She started with the Song of Solomon....and I'm starting to understand how he amassed such a harem! I should try a little more poetry in all my private chats....
Goodfellas. If you really enjoy it, find the book, Wiseguys, that it is based on. You'll see how great of a job Scorsese did at bringing a true story to the big screen. Helps to have the writer do your screenplay, though. Ray Liotta listened to the tapes Henry Hill made for the writer, to get his voice down. The voice-over in the movie encouraged the team making Shawshank to make use of it as well.
The special edition with commentary and extras is really worth picking up.
If you're in the chat rooms with someone, you can right click their name, and make a friend will send them a blank one, but it will go through, unlike doing this from their profile page. can't take the sky from me...
Just watched "Love Actually" for Christmas, and love "Galaxy Quest"
Want me to model my two pairs of MP pajama pants? (i find the "I fart in your general direction" quote very sexy...)
I'd vote for Notting Hill. Hugh Grant is rather delicious in that one.
My name and avatar are a tribute to a favorite movie of mine, The Big Lebowski. I try to take it easy, and create my own style.