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2 weeks ago
Straight Male, 41
0 miles · Ontario


Active Ink Slinger
I have no clue what Burger King can possibly offer Tims. Burger King seems to be failing in Canada, falling behind other fast food chains such as McDonald's, Wendy's, Harvey's, and A&W. They make a shitty burger; and it hurts their business. Maybe Tims helps them learn how to actually satisfy the Canadian market, but hopefully they keep the two companies separate, so they don't ruin a good thing.
Active Ink Slinger
I found it really entertaining. I loved seeing the Spurs' team basketball. That was pure basketball at its finest. The NBA has gotten away from that in recent years. I don't care how close the game is, I find it boring if all they do is clear out and have your stars play a game of one on one. Hopefully this inspires more teams to build true teams, not just a few stars and a bunch of league minimum fillers.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by seeker4
For married couples (like me), I prefer husband/wife or spouse if it needs to be gender-nonspecific. "Partner" has, IME, always meant unmarried (though not necessarily same sex) longterm relationship.


Must be a Canadian thing. That's also what I think of when the term "Partner" is mentioned. Someone who lives with you in a romantic relationship that isn't marriage.
Active Ink Slinger
Having been here long enough to remember what this place was like before we had our own profiles, I think I have a different take on this. We can say that the name is still Lush Stories, but in truth, there is now just as much emphasising (and greater bandwidth) on the social networking side of things too. If it was truly just about the stories, why would we give profiles to non authors?

And once we start down the social networking road, it's inevitable that emotional connections are going to be made. Its human nature to feel connections with the people you talk to regularly. Unfortunately here, and elsewhere on the internet, people are not always who they say they are. I've been fooled twice, by longstanding "friends" who turned out not to be real. I know others on this thread who have dealt with the same thing. It can be devastating when it happens. But I also know people here who regularly create new characters here to keep it exciting. I don't understand why, but it's a fact of life here. It's why my friends list is small now. I may "friend" you here for a little while, but I don't let you in unless you can show me something outside of lush.

So while it may not be something the administration wants pointed out, I don't think it hurts to remind people of both sexes that what you might consider a burgeoning romance or even just a deep friendship, could be someone else's way of having a little fun and seeing what they can get away with.
Active Ink Slinger

This is troubling to see pop up again. Even just having the story out there affects how the event will be perceived. If the Canadians win we'll wonder: "Did they give preferential treatment to the Canadians to try and avoid any appearance of the story being true?" And if the Canadians lose, we'll also be wondering if there just might have been something to the story.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
ok, so... i used to think curling was some sort of joke, but... *thinks* 2 lympics ago, i watched curling, actually watched, and they explained it and it was fascinating! i mean, it's all this strategy and stuff, and i just sort of got really into it and now, it's one of my favorite winter sports.

If you haven't already, you need to watch the movie "Men With Brooms" Best curling movie ever! (Ok, probably the ONLY curling movie ever, too)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Contemplater
I'm betting Bieber will be dead by the time he's 27.

27 does seem to be the magic number for that type of thing.
Active Ink Slinger
This is an interesting piece on this subject, based on some old comments by Craig Ferguson.

There are a few different Bieber fans at my office and it's also about a 30 minute drive from Stratford, where Bieber is from, so he is a common topic of discussion. One of the points made there hit home with me. He's 19 years old. Think of all the stupid shit we did when we were 19? I almost rolled my grandpa's Chrysler Dynasty driving too fast with my buddy in the car. If I had the money, I sure as hell would have been racing Ferraris and Lamborghinis too. I could legally drink then, being in Canada, and I definitely did.

I think we do need to feel sorry for Justin in some ways. Not too many kids are well equipped enough to handle instant millions at the age of 16. I'm sure his parents have an almost impossible time telling him what to do, since financially speaking, he really doesn't need them any more. He takes care of them more than they take care of him. It's a shift in the power dynamic that leaves him without anyone to really give him firm guidance. Maybe this will be his wake up call and he'll figure out his life. But, it would not surprise me at all if he ends up dying of an overdose or in a car crash because he just couldn't handle the early fame and money.
Active Ink Slinger
I have to side with LadyX on this. Far less drama with two women than two men. Especially if it's as part of a relationship, because the male would need to some how maintain his dominance/protect his alpha status. With women, there tends to be less of that, especially if she's bi, which seems to be more common in women than men.
Active Ink Slinger
I help Canadians eat fresh food. Not that exciting, but it will do for now.
Active Ink Slinger
I have to agree, friendships developed online can grow to be just as fulfilling as the ones in real life. They definitely have their advantages and disadvantages, and I've seen both.

I had an 11 month friendship with someone here long ago. We chatted for multiple hours pretty much every single day. Then she disappeared, and eventually I figured out that she wasn't who she claimed to be. Knowing that makes it hard to trust someone from online again when it's a strictly online thing.

The person who is probably my best friend right now I also met online. One of the benefits of online friendships is that it doesn't matter where you move, that friend is always with you. I've moved around a lot in the last 6 years chasing my career goals, so it's been hard to maintain friendships in the real world. But for the last 4 years, this friend has always been just an email or a text away.

The few people I've had the pleasure of knowing both online and in real life were the same, which has helped shape my view that the internet is a communication device, not an alternate reality. So if you truly get to know the person online, it's no different than if you got to know them on the phone, or even via letter as people used to with "pen-pals."
Active Ink Slinger
I got 2/3 based on yesterday's spreads, but 0/3 going straight up. (Off) I'm going to be pissed if they wipe out the games, but I guess it's better than going 0/3.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wardog
Who was "weepy eyed"? Who was whining about the poor "victims". The ONLY thing they were victims OF was their own stupidity. So, lock up the person they idiotically left with photos or videos they SHOULD have known better than to leave behind and then pissed off that person off by screwing around on them or screwing them over in some way. Not army. no high horse. But SPEAKING of high horses; why don't you climb down from yours and EXPECT adults to BE adults and use their heads? Oh, that's just asking WAAY too much isn't it? Better to WHINE about the "innocent victim". And, btw; IF you don't LIKE the way I post, the solution is VERY simple, DON'T READ THEM! Actions have consequences; ADULTS realize that; there enough over grown juveniles in this country now!

OK. What about the person who didn't screw around on his or her partner? Some relationships just fall apart on their own and you don't get the chance to ask for your stuff back. Maybe it was the poster of the video that moved on, moved in with a new partner, then later decided to post the videos of the former lover. That would be an innocent victim. And those should be protected.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Klox
WSH is taking it to DEN right now. And we all thought that division was a lock for DEN lol. KC has had an easy schedule but they also have the talent to be as good as they are playing, its no fluke.

Denver has almost the same schedule as KC, so if we're not going to complain about Denver's schedule, then we shouldn't about KC either. Also, part of the reason those teams have bad records is because they have to play 4 games against Denver and KC.
Active Ink Slinger
What I've found is that there are two distinct types of women. Those who want their partner to be their lover and best friend. And those who believe those two should be two separate people. If she's the latter, then being her friend will not get you anywhere romantically. If she's the former, then there is a possibility that over time your friendship could lead to more as she gets to know you better.

However, it is very important for you to understand that the type of pressure and blaming you are putting on her will not make you more attractive to her. If anything, she's probably regretting even being friends with you. Your line stating "If they were really keen on being friends, they would have no problem dating, because it's really just an extension and deepening of friendship" is really concerning. Because it's basically saying that any woman who likes you as a friend should want to date you too. That doesn't sound like friendship at all to me. That sounds like dating. And you already know she's not interested in that. So if you can't be just her friend, walk away.

Flip the situation around. Would you date all your female friends? Or are their some that you like only as a friend, and nothing more? I have female friends who for one reason or another I would not date. I imagine you would too. However, if you secretly want to date every woman in your group of friends, then I would question whether you actually have female friends. If that's the case, stop trying to be friends with women. Stick to being friends with men, and dating women. You won't get so confused about what they want, and you'll be a lot happier.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Coco

Yep, you've guessed right. I didn't get it fixed so I'm done.

Sorry to hear that. You had a great chance of winning it all.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Coco
I've tried to enter my picks since Wednesday morning. I hate ! If they can't fix my account, I'm deleting it and saying goodbye to our little league.

I see you didn't make any picks. I'm guessing that means couldn't fix it?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PersonalAssistant
Well, don't this just FROST your tits???

The game was favourited NE by 12.5 ........ dropped to 12.

Are you fucking kidding me????? For half a point, those few of us who took the Jets ~ get fucked, without LUBE!!

When I checked earlier in the day, it was actually off the board. No spread at all. For the people like me who made the pick then, it was a 12 point difference.
Active Ink Slinger
What generally catches my attention is a realistic picture, and some sort of hook to talk about, whether that's a unique location or an intriguing interest. Location helps too. I'm far more interested in profiles from my area of the world.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Gimme the money. Living forever would be super-depressing. Everyone you ever met would die. Everyone. The same is true of all of us, but at least a good chunk won't croak until after we do.

Definitely agree with this
Active Ink Slinger
Started piano lessons at the age of 5, played drums as a teenager, and taught myself guitar in my early twenties. Always played more for the fun of it than to be a pro, but I do enjoy writing the occasional song.
Active Ink Slinger
compared to this:

Can you really say one has more of a melody than the other? By your own definition, Nirvana and any three piece rock band wouldn't be music because they don't have the harmonies required. They can't, with only a single guitar, and a single voice.