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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 34
0 miles · Ottawa


I'm looking for a story that was posted here years ago. It was about a woman having a bachelorette party where she (or perhaps her friends) invite a male stripper over to entertain them. The women all get drunk and eventually encourage the woman to have sex with the stripper, which, after a few drinks, she does. There are no doubt a ton of stories on this website involving that exact scenario, but one passage is unique to this one: the bachelorette is being held up by the stripper, him supporting her as he "pistons into her", bring her to orgasm. She nearly blacks out, the only thing she can feel and describe is that pistoning motion.

In the end it's revealed that the stripper was her husband the entire time (he was wearing a mask), and they reminiscence over the fun they had at the party.

Does anyone know what story this was? I'd greatly appreciate any help finding it smile
A little while ago when I was giving my wife oral I had the idea to hum, hoping that maybe the vibration would give her a little extra stimulation. My wife said she loved it, but she's never been really out in the open about her sexual do's and don'ts. So girls, has a guy ever hummed while giving you oral, and did it really make that much of a difference?
Quote by BelleduJour
One of the BIGGEST problems in my marriage and ultimately the cause of our sexual problems was porn. Like all healthy and sexual men, I knew my ex enjoyed watching porn. As a couple, we even watched it together many times during our courtship as well as during the first couple of years of our marriage. It was hot and exciting in the beginning but soon, it got ugly. He wanted it on every time we made love, then it shifted to him sneaking around and watching it on his own late at night, so much that he wouldn't come to bed until the wee hours in the morning almost EVERY night. Pretty soon, porn took over and became his lover, it was the third person in our marriage. He then began to have problems staying hard, then he had difficulties cumming unless he jerked himself off which took forever, and eventually, he couldn't even get hard with me at all! It was BRUTAL!!! Porn had become the enormous pink elephant in our relationship.

After YEARS of dancing around the issue, I confronted him and confronted him I did HUNDREDS of times about our sex life and that porn was a much bigger problem then we both originally thought. I explained to him how it was making me feel, how it was hurting our relationship and although he denied everything in the beginning, eventually he conceded and admitted he couldn't stop but at the same time, didn't want to seek help for it either. As a woman, it was painfully disheartening especially when you can see your marriage falling apart all around you and there was very little I could do to save it. The experience seriously fucked with my self esteem so violently that I spent years and THOUSANDS of dollars on therapy to try and deal with all the shit porn caused in my life and ultimately ended my 20 years relationship and broke up my family - something that still brings tears to my eyes if I think about it too much.

So YES, porn can have insidious effects on one's sex life - I'm the poster child for that disturbing PSA. Having said that, despite my negative experience with porn, I think it can be a great aid in relieving tension and finding a release either alone or with a partner. I also sincerely think it can add a bit of excitement and variety into a couple's sex life provided it's kept it in check. Anything good in life is about finding a healthy balance and porn is no different.

Oh wow, that is heartbreaking. I am so sorry that all this happened to you. While I never thought about porn having this kind of effect on me it's very scary to think that I could have been on this path. I would never want to do this to my wife, and it makes me very glad that I was able to put my porn down as easily as I did. I hope you are doing okay now. You're absolutely right about finding a healthy balance. Sometimes it's hard, however, and it's easier--and safer--to drop it entirely.
So a few months ago I went through a very stressful period in my life where I was consistently away from my wife, and I developed the habit of masturbating while watching porn to help expel stress. I had watched porn on almost a weekly basis beforehand and never had any problems in bed, but when I was in my wife's company again I found it very difficult to get hard. After avoiding the elephant in the bedroom I decided to stop watching porn entirely, seeing that it was desensitizing me and probably leading me down the road to a small addiction (I was masturbating twice a day, every day). Since giving up the habit, my sex life is back to normal and I find myself more aroused than usual. So, fellow Lushies, what is your experience with porn? What's your opinion on it? Any negative or positive experiences?
A repeating nightmare that I have when I'm really stressed or emotional involves my house being haunted by a dark, grey entity. I can always distinguish when I'm having the nightmare because I can never turn on lights in the dream--no light switch works. On top of that the whole scenario has a "dark" feeling over it, like I'm watching everything through a thick screen door.
I would go with the films that most notably changed cinema. Not to be cliche, but:

- The Godfather
- Apocalypse Now
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Citizen Kane
- Seven Samurai

Less cliche choices, and some of my personal favourites:

- The Social Network
- Drive
- Take Shelter
- District 9
- Saving Private Ryan
I love being creative. Creating worlds and characters and amazing adventures. Even though a lot of my ideas will never see the public eye, I love knowing that I have the power and the commitment to make something that I'm proud of come to life.
Two words: Police brutality. You'd think after decades of news coverage, riots, and charges, the laws surrounding the liberalism that police walk with would change. As can be plainly seen, it hasn't.
Anna Kendrick. She is beautiful, and she can actually ACT. How many actresses do we have like this these days?

Maximus Decimus Meridius--played by Russel Crowe--from Gladiator
As clearly stated above, there is nothing wrong with being gay, and you have my sympathies for your mother not accepting it. I'm happy that my kids (and yours too, if you decide to have them) can grow up in a society where it is alright to be homosexual.

In regards to the process, it can depend on who you are. Judging by what you posted, I would make the assumption that you are very nervous about the whole process, but I encourage you not to be. Your closest friends will accept you for who you are, and those who don't can be replaced or given an ultimatum. I know it sounds harsh, but having people around you who don't accept such a major part of you will only bring you down.

Coming here to Lush was a good idea, because you can express yourself without fear of direct backlash. Your safe behind a computer, and not to mention that the community at Lush is more than warm. We accept you--and all like you--regardless of the face behind the picture. As for the next step? Try visiting sites and groups that are based around the gay/lesbian community, and explain yourself there. I have several friends who are gay, and they've all said that talking about it online helped their confidence, so I see it as a good place to go next.

I'm not gay myself, so I don't know how it feels to be so nervous about something like this, but take a deep breath and stay calm. There's a whole world out there, and believe it or not, there's more support than hate. Don't be afraid to show who you are.

"Be yourself, because the people who matter don't mind, and the people who mind don't matter." - Dr. Seuss
I personally think that smoking is gross, and would never pick up the habit myself, but with other people I can be extreme in both positive and negative attitudes.

For example, if a smoker can keep him/herself smelling nice despite the fact that they smoke, and they have restrictions (exp. no smoking in their house, car, etc.) then I commend them, because they control their smoking habit, not the other way around.

But if they smoke wherever they please, constantly, smell like smoke, and have no respect for the feelings of the people around them, then I'll do everything in my power to get such a person away from me.

Like alcohol, smoking has its abusers, and I tend to expose one when I see one. It's for their own good.
I would love the ability to Hypnotize people. Not just being able to order them around, but to convince them of physical things: like making someone have a heart attack, or go blind. More of telling the brain what to do with the body, like hypnotism to the extreme.
Quote by rudyP34
I don't think it's something you exactly know (how you would react) until you've been in the situation. But the past indicates I would do a whole lot. I have a friend who wasn't even in a danger of death, last year, but merely broke, in a new city (on another continent, too... hong kong), crappy apartment, very little food, right before the holidays, and my reflex was to transfer a few hundred dollars to her bank account, just so she could have a christmas, and some relief. And it's not like she was my best friend either. I just felt that if I had been in her situation, I would have been infinitely grateful if someone had helped me. Maybe it was vanity... I wanted to be a hero for someone, I wanted to be adored, if only for a moment.

Taking a bullet, or taking a beating at the hands of intruders, or jumping between a loved one and a bear... I don't know. First concern would be the safety of my loved ones. But that doesn't necessarily means jumping in. But if someone gave me the inevitable choice of them or me, I would take it upon myself. I just know I could live with whatever harm that would come to me, if I were to survive. And if I were to die, then.. meh.. I don't believe in after-life, so I'm good too. silly

That is such an honorable act of kindness. Props to you, good sir
I recently saw the film Drive, and it got me thinking... what would you do to save/protect the one you love? How far would you go? And do you think you would have changed if the circumstances were dire enough?
Christian Bale - The Dark Knight (I'm Batman!)

Leonardo DiCaprio - Inception
I agree with you: it's reasons like those that movies like The Godfather and Taxi Driver were so sensational. They romanticized crime, and got us to look into our darker halves, if just for a few hours.
"If real politicians looked like this maybe you'd give a shit." Soooooo funny. Ah, stuff like this should be at the Oscars. You just made my day.
I wanted to be a film director (still do) and win an Academy Award for Best Directing, then retire from film and run for President. I'd be the next Ronald Reagan biggrin
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."
- Winston Churchill

"Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once."
- William Shakespeare

"I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend."
- Abraham Lincoln

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
- Leonardo da Vinci
The Oscar Nominations are out today, and as I am a dedicated movie fan, I couldn't help but feel rattled about the snubs and surprise nominations. What really caught my eye was Michael Fassbender's snub from the Best Actor category, for Shame. Anyone else feel ripped off? If so, why?
Very cute. One might wonder what kind of pretty face tops off that sexy body of yours ;)
Absolutely curvy. Skinny women are unhealthy, unless they are just naturally skinny, and to me that's just gross. Curvy women have that charm that skinny women don't: they don't worry (as much) about weight because they're comfortable with what they have; love-handles!; with this added curve comes larger breasts, and asses; and (at least as far as I've seen) curvy women have less stress, and are happier. Maybe because they don't have to worry about trying to stay deathly skinny smile
I met my first love when we were very young, maybe 7 or 8. We grew up in school together; first apart, then together. When I was 14 I summoned up the courage to ask her to date me, and was enthralled when she said yes. I took her on dates, to movies, dinners, and the occasional movie at my house (which we all know what really happens then... No, not that. I was 14 you perverts). However, a few months after I turned 15, I hit a really strong depression spell. For weeks and weeks I dismissed it for being all in my head, but that only made it worse. By the time I forced myself to realize that I was depressed is when I started having anxiety attacks, and delusions. By this time, the connection between her and I was gone.
Not too long after, she called me up and said she wanted to talk. I did, and she broke up with me. You see, I never explained to her how i was really feeling inside, because I barely knew myself. Still to this day I don't know why I didn't have the courage to ask her to wait, to explain to her the demons that I was fighting. I guess it's because I didn't want her to bear the weight I had been bearing for so long. So I let her go, and lost track of her a little ways afterwards. I am now happily married to another woman, perfectly healthy in both physical and mental state, but I do think of her sometimes. I wonder where she is now, and how our lives could have been different...
Thanks so much for the answers girls, they were very insightful, lol