Just amazed that there isn't a thread for discussion of potential competition topics. Ideas you might have for future competitions, and discussion of said ideas.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's sitting on ideas, but for what it's worth, I'd be interested in a competition on the subject of Reacquaintance. Basically any story where the main protagonists haven't seen each other for ten or more years.
Any other ideas out there?
This was discussed at length before, and because other members thought mods win because we know and discuss ideas, Nicki decided to no longer discuss them. She decides on her own and make the announcement, and guess what.... Mods still win.
I would support voicing ideas but I will continue to support Nicki not informing us of any upcoming competitions.
Wait... Did we already have the 'Huge Cocks' competition? If not, scratch my weddings idea and go for that one.
Ok here's my list.
True Stories
Old Young
Fan Fiction
And how about a new talent comp where Mods and previous winners can't enter. Kinda like the Jr. Tournament at Wimbledon.
i'd like to suggest a poetry contest in which one of the four seasons is used as inspiration.