doing the telling.
sex with an alien or with your kindergarten teacher?
The thing about the Emmy's AND Oscars is that they are handed out by the actor's/actress's peers, not by the public at large. An actor/actress could be very popular among his/her peers, not have acting ability for crap, been able to deliver,essentially, a once-in-a-lifetime performance and---WHAM---they get an award. On the other hand, a relatively unknown actor/actress, who has talent coming out of his/her ears, consistently delivers believable performances time after time and gets---------nothing!
Of course, the public could demonstrate that it is little better in picking out talent; opting to go with the ones who exhibit the most glitz and glam instead of focusing on substance.
In the category of Worst Male Actor in Hollywood, the nominations are:
(Far, far, far too many to list.)
In the category of Worst Female Actress in Hollywood, the nominations are:
(Again, far too many to list.)
It truly seems that there are NO truly believable actors/actresses in Hollywood any more (although I know that comment will probably spark others to start listing those who ARE.) Most of the "Greats" are either dead or completely overlooked by the studio heads who deem them as being "too old" for anything except maybe, possibly, a cameo.
Now, if we were going to look at Most Under-Used Actors/Actresses in Hollywood, my nomination for the Male category would have to be Jim Carey. He is a B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!!!! actor who has a range so vast that the galaxy seems a bit small to contain it. But, as is most often the case, he has become streotyped as being a "funny man" and is, himself, overlooked when it comes to being concidered for an intense dramatic roll.
For the Most Under-Used Actresses category, I would have to say that this "honor" would have to go to Kirsten Dunst. I mean, c'mon, let's face it she was S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R in "Interview with a Vampire"!!!! She looked soooo sweeeet and innocent but she played Claudia with such fire and intensity that I found it hard to beileve she was just THAT convincing! Of course, now, she'll probably be forever known as Mary Jane Watson-Parker, living out the rest of her acting career waiting to be called and asked if she's still up for doing "Spider-man 20".
"T" becomes "U" which begins. . . .
CQ, I feel I must echo the sentiments of most people who have posted about this subject/question. Your husband does NOT see you as an invalid, rather, he sees you as the mother of your (collectively) children and he only wants to protect you. (BTW, you can thank hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and our hunter/gatherer ancestors for that.) You should also be at least a little bit thankful. I've heard stories of husbands who could hardly be bothered to show any kind of protective tenancies during their wife's pregnancy or even during the delivery (IF the SOB even bothered to show up for that.) His hovering around you or being there in an instant whenever he hears you move may be a bit annoying but, afterall, he IS showing you LOVE and concern about you and your well-being.
Here's a few suggestions:
*Erotic Horror
First Time
*Five Minute Frolics
Gay Male
Group Sex
Love Poems
Love Stories
Straight Sex
Wife Lovers
(The ones in red, of course, are the suggested NEW categories. I REALLY liked Lisa's suggestion about "Five Minute Frolics" which is why I included it as described.)
mercianknight, check the rules at the beginning of the post. Country AND state names can be used. (Although I think I have seen a few CITY names in here too.)
Let me see. . . .
"D" becomes "E" and "E" begins. . . . .
Taking the "D", making it an "E" and calling it. . . . .
(Hopefully, there are going to be not too many "-land"'s or more than enough states or countries beginning with "E")
slow sensual long fuck
quickie in the guy's bathroom or in the ladies?
I thought the word was "Trekker", mercianknight.
Favorite words:
Love----because of how it makes me feel
Fire-----it has a kind of finality to it, especially so when given as an order to attack an enemy ship
Fuck----(Hey, like Ling-Li wrote, gotta love the multi-taking words)
1. Visit some old friends and enjoy one last session of D&D
2. Take my grown children (my girls) out for supper
3. Watch the sun set from a beach
4. Make love to my wife until. . .
Oooooooooo!!!! B-U-S-T-E-D!!!!!!
Why, "Cherry Pie", of course! (Warrant)
What's for breakfast?
laying down
silk scarves or silk rope?
back seat of a car or rocking chair?
riding crop or feather?
O-M-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are HILARIOUS!!!!! The saddest fact about these, of course, is that chefkathleen is right: MOST of our politicians ARE lawyers. Dear God, SAVE US!!!!!