Well, when I feel like I'm gonna get turned off by what she says I tend to do most of the talking... I also tend to bring up puppies and shit like that, not politics.
like this....
Me: So the president...
Her: You mean Mr. BarrackO'bama???
Me: Uh yeah... Him... I heard he was part Irish, isn't that interesting?
Her: Oh my god it is, I had no idea!
Me: Yeah... He has a real cute puppy too!
Her: He does!? I have a puppy he is the best ever and I love him blah blah blah blah blah...
Me: Oh wow that is sooooo cool, I love puppies! I'd love to meet him sometime! You want another margarita???
Her: Really? He likes meeting new people he has soooo much energy! Sure I'll take another margarita!
See? Problem solved and hopefully you get to meet her totally awesome puppy later. Then if you play it right, her kitty.
i've met guys like that, btw, just to be fair - if you steer the conversation away from sports or cars (or sex), they get this look on their face like they totally lost.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Can I ever relate to this. In 1988, I was living in Mt Pleasant, Michigan. While I was there I dated a beautiful young lady named Angie. The sex was incredible, but she was dumb as dirt. As long as we stay in bed, life was great, but every time she opened her mouth in public I wanted to crawl under a table and act as if I didn't know her. The odd part is, I was able to ignore her ignorance because all my male friends were secretly High Fiving me when they saw us together. The final straw came when a friend of mine, Ingrid ask me what the Hell I was thinking. She even said, "I am sure the sex is great, but Damn Wayne - you can do better than that thing. It shocked every male friend I had when I broke up with her, but I regained respect among the ladies in our circle. I also knew that I could never have a long term relationship with anyone that lacked intellectual curiosity. Now for the flip side of this story. I made the right decision, but there was the occasional lonely night that I regretted my choice.
I only require intelligent talk and good grammar when I'm chatting with someone online. In person, all that I require is a warm cock and the ability to use it.
Just because a girl doesn't want to talk politics doesn't mean she is dumb. I try to avoid all political conversation at all cost, because it usually ends up somebody getting mad. I dislike politics very strongly, and I feel like if I am on a date and that person will bring up something political that I have break out the advil.gDHu7JEGJMy3ZuOl
Sexi_virgin you're too cute for words......"I have to break out the advil." I gotta admit, I've never had a date who had to break out the Advil.........yet. Who in their right fucking mind takes out a girl they are attracted to and talks politics? Sorry, movies, books, poetry, sports, sex, the full moon, the sunset, oh look at the pretty flowers, my don't you look fucking hot in that dress....lots of things to discuss other than the Euro debt crisis and the Arab spring.
Ummm, huh?
Well, met plenty of knockouts, and in the end, if unable to carry a conversation, not of politics, or esteemed higher pursuits, just conversation, then toddles.
Sorry, doesn't matter the degree of knowledge, but the degree of understanding. It don't take a rocket scientist to make good convo.
I've never really been in this situation, but I think it would be a major turn-off. I mean, she wouldn't have to be the Brain of Britain, just able to hold an intelligent conversation. I get that not everyone's into politics, but that's really basic knowledge.
I suppose I have left a lot to interpretation. First off, I most definitely did not mean to say that there aren't plenty, if not more, guys in the world like the girl I met. Secondly, I also didn't mean to confine this to the realm of politics. There were many indicators throughout the night that just couldn't be ignored. I was just wondering about everyones' experience in the matter of brain versus beauty. Personally, I applaud the general public of the girls on Lush for having intelligence that matches their sex drive. In my opinion, there couldn't be a single more attractive combination in a woman/man.
And to clarify, we had been talking about the new commercial with Michelle Obama in it about basketball, and she asked why Michelle Obama's last name was different then her husband's. Also, it was hardly a date, more just a group of friends.
Wow, this thread is very revealing. ; )
To answer the original question, I don't know about "met", but I had that experience the first time I saw Drew Barrymore on The Late Show. She's "like, really deep n'stuff.. y'know?"
All beauty and no brains...the attraction will wear off very quickly.