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5 hours ago
Bisexual Cis Male


Looks like losing a toe has made the Lion a bit ... 😎... batty. 🦇🤣

Good evening. A scotch would go down nicely. Single malt Islay preferred.

Quote by kistinspencil

Will there be snacks or should we bring our own?

Forget snacks, is it BYOB or will there be a bar?

This might, might I emphasize, actually get me into a chatroom. Depends what else is going on that day.

Quote by M_K_Babalon

...well that's two of my stories that'll be exclusive to Lit. One would think writing sites would be warriors of expression and anti censorship, at least context depending. I found RoyalRoad to be the worst.

Just like literary magazines, the Lush team sets whatever standards they feel necessary to create the site they are aiming for. If you don't like those standards then, yeah, submit elsewhere. As you apparently have done.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hi, Bear! Love your spooky new avi. 😊

Werewolves you need silver.

Vampires it is garlic or holy symbols.

But how the bleep do you protect against undead bears? 😱

Good afternoon. A red wine please.

Asparagus. Mom used to steam it or something and, yeah, never got into it. But my wife chops it up into short lengths and stir fries it with a bit of salt and ... mwa! Cauliflower is another that my wife gets credit for.

Do you use a lot of salt and pepper on food, or keep it minimal?

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
There's no rule against rewrites but since it doesn't notify followers of the resubmission and retains its original publication date, you may wish to find a way to inform people who have read it that it's been revamped.

Yeah, if I was doing a serious rewrite, I'd probably do a promo thread, profile post, etc. just as if it were a new story since it won't hit the front page. And, really, I might just take it down and repost as new if the rewrite was really drastic. Most of mine in the past weren't big enough to bother, though. Fixing weird inconsistencies and other glitchy things like that rather than wholesale overhauls.

Kisses to the neck are actually very sensual, both to give and receive. But I could probably say the same for inner thigh. They tend to come at different times, too. Kissing to the neck can happen earlier and even in a PDA. So neck.

Slide panties aside or pull them down/off for oral?

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Competition entries have to be new pieces, not rewrites of existing published content.

I think the comp entry and the rewriting old stories are separate items. At least that's how I read it.

Plain old vaginal intercourse, I think. Oral (giving or receiving) would be up there, too.

Oo, that's tough. I have many favourites. A nice biryani, perhaps.

What food do you never, ever eat because you simply don't like it (i.e. leaving aside any religious/dietary restrictions)?


Would you be someone's "sugar baby" (can be any gender) if the offer was right?

Oh crap, the story I've had dancing in my head for a few days is started and it might end up in the mystery comp. When I started actually writing some of the plot elements, they came together in a whodunnit-ish way. One of the leads is an actress who plays a detective on TV, too (think Mariska Hargitay in L&O:SVU). Not a certainty yet, but possibly.

An "Ethereal Electronic" playlist on Spotify. Makes good background noise for writing.

Quote by M_K_Babalon

That looks like a carbon copy of here, sans erotica.

It is the same ownership and software, basically Lush's sister site for publishing non-erotic, mostly SFW fiction.

Quote by john456berry
is there a rule or advice regarding a rewrite?

If you edit "in place" then it will keep the current score, likes, comments, etc. It will be sent back to the mods for re-verification and you might want to put a note in the "To The Moderators" box about why.

If you want to "start fresh" and do a ground-up rewrite then probably want to take the old one down to avoid confusion.

I have never done a wholesale rewrite, though, just fix-ups.

The other is from her friend and onetime roommate Floor Jansen. The closing track of Yesterwynde, the latest album from Nightwish, offers Floor with a similarly minimalist accompaniment.

Good morning, O mighty Lion. Nice to see looking lively again. An English Breakfast tea, please.

Holiday here. Our Thanksgiving. No plans, just a relaxing day.

Simone Simons usually has a loud, heavy band behind her lovely mezzo voice. Here, however, she just has a piano and strings. It is gorgeous and one of two ballads from metal sirens that are guaranteed spots on my year's favourites list.

Just flailing from story to story right now. Can't seem to focus much. Did manage to get a story out for SS but that was almost a fluke.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I've got about three stories that are in this state right now, waiting to be finished.

I have a subfolder in my "Writing/In Progress" folder called "Under Review". If I actually finished everything that is in there, I would be the most productive I have been since I started writing. Sadly, some of them date back years, at least the ideas.

Good morning! Wet one here.

Ape's been writing (kind of, more just playing around with various projects) and rocking out to a new goth metal act, Cemetery Skyline. It's a supergroup whose members come from a range of Nordic metal bands. Lead singer Mikael Stanne of Sweden's Dark Tranquility has a lovely baritone voice and uses it exclusively on this album, leaving his equally impressive growling for his "day job". The video could be inspiration for a comp story, really.

I fantasized a bit about a male friend back before I really acknowledged my bisexuality to myself. Never acted on it and we were in different cities by then so no avoidance really needed. Then I found out at his funeral that he was either gay or bi (met his boyfriend). Sigh.

HYE had sex with a friend and had the friendship fall apart in the wake?

Quote by cydia

Lack of proper Canadian proofing toolshas been my beef with a lot of software though the situation has improved a lot in recent years. I have Canadian English as an option in LibreOffice for instances. But there still seem to be some who don't realize Canadian English is a thing. We have migrated to US for some things but are still UK for others. I actually use UK if there isn't a Canadian option.

Nah. Not my kink.

HYE tried roleplaying a sexual scenario but had it turn into inadvertent comedy?

Great to hear Kat has a home and a cat to come back to. And to see the Lion here, if limping.

Lovely day here but the forecast says it's all downhill now. Cloudy with showers for the rest of this long weekend. Oh well, got my outdoor work done so I guess it is okay.

Take care, all!

No, but there is one not far from me so maybe someday.

Do you consider yourself a nudist?

I would be interested with the right partner. Then again, I am bi and would be open to trying anal in general.

Good morning.

Who would have thought that a storm with a nerdy name like Milton would kick butt? Vibes going out to those in the path. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst.🤞

Strong cup of tea, please.

Quiet day ahead. Couple meetings but nothing dramatic.

Try streaking in Canada in January sometime (other than maybe on the West Coast). Believe it or not I have heard of it happening.

On to your question. I have not but there have been times when maybe I should have.

Have you ever cum while fully dressed?