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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


Morning all. A cup of coffee please before I resume my duties as corporate whore.

Wishing wveryone well
I am so fucking pissed at myself. I hurt two people due my inability to do the right thing. My fault entirely. Fucking, fuck!
Good morning all. Sleep is again elusive and 4 AM is an unwelcome friend. May a get a cup of coffee please?

My first idea for the competition would definately fall afoul of the TOS. I am thinking of a second idea, but it is less clear how I would get the characters there. Maybe more coffee and a special something in it would help.
Welcome Danica. Tawny will bring you something after she finishes dressing...

Quote by RumpleForeskin

BTW, somewhere in my way distant past, I read and/or heard the the first record cut using eight-track technology was 'Splish Splash, I Was Taking A Bath'.

You ready for a refill on that beer? While your guzzling down your brews, would ya take these two cans of Busch Bavarian over to Coma and
Tose? They like to party hardy on Friday night.

Sure, I'd like another beer. Take a couple to Coma and Tose? Sure. They never get up for anything anymore. Bunch of stiffs.EpP3Pef8bgpUyqWt

I kinda doubt it, 1958 was the publishing date for the song. Technology of the day was monaural and even sound on sound machines were scarce. Stereo Sound on sound was developed in the early sixties. Sergeant Pepper was recorded on a four-track deck- state of the art for the day. Sychronicity by the police was recorded on a sixteen track tape (2"). I am sad o say that I had a car with an Eight-track Player. My favorite Tape in that format was Pink Floyd's Animals. Yes this does date me (nobody would date me then though) Sigh.
In my concert queue right now I have The Shins, Elbow, The National, Elvis Costello, King Crimson, Dead Kennedys, and Arcade Fire. On of the few perks of living in Los Angeles.
Quote by RumpleForeskin

BTW, Sean, can't help but admire your musical taste. Think you might be able to port some of that into an 8-track cartridge?

Rumple, for you, of course. As an aging musician, I hoard the various technologies. In addition to my CD's and iTunes, I still have well over 1000 vinyl albums. Vinyl just sounds better on a good stereo. Some, I am in the process of digitizing. I need a new cassette player though. I have some interesting cassettes (Demos, board mixes, mix tapes, etc.) from back in the day that cannot be replaced. I need to digitize them. I can look up who has the ability to create an eight-track anymore. I wish i had my old 4-track analogue multi-track recorder. Digital DAW stations are really good these days, but the immediate nature of the old 4-track is priceless.

But, you'll make the old victrola by Sprite's throne jealous...

In any event, could I get a beer please? It is Friday night here
I can't taste salt due to a genetic lack of taste buds. I use it only because I was told that my food needed salt. Now I have someone taste it for salt in a new recipe. I didn't even have salt in the house when I was single.

Oddly, I am good cook.
Quote by seeker4
Sigh. High school graduation tonight. Next step in my boy becoming an adult. Not sure if I've mentioned it yet, but Lady Seeker and I are going to be empty nesters as of Labour Day. Son has chosen a university about 6 hours drive from here in our nation's capital (i.e. Ottawa).

Normally, champagne would be in order but I hate to think what passes for bubbly in this place, so I'll stick to whiskey.

*Joins the guys on the porch*

Seeker, as Gillian said, welcome to the empty nesters society. Mrs. Regnadkcin and I became empty nesters in February. Prepare for it as a life changing event.

I'll have a lemonade as I need to do a little more work before i am free for the weekend.

I just imported four more CDs into my iTunes - Goldberg Variations, Bach / Born Under a bad Sign, Albert King / Best of Blondie, Blondie / Humanz, Gorillaz. What'll be your listening pleasure on the porch?
Morning, afternoon, good night alll depending upon your location.

I, like Gil, am suffering from the dreaded insomnia. I'd better have a coffee.

Hannah congrats on all fronts.

What is this "new direction?"
Hope all had a great day, night, morning wherever you are. I am so tired I am punchy. My new motto is, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

So please kind sir, set me up with strong coffee and two shots of your finest. I recognize that could be a very low bar (yes, the bad pun is intended).

Since my first idea was not to be allowed, my next thought was, "What is filth?" Then I looked down at the floor and understood.

I got a massage today (no, not that kind) and am feeling remarkably fresh. Massage feels so good, I wonder why we don't do it more often?

I had to take the car keys from my father today. He is getting older with some health issues. Difficult on a couple of fronts. Went much better than it could have.

In college though, we didn't have a mascot, only a color. Maroons! Somehow I think I was gypped
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

Thanks for the good wishes. I hope you sleep better as well.
Quote by MostPreciousLittle
Xanax helps but I wish it would last longer.

Morphine would be my need right now.

But seriously, I just can't get my mind to stop racing. I should have gone to deep clean the kitchen or something. I didn't want wake others however...
I'll join Seeker in the special coffee.

I need to get on the phone with timezones east. I am in a bit of a dark mood from the insomnia and the prospect of the call. Maybe that will translate into an idea for the contest. Rumple, I will ping a mod, but when I re-read the FAQs, it seemed pretty clear. Might be able to revamp the idea though.
Can't sleep. Stupid insomnia. Better give me something strong. A round for anyone else who wants one.
Quote by Milik_the_Red

I wouldn't worry about overthinking them. often. The characters I write develope histories and personalities detailed enough that their actions seem indepentant of the story I set out to write. They take on a life of their own. When that happens, I know I've created something with depth and believability

I like your style
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I take each story very seriously and, (unless the story is based on real events,) will construct personalities for each character. I do think it important to give detail but also allow for reader interpretation. Plot line should be believable as possible.

That said, one truth about erotica is that, without that, 'oh, fuck' moment, that point where something special or unexpected happens in act or dialog, it becomes much harder to arouse the reader. As a writer, I'd prefer to write 4000 words of set up and then write sex as being somewhat normal. However, I know that many readers want the sex to be beyond the norm. With that in mind, I try to create those situations that would be worth remembering. In that sense, your sex scene should be hot and wet and beyond the normal, Tuesday night fuck.

Anyone can write the sex we have during the week, but honestly, if you are creating a fantasy, don't you feel it should be worth fantasizing about?

I never really thought about it quite this way, but I can see its truth.

I create characters and a situation I find interesting. From there I try to figure out who that character is and why & how they got there. I've been told that I overthink this part. In the end, I really care for the characters. I want them to be real people with real lives. Maybe this is why more of my work ends up on the blue site. I do have a couple almost ready for here though. (I know, I keep saying this)
Beer me please! Or maybe something harder. Whoredom was pretty horrible today. One more mess that someone else made that I need to clean up. I really don't need help getting into trouble...

Good to see all the one people here.

For those in the UK, happy Election Day when you arise.

I looked up the site rules again and my story idea for the Pure Filth Contest wouldn't be allowed. Time to re-think...
Good morning all!

I am struggling with sleep again. Please give me a double shot of coffee with a double shot of whiskey.

Happy Birthday Tonya! Time to get out my ermine flogger.

I hav an idea for the Pure Filth contest. Now to find out whether it would be allowed...

While my days of prostitution for my corporate pimps may be numbered, they insist I work. So, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work i go.
Howdy all. Back from Corporate Whore duties and I need a shower. Could I get a strong drink while the water is warming, please?

Tonya - Great to see you. Hope you are feeling well
Milik - Your story is in my queue but haven't had time to read it yet
Oceanrunner - still working through yours in my queue
Seeker - Yours are in the queue too
(Jeez, I need to get on this...)
Verbal - Glad to hear you beat the writer's block
Browncoffee - Ten teaspoons of sugar?

I think I have finished a story for here. I won't submit it until my compilation is submitted. I seem to have a natural affinity for stories between 1200 and 1600 words - no more, no less.