually a Boeing airplane?

Can't you see me on the plane? I'm the guy looking out of the third window in front of the wing in business class. Yeah the guy with the glasses and dark hair. No not the blond.
Quote by LYFBUZ
Yes. An American lady. She was from Boston and had a funny accent.

Haha pretty well everyone from Boston has a "funny accent". Tip to movie producers. Don't green light scripts based in Boston. The actors all end up sounding really funny.
I'm a "foreigner" pretty much everywhere I go so I hope to hell some women do have sex with foreigners? My Cantonese and Google Translate Spanish are pretty good, but I think it's the pale skin that gives me away.
Quote by sprite
Depends on how hard i squeeze.

"OUCH" He glares at Rachel. "YES....okay you win. But more......FUCK!!! That hurt." Giggles are heard.
Just finished "Colorless Tsukaru Tazaki" (hard ending....? damn) Now reading "Lawrence in Arabia" by Scott Anderson (very WELL written.....impressive).

For fiction I'm re-reading "Gorky Park".
Singapore......things Red......full moons.......enough said. Might be a series?

I have been asked already if an "SPG" will make an appearance? (SPG = Singapore Party Girl aka Sarong Party Girl)....who knows....let's see where the Muse takes me.
Well Bailey.....we all know Candy Ass Latte girls pretend to make fun of Daffodils .....but secretly they are attracted to them. You don't fool me. You're just like the boys who pull girl's ponytails. It all arises from your insecurity that my flower will outshine your ass.
Daffodil Blow Pop....... now HOW does that make any sense? I hide my head in shame.
Good fun. I will be traveling so I needed to kick my own ass and get this puppy done early. No more hugging the out of bounds line. Hope a few readers like my effort.
Younger + petite

Asian or Hispanic

Dark hair/complexion

Smart/brainiac/science students/law student

Adventurous and intellectually curious
Robbie Robertson (especially for his work on "Blonde on Blonde") and all of his great songs with The Band. Of course he's Canadian, but more than this he overcame a lot in his early life. Robbie brings influences of Ronnie Hawkins, Van the man Van Morrison, Bob Dylan and so many other "greats" into his creativity. He was not only a great guitarist, but also a great song writer and producer.
I feel like a Peugeot pepper mill as I "pepper" the top ten again?? Well it was a great contest idea and some really fun entries. Can't wait for the next one. Thanks to all the judges for their hard work.