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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 34
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Its nice when the man can cook but its even better when he takes me out to dinner.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

seriously, i'd like readers to chime in on this - and either back me up, or tell me i'm wrong - in my experience, the norm for multi chapter stories is that, unless they really grab someone with the first part, the readership falls off pretty dramatically with each chapter.

That's so true. Too many chapters get confusing. If the first one blows I mostly don't read on to the next one so it needs to get my attention and if its too short it may be hard to do that. I like them long and meaty.
Active Ink Slinger
I go topless if Im at the right beach so I dont have to limit my party tops or use bronzer to blend my skin out when I want to go strapless.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by verytrustedsource
Happy to see most would look smile

Would you take a picture or video to remember the sighting?

No, cuz that would make me a sex offender!

Anywayz, I wouldnt look because naked guys aren't any big thing and I've seen enough dicks in my life.

But like - dude - people who would take a pic or vids are no diffrent than those upskirt creeps.
Active Ink Slinger
If it feels good, do it! If you're giving someone a nice woody while you're getting off, so much better!
Active Ink Slinger
I know some of you girls like your men totally emasculated, but really, I want my men to look like men! *giggles* oops! hope that didn't offend anyone too much! xx B
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

When girls do this, I look them right in the eye and slowly say "bitch... I told you I don't like dealing with any other motherfuckers." as I tighten my grip on their arm.

Dude, why do you have to be all douchey like that? Best way to handle a girl who does that shit is keep feeding her lots of nose candy and pretty soon, she's all, fuck that other guy, I want to snort coke off your cock or lick it off your asshole, you know what I mean? And anyways, why would a girl even worry about her exes when she can have pretty much any hottie she wants? That's the way I roll, anyway. xx B
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Meh, just roll with the changes, Paul. Ignore your married former dalliance and go back to the drawing board.

Speaking of unrequited love, Barbie's not getting any love from her studmuffin of a Master lately. And yeah, sorry, but Paul was HOT and I mean, Ibiza was rocking and I know it was just supposed to be like a weekend, but I kept missing my flight and damn, everyone loved me there and Pau was like the total sugar daddy - didn't even mind me fucking around on him, until he found out, that is - oops! LOL! Anyway, hope you missed me, even just a little? mwah! Barbie missed you! xx B
Active Ink Slinger
Just got back from a month in Ibiza - the fashions out there are soooo hot, like a bit of high end bohemian, kind of like being a hippy, just not dirty and smelly! feel in love with arm cuffs. Look so good. Check these out, bitches!

Active Ink Slinger
Its time to celebrate the best day in the world! U are so amazing!!! Happy birthday Master!

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
Could be her eyes are wet and glassy coz her sinuses are wrecked or stuffed up. Is her pupils dilated too?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtyannie
haha come on girls, don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.

You know you get the real thing on my page ;)

Omigod your really pretty Annie. You look so much like my friend Jenny that used to do amateur modelling for those wierd ex girlfriend websites and it was funny becoz she posted them herself and it wasnt by an ex-bloke or anything. Then she went on and found herself all over the webz and freaked. Girls got to careful these days but you sound pretty brave like that with the talking and walking. Hi-Five to my fellow UK-gurl!

I guess I'm a lil late to the competitien myself. Oopsy! sad
Active Ink Slinger
Hi everyone!

I was wondering what girlz and guyz here would fuck someone that was famous for bragging rights.

I'm sure a lot of blokes would do it because sex is sex, but was wondering how the ladies here feel about it? Could be talking about celebs, musicians, atheletes, famous DJs or anything like those lines. If the opportunity was there would you do it and have you done it before?

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
Ambition and success
Ability to travel the world
Loves cute animals
Active Ink Slinger
I laff at the ones that say they will rip their cloths off and join if they came across it IRL.

For real? I think some of you are way too deep into your porno collections.

If I was fucking my man in the woods and some skanky weirdo showed up and got naked and came toward us I would scream and throw rocks at you. If you were hot then maybe ok but whats the likely that it would be a hot person? Giggles.

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
You could just lie. Nobody need to know you have no experience imo. If I go only on skillz in bed, I slept with a lot of blokes that I think might have been virgins. Wud explain a lot. Giggles.

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by flytoomuch
Sexi_virgin you're too cute for words......"I have to break out the advil." I gotta admit, I've never had a date who had to break out the Advil.........yet. Who in their right fucking mind takes out a girl they are attracted to and talks politics? Sorry, movies, books, poetry, sports, sex, the full moon, the sunset, oh look at the pretty flowers, my don't you look fucking hot in that dress....lots of things to discuss other than the Euro debt crisis and the Arab spring.

Right on! Treat us like girls! We don't need to talk politcs and world affairs. Just coz we don't watch the news doesnt make us dumb it just means we dont like to be depressed about it. Doesnt happen much that nerds and geeks and intellectuals get the really hot girls anyway so this isnt usually a problem for me. Giggles.

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
I would because when you are travelling when people ask where are you from you want to be able to say something cool. People judge you based on what city you live in and status opens doors. I do it all the time. If you are from a wierd redneck place its better to round up to a main city when people ask where you from imo.

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
Womanizers tend to be wickedly sexy for some reason. Its that bad boy vibe that gets all women hot to stick it out and also bring our competitive side out. When a bloke has lots of girls on the hook it makes us want him even more coz we get competitive and seems like he's a hot ticket if everyone wants him right?! Look at The Bachelor reality show. It in our blood to want to take down those bitches and claim our man. We like a challenge and womanizers and cads are purrrfect for it!

xx B.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by steeltape
This is me smile tell me what you think!

Wow this was a fucking riveting 8 minutes!

Congratulations to your masturbatory skills. You did the clever angle work also and managed to be completely silent so we could focus on the task on hand (and in your hand). Bravo! I give that wank a solid 10 out of 10. This make me think we need a new website where we could rate men on their wanking skills like sumthing like "Do I Wank Hot or" You will set the new standard baby. I lurved it.

WMM: the best porn Universities are all in the UK. We get super pervy and kinky, not this lame-o cookie cutter shite coming from California. Snooze. Cum on over baby!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Garza

You know the kind that can't make up there mind, don't tell you the truth and lie to your face then make fun of you behind your back at your expense? And lead on so you get close and you trust them and they abandon you. Just that kind I'm not referring to all women, just this is the only kind I seem to be finding

Just general opinions I suppose
should These women be honest? Is it okay for the yes=no language they often employ?
Just curious and I'm hurt obviously.
So no offense to anyone. And if I do I apologize in advance.

Could you give an example?
Was it your friend you thought fancied you but then she didnt feel it the same way or was it a girl you were dating that played hot and cold and then chucked you and laffed with all her friendz about it when you kept ringing her over and over again.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by submissivewhore19
i dated a few guys that have found my way of life difficult.... i am if you cant tell from my screen name a submissive.... i like to be controlled completly and yet they found it extreamly difficult to do... i guess my question is why they found it offensive.
all thoughts are appreciated!!!!!

If you were truly submissive you would appreciate his efforts.

If he cant control you then maybe you arent allowing yourself to be controled and maybe you are fighting back too much.

It could be that you are more dom than you think if you question his methods no?

xx B.