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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


I've come for one last drink before I disappear.

Ms. R objected to my latest story and I will not publish it nor my comp entry. I need to focus on my RL relationship for now. Best wishes all. I'll miss your comaraderie and support. I will be posting things on the blue site - at least for now.

I'll take the most vile drink in the house please.
Howdy all!

Better today. I'll take a beer.

Ms R has a pastrami in the smoker, I made two quiches, shopping is done, dog was walked, leftovers eaten, and substrate for embossing prepared. Productive day. I finished (I think) a story. If I re-read it tomorrow and like it, I'll submit it. Then full speed on the Comp.
A belated Happy Canada Day! I shouldn't forget as my Aunt and her daughters are Canadian.

Still a bit under the weather in the Regnadkcin homestead. No writing, no reading, no art, just sleeping.

Did manage to see Die Mannschaft beat Chile in the Confederations Cup final. Although how Jara's elbow wasn't a red card is astounding.

I'd better have another green tea.
Quote by browncoffee
Lord Buckethead called me H-Town and I love it even more than getting bitten. My brothers sometimes call me H-Boss but that's usually when they want money or coke.

(The fizzy drink, btw.)

Speaking of, could I have a late night lemonade? Where my fam at? Laura? Rach? Jen? Umbrella Jen? Margot? Rach? Tonya? Gil? Scott? Shawn? Verbal? Lorenzo? Bill? Emily? Chesh? Michael? Phil? Emerson??? He's been gone too long!

I know nothing at all about these movies you guys are on about. Can you not just watch It's A Wonderful Life?

Happy Saturday all. I am dragging today. Just not feeling well. Better get me a green tea.

Gillian has had a rough ten days. She said I could pass on a short update if anyone was asking. Her shingles has knocked her out of commission for a while. It has affected her eye and can't / shouldn't be online. But she is on the mend. Without betraying confidences, she has had a tough time of it. But expects to be back in a week to ten days. Her family is taking good care of her. I was worried for my friend. She would want us to continue carousing and be prepared for when she returns. I will update again if / when I learn more.

I have a complete draft of another story (long by my standards at 2,800 words) and am still struggling with my comp entry. They are so different from each other, it is hard to shift gears. I'll sit with Coma and Tose for a bit. We are lively company.
Good morning, goid afternoon, good evening all. I'd love some of Bertha's finest.

No work for me for a while but I need to take two trips to the airport to drop off dear son and his bandmates. Ugh! I hate the drive in LA on a Friday. The last trip will be at rush hour.

Last night we all went out for sushi. Ms. Regnadkcin had prepared a bit of surprise for us all. Fun, fun, fun. I was hoping for sushi served on a naked Tawny. I understand it was her night off from this fine establishment. No such luck. I didn't see any Japanese monsters there either.
Done with work for a week. Yippee! I'll have time to write. One story to finish, two for progress and then there is the comp.

Hannah, is that an offer? I don't bite unless it is called for.
Seeker, if you're going to have a Japanese beer, have a Kirin Ichiban.
Verbal, I vote for Mothra.

Die Mannschaft to play Chile on Sunday after trouncing of Mexico.

I'll have the best cocktail in this joint.
Morning all!

I'd love a cup of Bertha's finest. Our company shuts down for a week - Summer and Winter. So today will be my last tarting for a bit. I am dragging after seeing dear son's show last night. Feeling a bit older today. But it is not the years, it's the miles.

I'll be back for the red wine later.
Howdy, Jen, Jen TM, Laura, Phil, Hannah, Rumple, and Seeker!

May I buy you a drink? The band just wrapped practice before the show tonight. It is both odd and strngely familiar to have the house noisy once again.

Our company shuts down for a week each summer. Everyone is rushing to get out and travel. Makes for odd days with some people having an urgency and others just trying to get out. I took the afternoon off to see dear son.

I'd like a great big whiskey, please. Preferably Jameson's.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening all!

I am estastic! I came home later (~7:30) from work last night to find my son home! He came back for a Fathers' Day / Birthday surprise. What a treat!. I had missed him so much though I knew he was doing well. LOML and he had conspired on this surprise since March - the fiends. I am so glad to see him.

His band plays a show locally tonight, so we have a few band members sleeping in the house. Obviously, no writing last night. Congrats to Hannah!

With all the good news, drinks are on me. I'd like a coffee, please. If something stronger were to fall into the cup, that would not go amiss. Time to tart up for work.
Quote by seeker4

My condolences. Mercifully, I rarely have days like that. The odd all-day meeting or back to back meetings, but mostly it's one or two meetings a week, maybe an hour or two each.

Sadly, I spend 75-80% of my time in meetings. When asked what I do on a given day, "I talk." The reality is that I make decisions or prepare slide decks for Executive Management to make a decision. The world is run by PowerPoint. ?

It would be nice to produce something at the end of the day...
Quote by seeker4

I have mixed feelings about meetings, Reg. I generally hate them and avoid them like the plague, esp. long, large, overstructured ones. OTOH, sometimes it's the only way to get things done in my field. Three or four people sitting around a table hashing out specs for an IT project generally generates better results than doing it over email or repeated phone conversations. Those meetings are generally fairly informal and unstructured though. Had one a week ago and just had a skeleton agenda that fleshed out as we went. Some of my best meetings come from just walking across the hall and chatting with my team (I manage two other employees and have a posting out to hire another).

Rump, I think I'll end my day with another Scotch.

I have become somewhat of an expert on meetings and behaviors in our corporate settings. It is likely applicable to most corporations. Informal meetings are usually the most productive and interuptions also improve group productivity (HBR Study and other materials).

Alas, most people do not use or conduct meetings well. I'll happly discuss this with you off line if you are so inclined.

My comment was based on my having six hours of meetings yesterday. Unfortunately, not atypical.

Better get me another cup of coffee.

Rumple, sorry about the LSU loss. Go get 'em Tigers!
What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on her? The place is empty.

I am back from the tart walk. Who ever thought that actual work can be done in meetings is just plain crazy. The corporation sucks my soul daily.

Rumple, better give me a shot of salvation. It is not that I care too little. It is that I care too much.
Congrats to both of you in getting to the end of the school year. Your drinks are on me.
Lots of coffee please. Sleep once again eludes me.

Good to see you Verbal, Buz, Jen, Phil, Laura, Rumple, Emily, VirgoGo, Hannah! Did I miss anyone?

Tarted up and ready for work. It will be blazing hot at work, 104 degrees. Way too hot for dress clothes but no options. My temperature regulation is screwed up from my illness. Today may be the first day I don't wear a sweater. I am cold all the time.

Phil, the Aussies have nothing to be ashamed of. They were impressive.

Worked on my competition entry. It is slow going. Remember last place is mine!
Howdy all. Cocktail hour here. As Laura has lemons, how about a Whiskey Sour please?

I hate, despise, detest, and otherwise dislike lawn care so I have only sand. No mower, no trimmer, no lawn service. Just include me out I have a black thumb and plants hate me.

Ordered a new computer today for LOML. This is always a painful experience. She's perseverated since Christmas when it was first given as a gift.

I started the actual writing on my competition entry today. Slow going.

Confederations Cup group stage finished today. Laura, sorry the Kiwi's lost. Love the fern on the uniforms though. Now if you could just agree on a new flag. Phil, Sorry the Aussies lost out. Germany, Portugal, Mexico and Chile move on. Go Der Mannschaft!
Quote by RumpleForeskin

Reg appears to be a rookie when it comes to pimping a story since he didn't include a link to his piece of peerless prose. Here's a link which, as usual, may or may not work.

Okay, okay. I told you I was a virgin.

For those who though my protestations of not being able to finish were all fiction, I finally made an end (shameless rip-off of the Pope to Michaelangelo lamenting the length of time to finish repainting the ceiling). Pimping begins:

My new Story is published.

Afterglow -

I generally write non-erotica of very short stories about everyday events in first person with a preponderance of dialogue. This is nothing like that. It is short, in third person, with a minimum of dialogue. It was longer with more of a backstory at one time. I was really trying to express the feelings and mood of just after sex. I write stories; occasionally they have sex in them. But I do love the two characters...

It is noon here now, I'd love a beer, Rumple. Is that a big enough splash?
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening all!

First, I was published last night. It is a short love story called, "Afterglow." Anyway enough of the pimping.

Chesh, fruit beers, lambic, shandies, etc. will give you ferocious hangovers. The only thing worse is a champagne hangover. My sympathies.

I am glad the vet is back. I have always been there when a dog and cat of mine had to be put down. Typically, mine dies of something at a ripe old age. My vet in Seattle let me put down my 17 year old cat myself with his assistance. I did it with tears running down my face. Nikki had moved with me across the country many times. Even worse was telling my then young son that his cat was not coming home. I am so sorry for you. Be strong.

Tonya, sorry about the fundraiser.

Recording audio? I would do it in Logic on my computer through my DAW with a large diaphram mic. But most don't have that sort of thing. Try Garage Band app on an iPhone preferably with an external mic. You can edit it in the software. IPhones have reasonable resolution for recording, but the mic is weak in terms of audio response.

Be well all.
Afternoon all!

I finally submitted my first piece. It is in the hands of the Mod's now. I hope to have a couple more out soon. I struggled with one paragraph for the longest time. Unusually for me, this story is in third person with a minimum of dialogue. I just don't do that sort of thing. Hannah's reluctance must have passed over temporally. If you read it, please be kind. I am a virgin after all.

What is this obsession with desiccated coconut? We all should know that coconut is a product of the devil.

I would love a pint of Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale if you please kind sir. Drinks are on me tonight.
I was completely straight edged until I was 19. During my twenties, I tried most everything. My main drug of choice was pot. But LSD, cocaine, and smoking opium were favorites. I did heroin for a bit as it was rampant in the Seattle grunge musicians. But I really didn't want to go down that path and quit cold turkey. After my son was born and I stopped all but weed. I gave that up for twenty years and only recently smoked a bowl again. It is now legal here, so I may indulge more frequently. I do not recommend my path.

I was on high dose Oxy for pain during my cancer for six months. I got off it as quickly as I could. I was definately addicted but got no pleasure from it, only pain relief. When the pain was gone, the Oxy was too.
Quote by PhilU

Can I suggest the title, "Checking Out the Freaks" as a title? Probably not quite acceptable for most journals. I had some friends in a stats department who played indoor soccer in a team called "The Outliers". I really liked their name, because it didn't specify which end of the bell curve they'd slipped off...

Spoon counting is a new concept to me, but I wish you many, many spoons for a long time to come (is that a nice thing to wish...I'm flailing around in the dark a little here

I forgot my lampshade though - perhaps I can borrow one? Hang on...lampshade?


Thanks. I am not so sure that I am going for, "Checking Out The Freaks" as it hits a little too close to home. But your point is accurate.

Spoon Theory -

"Bring your own lampshade
Somewhere there's a party
Here it's never ending
Can't remember when it started
Pass around the lampshade
There'll be plenty enough room in jail

If being wrong's a crime
I'm serving forever
If being strong's your kind
Then I need help here with this feather

If being afraid is a crime
We hang side by side
At the swingin' party down the line" - P. Westerberg

Could I get a big cup of coffee please?
Howdy all.

Back from a week of corporate prostitution. Tart clothes off and back in beach bum mode for the weekend. I am thinking that a visit to the Santa Barbara Solstice Parade tomorrow may be a good start to the weekend. There tends to be a bit of debauchery there. I slept through the night last night, amazing. I am wondering whether I should abandon my spoon counting now. Spoon managemnt is a cancer treatment metaphor. Look it up.

This week, an academic friend of mine discussed collaborating on a new paper, "Statistical Analysis of Weak Signals in Outlier Populations within Multivariable Analysis." Catchy title, huh? While this might seem a spoof, I am actually serious. Those who know me will find this as another example of my right brain / left brain conflict. I hope we can develop a better title.

All, great to see you. So sorry about your dog. Those who have lost their animal companions know the loss involved.

This weekend, I hope to catch up on some reading and find a bit of time to write. I must, must, must finish two stories as I have ideas for four stories ready (and outlined). I want space to write starting July first as I have a week off of corporate whoredom. Admittedly, two stories are for the blue site but two for here (one is for the comp, but it is very dark). I am claiming last place early. Though I have had no time to write, I have been thinking upon the nature of writing in general and how it changes for me when trying to write erotica. Milik and I posted something a while back that provoked this running through my head. When I coalesce my thoughts, I'll post them above. You all can take shots at me then.

Let the debauchery begin. I'll have a strong ale and three shots of your finest hooch. I brought my own lampshade...
Good morning, good afternoon, good night all! Coffee me please.

Unfortunately, I am finding no time to write or read right now. Sleep again is elusive. Those two statements seem contradictory don't they? Unfortunately, in the middle of the night dying to sleep, writing is the last thing I could manage. Stupid brain won't shut off on other things. I have a plot for the pure filth comp but I need to finish my other stories first. I am aiming for last place.

The druids have gone back to their respective lairs and the clean-up has begun. I wonder if there are event planners for ceremonial sacrifices?

Time to tart myself up for corporate whore-dom.
I feel the darkness coming again. Nothing is worse than the prison you make for yourself.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening all! Could I get a fine cup of coffee please?

With the solstice, the night was spent in ceremonial robes reflecting the flickering fire light. A chance to visit the lair and break out the obsidian knives was once again upon us. I have not yet constructed a henge, so the group decided the beach was the perfect place for the midnight ceremony. We searched and searched for a virgin, but none of us fit that description. The high ceremony was followed by dancing and copulating by the fire light. The lascivious and licencious behavior was enhanced by quantities of Hen's Tooth strong ale.

After all of that, I must return to my corporate tart-dom. Bills to be paid and all that. I am once again tired even before the day starts. I'll sleep when I am dead.

Maybe throw a little something in that coffee?
Good morning all. Might I get a coffee please?

Congrats to Mike and Jen. I'll read it when I get more than five minutes.

Good to see you all.

I am all tarted up for work and off to my duties. I present to the CEO's staff today. I lost so much weight with my cancer that none of my "proper" work clothes fit. I have just 3 pairs of pants that fit now, all jeans. They'll just have to accept it as it is.

I feel an interesting ambivelance there. "We want you to lead this corporate inititiative. At the end of it, we are relocating your job and you are forced to retire." It is hard to be very motivated in that situation.

I sometime wonder if I sold my soul by agreeing to work for a large corporation. They are capicious, uncaring and an ungrateful master. As a malcontent and general trouble maker, I just don't fit in. All things being equal, I'd rather be an artist. I thought I wanted a career, but what I really wanted was a paycheck. Sorry tobe Donnie Downer today.

I had never thought about a delay when submitting stories close together. I'll bear that in mind if I ever can just finish them.

Do well, while doing good...
Good morning all those lacivious! Could I get a coffee please?

Happy Fathers' Day to all fathers. This is my first one without my son around and I miss him dearly. I find myself a mixture of sadness and deep respect this morning. I am sad not to be able to hug neither my father or my son today. My deepest respect goes out to my father, my grandfathers, and all other men who do the best they can for their children. The world has a dearth of good male role models. Those who do the right things should be celebrated.

I found no time to write, read or otherwise partake of literary joys. Some days just work that way in my life. I am so far behind

I am a film noir fan if you hadn't guessed. Yesterday, TCM was airing Chandler (and the character, Marlowe) films. There are a few very good films like The Big Sleep. However, how do directors and screen writers take a good story with good writing and muck it up so badly? They showed The Lady in the Lake by Montgomery. What was a taut story and snappy dialogue became ponderous.
Drink me please. Ms. Regnadkcin (she lurks around but goes by a diffeent name) and I had a busy day. In addition to the normal domestic affairs, we got ambitious. She made a large lasagne yesterday and we vaccum sealed the leftovers for lunches. Afterwards we made homemade paper with organic items placed during the pull. We are preparing to host a papermaking & embossing party a little later this year. Practice make a party run easier under chaotic and alcohol fueled conditions. You are welcome if in the neighborhood.

Rumple, I am as heat tolerant than most, but I don't want to be in 120 degree weather. My house doesn't have air conditioning.

They are having a party across the street. I may have to crash.
BC nice to see you
Chesh -nice to meet you.
Seeker - enjoy your beer
Morning all. I'd love a cup of Bertha's finest. It is going to be hot here today. The windows are all open and the house is cool so far. The duties of a corporate whore are over for the week. Maybe I'll get some time to write today.