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2 months ago
Heteroflexible Male, 53
0 miles · Toronto


I'm an over-educated professional who travels too much for work. I'm really just your basic outdoorsy geeky weirdo. I'm about 6 ft tall and have blond hair and blue eyes. I'm a "long answer" guy, I'm not usually into one-liners or quips outside of the "word games" forums where it's required. Words are all we have in here so why not use them? I believe that the English language has evolved spelling and grammar for a reason so please be respectful and use them. I'm not interested in playmates but I'm happy to make some friends.

I'm not going to cyber with anyone on Lush so don't ask, and know that I certainly didn't ask you. I may flirt a bit but please don't take that the wrong way. I'm a real person and I'm not into games or drama and I particularly hate lies. If you're a "real" person, I'd like to get to know you, but please don't try to be something you're not.

I am the same online as I am in real-life (well, with a few less feathers) and would prefer if my friends were as "real" with me.

Just to save you the trouble of asking, no, the picture on my av is not of me, it's just a pic that I like (It seems everyone posts this disclaimer so I figured I should too, just in case).

I love the elements. I love water: SCUBA, snorkelling, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, etc. I love being in the air: flying, kiting, etc. I enjoy the ground by hiking, camping, and driving randomly (and often very fast ) through the countryside. Fire is my sign and my personality. I love words. I love to hear the music of poetry read aloud. I love to hear friendly voices and gravitate towards podcasts to make my travel go by. I love the images well-written stories can put into my mind--I have a very active imagination. And, old-fashioned as it is, I like the printed page--the feel of a book in my hand, no power or internet required.

Favorite Books
Like everything else, my interests are eclectic and I really enjoy a good story. On the non-fiction side, I relatively recently enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love; and Fiasco. On the fiction side Water for Elephants was a good read as were Monsters of Templeton, and Life of Pi. Lighter reads include Douglas Adams, Christopher Moore, Terry Pratchett, Holt, and similar. On the more philosophical front, I always enjoy going through the Tao Te Ching, and enjoy more contemporary treatments such as The Universe in a Single Atom, The Blind Watchmaker, and The Yin-Yang Butterfly. In terms of erotica, I read here and "that other site", listen to Violet Blue whenever she makes something available (erotica read by a sexy woman's voice makes long drives go faster), and enjoyed Anne Rice's Exit to Eden and Sleeping Beauty series. My brain usually provides some of the tastiest imagry, I just wish my writing was up to sharing it.

Favorite Authors
I move a lot between authors but there are a few I seem to go back to. Douglas Coupland, Yann Martel, Tad Williams, Richard Dawkins, David Sedaris, and Seth Godin, all come to mind. To be fair, I am also a big fan of Dan Savage and Ira Glass, having listened to all of their podcasts over the last several years, but I think of them of pod/radio broadcasters rather than "authors" per se.

Favorite Movies
Movie preferences are mood dependent again. I love Pixar films and their Dreamworks equivalents (favorites being Up, Incredibles, and Kung Fu Panda); more abstract films like Moulin Rouge, The Fisher King, Blade Runner, Being John Malkovich, and The Men who Stare at Goats; the Monty Python feature films with Life of Brian being my favorite; and the occasional action movie, particularly those with a sense of humor like True Lies, the James Bond films, and the Men in Black movies. Real Genius, When Harry met Sally, Office Space and other comedies, particularly those with some intelligence are a welcome break from reality.

Favorite Music
Good music transcends genre. I have hundreds of CDs (~5000 tracks on my iPod) and they only cover about half of the music I enjoy. My choice always varies by mood. Darker moods get Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Carter USM, etc. Working out, I go for boppier pop stuff like BEP, P!nk, etc. Mellow moods get Jazz (Chet Baker and Ella Fitzgerald being big favorites). Happy moods get a wide range with Ska (Specials, English Beat, and the like) getting a lot of attention. General listening may range from Hard Rock (Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, etc.) to Classic Rock (Rush, Ozzy, Eagles, etc.) to just about anything else (including movie and theatre music). I like music that's [i]different[/i] in general. Interesting listens for me include Rusted Root, Moxy Fruvous, Enigma, US3, and lots of independents who didn't survive past their demo albums, lol.
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A Very Warm Welcome

You give me a very warm welcome to my room.

Walking into my room, I see you waiting for me. As commanded you are bent over my bed, naked, presented, and rubbing; the moisture visibly running down your thighs from the work of your busy fingers. I was a little later than I expected, and I wonder just...


Erotic Reading
Erotic writing
Making Friends


Age: 35 - 56
Distance: 500 miles